Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday, eh!

Loved it!

Wait. Let me go back further...

Just before I ran out the door to the movie theater, my friend back east required selfies and so I shot this...

And this...

And this...
(And now you know what I look like with just lipstick on!)
And then I ran out the door...
To go here.
While walking north on Vine, two things happened.
I walked past an interesting couple seemingly very high on drugs, err love. They were doing the staggering noon walk of shame, stumbling into one another, having a very romantic conversation.

HIM: "I love you more than heroine!"
HER: "No, I love you more than heroine!"
HIM: "No, YOU... more than... heroine!"
HER: "No... YOU... heroine!"
HIM: "NO!... What were we talking about?"
HER: "I don't know. What did you say your name was again?"
HIM: "HEY LOOK! There's a McDonalds ahead! The world is ours!"
HER: "I love you so much baby!"
And then they kissed.
I don't know what concepts were pondered whilst designing this particular outdoor community center, but I imagine it went something like this -- Go see a movie. After the movie eat at McDonalds. Feeling bad about eating at McDonalds, afterwards you go workout at the 24 Hour Fitness. While working out, you wonder what the hell you're doing with your life, and decide to enroll at the Le Cordon Bleu. After graduating Le Cordon Bleu, you then go to the sushi bar next door and inform everyone, "Yours is ok but mine is better!"

I went to purchase my ticket at the Arclight. Maybe I need to explain. I went to purchase my ticket at the fucking Arclight! It's like purchasing a concert ticket, in hell.
Before you is an electronic screen, with letters across the rows of seats, and letters down the left side rows of seats. The seats are numbered in series of (10?) where thereafter you must do basic math once you go beyond - the number of fingers on each hand. 
To dictate the locale of your seat, you must either parallel up, scale across, and then add 10. 
You can do what I (literally did) and ask the 20-something year old couple standing behind you in line to help, which they so graciously did, both replying, "No worries" after I thanked them.   
I went upstairs with my ticket. No. No. My mistake assures the usher, my theater is downstairs.
 Went downstairs, "To the left" says the downstairs usher. Then calls me back and says, "No. I'm sorry. My bad, it's straight ahead."
I finally get into the correct movie theater, but forgot where the letters defining each row are located. "On the steps by the seats." a nice young man assisted. Ah. Yes. Ok. Got it.
I'm in my seat. 10 minutes go by and the man who assisted me with the location of the letters defining each row, asks me, "Just to make sure you're in the right movie theater, which movie are you here to see?"
"The Grand Budapest Hotel, at 1:05pm" I say.
"Oh," he says, "It starts at 1:05?"
"Yes. Or at least that what it says on my ticket and on the sign above the theater door." I reply curiously.
"Hmm. My ticket says 12:30" he says. It now being 12:45pm.
"Yes. I past 2 other theaters playing The Grand Budapest Hotel. One was at 12:30 but this isn't it." I reply.
2 guys and a girl. They found the designated seats at the worst place in the theater.
"Oh my god! You should never let me pick the seats!" The girl cried.
I know. Trust me girl, I know. I suck at geography!
Netflix take me away! But it was worth the drama. The Grand Budapest Hotel, is amazing!

This is the scale of the Budapest Hotel, in the lobby of the Arclight.


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