Monday, November 26, 2018

Bugs! Bugs everywhere!

“You look like Elsa.”


“Elsa. From the movie.”

What movie?


Never saw it. 

“You never saw Frozen??” 

After the fourth person told me I looked like Elsa from Frozen, I looked her up. First of all, she’s a cartoon.


“It’s your makeup, and your hair. Especially your hair. It reminds people of Elsa.” 

My hair gets whiter every day. Plus it’s long again. I wear it up a lot. Daily when I go out in public. Double french rolls. Twists. Braids. Buns. A big pile of dernier cri on my head. And the way I’ve been wearing it lately, sure, I could see it. Elsa. 

My doppelganger is a Disney ice princess. 

Sounds about right. 

I have laryngitis. Last Saturday it just came on. Very sudden. A few hours later I was completely sick. Chills. Fever. Sore throat. I spent all day yesterday in bed. Today I feel better, though I still have a sore throat, laryngitis, and a cough. No chills or fever. The 3 cups of theraflu and 30 blankets I threw on my bed took care of the chills and fever.

The reason people get sick is because of other people. Someone no doubt coughed or sneezed without covering their mouth within breathing space and gave me laryngitis - which by the way takes up to 14 days to recover from. Thank you very much, dick. 

People don’t cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. They don’t care about you. Selfish! 

I saw that flu shot debate that went viral on social media, and let me just say I’m a believer of the flu shot. I wash my hands. I cover my mouth when I cough and sneeze, but other people do not. Case in point, I have laryngitis. 

I always cough and sneeze in my shirt. But when you work on the Vegas strip, where most tourists don’t know how to flush a toilet, let alone wash their hands after, it’s no wonder people get sick. 

I’m going to start carrying a can of Lysol around with me. Spray people who cough and sneeze without covering their face. If you’re willing to mace someone over a Walmart coffee maker on black Friday, I should be allowed to Lysol you in the face for not covering your mouth when you cough and sneeze. Hotel cleaning ladies DO NOT get paid enough. Whatever you’re paying them it’s not enough. I can’t imagine the filth they must encounter. Human beings are disgusting filthy creatures. 

I want a job where I can wear my fluffy bathrobe all day if I want.

Working on it. 

Old lady goals. 

Thank you Amazon and Albertsons for delivering. I am (this close) to never having to leave my apartment ever, ever again.

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