Monday, July 1, 2024

JULY 2024: gallantly streaming




Welp, you predicted it, sir.


As much as I would love to comment on Trumf's WTF interview at the National Association of Black Journalists, I will instead remind you that over 2K people thought this was a real photo. 

Holy shit, nope, not AI, because we all know how easy it is to get 21 cats to sit in a perfect circle on the beach on a sunny afternoon in the exact same pose and with the exact same facial expression. Paid actors? Union?

And these people vote.



I so feel this. 


55. That's how old I was when I told a couple to keep their dog off my lawn. Today, actually. Do not scare the kitties. DO NOT scare the kitties. Kitty sanctuary. Do I go on your lawn? No. Thus keep the fucketh off mine. 



UN-AMERICAN! Clearly no one ever played catch with grandpa Don. Sad.

It's just a baseball. It won't hurt you, tough guy. 


Speaking is not Missing Malania's strong suit. Trump didn't marry her to speak. Plus, I'm pretty sure the prenup prohibits it.



Yesterday I found a tiny charcoal grey kitty sleeping against the house behind the brush. Tiny little thing. Curled up in the shade. Maybe 4 or 5 months old. Curled up sleeping. We both looked at each other in shock. I tried to give her food and water, but the poor thing got spooked and ran off. Since then, I've gone out twice looking for her. It's so hot out, 105-110 on average. Humans are absolute shit to make little kitties like her afraid of us. While out looking for kitty this morning some fat old white Karen gave me a hard stare down after she heard me psspsspss for the kitty. "What the fuck you looking at, cunt!" I said as politely as I could. In response Karen put her hands on hips, huffed, and then waddled off.

Mind your goddamn business, KAREN. Obviously psspsspss isn't the universal call for fat old white Karens, now is it. 

 If you're not a decent human being you're a useless meat sack. Drop dead.

US vs THEM! 



Bimbo influencer going after Harley Davidson for street cred is more useless than dialogue in porno. Since this bitch likes opening her mouth so much, she can go suck a bag of dicks. At least she would be useful for once. Drag this hag. Drag her hard! 


Yachts are the poop of the sea.


It would not surprise me at all come to find out Trump staged that shooting and shrugged off any and all collateral damage. I do not believe, not for a second, it was an assassination attempt. Trump is such a filthy disease of a human being he staged it, and because he's such an utter complete failure of a man, a dude at his rally got murdered. Trump doesn't care. The Trump way is to blame that dead guy somehow. Secret service and FBI and can go round and round on the blame train. If there was lack of communication, I 100% believe Team Trump made sure of it.  


Yesterday took at least five years off my life. At least. The homeowner I rent from has like ten different houses out here. I lived in house 1, then moved into house 2, now I'm back in house 1 as of yesterday. Long agonizing process when you can't see thus drive. One of my Uber drivers, a man in his late 60's, said he has a room for rent in his mobile home at $500 a month, also in Chinatown. We'll see where I'm at in September. I took his number. $500 a month is 1990 west coast prices. My 500 sqf studio apartment on Detroit & Fountain, Hollywood, back in 1993'ish was like $500 when I moved in. No deposit. Lived in it for over seven years and still paid under $600 by the time I (foolishly) moved out to get married. My biggest regret was letting that place go. Ladies, never give up your personal space. Never. It's not 1970 anymore. Men do not provide or feel it's their duty to provide for their women and families. I let that apartment go. Stupid. Then my husband got me to quit drawing, then he shuttled me across country on a whim, shuttled me back across country on a whim, I worked a full-time job, put all my paychecks in our joint bank account (ladies, never do that!), did all the cooking, cleaning, ran all the errands, because I loved him, because I thought we wanted the same thing, work hard now, retire early and enjoy life. Alas, he thought the best way to prove his love for me was getting another woman pregnant. In the MAGAT Project 2025 playbook "I got what I deserved".

That dopey football kicker, whats-his-name, is back in the news for laying blame, again, about some such thing, at the feet of women. Bro, you're a kicker. Just be happy you get to say you play in the NFL even though your position has like less than 1% significance on the team. Christ almighty. And they say women can't let shit go. 

Republican women who are using the MAGAT playbook on what a woman's "job" on earth is, you're setting your daughters up to fail miserably. In 30 years, your daughters will have no one after their misogynist husbands used them up for whatever they could get and kicked them to the curb. The MAGAT playbook doesn't instruct men on how to be wonderful husbands and fathers. It only instructs women on how to be submissive. Your daughters will suffer horribly. Only young women who replace the older ones will benefit because by that time he'll be old and die while she's still young. It'll be a weird (film) Logan's Run era.

Personally, I thought the 80's setup for young women was perfect. Super wealthy sugar daddies while she's young and beautiful, save your bills, hide them away, get married if you want (though I truly don't see any benefit having done it myself) adopt some puppies, er, I mean have some kids (though, again, I truly don't see the benefit) find your happy place and don't let anyone, especially misogynistic men, ruin it. 

The only people who want you gals to breed are people who need new wallet holders to buy whatever they're selling, and the church to renew their powerful congregations with bodies. 

