Monday, July 16, 2018

Rubbed out

Nutella. The Jesus jam of Europeans. 

There’s a couple on YouTube who make videos comparing Americans to Brits. After watching 4 or 5 of these things, I can honestly say if that’s how Brit’s distinguish Americans, than yes, we’re an improvement. Keep your awful tasting Nutella on that side of the ocean, it lasted on American shelves about five minutes until unanimously shotgun blasted off the shelves. 

Female Japanese tourists over the age of 40 are seriously getting on my last nerve. Them and Asian-Indian men over the age of 40. On my last nerve. I have a somewhat impressive pain threshold. Good job breaking it. 

Just because we’re both Asian and over 40, doesn’t automatically mean I have your back. You earn the privilege of my loyalty by years of friendship, blood, sweat, tears, random late nights involving shovels and a dozen jumper cables, just like everyone else. It also helps if you speak English.

I avoid socializing on the strip every chance I get. There’s a few shows I really want to see, but have delayed seeing them because they’re on the strip. I need to master the art of slingshot. Old school. A solid V-stick and a high tension durable rubber band. Then me and bag of half melted chocolate M&M’s in a hip holster, are going to ping every annoying rude a-hole square in the forehead with choco splats. 

To answer your question...

My expectations of millennials are very low considering who many of my own peers are. Accordingly I care more about preserving animals in their natural habitat. Pick your battles. 

It’s a conspiracy. I believe it. Foreigners come to this country just to drive Americans mental. I’m convinced of it with their anti-American media, and then they hop on a plane to come here. Why come here if you hate Americans so much? You’re like that bitter ex-boyfriend who initially declares his love and then takes a baseball bat to your car because you want to hang out with your friends without him. Just keep in mind that’s how Isis/terrorists recruit Americans, by coming here and normalizing anti-Americanism.

And another thing...

If you’re going to personally come after me because I’m unsatisfied with my government, at least be American. 

Foreigners who criticize my disapproval of how much government is in my daily life, would be like me judging your whore’ish wife for being naked and spread eagle to sell a handmade hoodie. Not sure why she has to bend over naked to sell a handmade scarf, but maybe if both our products of taxation were better quality, neither one of us would be judging each other. 

It’s always amusing to me how liberals come after me when I mention the government. We’re on the same side here regarding this subject but for different reasons. Nonetheless, liberals continue to come after me, just to come after me. Wouldn’t you like to know where your tax dollars are going?

Last Friday I had the day off. I spent the entire day/night apartment hunting. The problem with looking for apartments in Vegas is, most apartments were once motels, so no actual interior buildings, and the buildings still look like a seedy motel. Even in the newer buildings the front doors face outside. I prefer living inside a nice building with a lobby, security cameras, on-site manager and maintenance, plus central air/heat. Wall units won’t get the job done. My other issue is, I don’t need a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. I don’t want to keep cleaning rooms I don’t use. — And maybe someone is NV real estate can explain this to me, but why is a 1 bed/bath apartment $800 and a 2 bed/bath apartment $900? It’s still cheaper than what I’ve been paying for the last seven months. Still?

I was in the mood to be social last Friday night but after apartment hunting all damn day, I instead ate six Twizzlers and took a nap. 

I’m going to bed this blog in true PST style.


I’m constantly preaching common courtesy, common sense, pride, and loyalty. 

People who use racial slurs in their out loud voices among those they are slurring, are not only asking for trouble, they’re begging for it. Seriously, how stupid can you be? Rhetorical question. I already know the answer. 

Now having said this...

There’s a difference between non-physical racism, and physical racism. You can call me whatever racist names you want, but if you touch me in a harmful way, You better hope I only stab you in the hand with my pen. 

Getting in my face and being racist is something. Being thousands of miles away and behaving racist towards me on TV is something less. It’s not right. Just less.

I don’t know about you but I don’t have time for lesser people.


Oh no wait. One more thing.

The latest movie in the Purge series, THE FIRST PURGE, grossed 52.2 million since opening night. Not a bad piece of coin considering it only cost 13 million to make. 

12 hours a year, people.

Just saying.

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