Saturday, June 1, 2024




This cloud followed me around last week. 

Spy cloud?


😂 😂 😂 🥺 😭

What a nightmare. Get me out of the country for a while. England. Italy sounds nice. 



The entire country right now:

The powers that be could have had Newsom quarterback the 2024 election for Democrats but no.  I have always found the age game completely senseless. 18 to fight in a world war, 16 to drive a gasoline filled vehicle, 21 to drink alcohol, (now) 25 to serve in the House, 14 to fly a hot air balloon, but 35 to be president. Good to know you can die for your country but not run it. Not that I think 18 is old enough to run a country, but 25, in this day and age sure why not? 30, absolutely. 

I said it here on PST first y'all back in 2016, suddenly Mitt Romney ain't looking so bad now is he. But oh no, you laughed. Not laughing now eh? Not laughing now. So long as Newsom gets himself great speechwriters, decent handlers, a straight and narrow campaign manager, and keeps his ass out of negative media, the dems are unbeatable from 2028 - 2035. Who in the Republican party can run up against him - other than Paul Ryan? 

Answer: no one. 

A Newsom/Ryan presidential run could be exciting. I would watch that. I would watch every goddamn minute of that. And I would be deeply, deeply conflicted every step of the way. 



Nope. Not horrifying. Not at all. 

It. Has. Eyes.

Putting Newsom in the 2024 game in the fourth quarter is probably something y'all should have discussed a year ago as a quarterback in the first quarter. Trump or Newsom? Newsom, of course. C'mon. No brainer. The lucid 56 year old, or grandpa Trump dry humping the American flag as he tells stories of how brave men fought in Vietnam's Desert Storm. 


I don't hate Trump because he's a Republican, I was a registered Republican until Trump's first term. I even voted for Trump in 2016. I don't hate Trump because he's despicable. I hate him for president because he's dumb. He has the intellect of a thirteen year old boy. He's dumb. Forget Aside from the fact he has zero sophistication, is awful to women, and has absolutely no basic human decency, he's just too dumb to be president. I'm an idiot and that A-hole is dumber than me. 



109⁰F out here. Don't be jealous!


ARAMIS: "How are you these days?" 

I am a fan of Bridgerton on Netflix. I love period pieces and the makers of Bridgerton have made beautiful episodic seasons - however, I'm a little confused if they are not mimicking the Kardashians just a wee bit with the interracial romances. Seems the Bridgerton gals love black men which is fine but must all of them love black men in the name of being politically correct and inclusive casting? The Bridgerton gals are the Kardashians of the 18th century. No one will fault the show if a white woman falls in love with a white man. It is England in the 18th century after all. 

I hate Las Vegas heat. Is working part-time a good enough reason to live here? Is it? I hate the heat. I absolutely hate it. You can't do anything in it. I have to go grocery shopping no later than 6am and it's already 90⁰ by then. 

I need rest. I slept well last night and then only meant to take a nap at 5pm but didn't wake up until midnight. And all I did today (yesterday) was walk to the grocery store. I walked for 40 minutes like my doctors tell me to and was so tired afterwards I slept for another 7 hours in the evening. 

Life is so exhausting these days. Perhaps that's why I'm easily amused. Before, finding anything witty took effort, but nowadays I find good humor just with...



It would have made a good first sentence to my book. 


BOOMERS: "No one can screw up the English language more than Gen X."
GEN X: "No one can screw up the English language more than Millenials."
MILLENNIALS: "The English language can't be screwed up any more than it is!"
GEN Z: "Challenge accepted!"



Some y'all need to live on a farm! THIS is not a "sky puppy" FFS. It is a bat. They carry diseases. Some are rabid. And they have the ability to get really scary AF big! 



Another film legend has died, Donald Sutherland. A few of the earliest films I ever saw as a wee kid were MASH, and INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. Still one of the best horror flicks ever. 

More Donald Trump social media fodder. Trump is just one more old bitter white man who represents every negative character a man could have. Every single one. What a POS. Both Trump and Hilary Clinton EPICALLY failed politics 101, that being don't let voters see what a giant cunt you are. 

Tomorrow I go look at an apartment. Tonight I will try writing an opening to my book. I look at the first sentence of any book as my last words before death. There are so many things I want to say on my death bed. Unfortunately I'll be too busy dying to remember them. So when you read the first sentence to this book just know these are my final words. 

Did I mention my knees yet? I have shooting searing pain from my knee caps going up my legs. I taught myself how to walk again after my stroke (long story as to why I didn't get physical therapy after) and it seems I fucked up the alignment in my legs. After three years walking this new fucked up way, I require surgery on both knees where they realign my knee caps. I'm beyond physical therapy now. So there's that. 

I'm exhausted. I just want to retire and be a hermit with my three cats and weekly Thai food delivery. 



