Thursday, December 1, 2022

BIG DICK ENERGY! I mean Happy Holidays



I want Rob Halford’s shirt! 

Wait. Does he live in Arizona? I want your shirt! 


No need to buy a Wednesday Addams dress. I'll just leave this right here.
Okay that's it. Happy New Year! 


Oooooh. They're Uggs. I don't understand these shoes. At all.


Another Phoenix observation:

Women wear their slippers out in public. I don't mean flip flops to the mailbox. I mean slippers to the grocery store.


This supposed fata morgana in China made a comeback mention:

Aaaand so did the pastafarians. All hail the spaghetti monster!


Favorite mukbang 2022


Another Phoenix observation:

This is normal. 


I’m adjusting my sleep schedule for work presuming I’m going back next week. Who knows? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Another Phoenix observation:

Teenage/20-something Mexican wannabe Kim Kardashians dress what the young boutique stores here sell. Apparently the 1982 child prostitution look is back en vogue. Great if you’re a cheap AF 2X sugar daddy with $200 in his pocket. Terrible for the rest of us who will be paying for their unwanted children in nine months.



Yup! The only guys who have asked me out were all gym muscle flexers.🤮

Looking like I’m popping that cork solo. 


Rest easy Ms Walters. You were my favorite to watch as a kid. 


I didn’t make NYE plans. I don’t feel like shopping for a dress anyway. I’m going to try doing this instead. 

I haven’t drawn since 2020. I’ll keep going for as long as my hands will allow it. Suggestions? 


Lets party, baby. I'm ready!



I never saw Puppetry of the Penis. Penn & Teller's Bullshit is on the episode of (bullshit) sex. There was a clip of POTP and goddamn they really did make puppets out of their penises. Eeewwwwwww! Yeah no. I changed the channel. 

On average the human body is pretty disgusting. GEN X'ers we're on the downward spiral. Boomers, (really?) you guys are still alive?? WHY?? There is nothing sexy about our bodies at this age. NOTHING SEXY. Lots of red light! And keep over 50% of your clothes ON! At my age I'm more attracted to individual style, charm, and grace. 20-something just want everyone over 40 TO DIE. When I was 20 I thought 30 was old. Haha haha ha haha ha!! 

I'm attending an adult party in January with a male friend from LA. Shopping is going to be interesting. 

"She sits alone waiting for suggestions..."


Great sons of Murgatroyd! My job scheduled my medical evaluation for next week so I can get back to work. A lady from HR called me even to make sure I had all my paperwork put together because there's an F ton of paperwork along with a 25 page on the job re-entry form and all my shots/boosters (etc) confirmation paperwork. I'm never leaving this job. There's a reason no one wants to work anymore. Who's got the pain threshold and attention span to handle all the bureaucracy? 

I still don't know what I'm doing NYE. I'm told Vixen is okay. Then I again I was also told Red Rooster in Vegas is okay. Hah! No. Honestly I thought I would be working.

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery on Netflix is pretty good. Why do British actors do southern accents when portraying Americans? Is the accent easier? I think it's harder. Then again I don't hear it. 

In other news...

Well, I mean. It's what they do. So,

Bill Cosby is going back on tour. I almost want to go. Let's train wreck 2023 right out the gate! who's in?

And what the... 

Someone find that idiot. Like we need him running loose on the streets. 

Overheard a 20 year old girl tell her boyfriend my hair is stupid. Like. Did she mean the cut, or color, or both? I'm sorry I didn't glam out to go the the bank? Kids today are lazy with their insults. Use your words!

Funny thing tho' her boyfriend stared at me the whole time they stood behind me. Didn't look at her once. Gram's still gots it! Now hand me my teeth, sonny boy!



Soooo… immediately following my last post I received an email from my bank informing me someone in Minnesota just tried to use my debit card with Coborn’s Deliver. You jacked my card to buy groceries? That’s so goddamn Minnesota. Anyway, they got the expiration date wrong, the card was rejected, and I got an email from my bank. 

I just want you, whoever you are, to know that I forgive you. I don’t know how you got my card info being as how I’m in Arizona and you’re way out in bum-fuck nowhere, but as a fellow Minnesotan you should know had you just asked me to buy you some groceries I probably would have. It’s groceries. It’s not like you (somehow!) jacked my card and bought expensive booze and a TV. 

I don’t know how you got my card but I forgive you. I hope you were able to get the groceries you needed. 


By 2pm it seemed clear it was going to rain all day so I renewed a work certificate out of boredom. My current certificate doesn't expire until February 2024, but fuck it. Three hours later I have a current certificate with my maiden name on it. Of course 30 minutes into the online class the sun came out. Naturally. 

Hmm. Now what should I do? 

