Thursday, October 9, 2014

From the ocean to the valley

My tutor puts together (approx.) five lessons per session. He's awesome! But the only time I hear anyone speak French is when I have a lesson with him, once every 5 to 7 days. And as could be expected, I can now read French far better than speak it. At this rate, six months from now I'll be able to write my entire blogs in French, and still struggle verbally easing three sentences together.

I can read every French word in our lessons. I just can't say them.

My pronunciation is terrible!

"Don't say it like an American. Say it like a French person." My tutor jokes.

I need audio assistance. Badly.

I'm told Rosetta Stone, is awful. For $500 it better not be! But friends say it is. Best anyone can do, or so I think, is have some kind of foundation, and then go straight to the source to build on it.

I looked at a couple of these study groups. I'm not interested being social. Sorry. I'm not learning French to speak to other Americans at a Starbucks, in Venice beach, on the third Friday of every month for an hour.

I have a purpose.

A point.

Travel. Live. Go somewhere. Anywhere. Do something ELSE.

My tutor's fantastic! Amazing! I've learned so much in such a short period of time. But I need to hear people speak French, more than once every 5 to 7 days for an hour.

I knew this French guy. A musician. The only time he spoke French was during sex, more specifically during anal sex, the only type of sex we had really. Which is also why we don't see each other any more. If we only do "the one thing" it gets boring after a while. Still, might be be useful (or really funny!) to learn what he was saying. I wonder what he's up to these days...

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