There's a young guy who rents a room in the same house as me. He's 25-30 years old. All he does every day is lay on the couch, drinks beer, and watches TV. That's it. That's his life. How he pays $1,600 in rent every month is beyond me? He doesn't work on his computer, he doesn't take out the trash which he's allowed to overflow without a thought of taking it to the dumpster on the side of the house, he doesn't do anything. Nothing. Just lays on the couch and watches TV all day every day. On occasion he'll go outside and smoke a cigarette. I'm jealous of his time but not his lack of wanting to live. He's not handicapped - not physically anyway. I have no idea how he makes money. He's never on his computer. I'm not with him 24/7, so maybe he does something when I'm at work? I would give anything to be his age and not have to work. I could finally finish my book. I mean, I'll finish it eventually but I have a job. He doesn't draw or write, or play music... Just lays on the couch and watches TV. What an awful way to live. 



Human females are not that much different from hens. Human females also need a healthy diet and environment to reproduce successfully. After a year being married my husband and I went to the infertility doctors and asked them what's up? We actually did try to have kids, his idea really, I was just doing my "duty". I was examined. Everything was good. He was then examined. Everything was good. But after two more years of actually trying I never got pregnant, not once (thank God). Turns out I shouldn't have married him because after two years (about) we could have gone separate ways. Back then, I was just ready to get married and settle down, and he was the one who happened to come along. My firmly believe my body rejected his sperm because I didn't want his kids. We got divorced when our options were divorce or one of us ends up on Dateline. Live and learn. 

Back in the day an artist for The Boondocks and I used to pal around online, bullshit about other artists, projects we were working on, met up for Drink & Draw chat groups, etc. and he always referred to girls who swallow as, "girls who swallow my babies." After a while it really started freaking me out. I'm not a fan of the swallow, or the act itself leading up to it, but I still to this day hear him in my head getting all perplexed as to why girls "swallow my babies". I was going to put that in the book but I've talked about it a few times now in the ten years I been writing this dumpster fire of a blog.  


"And how would you like your chicken reproductive waste cooked?"



It was nice being in LA for a few days. Reprieve from the crazy LV heat. I legit go mad when temps go over 80⁰ but this is where the work is. LA doesn't hire women over 45 years of age. Not that I blame them. Plus who can afford to live there starting new? The one thing I have always regretted when I got married was letting go of my 500 square foot Hollywood apartment for under $500 a month. 7 years later I was still only paying around $480 a month. Then I got married and let it go. Stupid stupid stupid. I remember moving into that apartment and a few days later while waiting for the cable guy to show up I watched OJ Simpson being chased in a white bronco. Memories. A girlfriend lived on my couch for at least 5 years. I didn't care. Whatever. She just spent the night one night and didn't go home for five years. 

I have no quarrel with Harrison Butker's commencement speech. I happen to agree with him. I didn't hear his entire speech but I certainly hope he lit up the men in attendance also by including, "And in order for her to be a wife and mother, you men need to also step up to plate and be able to provide a secure loving home for your family." Had a man provided me with a secure loving home I would have had children with him. But as it turned out I never met anyone I wanted to have kids with. I wished some men I was with were better men but that's not how they turned out. Stephen Stills said, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." Baby factory closed for good. 

As you know, I am not a feminist. Far from it. I think most women are irresponsible and lack general common sense. I think a lot of women fuck up and instead of learning from their fuck ups they instead try blame-changing their environment, and then continue to fuck up saying they can no longer help it, "Its now a condition." I think some women just ask for it. In this day and age women need controversy for social media content. Problem is, shit parents don't teach their children otherwise, and rely on social media to raise their children, just like our parents relied on TV to raise us. Only, we had 'Leave It To Beaver' and 'Happy Days' raising us, not some whore on social media telling girls to only put out for the rich and famous. Some gals who are old enough to know better still ask for it, but then cry when they get it.

A guy pal text me today, "My ex made off with 300K from me" regarding 19 years of child support. To which I text back, "To raise your child. That's not making money off you, that's called raising your child. You didn't have to get her pregnant. You knew where babies come from." So my book has a lot of THAT in it because I'm tired of adults bitching and whining about how their exes took them for everything - bullshit. There's tender parts in the book as well but yes, there is a lot of "fuck her she had it coming" in it as well. 


I can't believe the conversation I had with a guy pal about hens and female chicks not needing a rooster or male chickens to lay eggs. He insisted a hen could not lay an egg without a rooster having sex with her. Some y'all need time on a farm! Or be forced to join the 4-H Club for a few summers! Seriously. The lack of basic agriculture knowledge is embarrassing. The lack of basic female anatomy is embarrassing. Fuck teaching men how many holes women have, they ain't finding them anyway! Instead teach men about the female reproductive system. "Hens can't lay eggs without a rooster!"

You're an idiot. 



When you wear a bra to the ATM machine you're just asking for it, you stupid slut. 



