Thursday, May 25, 2017

Sick perverted freak!

And that was some of the nicer things she said about me.

Question, WAS she that fat before and has since lost 20 pounds?? I don't remember her being that fat. I don't remember her being fat at all.  Or is she that fat now?? 'Cuz wow she's pretty heavy in that video.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Dear Orlando. You do know Union Jack colors are the same colors as the American flag, right? Sooooo lighting your Ferris wheel with Union Jack colors, just looks like you're practicing for the upcoming Fourth of July. Question, is this Ferris wheel going to light up again with the same (Union Jack) colors on the Fourth of July?

Maybe pick another Florida monument?

Or go the cheap route like NY did with the Empire State Building, saving a little money, and just "go dark".

American politics. 

Is it time to murder the terrorists yet? 

Not kill. Murder. Just like all the people they've murdered.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fuck it

"Stress ruins every day of your life. Dying only ruins one."


Exactly. Between the two, dying is MUCH better than stress. 

I have a kind of sleep apnea where it sounds like I'm soft girlie snoring, but in actuality I'm struggling to breath. Worry not, I'll wake up on my own if I labor for breath too hard, for too long. Kind of like having to pee in the middle of the night and dreaming that you're peeing, but still feeling like you have to pee. Then waking up realizing you have to pee in an epic way. My sleep apnea is like that, but with breathing. One time I dreamt I was hiding under a blanket and couldn't breath, another time I dreamt I was holding my breath under water and was running out of air. Both times I woke up gasping for breath. My point being, I'll wake up. 

I'm not saying my smoking a pack and a half a day from the time I was 17 until my late 20's is the sole cause of my throat/lung/respiratory/sleep apnea issues, but... 

Two lung infections, one respiratory infection, sleep apnea, and last January's upper respiratory infection MIGHT disagree with you. 

People like me who quit smoking, still suffer the effects of smoking 30 years after we quit. My dad died of throat/lung cancer two years ago, and he quit smoking at least 30 years prior. But he still got cancer. And it killed him.

 Sleep apnea. For those of you not in the know, shockingly, screaming hysterically, "OH MY GOD WAKE UP, YOU'RE NOT BREATHING!" Would not in reality wake me up if I had in fact stopped breathing. Please don't do that. You will literally scare the fuck right out of me.

If my little girlie snoring wakes you, first of all I'm sorry, secondly I'm not snoring, I just can't breath. Still, if you happen to notice I suddenly stop snoring, AND THEN notice I'm  also not breathing, FIRST please check my pulse. Is one there? Great! I'm not dead! It's just the apnea. Wait 45 seconds. I'll wake up. However, if you're so inclined, gently shake me, or lift my head, or roll me over. Chances are I just need a shot of inhaler, and I'm fine. This only happens when I sleep. My pillow most likely went flat and my head slipped back in such a way I'm not getting clear airway. I require full lung capacity to breath while lying down. Some people can breath with one clear nostril, but I'm not one of them. 

FYI, if you sleep alone, and start noticing daily upper back pain, and waking up to a dry mouth, and a dry throat, three or four times a night, every night, alongside waking up feeling like you had the wind knocked out of you, chances are you have a form sleep apnea. 

Good news! You most likely won't die from sleep apnea. Your body will jerk you awake each time because it knows something is wrong. But you might die from a heart attack if someone violently screams at you, while violently shaking you to wake up.

I'm a caffeine addict, I'm trying to cut down, really I am, and I drink wine, but more so, I have a huge issue with stress and insomnia. I've had problems with stress and insomnia since I was a teenager. I got grey hair in high school and shingles in my 20's. And let me tell you a story about the time I got shingles. The doctor who diagnosed me said, "It's a virus we all carry second to chicken pox. Most people will get shingles later in life, in their 70's and 80's. I've never treated anyone in their 20's before. In your case it was brought on entirely by stress. Good news, you'll never get shingles again. It's a one time deal like chicken pox."

One time deal? Fantastic. It hurt like hell the first time. 

Shingles, is like chicken pox. It's a virus from chicken pox that lays dormant in everyone. The only difference is, shingles protrudes and swells all the glands on the side of your neck infected. It's like you swallowed a bag of giant marbles and they all got stuck in your neck. 

Then, humorously, the doctor said, "We have inexpensive cream. It will take about a week to cure. But we also have pills, about $150. but your shingles will be gone in 2 or 3 days."

Hmm. Ok. Let me think. Let me think. 

A week vs. a few days. 

Yeah. I got the pills. 

And then there was the good time in the ER when I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. The nurse on duty learned a valuable lesson that day, X-Rays (and poo bucket) FIRST, morphine second. Poo bucket!!

Because I sleep alone more often than not, I probably had sleep apnea for a long time without knowing it. It wasn't until I had daily upper back pain, and strange dreams where I'm suffocating, plus waking up three times a night with severe dry throat and mouth, and continuously jerking myself awake in a huge panic mid snore, that I realized something wasn't right. 

