Friday, November 10, 2017

Every day is Friday

In Las Vegas. 

Bet you never thought you'd see the day when white men over the age of twenty-five would be the most hated human beings in America? And by EVERYONE not just black people. Even your women hate you. Actually, your women have always hated you, now they're just letting you know.  

Look, everyone gets a turn. And now it's your turn. 

I was in Starbucks, when two corporate (white guys) came in and after hearing them talk for five minutes, I wanted to punch them both in the nose. Apparently something went wrong at the office, in their department, and they were both blaming some woman named Amy, behind her back. -- Don't take their shit, Amy! Don't take it, girl! 

When do all the award shows come out? The Oscars is in 4 months. Let me just say now to all the people of color nominated, congratulations! 
You thought diversity was Hollywood's biggest problem?? Um. No. Still, with all the pedophile cases flying all over everywhere can I ask where the parents were??

I was irritated when I heard Kevin Spacey, was accused. I really like that guy. And while I'm sure this kind of criminal behavior has been going on since the birth of film, after the one-millionth accuser tossed (yet another) famous person into the freak show circus ring, it's like...

I grew up in a VERY small white town in Minnesota. A half dozen Asians, and one black kid who's family moved into the neighborhood, aaaand then moved out a month later. First boy to kiss me looked like an escapee from Village Of The Damned. 

Admittedly, all my girlfriends are white. Whiter than snow. And when it comes to other women of color, (In this country) I get on best with Hispanic/Latin/Spanish women. It's a cultural thing. In other countries I get along with all women.

America, has hard-wired most women in such a way, as if they were taught that being in a relationship filled with jealousy and insecurity is better than being independent and sometimes alone. Some women get what I just said. A lot of women in this country, don't. 

Men in Hollywood were [this close] to being new episodes of SNAPPED and FORENSIC FILES.

Boys are stupid. We've known this kindergarten. Unfortunately they grow up to be stupid men. Not all. But most. Men want women to be 100% independent and not want them for ANYTHING but their dicks. NEWSFLASH!! Women who are 100% independent don't need your dicks. We don't even need you present to get pregnant anymore. Domestically, we really don't NEED you at all. The job of a man in this day and age is to make us WANT you. 

"Hey baby wanna fuck?" 


No I don't. 


You're an idiot. 

Seriously, is that the best you can do? 

I'm available tonight and tomorrow night. 

If the best men can do in the next 48 hours is, "Hey baby wanna fuck?" Then I'm more than happy just hanging out at a lounge, drinking a nice glass of wine, buying my own dinner... ignoring you, and working on the laptop.

P.S. I'm in Las Vegas. I've been in Las Vegas, since July 3rd, 2017. All of my online profiles list me in Las Vegas. Don't be a moron and ask if I'm still in Venice, CA. 

Adult on. 

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