Sunday, March 30, 2014

I like sweet nuts

I picked these up at the Farmers Market by the Nuart Theater.

Nymphomaniac (the movie)

Just saw it at the Nuart Theater.
This was my first time at the Nuart Theater. I've never seen a showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show... I'm old, I know.
But everyone working in the theater was beyond cool. Very nice.
As for the movie Nymphomaniac,
Shia Labeouf is smoking HOT. Now I want to have sex with him!
Uma Therman (though only a cameo role) was funny and amazing, as she always is. I absolutely adore Uma Therman!
Stellan SkarsgĂ„rd is intriguing and brilliant as always.
Christian Slater was pretty cool in this movie too. I've never seen him in this type of role before - good for him. Artsy films look good on him.
For those four actors alone this movie is worth seeing. It's not (so much) a story about a Nymphomaniac, I mean, not really. It's more of an art film with some sex scenes and a bunch of random softie cock shots, nothing that got me hot, and it's not meant to intellectually challenge you.
I want to have sex with Shia LaBeouf. That's pretty much what I got out of it. I didn't want to have sex with him when he was in the Transformers, but now I do. I'd pay money to watch him have sex. He's got sexy hot "porno face".  
Some of this movie is comedy.
It's still worth seeing for the actors I mentioned. 
I think they tried to make Stacy Martin into a softcore "porny" Kristen Stewart, but I wouldn't pay money to watch Martin have sex. I mean, technically I just did, but I wouldn't pay just to watch her have sex. 
Then again,
I don't even remember the last time I watched porn. Not because I don't like porn, I do, I'm just too lazy to get out of bed. I just rub one out, roll over and go back to sleep.       
And if you get bored watching this movie at any time, the screen at the Nuart Theater has a tiny hole in it where light streams through, and for visual artists, as in painters and pencil artists, you're instantly thrown back in high school art class listening to your art teacher say, "Find the center of your drawing and make the viewer wrap their eyes around it." 
Artists and/or OCD, When the screen goes dark, you desperately try to find the hole in the screen again. You and your friends can turn it into a game. It's fun. And more entertaining than watching guys perform hairy vagina oral. -- No hairy vaginas. Sorry. The first female porn star to shave her vagina has ruined me for life. 

Ray's Creek

Ray's Creek Cabernet Sauvignon
It's good. It's inexpensive.
It's under $20
The 2nd bottle is $.05 (five cents) with your BevMo! Card.  

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Lady...

In response to Yahoo calling Lada Gaga "Submissive" - apparently you don't understand what "submissive" means. I love when people in America report stories without a firm grasp on the English language.

Here's what the Lady said... 

"Yes, actually," the 27-year-old Grammy winner said. "He's totally in charge. I mean, when I am home, I am like, shoes are off, I'm making him dinner. He has a job, too, and he is really busy!"

"I'm in charge all day long, the last thing I want to do is tell him what to do," she explained. "It's not good for relationships to tell men what to do."

Fist bump. It's called mutual respect. It's not good for any relationship to tell each other what to do.

I can't cook, but I'm awesome at following a recipe and I give excellent back massages to make up for my lack of culinary skills.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The mighty vagina

I love when your wives talk about how mighty and popular their vaginas are. Great. Tell her superior vagina to fix the garbage disposal next time, and pay the mortgage from here on out, then maybe her mighty and popular vagina can cure AIDS and cancer, and end world hunger. You know, curing Aids and cancer, ending world hunger, important things that matter.

Some Femme's...

Really need to open wide and stuff a cock in it! Oops, I mean a sock in it. Anything that shuts her up.


Monday, March 24, 2014

A long time ago...

In a land far, far away...



Sunday, March 23, 2014

Footy! ... ??

T. Sheffield said he sent me a ...
one of these things...
Go Bartercard! 
T. Sheffield got mine in blue and white!
I love it!  It's so thoughtful! I will happily and proudly wear my English gift of...
He calls it a "Footy" and I love it!
Thank you for my "Footy" !!
What to get my English Gentleman?

Bad Words

Just left Century City, where I saw this movie.
Loved it.
"Don't look at me! Don't look at me!"
Probably one of my last movie theater experiences - once they start serving food and alcohol in the theater (as in wait staff in the theater) I'll stop going to the mainstream theaters all together. 
It may be "nouveau riche" to pay $35-$45 to see a movie in a theater and have servers on standby, but I'm not doing it.
Or so I say that now.