The kids today know what's up. I have faith in that. It's your world, young voters. It's not the MAGAT's world anymore. It's not my world. I'm too old. At 55 I'm just letting the sand run out of the hourglass. It's your world now. No one can take that away from you no matter how hard Elon Musk tries. 



Trump wearing a sanitary napkin on his ear for the cameras, and for what? There's not even a scratch. That guy's widow, the one whose husband died at the rally, wouldn't accept Biden's phone call of condolences. So no, I don't suffer fools. Biden called that dude's widow days before Trump, and Trump only called her because someone told him Biden called her first - mid election time.


Trump admitting to republican Christians that he's not Christian but pleading for their votes so he can end critical race theory from being taught in schools, is why I'm logged into my blog this morning to scream - Who TF you taking to? Christians? They ain't Christians! They a bunch of white people who wouldn't know a Bible from a DMV manual and are going to vote for you regardless because you're white, old, and bitter like they are! 


Old people don't have kids in school anymore. Even my generation are grandparents! The younger generation ain't making babies, thank god, it's time to thin the herd. Maybe then teachers can return 100% focus on teaching students, like back in my day when classrooms held like 12-15 students instead of today's 25-30. 

The only people mad about the drop in breeding are churches who rely on children, numbers, to preserve their powerful congregations, AND product manufacturers who need new wallet holders. They the only ones mad. Everyone else want less population in America, the world, means less people to annoy you.


You old angry white Trumpers will be dead or mentally/physically incapacitated beyond what you are now in like 10-15 years, your useless opinions don't matter to 20-year-old voters.

Teaching critical race theory in schools today is like teaching American kids in 1980 that Christopher Columbus discovered America. I don't doubt some dude named Christopher Columbus discovered America for himself, but the American continent existed before 1842, newsflash. AND ANOTHER THING, he wasn't alone, he just took credit. Columbus was basically the sourdough bread TikTok rage of 1842. "Look at me! I just made sourdough bread at home!" That's great, Christopher. Grandmas have baking bread at home since before Christ, but today let's all pretend you invented sourdough and for God's sake post that shit on TikTok.


See Trump's ear? Hm. Where's the supposed bullet wound? Where is it? WHERE?!  My right ear after horrible third-degree frostbite circa 1988/89 looks worse than his ear. What a bunch of horse manure. Fake ass Reagan wannabe. I was shook when Reagan got shot. I was twelve years old, but I was literally shook. I won't tell you what I thought when I read someone shot at Trump. 


Trump telling his fake Christian fanbase he loves them and to get out and vote "Just this one time" for him, is like listening to that drunk demented grandfather at Christmas telling Biblical stories that start with, "Well, let me tell you, Job, that crazy mutherfucker..." That's fantastic grandpa Don. Have another cocktail.

Happy Sunday, everyone. Instead of going to church, maybe take a minute over coffee at home to ponder how you can be a better friend and neighbor. You don't have to go anywhere for that.



Don't you dare throw shade at my girl. 

Don't. You. Dare. 

Dolly and Betty White are my spirit guides. 


Making sense out of all JD Vance's back peddling like:


No, Vance, No. The reason why younger generations aren't having kids is because they can't afford them and they're being smart with their money. Also, maybe they just don't want to raise kids on top of stressors like work, life, money balance AND everyday bullshit things. AND MAYBE women are being smarter about their choices in life. Because I cannot tell you how many times I looked at a couple and thought, wow hon, he's the best you could do? Eating alone isn't all that bad, dear. 

JD Vance is like a puppy who keeps pooping on the rug. Bad, JD Vance! Bad! Just bark. I will let you out.


I think it's time to start getting judgy on Usha Vance. Like this idiot, that was the best you could do. You're an educated chick unlike Trump's aged-out mail order bride. WTF are you doing? Them Proud Boys don't like you Indian folks none better, hon. You gotta reel that JD boy in. Whenever the Bush men, and Reagan, got all hopped up on derpy juice, their wives reeled them in. Ever see (film) Phantom Thread. Take notes!


If childless people "don't deserve the vote" do a-hole parents pay more tax? I mean, a significant more tax.  Because if we have to live in a world filled with some y'all a-hole children then YOU can pay my taxes. All of them until the day that a-hole dies. If your kid, regardless of age, shoots up a school, do the parents get arrested and charged also? Not everyone was meant to be parents as evidence proves time and time again.

Back in the day Democrats didn't like Republicans. Only when Trump became president did other Republicans also go, "This fucking guy." 



This crazy goddamn African Rastafarian guy who rents the room across the hall from me has a stalking quality about him. He puts a stick in front of the front door when he leaves the house to track when I leave the house too. Craziest goddamn thing. 


Okay I'm going to have to see the ear wound now. The Heritage Foundation is trying too hard to come up with MAGAT FBI conspiracy theories. Let's see the ear wound. I have theories of my own too.


Soooo, JD Vance only wants white women to be trad wives? I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's a little confusing. He thinks only white women should be "submissive" to their husbands. I never considered traditional gender roles to be a white woman's duty. Only, JD Vance calls it "submission" and not traditional marriage, or trad-marriage as it's now being coined. I guess I'll leave that fight for white women. As if the young (white) gals today need another reason to not get married.