A part of me died a little. That's ok. If you saw my daily prescription regiment you would know I've been dying a little faster since 1999. 

I'm sure it's great. I hope it does well. Now please go read the book.

I couldn't care less about Hunter Biden's guilty conviction. Did he sexually assault anyone? Did he falsify business rec.... No? Then I really couldn't care less. He was a drug addict when he purchased a gun? Welcome to the 80's and 90's of America's youth. Hey, remember that time when that idiot jumped on the hood of our car brandishing a Ruger as we barrelled down Laurel Can... No? Me neither. 



I wish that bull who jumped the fence at the rodeo would've taken out far more people than it did. The bull was running for it's life. Note, if that rodeo had caught on fire, and I happened to be walking by, the only lives I would save are the animals. Fuck those people. 

Speaking of assholes not worth saving. I hope Trump's probation officer is large Marg. I hope that dick-bag pisses her off like only he can. 


I wish I had a beginning to my book. I have a middle and an end with lots of twists and turns, but everything relies on the begining.

I don't want my story to start in a prison, a shrink's office, an old and broken person narrating, or shock start with a rape or murder. It's not that kind of story. I mean, it is, but there's plenty of that throughout the story. 

How to begin. Where do I begin? 



From my Twitter today.



Whatever it takes! Holy shit. Sacrifice 10 kids if that's what it takes to drop 10 degrees.



Like what? Calculus? Would you like to learn calculus? How about knitting? I could teach you how to knit. 


I have a new coworker. She seems nice.



Four months of nonstop heat. How the serious fuck did you grow up in this? People get weird about cold and snow, and to them I say, "Yea, but you can always get warmer with proper clothing." You can't do fuck-all with heat. 

"Oh but it's a dry heat."

Fuck you. It's heat. It's fucking hot. Hot is hot. Humid hot or dry hot - HOT IS HOT. I legit spend the summers here doing my best to not go Korean horror movie crazy from the heat. 


I'm in the new rental. Holy shit is it expensive BUT I'll pay the extra for now just for peace mind, to be left the fuck alone. I don't understand Asian people. I really don't. "But it's our custom to be all up in your business." No, that's not "custom" that's called being psycho. Where I am now, dude is like, "Just don't fuck up my house and we're good." Yeah. That's how it's supposed to be. I give you money for rent and don't fuck up your house, you live and let live. Don't chase me out the door for mindless chit chat. Don't go through my shit every day like you're going to find something new and exciting (bro, there's nothing there). Don't bother me - period. My skin cleared up literally overnight. Peace of mind, I'll pay a fuck-ton, for now. It's worth it. 

I wish I could say this is stereotyping but it's not, especially here in Vegas. Americans are FAT. When I started gaining weight, like ridiculously gaining weight, I went to my doctor immediately and was like, "Do something!" I eat pretty healthy, I exercise almost every day, and still the weight was piling on. "That's to be expected at your age with menopause." Yeah no, do something. Give me something. So the doctor ran tests and found out I have hyperthyroidism. I take synthetic thyroid hormone, and the weight started coming off. Any time someone says, "I'm fat because of my thyroid" they make medication for that. If you take thyroid meds and are still fat, you're not doing your part. I should know, I take thyroid medication. 

Ya know... 😂

Newport Beach is beautiful. I love Newport. But it's the people over 45 years old who think they're still 25 years old that makes that place shit. I rage war on people who say things like, "45 is the new 20" GO FUCK YOURSELF. No, it's not. 45 is 45. Many y'all be dead in 30 years. And if you think "Oh that's so far away" no it's not. Trust me, those year fly the fuck by. This statue makes me happy. If I were a millionaire I would erect 100 more of these statues all over Newport. 

Well done, sculptor. 



Same goes for men. You cannot live in a "male only" environment. It's not psychologically healthy. It's torture. It's prison.


I'm begining to believe women on their own, without a mate by their side for too long, turn crazy. I don't understand the relationship with this woman I rent a room from and her husband. Why aren't you with your husband?? Are you separated? Why do you just want to be around women?? That's weird. Are you a lesbian like my guy pal thinks you are? What is it? I need men in my life. Balance. Because eventually everyone will piss you off. You need to have a good rotational system. Lots of options to turn to for better mental health. It's not healthy being in your own "women only" bubble. It makes you nutty. Especially since women don't like other women by law of nature. 

When I couldn't take the garlic smell in my other room the homeowner just had me change rooms. Only in this room she's gone completely fucking batshit nutty and sprays it every night before I get home from work with heavy powder aerosol can bathroom spray. WTF?! I just want my room to smell like a ROOM. People are nuts. NUTS. Something happens to many people in Vegas. Is it the heat? Is it breathing the constant air conditioning for five months straight? I hate living in Vegas. Its just too hot and the people are either really fucking cool, or really fucking crazy. It's a total crapshoot. I've met more crazy than cool unfortunately.