Dom Hemingway
comes out next month...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Donovan Parke

Cabernet Sauvignon
Very smooth. Great flavor.
Buy one bottle, get the 2nd bottle for $.05 (as in five cents!)
with your BevMo! members card.

I find it interesting...

That other countries want Americans to do better, than what Americans want for themselves.


Seldom happens anymore. I don't expect anything from anyone. But on rare occasion when I've happened upon someone shining in a trivial wonted sea, it's always a shame when that someone chooses to devalue themselves with all the familiarities of societies ignorance.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

--Robert Frost


That's it. That's all they messaged - a winky face. That's what communication has been reduced down to. I'm a Luke Wilson, fan. Henry Poole Is Here, is one  of my favorite movies of his. But before Henry Poole, Wilson did a movie called Idiocracy. Not my kind of movie really but it's intelligently made.

Directed by Mike Judge.

Following synopsis by IMDB...

Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes 500 years in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed-down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.


You know what's next. And yes, it went there!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Domino Harvey

I wish you were still alive. I would write your story better than anyone.


I am a girl of mine. Anything having to do with money, I always keep my word. $500 or $5 million, it's all money to me; the Jew in me doesn't discriminate. No, I'm not Jewish. I'll just let you think about that for a minute.  

p.s. Must. See. Bad Words !!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday, eh!

Loved it!

Wait. Let me go back further...

Just before I ran out the door to the movie theater, my friend back east required selfies and so I shot this...

And this...

And this...
(And now you know what I look like with just lipstick on!)
And then I ran out the door...
To go here.
While walking north on Vine, two things happened.
I walked past an interesting couple seemingly very high on drugs, err love. They were doing the staggering noon walk of shame, stumbling into one another, having a very romantic conversation.

HIM: "I love you more than heroine!"
HER: "No, I love you more than heroine!"
HIM: "No, YOU... more than... heroine!"
HER: "No... YOU... heroine!"
HIM: "NO!... What were we talking about?"
HER: "I don't know. What did you say your name was again?"
HIM: "HEY LOOK! There's a McDonalds ahead! The world is ours!"
HER: "I love you so much baby!"
And then they kissed.
I don't know what concepts were pondered whilst designing this particular outdoor community center, but I imagine it went something like this -- Go see a movie. After the movie eat at McDonalds. Feeling bad about eating at McDonalds, afterwards you go workout at the 24 Hour Fitness. While working out, you wonder what the hell you're doing with your life, and decide to enroll at the Le Cordon Bleu. After graduating Le Cordon Bleu, you then go to the sushi bar next door and inform everyone, "Yours is ok but mine is better!"

I went to purchase my ticket at the Arclight. Maybe I need to explain. I went to purchase my ticket at the fucking Arclight! It's like purchasing a concert ticket, in hell.
Before you is an electronic screen, with letters across the rows of seats, and letters down the left side rows of seats. The seats are numbered in series of (10?) where thereafter you must do basic math once you go beyond - the number of fingers on each hand. 
To dictate the locale of your seat, you must either parallel up, scale across, and then add 10. 
You can do what I (literally did) and ask the 20-something year old couple standing behind you in line to help, which they so graciously did, both replying, "No worries" after I thanked them.   
I went upstairs with my ticket. No. No. My mistake assures the usher, my theater is downstairs.
 Went downstairs, "To the left" says the downstairs usher. Then calls me back and says, "No. I'm sorry. My bad, it's straight ahead."
I finally get into the correct movie theater, but forgot where the letters defining each row are located. "On the steps by the seats." a nice young man assisted. Ah. Yes. Ok. Got it.
I'm in my seat. 10 minutes go by and the man who assisted me with the location of the letters defining each row, asks me, "Just to make sure you're in the right movie theater, which movie are you here to see?"
"The Grand Budapest Hotel, at 1:05pm" I say.
"Oh," he says, "It starts at 1:05?"
"Yes. Or at least that what it says on my ticket and on the sign above the theater door." I reply curiously.
"Hmm. My ticket says 12:30" he says. It now being 12:45pm.
"Yes. I past 2 other theaters playing The Grand Budapest Hotel. One was at 12:30 but this isn't it." I reply.
2 guys and a girl. They found the designated seats at the worst place in the theater.
"Oh my god! You should never let me pick the seats!" The girl cried.
I know. Trust me girl, I know. I suck at geography!
Netflix take me away! But it was worth the drama. The Grand Budapest Hotel, is amazing!