I explicitly said in my remarks — despite the fact the media has lied about this — that this is not about criticizing people who for various reasons didn’t have kids,” Vance said. “This is about criticizing the Democratic Party for becoming antifamily and antichildren.”

"Anti-family and Anti-children", says the guy who joined the party that separated and locked up children in cages.



If you can look at these kitties with a desire to hurt them, then you should never be allowed to own a gun, or have children in your house, or a spouse, or be allowed out in public because you're a horrible human being. 


My kitty posse on standby!


When I said the Republican party needed a male candidate under 60, I meant a SMART male candidate under 60. Maybe JD Vance is a "plant" for the Democratic party? There to destroy Trump's campaign even worse than he's doing himself. I love a good conspiracy. 

Meanwhile Paul Ryan...



JD Vance strikes again. He criticized women for not having children. Welp maybe if I had met a man who could provide a lifelong safe loving home and was a man I could love long enough to raise children with, there's a better chance I would have had children, but I didn't, so I didn't. If I can deal with it, so can JD Vance.

If the only argument Replicants have in politics is slander against women, all I can say is 1. Oh dear. And 2. He must really not want females to vote for his team.

I was mistaken. Kamala Harris seems more brawny than either wimpies Trump and Vance.



So now Trump's argument against Harris is... *checks notes*.... that she's stupid? A slut? Stupid? He seems to be projecting. AND ANOTHER THING, how old is Trump? 10? 14? 96? Does Trump know it's not 1981 anymore? You don't slut shame someone for being married. You slut shame them for being a slut, like you, you orange (I say) pedo pervert. 



How did secret service "fail" exactly? That moron is still alive, isn't he?  Then I guess secret service didn't fail. 


Social media being “original” in their many passing of the baton Biden to Harris memes this morning. 😑 Oh dear. As I said before, I don’t see Harris as a wartime president, and we definitely need one at the ready. America is outraged at Kamala Harris being black, Indian, not black enough, wait, Indian? Aaaand, America is outraged that Usha Vance, JD Vance’s wife, is also Indian. Sigh. Really people? Was your Google broken when seeing who JD Vance married in the vetting process? Typical American. Get outraged AFTER the fact.

Recently, scroll down...

It may seem like I’m tough on women and that’s because I am, have been for quite some time. We’re supposed to be the sensible gender and yet we’re far from it nowadays. Women were once the unmatched domestic backbone, the champion for better health for women and children, and now we’re… we’re… well, I don’t know what we are anymore to be honest. We’re 20 years and 33 seasons of crazy women on Snapped, that’s what we are. 

One could argue women have Snapped because we’re expected to do our female part in society when we’re no longer given reasonable accommodations for the task. Men don’t want to provide anymore. Men were supposed to provide a loving safe home. That was their end of the deal. Men were supposed to provide, women were supposed to care for. This was the original agreement. When men failed to provide, women did what women do, made their own way or “got rid of” what made them miserable. (Snapped, season 33)

The first thing I would love is the end of these women being plastered all over everywhere. Barbie may have perfect hair, smile, and wardrobe, but you know what else she has, 20 different occupations, a dream house, a sports car, and a ton of friends with whom she went outside and played volleyball with, rollerblade with, NOT sit at home injecting lip collagen, reality star wives nurturing an alcohol addiction and complaining how their men don’t appreciate them, meanwhile they look like this. A generic example.

Wow. She was gorgeous before. WHY fuck with that?!


Holy shit, that's Kelly Osbourne. What the hell? Unrecognizable. Why, hon? Why would you do that to yourself?



Is television really worth it?



NO disrespect to Tawny Kitaen, or the dead. In the early 80s I LOVED LOVED LOVED Tawny Kitaen. Loved her. We all loved her. Swooned for her. 

But a boring normal girl like me could see how she wasn’t in a healthy mindset when her marriage to Chuck Finley went public. I mean, she reportedly proposed to him. And to all the men who say, “Women should ask men out, propose to men. It makes it easier for us.” NO. WRONG. THAT’S YOUR JOB. It’s always been your job. My dad raised my brothers to have a job at 16 years of age if they want cars and girlfriends, because that’s how you got cars and girlfriends, A JOB and money in your pocket to take girls out on dates. If I have to pay, it’s not a date. If you try putting your hands on me expect something for the date without my consent, my brothers, additionally the boys in my neighborhood, would “correct” the error of your ways circa Goodfellas. Life between the heteros was simple. His role was to provide, her role was to care for… but then this happened. Who’s to blame?

Look, I’m a Gen X’er, but I also grew up in a very religious part of the country. It didn’t matter which religion in my neck of the woods you were, pick one and serve God well. Some people might ask why I still to this day carry my Bible with me and read it on occasion when I describe myself as Agnostic, a purely Philosophical Buddhist, it’s because it’s part of me. I grew up going to church. I went to Sunday school, Bible camp, and at one point in my life I even considered spending the rest of my life serving God. But then I turned 17 and… the 80’s was too awesome not to be included and convincing my peers otherwise. That said, there is a part of me, infused in my bones, that sternly to this day believes women who want a husband and father for her children need to make men go back to tradition. That’s what the conservative party USED to be.

I will use Tawny Kitaen as an example. This beautiful woman could have aged naturally and still be far more beautiful than you and I.

