Sunday, March 9, 2014

Global dispair...


While meeting a friend for brunch I passed the flags at half mast... just sad.

And that was after receiving an email from some Asian woman desperately trying to sound like a wanna-be "down" hipster at 30-something years old. That wasn't even a complete sentence. Let me rephrase so you'll understand: that wasn't even a complete sentence "yo!" You chose to sound like an idiot. Apparently 5th grade was a complete failure for you. Worse yet you will most likely never have the desire to improve yourself even though capable to. In other words, you are the poster child of what all little Asian girls (girls in general) should never become [decisively ignorant and lazy]. Congratulations. 

The beach heals me. It heals everyone to some degree that's why we all go. Too bad it can't heal all the unjust and stupidity of the world.    

[ Hipster translation: Just add "yo my homie bitches" to the end of every sentence. ]

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