Saturday, December 16, 2017

pussy pile up

Good evening.

Well that didn't take long. I wrote in my blog from this morning women were going to start turning on each other regarding the sexual harassment scandals, and NOT EVEN 24 hours later...

Um. I told you so?

Rose McGowan went after Meryl Streep. Hello career suicide! 


If you've ever tried being class president, or ran for an office that requires votes among your peers, loved ones, and strangers alike, then you and I know in order to face a mob mentality, you have to know your market, recognize your assembly, and immediately identify cause and affect among that commonwealth in order to properly strategize your moves towards success. (And stay out of the media!)

The commonwealth here are women (in the entertainment industry) engaging other women NOT in the entertainment industry.  

All women.

Enough said.

Rule #1. Women don't like women. 

Point #2. Actresses aren't going to stay out of the media. 

It was doomed before it started.

Any smart man could see this ill conceived women's movement crumble as it was being slammed together in a tornado of random secreted hellfire and brimstone. There was no leader. No tangible demands. No plan. Therefor NOTHING to really execute. It was just pure raw female hormonal chaos that escalated into hysteria.  Great for making art. Shit for validating a feminist movement.  

And look what all these people who backed this idiotic chaos sacrificed. 

You guys helped in ruining careers. You helped ruining careers belonging to people you once called your friends. 


And as mind numbing as it is to witness this mess from a distance, you just know their friends and family are in complete total hell. You KNOW Rose McGowan's friends are getting text messages EVERY NIGHT at 2:45am, 2:47am, 2:56am, 3:10am, "What a fucking asshole. I can't fucking believe he fucking said that to me!!!" etc., drama., etc.

I had girlfriends like that once. Had.

These ladies should have gotten ONE spokesperson. A respectable likable leader. Or at the very least a woman not known in their industry. Just a spokesperson. A woman who is already removed from both industry and public opinion. Just an articulate, smart woman, who knows how to publicly speak and read what the speech writers wrote for her to say, or at least hit the bullet points. Much like being president, a lot of public opinion is relied upon their speech writers and (presently) his ability to stay on course in reading them. Obviously he doesn't.

But these women didn't do that. Any of that. 

And I'm also guessing these women in Alabama are now realizing they may have made a mistake in not first receiving a token of good faith in exchange for their votes. Um. Yeah. 

You know something's amiss when even Teen Vogue, is trying to spare you from this mistake.

OK I have to say it one more time with conviction. I fucking told you so! Now go give Kevin Spacey, and Al Franken, some wine, cheese and sausage baskets!

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