THIS is clearly plastic surgery abuse. Something gets into the heads of these beautiful women and they take it out on themselves.

I wasn’t a fan of Obama, I didn’t vote for him either time, but I did like his wife. I liked how Michelle Obama used her office to start the healthy kid's campaign. Eat healthier. Be more active. Go outside and play. She started that campaign right out the gate. More parks, skate parks, water parks, were instantly built. Pro sports got involved and supported little leagues, pee wee leagues. Healthier lunches were being served in schools. Yes. Fantastic. That’s what I want from the First Lady/Gentleman’s office, support women and children. Aaaaaand then Malania Trump got in it and just turned that entire office into a cold useless shit show. Literally the most useless First Lady ever. But what do the MAGATS praise her for? Her beauty. What the fuck is wrong with you people? I’m talking to you, “Republicans”. More like RepubliCANTS. Education, affordable healthier meals, strong physical/mental health, strong family bond, that’s what First Lady/Gentleman’s office is for. DO SOMETHING.

The Trumps are NOT representation of wholesome conservative/religious values. Donald and Malania are the epitome of selfishness and gross criminal behavior.

You can make fun of Nancy Reagan and her “just say no” campaign but she wanted kids to stay the fuck off drugs. Gee, I know, what a horrible human being.

The problem here is, there is no foundation to politics anymore. Democrats spend all their energy combatting the undoing's of modern-day Republicans, and modern-day Republicans undo because they don’t know how to do fucking anything.

What people need is some hope that there is something left for them in this world, something worth fighting for, especially among the young people. Telling young people, “Buck up!” and “Well, back in my day” doesn’t help. At all. We’re not back in your day. We’re in this day.

Modern day Republicans complain, whine, undo, smear… JUST prove to me your party can DO something productive. Prove to me you can actually BE conservative with, you know, morals. I’ll even settle for law and order, but oops, not with TRUMP, convicted 34 times over.

The White House needs to stop normalizing this stupid pile of bullshit…

This is not normal for any house in America. In Malania's own words, "Be best ... Bester than a useless pile of meat and bones" There. Fixed it for you, dear. 




If Harris has Pete Buttigieg as her running mate VP, I would vote for her.

Don't do it Newsom! Be president or nothing. The country needs a strong male president. I don't know if the country can have a female president just yet. I mean, we're long overdue for war and it seems the American people want it. I don't see Harris as a wartime president. Trump is too stupid to be a wartime president... 

We're fucked. We're just fucked.


The only woman in America I would vote for president is (Judge) Judy Sheindlin - and she's listed at 81 years old.  She's the only one I've seen qualified to handle the heterosexual men folk especially when y'all get unruly.



Sigh. I guess we all forgot that time when Hillary Clinton ran against Trump in 2016 and lost. I didn't vote for her either.


Any time I feel an overwhelming sense of dread regarding the heterosexual men folk I remind myself that Cillian Murphy exists. 


Stupid stupid stupid. I'm not voting for Kamala Harris. STUPID move. 

Chase Oliver, it is. 



*My poor little broken brain. For those of you who are new around these parts, I had 1.5 ischemic strokes back in February 2021. I don't always get the words right and sometimes it just makes it more amusing.


Ha! 😆 She looked like a Miss Universe contender contestant when she was with Newsom. Now she looks like Miss tank wipe girl of Strickland propane and propane accessories, with Don jr. 

Anger and bitterness, ladies, it makes you cake on makeup and want to hide away from it all.



Again... You take this woman out to dinner.

You take this woman to the Betty Ford Rehab Center. It looks like she's selling her body for drugs.

Lady, what in the serious fuck happened to you?!


This is a blog-bit I've been meaning to write for a while now about women of a certain age and happiness. The number one thing I will always be on every single woman's side, regardless how horrible you are, is that age and hormones are unkind to us women for the whole of our lives. We deal with menstrual cycles for at least 40 (plus) years every 28 days since we're twelve years old. Then, with older age we deal with perimenopause and slow decline of estrogen which fucks up our skin, our teeth, our weight, and often times our mental health however temporary or permanent. And lastly, comes the joy of menopause -- that's me now, and let me tell you, men are complete morons when it comes to women's health. They don't know shit. It is always ridiculous when men try man-splaining what a woman goes through as she ages and yet, bless their hearts, they keep telling US, you and me, how we should feel, what we should eat, and what is "really" going on with our bodies. If you knew the things men try man-splaining to me in recent years, who by the way, none of them are doctors, most of them are going by articles they read in 1981, it is no wonder women go nutty for the mere fact, like it or not, we have to deal with heterosexual men folk.      

In my 55 years of age, I have learned a few things HARD, the hard way. And I feel like some y'all do not have girlfriends or anyone to chat with about your feelings, and as an end result, this happens, but not just to women like Kimberly Guilfoyle, although it does seem to hit women like her very hard.

THIS is Kimberly Guilfoyle before all the bullshit, when there was still the world ahead of her. There's still some hope and happiness. No clue when this photo was taken but that face is someone you want to have lunch with.

AND THEN this happened...

It's difficult for women (and many men) to accept age will get you, but does anger and misery have to get you too?