This is the scale of the Budapest Hotel, in the lobby of the Arclight.


I have the solution!

Don't worry little boy.
I've given this problem much thought.

And I think the solution is...
Because even shady people hate pink eye!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Twentynine Palms by Daniel Pyne

The new book I'm reading.
But look what I found while searching for a new read...
The movie is good too. And yes Steve Martin is in it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Poor Buddah

No wait. Poor TMZ. His Holiness The Dalai Lama snubbed TMZ. I love TMZ! Nobody snubs Harvey and gets away with it!


Eventually everyone will just be replaced by these guys...


SUCK IT... I'm pretty sure you know how

Regardless of your politics, it includes everyone.
Some delusional people think they are...
Dear hypocrisy....

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


T. Sheffield has gotten into the habit of calling me "Fruity". Does that mean the same thing in English as it means in English??

I'm dying to see The Grand Budapest Hotel to which T. Sheffield replied, "You're Fruity." Then I forward designs (which took me months to plan out by the way!) for my new work space and he simply wrote back, "Why so Fruity?" 

Look sir, you work in a Theater and drink tea! By some American accounts, you're Fruity! If I try hard enough I can find Fruity in everyone!

She likes me!

Few months ago I met this elite upscale couple, married, not to each other. I see them around from time to time. The gentleman's lady friend never seems much impressed with me but, that's ok. I'm not impressed with everyone I meet either. It happens.

Tonight I encountered this couple again. Only this time the gentleman randomly asks me, "Which [drink] is mine?"

To which I replied, "Whichever [drink] the lady takes first, the other one is yours."

The lady-friend smiled and cheered, "Ah, she has class!"


Normally I would think to myself; what and that surprises you? 

But not today. 

Today she made my day. I get it.

People misunderstand words like "maturity" and "sophistication" and "class". None have anything to do with race, creed, or financial status. It's how you carry yourself. If I know someone put forth sincerity and effort, I'll always acknowledge it.

But lately...

Everyone feels entitled. They give little effort but want a huge reward.


Fuck off.

I normally excuse people. Drives my friends crazy. If we pass a homeless man shouting obscenities at the world, I excuse him. "Buddhist Monks and Sages once upon a time chanted out loud to appear crazy so the world would leave them in peace to pursue their Path."

Friends just roll their eyes at me.



She made my day. 

We connected.

Connecting is so hard to do nowadays. I'm grateful any time it happens.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Mmmmm so good!
Tuscan Kale salad with butternut squash.
I ate the other half immediately after... 
w/a glass of Mark West vino.

Malik Stewart

100% Class. Read the story HERE

Both wrestler are from Minnesota. It all makes sense now.

Global dispair...


While meeting a friend for brunch I passed the flags at half mast... just sad.

And that was after receiving an email from some Asian woman desperately trying to sound like a wanna-be "down" hipster at 30-something years old. That wasn't even a complete sentence. Let me rephrase so you'll understand: that wasn't even a complete sentence "yo!" You chose to sound like an idiot. Apparently 5th grade was a complete failure for you. Worse yet you will most likely never have the desire to improve yourself even though capable to. In other words, you are the poster child of what all little Asian girls (girls in general) should never become [decisively ignorant and lazy]. Congratulations. 

The beach heals me. It heals everyone to some degree that's why we all go. Too bad it can't heal all the unjust and stupidity of the world.    

[ Hipster translation: Just add "yo my homie bitches" to the end of every sentence. ]

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chateau Dumas Cenot Bordeaux

Very busy day.
Amazing inexpensive wine.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Koontz Hardware!

You guys are awesome! 

I had a home fix-it problem yesterday and everyone at Koontz Hardware was so helpful. I really appreciate it!

I have a new work space. I need power tools! Or a handyman with power tools?

Margaritas by the pool anyone?

Just follow the trail of junk floating in the water. I'm sure it leads somewhere. 

Love this guy

"If you're as excited as I am, then you're not very excited."

--Steve Martin (SteveMartinToGo on Twitter)

Tastes just like BBQ

Things I do indoors when it's raining out...

A little blue sky

We need the rain. But a little blue sky is still nice to see.

Until we meet again

I give kitty (aka Ginger Pussy) back to his daddy soon.
I'm really going to miss the little ginger...
Just when he finally mastered jumping into the top cupboard. 
The way he stole blankets when we watched movies...
The headshots...
"No baby, this isn't goodbye!"
"Until we meet again."