Friday, October 10, 2014

From the valley to the ocean

Commute. Work. Commute. Work. Commute. Sleep. Commute. Work.

I used to work for this company, my boss was fired for renting out company parking spots at night when the venue next door was sold out. I understand he made a lot if money but as per usual got greedy. He sold employee spots also and that's how he got caught. Upon his final exit of the company building he said to me, "You're too smart to work here. Do what you love. You'll no doubt be a success." Which might have meant something if my boss wasn't being ushered out by security at the time he said it.

What I should have replied to my boss was, "Success isn't doing what you love, it's getting out when you can, while you still love it."

Live in the moment. That's the philisophy. But it's no good if you don't move on precisely when you're meant to.

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