Anger and misery are why she looks like that -- anger, misery, unaccepting that she's getting older, and a healthy diet of spite and forced fed entitlement.

From THIS...

To THIS...

Why? It doesn't have to be this way. For all the misery I received when letting my hair go grey in my 40's, a natural occurrence as we age for over 50% of the population on earth (men, IF you manage to hang on to your hair at all), I would rather hear the criticism knowing I'm aging MY WAY, than dye my hair to please THEM. Who are THEY? Fuck them.  

Her with grey hair and a few wrinkles would still be gorgeous.

With all that said, if you keep choosing to live your life in spite and anger, if you keep choosing to spend your free precious quality time with assholes and men who refuse to do their own thing, people who would rather cling to daddy (at the age of, holy shit, 46) rather than live their own lives... I'm going to clown shame you here. 

You, ladies, you know better.  



This is not a Vice President. This dude wants to talk to me about my car's extended warranty.


Oh dear. All of JD Vance's "I hate Trump" tweets and interview clips are coming back to light. (sigh) Welp, you know, when life throws Trump lemons...

I'm looking forward to seeing Missing Malania & Usha Vance working together for women and children's causes... she says sarcastically whilst sipping a cup of tea. 



I really need to stop watching republican politicians talk and start my day but holy shit, DJ VANCE is like fuck everyone we're just going to fill every government sector with our 1% wealthy Christian white people. They're going to do away with any sliver of matriarchy left in society. Female employers not in their 1% regime, gone. Adult entertainment, illegal. NAACP, disbanded. Equality, gone. Forced Christian prayers back in schools. Etc.

I mean, I know white people, and y'all okay with this?? Really??  


I need something to set this water bowl on. I need something flat that kitties will sit on and drink. Omg I'm going to make a kitty bar. I would say I need a boyfriend but the only man I could ever be with is someone who would help me make a kitty bar! 


No kitties this morning.😞 Last night around 8pm I put a big pan of ice water out for the kitties, and then refreshed with a new pan of ice water around 10pm. No kitties make me sad. I know someone in the neighborhood is caring for these fur babies. I just have such a soft spot for cats and dogs in this heat, and poor pigeons. The only time I see dead birds are pigeons in Las Vegas. Depressing. It's not cats killing them. These pigeons are usually run over or shot with guns. Plus, cats take their pray home with them. 

As I went to change the ice water at 10pm I did battle with two giant Las Vegas cockroaches. I mean HUGE. I killed one. The other I think I wounded, twice. It'll probably come back tonight to Rambo fight me. 

No kitties. Not even the fluffy black one that hangs out next door. 😞

Moving on...

I had the weirdest, best dream last night. As we all know 2023 was the year of Pedro Pascal, 2024 is the year of Cillian Murphy. I had an almost sex dream with Cillian Murphy last night. We were in his bedroom, we were about to get funky, when suddenly his "estranged wife" popped over. She refused to go home and so he let her take the spare bedroom for the night. We went back to his bedroom but every time we tried getting on with some sexy time his estranged wife would start howling and crying. We finally just stopped trying. -- Then I woke up to pee. 

Busy day today. Have a good one, kids.    



Ending no fault divorce means there will be a big drop in marriages. Enjoy that, insurance companies. Good night. 


Meanwhile, JD VANCE like:

"Wait until I'm Vice President, you goddamn morons."


Anyone who thinks Trump is a human being can BOFA dees nutz!! (As the cool kids say) Now be a good little nazi supporter, put on your white KKK hood and robe and march with your burning cross along with the rest of them. Punk ass bitch. 

Let's see, who has Trump called less than human 🤔

He called black people the N word on The Apprentice
Brags about grabbing women's pussies
(January 6th insurrection)
Buddies with pedophiles
Guilty of 34 felonies
STILL denying he lost the 2020 election
Stole documents from the White House
Obstructing the Mueller investigation
And it just goes on and on. But oh no, let's pat him on the back and tell him everything is going to be okay. Go fuck yourself. 👍🏻


I never open my bedroom shades, ever, but this morning I did for the first time and found this...

h my God! Have they been there every morning?? There's another one, a short hair black cat. They're all about the same size. I'm guess a year old. Probably born last spring. Clearly they're being fed. I cleaned out the back yard. Swept up what I thought was a bunch of petrified poop but turns out that's an apricot tree and the squirrels (or something) feast on the apricots. They eat the center of the apricots and throw the rest on the ground. I got a big round tin and am freezing a bunch of ice cubes for water for the critters (birds, squirrels) and for the cats. Everyone needs to stay hydrated! Think I'll leave the water bowl under the tree tonight. I'll change it out during the day when they're off in their hiding places.


Good morning, boys and girls. Just out of curiosity do you know which country is the wealthiest country in the world? Guess. Go on. Guess. If you guessed America, you would be (what I like to call) wrong. According to daddy Google it's Luxembourg. Know nothing about Luxembourg? Me neither. It took me three tries to spell it properly. Don't spell it the German way, or the American way, spell it the grand Duchy way, no clue what the even means. Why Luxembourg, you ask? Well, for starters, their country is unified when it comes to politics. They support their constitution. They're pro LGBTQ, AND, not to say I told you so, BUT I told you so, they're among the smallest country in Europe. Meaning, they don't have a mass bred number of morons like America has, aka Mad Madge, the puppy/goat killer, and the orange Hindenburg who buries the mother of his children on his golf course. More specifically, according to Wiki, Luxembourg is the seventh smallest country in Europe, and they're the wealthiest country in the world. Where is America on that list you ask? 10th, if we're lucky.