I need to renew my passport. I need a new photo. 

The reason I have this extra time on my hands right now is because my work requires medical evaluations (physicals) to return to work. The holidays really messed things up. I don't even have an appointment yet. I'm waiting for them to get back to me. "Hang in there" my hot boss says. Hang in there? I'm not getting paid. Hang in there. 


I’m only considering men who have grown children of (grand)child rearing age. That said,



Anthony Wiener’s just happy the news is about George Santos, and not him. 

Cue the danger! Carlos Danger!

It’s raining tomorrow which means I’ll be behind my computer screen doing this all day.



Hair is coming back! 


Ha! This is SO me and Aramis! 


The homeowner of the house I rent a part of, is yet one more among friends and family who tell me I need to find a regular companion. "He doesn't have to be a boyfriend, but you need a companion." - I'm trying, boys and girl. I'm trying. 

All 3 grey haired fellas I mentioned earlier are already out. "Maybe go a little younger but stay in your generation." The homeowner says. Agreed. Problem is, younger men (generally speaking) don't know how or care to earn friendship and respect from a woman. They just want sex when its convenient for them. bad sex, I might add. And men my age and older want the instant girlfriend. I have a job. I go back to work working the graveyard shift 5 nights a week. Men my age and older, especially if they're retired, don't want that. They want a woman with a job ("She must have her own money!") who work around his schedule. FFS 😒 This is why I stopped trying to date. Men have completely broken down and failed miserably at basic social skills 101 with women.  

Still, I keep trying. I hope I meet someone at my job who also works graveyard shift. A doctor, nurse, EVS tech, c'mon work with me people!



Dateline podcast


Keto bars = poop

Never again. Wow. 


It’s your dad’s Menorah 🕎 


And of course! The moment I leave Los Angeles a perfect guy from Agoura Hills contacts me. Of course! 


I forgot that fat old men on dating sites who brag about how much money they have yet blast women who are into him for money, also blast women for being ten pounds heavier than his comfort level. Did I mention he’s a fat old man? 


And just like that Mr Scottsdale got on my last nerve. I love it when weight becomes a concern with fat old men.😂 “You could stand to lose ten pounds.” And you could stand to be 20 years younger, old man, but I was willing to accept you - to at least meet you for coffee. 

Scottsdale 🙄


Fuck that. I'm a gangster, baby. I'm going to bed spicy AF! I just moved all the mirrors in your car and rearranged all your goddamn records!

The spiciest gangster move, if he has a workshop where he separates all the different nails, nuts and bolts into a billion different small mason jars... You fuck that up 100% by taking 10 out of each one and putting them into another mason jar where they don't belong! Take the time, girl. Take the time!


So I'm back in the dating pool. There's so far three grey haired gentlemen in the running. The conservative from Scottsdale (of course, what else is there in Scottsdale); the drummer who loves hiking, art, traveling and he has a grown son which means potential grandchildren some day (yeeee!) And then there's Karl. He's a little slow on the draw, chatty, and it's weird to me that I wrote a story about a Karl and suddenly I meet one.

Potential NYE date? Maaaaybe?



Good night 


Merry Christmas from Arizona, boys and girls!

My brother's place. My sister-in-law loves Christmas decorations. Me too. Just know, future husband #2, this will be us on Christmas also!

Cue the 'toons!


I really hope SNL does a rendition of Keith Morrison reading The Night Before Christmas. If you listen to the Dateline podcast, Morrison surely does in fact read The Night Before Christmas. Hand to god I was waiting for him to say, "But you didn't do that, did you." 


Two investments in 2023:

1. Burning this mole off my nose
2. Decent camera equipment

I do okay with my iphone but you know.




Instagr… 🥛?


Yeah no thank you. 


The pilot who crashed and died on the Santa Monica beach was reportedly 95 years old. 95! He lived and died his best life and goddamnit he was gonna take some y'all with him. 



Go see trees 🌳🌲 now children while you can.


I'm adjusting to Arizona. I miss LA. I like being a stranger in a strange land but this time it's different, and this land ain't so strange to me. Additionally, it's my last home. I'd like to think when I'm 70, collecting social security, I'll still have enough fire in me to keep going but the reality is, probably not. In 20 years I'll just be too old, boys and girls. "Reap the whirlwind, Brady. Reap it." I need to meet a man with kids now if I'm ever gonna be a grandma. Hotel California, no more. The state where young surf turks say things like, "My shit went viral" and in 2022 you're not entirely sure you know what they mean. 

I wish I knew what happened to Christine. 



Did you know the Mourning Dove hoots like an owl? Don't say you don't learn things from this blog! This blog is jammed packed with information! Currently there is either a Mourning Dove or an owl outside my window (Phoenix, Arizona) and for the past thirty minutes I thought it was background noise for this movie I was streaming. 

