Saturday, July 7, 2018

Behind closed doors

I just finished watching the film ‘The Daughter’ with Geoffrey Rush. It’s quite good. Would have made an excellent play.

Other than that...

Oh nothing, just poking fun at George Takei, and his followers on Facebook. I like Takei, but whoever runs his account needs to stop watching CNN and go out into the real world more often. —CNN’s ratings are the absolute worst. It’s tragic.

Takei’s followers are the most out of shape hysterical liberals on the planet. It’s just good fun poking them, getting them worked up, seeing how fast they get frantically neurotic. Is it wrong I find it horribly entertaining. No. Of course not.

It would have been further productive had ICE agents grabbed the woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty, and just thrown her stupid ass in the water. Lesson learned. Climbing monuments is only cute when a little retarded boy does it like in the movie ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’. 

Chris Porter is my new favorite comic. I’m 100% on board with thinning the herd. I agree with Porter we should stop putting warning labels on things and let nature take its course. 

I have zero respect for protestors. I say that knowing full well over half the people I love and care for (liberals) have protested one political thing or another. But my friends also know I AM NOT THE FRIEND TO CALL IF you land in jail for destructive protesting, or for a DUI, or drugs, or spousal abuse, etc. Nope, do not call me. If you break the law, your ass can stay in jail. If you call me from jail after breaking the law, than you made yet another serious error in judgement by calling me with your one phone call. 

There’s a difference between needing my help because you lost your wallet at a concert, contrary to being arrested for knowingly trespassing. 

If you get into a fight with your significant other and need a place to crash, no problem, I got your back. Crash in my bedroom. I don’t use it. Everyone knows I fall asleep on the couch anyway. But if you “Heather Locklear” your significant other and get thrown in jail, you’re staying there, and you’re definitely not staying with me when you get out.

Don’t be an idiot and randomly bad mouth someone out loud in public, only to get your jaw busted by the person you bad mouthed, and then actually think I’ll take care of you. It’s not going to happen. Your jaw is broken, not your legs. LYFT to the grocery store your damn self. 

“If your finger falls off, it's stayin' off. No one's gonna pack it on ice and take you to the hospital so you can be a breakthrough in laser surgery.”

I quote a lot of movies. It’s one of my favorite escapisms especially here in Vegas when it’s 111 degrees out. Movies and wine. I’ve been dying to see live music but it’s too hot out to hit Fremont Street, plus for the past 7 months my apartment is about a mile from the strip where “music” is a DJ spinning... 

Around the world - Around the world
Around the world - Around the world
Around the world - Around the world
Around the world - Around the world
Around the world - Around the world
Around the world - Around the world
Around the world - Around the world
Around the world - Around the world

Which is cool if you’re into that. I’m not.

I just want to throw on a pretty dress, heels, and sip a few dirty martinis in a lounge where I can hear anything from Frank Sinatra-ish, or better yet a duo like Marty and Elayne from the The Dresden. Remember those guys? I miss Las Feliz. 

I read that a few upcoming arena hair bands from the 80’s are playing the Cannery. Bummer. I’ve been to the Cannery once to see a movie. ONCE. Most off-strip casinos have some type of pollution filtration system to emit cigarette smoke out of the casino, but not the Cannery. There’s still cigarette smoke in there from 2003. Ugh. It’s so bad. How unfortunate. It’s a doable little local spot but the stale cigarette smoke is just awful. 

I have to slowly shake my head at liberal news. Reportedly North Korea is keeping their nuclear program alive and liberals just cannot understand it.

What is wrong with liberal news people?? Not a rhetorical question. This time I really want to know. Their obsession with North Korea is absolute madness. Irresponsible. Outrageous. Insulting. Does anyone really think a man who starves his country, forces his people to listen to propaganda on loudspeakers 24/7, and let’s not forget that nifty thing he did murdering his own uncle for not respecting his authority, was actually going to dismantle his nuclear program? Really?


 No really? 

Common sense. Where did it go, journalists? 

How is it I have any liberal friends at all, you ask?

We like the same music, the same drink, the same food, the same clothes/style, we feel the same about family, friends, work, we’re all animal lovers, we feel the same about wealthy people, we were all Christians at one time or another, we want to see people live better overall, and if we can help each other achieve personal success we have each other’s backs. We’re there for the good times and bad. It’s called loyalty. Are there political issues we disagree, debate, and fight over? Of course. But we’re invested in each other. Aramis is my newest friend and we’ve known each other for 11 years. I’ve lived in Vegas for one year, and I don’t know anyone out here like them. Not even close. Vegas has been pure business. Mostly because every other person out here is trying to steal your wallet, plus it’s just too damn hot right now to meet anyone. —There are scumbag people in Vegas who make their living walking around restaurants and bars picking up tips off tables and counters. That’s what they do for a living. Protect your cash, people. I know you’re busy but take 30 seconds and sweep your station for tips. That one table can wait 30 seconds more for their god damn side of ranch dressing. 

The List

Not a honey-do list, bucket list, or people we’re allowed to cheat on each other list, all have been replaced with THE LIST, meaning the secret fantasy hit list. 

Fantasies used to be about sex, well, they still might, only now it seems someone has to be murdered first in order for that scenario to be pleasurable. 

I stopped watching horror movies when they started to give the impression of being a little too real. The stalking, the hunting, the methodical planning, the torture, the slow thrill kill, anywhere, anytime, you could be got. — Who needs the reminder? 

Pick your friends carefully. 

There’s a good chance you’re being stalked right now and you don’t even know it. Or do you?

Who’s on your List? 

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