I have nothing against white men in general. I date white men. I married a white man (born and raised in Sweden). That said, if your only success in life is being a white man, then you're a failure. Have a nice day. 



It's all suspect. All of it. A registered Republican with an Ar-15, reportedly kills a Trump attendee, wounds two other attendees, but not Trump? What?! In addition to Trump talking about shoes immediately after being shot. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT?! 100% SUS. Nope, not buying it. 


Trump is a despicable piece of shit. 

Do I care if he lives, no. Do I care if he dies? No. Go suck a bag of dicks.


Wait. So Trump is being reportedly shot by a registered Republican using an AR-15 and he missed?? Excuse me?? So where did the bullet/s go?? 

This whole thing smells bad. It smells like Trump. 



I was going to go out this evening and be social but it started to rain. 🌧️ Good. We need it. The animals need it. 


Trump wants to be Ronald Reagan so bad it's pathetic. He thinks pulling a stunt like this will get him votes, only, Reagan was actually shot by a real bullet, by a real crazy person. Secret Service and press secretary were also wounded, and a police officer was severely wounded. Trump maybe got tapped by a BB gun. 😏 Every Gen X kid got shot by a BB or pellet gun at least once in their childhood. My scar is on my leg. Where's yours? Fuck this orange moron. Scam artist. Con. 💯 con job. 


A BB gun? Oh hell, even I've been shot by a BB gun - when I like 8 years old and every kid had a bb gun. 😂

I miss Sheldon. We would so have a good laugh over this. I miss him so much sometimes. He was my best friend. 


Note the woman protecting his body while he denies the right to her own. Just saying. 

Reportedly, earlier today at a Trump rally, shots fired...



Oh boy. Okay. Go ahead drag me. I'm not hating the idea of AI films. Question is, who will be the first AI movie star? As in, not someone already famous. Check it out.


My eyeliner in the 80's... 

Every now and then I wonder how Cindy D. Birmisa is doing. I recently heard Christina Applegate on Smartless once again explaining how her Married With Children character (Kelly Bundy) was based on Birmisa's appearance in Decline Of Western Civilization, and personally I don't  think Birmisa was entirely wrong using the word "actressing". WAIT. HEAR ME OUT FIRST. We say "acting" but back in the day actors were men, and actresses were women before everything became gender neutral. I can see how someone maybe high on dope, partying, maybe a few shots in, might say "actressing" when working on being an actress. Had a man said he was working on his "actoring" I would have probably dragged him too, I won't lie, but "acting" wasn't a word Hollywood used much in regards to women actors. She was an actress, like a waitress. And we do use the phrase "waitressing" still to this day because boomers over 60 hate the term "servers". I do too actually. I much rather be a waitress than a server but thats just me. I'm old and personalize shit that's not about me. What's that called again? Oh right, empathy. Anyway, I hope Birmisa is doing well. I didn't hang at Gazzarri's back in the day. I was more of a Rainbow, Red Light, Las Vegas weekend warrior. As you may have gussed by now I'm more books and movies over music. I haven't seen an entire concert since... Queensryche?... circa 2009? 2010? I started watching Cheap Trick on Fremont Street in 2019, but it was part of Fremont's free summer concert series so every nutjob in Las Vegas was there. I'm too old for nutjobs. I get it now why old people are willing to pay stupid amounts of money for private clubs. I get it. I do. 

And look...

I don't like Biden either but its too late now to nudge someone else in. I wish I could get excited over a presidential election - just once instead of chosing which guy I hate the least. Trump is a fascist in the making. Have you read Project 2025? Holy shit. It is literally an insructional how-to nazi/PURGE. Thank god I'm old. I would so hate being in my 20's now. 


Do you follow me on Twitter? I post my pics there nowadays. It's 100⁰ F by 8am these days. Summers in Las Vegas are like winter in Minnesota, polar opposite, but equally extreme nonetheless. My daily early morning post-stroke walks are boring unless you count the occasional homeless guy threatening to kill me, exciting. That said, I do snap a few beautiful sunrise photos I like sharing because of how beautiful they are. *The sunrises not my photos. 

Here's a few ... 

Have a good day everyone. 🌞🌄



Friends in Vietnam: "So how are things in the states?" 




AI Trump selling Melania. Good times 



Starbucks did not invent black tea & lemonade iced drink. You see, boys & girls, there once was a golfer named Arnold Palmer who started his rise to golf legend status back in the 50's, and while even he may not have been the first to mix the two beverages together, he nonetheless ordered this drink so many times it was named after him.  


I'm sure the pandas will love San Diego. They can visit the other prisoners at SeaWorld.

Human beings capturing animals and shipping them for purchase, you know, like slavery, is fucked up. "Oh but they will die without us great and powerful humans yanking them out of their freedoms and natural element." Indeed. Everyone knows San Diego is the mother load of bamboo farms. Oh wait, no, I mean coffee and cannabis. Those pandas are fucked. 


