Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015? And I'm still alive?

So bored yesterday I couldn't find enthusiasm to do anything. At first I had a full day planned with things I was pretty excited about, starting the day at Huntington Library. The thing about Huntington Library, I once met a guy, years ago, who really wanted to take me there. We never went. We never went out on a date even. But for many years he was obsessed with taking me to Huntington Library. I'm very curious to know why. But every time I plan a me-trip to Huntington Library, my plans get thwarted. I planned for a week to visit Huntington Library (yesterday, on my day off) but then my trusty weather app forecast rain and ruined all my outdoorsy plans. Foiled again!

I looked for enthusiasm to do (anything) else yesterday. Couldn't be done.

Instead I slowly did laundry, messed around with my friend's wheelchair, went to Ralph's, the bank, Ralph's (again), messed around online, drank three beers, watched season four of Madmen, and ordered sushi.

Tonight I'm headed into WeHo to celebrate New Years Eve.

I've never been much of a superstitious person, but with the turn of every New Year, on this day there's one person I must kiss, or the following year is cursed. CURSED! So I'm pretty excited to see him today.

Maybe later I'll book a ticket to Hawaii.

Way to capitalize on my boredom, travel agencies. I have nothing but respect for you people.

Happy New Year!

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