I'm doing my best to live a calm peaceful life. 

10 plus years ago I balanced each day with a steady flow of caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine non stop all day, alcohol flowing all night. Caffeine and alcohol. No food. No sleep. Just running around like crazy, all day, pumping caffeine and/or alcohol in my veins.

Tweek! Times 1,000. Just waiting for my heart attack. Oh yeah! It's coming!

Child psychiatrists blamed my stress disorder on my parents. 

CHEERS! I'll drink to that.😉

Friday, May 12, 2017

Another Friday night picture blog

Hello. Hi. How you doin'? 

My man-human left for Sweden and Spain for 3 weeks. I was worried in whose care I would be left to. And then, I was told SHE would be taking care of me.

And oh, how I missed her, thought of her.

SHE is my female-human equivalent.  

It has been (not) long since I was last left in her care. But too long.

I remember her well. Thought of her.

I remember when she was all...

And then she cut it all off...

And then she let it grow long again...

And then she cut it off again.

And that was the last time I was in her beloved care.

I admit, I've put on a little weight. 

But I've been doing yoga

Counting down the days until I was in her care once more.

I saw her picture

It's her eyes. She says the same about me.

She loves my eyes...

And my ginger fur. She has a thing for gingers.

She has a thing for Europe

I try not getting jealous

And then, SHE and I were together again! I got to spend 3 whole weeks with her!

*Sigh* I adore every part of her. Even her knee. Seen here.

And she'll let me rest my head on her knee for hours

And hours

She goes out for tea with her friends

Tea and biscuits  

I don't get jealous. She always comes back to me.

And we cuddle. BLANKEE!!!

Blankee blankee blankee!!!!


Ok well, that was a little embarrassing.  

You know, sometimes I think I need to be more seriou... ZZZzzzzzzzzz

Until we meet again,

Don't forget about me. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday night picture blog

Remember when 

And then I cut it all off?

And my friends were all 

I had this idea

But realistically 

Well it's finally growing back...



How you doin'?

Shot those pics yesterday. Yup still grey. Streaks of platinum. Still my natural hair color. Never coloring it again. Because no one cares what I look like especially when drawing things like this. 

Long time childhood friends Chris (and co.) came down from the Bay area to celebrate Chris's birthday. And as we kicked off our shoes to sit in the tea room, in this quaint Little Japantown restaurant, I was not the least bit comfortable on a flat little cushion sitting cross legged at a table no more than 6 inches high. Sitting in a tea room, great. Sitting cross legged, awesome. Sitting in a tea room cross legged at a tiny table, um, no.       

I have no quarrel with aging gracefully. None. Do I still run and watch my weight, of course. I want to keep the machine running at 100%, or as close to it, for as long as I can. And I get that people are used to seeing you a certain way, but that image doesn't last, not for anyone. I'm lucky, I have good skin, but at my age, as an artist I love his 6-pack abs and bulging muscles, as an artist, you're a visual dream, as a person, I'm more into what my friend Brian, is doing in the Bay area with his drones.

   The last time I had sex? How long has it been? It's embarrassing how long its been. And not for lack of wanting either. Still rubbing one out at least six times a week. But it's usually in the middle of the night, and shamefully I rather enjoy just rubbing one out, and then rolling over and going back to sleep. 

I have no idea how some people do the parties, clubs, and events every weekend. I'm single with no kids, and I have no time. Right now I'm house/pet sitting a gorgeous ginger kitty, and seeing a loved one's master bathroom being remodeled from the floor up while he's taking a much needed sabbatical in Spain. I'm working. I'm drawing a new piece called 'Rise'. I'm trying to file my current works of art scattered all over my apartment. I'm making time for my friends and loved ones. 

"Hey (Simone) where are your children?"

Fuck if I know. 

And that's mostly why I don't have any. That would be my answer. I have no time for children. It's unfair to have a dog if you can't devote a chunk of your day to it. Know what I mean?

My parents didn't have time for kids either but I grew up in a beautiful crime free small town. Times were different then. 

Still, I remember when

Good times. Lets do that again? 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Freak show

I've never seen the official Venice freak show. I've only ever seen the every day freak show called life. The 200 pound lady covered in tattoos with a beard? Please. That's not a freak show, that's just Harriet, the general manager at Costco. And my future! Pinhead, the man who nails spikes into his nose? Amateur! Kids pay people to do that to them all over their bodies. So it's no wonder the official Venice freak show is closing. 


If you REALLY want to see something truly amazing, I know a place in Tokyo...

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Snake

I liked it better when Shelly Tambo, sang it on Northern Exposure

Green light means (DERP!)

Since both my parents are dead, I like my coworkers more than my family.


I don't fuck family.

If you're into that kind of thing I know a guy