We're getting excessive heat warning  at 3am at 97⁰ F on Earth so you're going to have to do way better than just letting me slap people. 


Why are people getting eaten by sharks still newsworthy stories? You know they live in the ocean, yes? Therefore it's possible you may encounter a shark if you go in the ocean, yes? Yes.

Equally, don't go into the sharks home and act all surprised to run into a shark. 

The ONLY people on the planet mad about the drop in human reproduction are churches and greedy billionaires looking for new wallet holders. There's more than plenty of humans on the planet. Let some die off. It's okay. More will be made down the road. 

Humans were the last thing God created and he murdered the first fuck up batch with a giant flood - because humans aren't made for the ocean. Enter at your own risk. 



I'm loving me some Sesame Street.

Exactly. Thank you. I realize you meant that tweet for kids but sometimes I gotta. I'm almost certain that wine color page isn't meant for six year olds but you never know anymore. 

Preach Preacher!



So just to be clear Project 2025 is over 900 pages. I mean several of those pages are people giving themselves recognition but still, then it's still over 800 pages. So all these snippet meme shots you're seeing on social media doesn't even begin to describe the "new conservative" agenda. They call it a flashback to Reagan and the 80's but... I was alive in the 80's and a lot of that didn't exist as law or even social practice, so. Not sure where they got the whole flashback to Reagan era conservatism - because it ain't. 

And before people go spouting off about how they're trying to ruin funding for children's schools and playgrounds, etc. Just know that a county commissioner here in Las Vegas used parks and rec money to pay off a lawsuit he recently lost in the millions. Politicians using money put aside for, oh, let's say social security retirement, is an age old practice, boys and girls. 


Holy shit. Apparently Mad Madge's Google is broken. Even Paul Revere, you say? Really? Huh. Interesting. 


Unnatural. 117⁰. Guess I'll pick up my mail when it cools off next Sunday to 107⁰. 🙄

That's me. Not my silhouette. That's actually me. No flesh, blood, or bone anymore, just moving burnt ash. 



My brain after 15 minutes reading Project 2025:



Maybe I'm not understanding Project 2025 at all. Trump isn't a Christian. Isn't that part of being a Christian Fundamentalist? Why does no one challenge Trump's faith? I'm agnostic and I'm more Christian than that dude. 



If Trump becomes King, then does that make governors Dukes? And if so does that mean Duke Newsom can raise the tax on landlords to pay the King? Take THAT California landlords and your greedy fucking 3K a month for a one bedroom apartment, Duke Newsom just taxed your greedy asses to pay the King.

(Duke Newsom 😂👍🏻)

And then the property owners (Marquis) would have to pay Duke Newsom's tax by raising the rents of the bougie to 5K a month... And us poor people will laugh and laugh and laugh. 

And because Trump isn't Catholic he's not going to get ANY meaningful support from Rome, nor should he. 

I'm curious... If royalty replaces a republic, does that mean there will be a two house parliament? House Of Commons & House Of Lords? Won't a revolution have to first take place before Trump takes the crown? VIVA AMERICA! Otherwise the crown is just ceremonial and the parliament will reign, yes? 

Help me here, England. 


"Catholic crusades were long over by the 1400's."

Huh. Let's ask some American Muslims today what they think eh?" 


To the people who say things like, "I'm excited to vote for Biden!" Are... Are you serious?! I'm not excited voting for him. I don't want either Trump or Biden, or Harris, or whatever dumb slut Trump gets as his private White House dry hump VP. 

Candace Owens. There's another genius. She doesn't believe dinosaurs were ever real. She reportedly doesn't believe in religion OR evolution. Interesting. Never no mind dinosaur bones, etc. Neanderthals must have had some big ass dogs with weird little arms. This type of rhetoric is what got her fired from The Daily Wire. OH, AND publicly popping off antisemitic rants when your boss is (Hello!) Jewish. She's a real thinker, that one. I like Ben Shapiro, usually. He's one of the smarter millennial Republicans unlike that Charlie Kirk moron who forgot "the real Christians roots of America" were Amish & Mennonites escaping European Catholic persecution. They don't support war, racism, and hatered. They dont care what your religion, creed, or color is. They just want to be left alone to farm, raise families, practice their faith, live and let live. But that fucknut Kirk wants to rewrite history. It wasnt the Amish & Mennonites who murdered Native Americans, it was the European Catholic warlords, oh I'm sorry, I mean the European Catholic "crusaders" who murdered them. You know, the guys who went before the King and Queen and screamed "Give me riches to command new lands in your name! God wills it!" And then strangely enough they got their ships - andenslavedAfricansaslaborbeforemurderingthemtoo "God willed it".  

Regardless what you believe in, be that God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, etc, or something else, the Roman Pope is just a man. He's always been just a man. Except for that time when the Pope was also once a woman, Pope Joan, in the year of our lord 855. Oops! Of course the church denies her existance but there sure are an awful lot of stories about her in the two years she reigned, so, myth or legend? Usually when the Catholic Church works this hard to deny something (like, say, pedophilia) there's some truth. 

King Trump yee shall call him! And there shall be a new Christian Bible, the King Trump version. (I made myself laugh just now). Holy shit. Literally. 

For the record, you're not recognized as Catholic until you've been baptized in the Catholic church. You can be a "practicing Catholic" like a schooled practicing attorney, but like an attorney you cannot stand in court and represent your client without a document saying you graduated from the bar of barristers. Trump once publicly professed he's a Presbyterian. That means Christan protestant, that means a church run by an assembly of elders not the Pope, that means not Catholic. Now it's reported Trump refers to himself as non-denominational. That also means not Catholic. And so here's a thing boys and girls, you cannot be a Catholic King Trump, or call yourself Catholic King Trump supported by the Pope's Church if you aren't baptised in the Catholic church. FYI, look up what it takes for an adult to be baptised in the Catholic church. My dad was reborn into the Catholic church - it was a deal, let me tell you. And it's a strange technicality but its their technicality they insist on it. Trump can hold the Bible (in that weird unnatural way) for the camera all he wants BUT why should any Christian/Catholic in America support a false prophet? 

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall receive the very elect." 

Mathew 24:24

Trump has never read the Bible or the Constitution for that matter, has he? When was the last time Trump went to a church service? I would love to see Trump in church even if for no other reason than a Trump publicity stunt. Let America see this "Christian" in his supposed beloved house of worship if for no other reason to make sure he won't burst into flames exposing himself as Satan. God Wills it! 



Oh shiiiiiit. Happy 4th of July, kids! 



The new kid who rents the room next to me, and shares a bathroom with me, has either Chrome's Disease or just a god awful diet or both. I have not one time gone to use the bathroom in the past four days where it didn't smell like an old egg salad sandwich rotting in the Mojave in July! Bro. They make medicine for that. HOW are you not dead from dehydration? Not good. Wow. I've gone through two febreze cans already. Its only for a few more days and then I'm in a different room with (hopefully) private bath. Jeez Louise. That kid is in big trouble if he doesn't get that checked out. I just took a shower and the bathroom smells refreshed. Won't last long. The kid will be in there within 30 minutes turning it into Chernobyl. 

Fellas, you gotta take care of yourselves.



How was my day? I just followed Elmo on Twitter because Elmo was giving lots of love, and then extra love. I could use some love. Note, love, not sex. There's a difference for you less sophisticated. Actually, I would be happy to be around mature adults on a daily basis but even that seems to be asking for too much. 

Rally around VP Harris? No. Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong! What should have happened is, at the begining of 2024 election talks, Newsom should have been publicly shoulder to shoulder with Biden to give the voters confidence another quarterback was on the sidelines should things get cattywampus with the current quarterback. Nothing needed to be said or reported, voters just need to feel confident backup was available. Everyone knows Newsom will run for president however the matter of when could have been handled much, much better than it was. I don't like Harris even as VP. She sounds like a tiny broken mouse when she talks. And like Biden she's just as slow and mumbled as a speaker. You gotta deliver those speeches. You gotta deliver in those debates. Your delivery is everything in the begining. Be confident not bitchy. Be strong not whiney. Speaking in public is an art form. Step 1. Make the voters believe in you. It's 💯 in what you say and how you say it. I don't know what the fix is now. Just keep showing America why Trump is a worthless meat sack, I guess. If you can't win it, just make sure the other guy loses. 


Exactly. Even I don't have a felony record. Be better than me, not worse than me.



Thanks for the validation.


Okay. My guy. TRAP.



It's one thing to be corrupt as fuck, its another thing entirely to not give a shit who knows it. It's a strange flex but leave it up to these guys to put it out there. 

And WTF is wrong with DeSantis? Making war with womens reproductive rights, books, Disney, teachers, LBGTQ, social security, senior healthcare, insulin... Is DeSantis getting any psychiatric care? I mean. Trump is old. There could be all kinds of dementia going on alongside being grossly under-educated. But DaSantis is a young guy. He shouldn't be this aggro. His political and life priorities, it seems, are focused on randomly tearing down, being destructive, and creating general chaos and mayhem. Are his wife and kids okay?? 

"Hello darkness my old friend..."

I've been to Florida, Miami, not since 2013'ish. Things were still groovy then - asidefromGovernorRickScottreportedlytakingpartinmedicalfraudresultingin1.7billiondollarsinfines. Oops. Ooh La La. Water under the bridge. Etc. 

But, DeSantis? Been drinking deadly psychological woo woo juice? My doctor thinks I have anxiety because I get heart palpitations but holy shit imagine if I was waging war on voters social/government/political groups like that guy?! Again, weird ass flex.

Look, I'm an idiot, I admit it, but a part of me can't help but think these Republicans know a doom squad is coming so they're just going to fuck up as much shit as they can to make it incredibly hard to undo. Mark my words kids, something HUGE is a'brewing. Something bigger than Covid, murder hornets, and brain worms, combined. 

Something wicked this way comes. 


BOOMERS: "No one can screw up the English language more than Gen X."
GEN X: "No one can screw up the English language more than Millenials."
MILLENNIALS: "The English language can't be screwed up any more than it is!"
GEN Z: "Challenge accepted!"