I love Arizona. That said, let's get into a few things. 

U-turns. Holy shit. Arizona and U-turns. What's going on people? Don't use maps. Do NOT use maps. I was using Google maps the first week I was here and clearly whatever satellite Google maps is using to point down at Arizona needs to be cleaned. I would love to keep going a half mile but in a hundred feet there's a canal. And unlike California, there's three feet of water in this canal. 

Women. Yep, here we go. Women! There was a woman sitting behind me on a bench, and she was a mess. Not homeless. Just a mess. She was hocking and snagging and spitting. Her hair was disheveled. I'm only assuming her clothes were clean. They looked clean. She looked bathed. But her hair needed a brushing and she could have used some blush. We Gen X women started wearing lip gloss and blush by the time we were twelve. My grandmother was giving me lipsticks when I was ten. My parents were giving me eye shadow color palettes by the time I was twelve. Times were different then. But I think, and it's just my opinion, I think we need to start femming up daughters again. Buy them good hair brushes, lip gloss, a little pink blush? Not all girls are into makeup and pretty dresses but TRY it all and just see what sticks. Some things will stick and that's a good start. Because I would really like women to be prettier and daintier than the guys in makeup. Ok? Ok. There. I said it. 

I'm filling out my new job's HR paperwork. When you work in a hospital there's so much paperwork. 

I'm also trying to figure out what I want to do for Christmas. Maybe go hiking. It's too bad that all the preliminary stuff for my new job takes 2 to 3 weeks before I can start or I could have worked for a co-worker on Christmas. Or maybe they want the time and a half. Who doesn't like making $30 an hour?



I got the job. 

My hot French (or Italian) boss asked me to remove my face mask so he could see my pretty smile. It’s the closest thing to sex I’ve had in a year. But then he saw my nose mole and told me I could put my mask back on.

Kidding. He soooooo wants me.😉 

I’m burning that goddamn mole off!


How do I get a job here?


A little early for my hospital job interview. 

Oh hey look. No thank you.


Apparently I need to start carrying cans of spray paint on me when I go hiking? And corona? (The beer, naturally.)

Anyone need a good lawyer with all co…



I have to go to bed! But…


How would they play a full show in horse head? 

Cue the music! 


More hiking photos. 

Arizona U-turns, learn it, know it, live it.

Thanks for not running me over. Kidding. My brother.

I'm obsessed with tree bark/bones.

Back when I used to draw I made a lot of tree drawings. I'll try another drawing soon. I can still hold chopsticks for 20 minutes. I guess I can hold a pencil for 20 minutes at a time. 

In other news, I finally had a whopper. I been craving a whopper since 2019. For one reason or another I haven't had one until yesterday. It was amazing. 

My airbnb host offered a monthly room rate at their other house up the street for longer stay renters. Which could work for a month or so. Fact is, if I get this job tomorrow at the children's hospital I'm going to live as close to it as possible. Come May it starts getting hot, Vegas hot, lasting until September/October. Unfortunately I'm too far from the hospital where I am currently.

So far only one cowboy in Arizona eyeballed me hard. Then again we were at a restaurant in Tucson and the same cowboy shot eyes at a few younger gals with pink and purple hair. Shoot, he wasn't even a real cowboy. You know what I'm talking about. We been to enough rodeos growing up to know real cowboys wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything other than a Stetson. Homey had some cheap $15 Walmart hat on his head. Original Stetson hats are smooth. Don't eyeball me unless you're wearing a Stetson. There's your tagline.   



I have a job interview at a children’s hospital Wednesday morning in a shady part of Phoenix. Hello darkness my old friend.


THIS. I need a man who can tolerate this


Arizona does not recognize daylight savings. I forgot. California is an hour behind since the “Fall back”. 

I love my Airbnb hosts. I was a little chilly at night and my hosts gave me two more plush blankets and a plush comforter. Their last testimonial was written by a guy who said the house was too hot at night - but in 30 degree weather I like to burrow under lots of heavy covers when I sleep. I’ll stick out a foot if I get too hot. Doesn’t everyone? 

More hiking pics. 

Dig how the cactus all lean with the hill. I’m obsessed with giant cactus saguaro. I heard it takes 100 years for cactus to grow an arm. Imagine how many hundred it took for these giants to grow theirs. 

*I know their proper name is saguaro. But it’s my blog so - CACTUS 🌵 

Apparently I can get this nose mole surgically removed for about $500. It really bothers me. The mole under my left eye used to bother me when I was a kid but this mole on my nose might as well be a wart. Ain’t no one want warts!



I go hiking in lipstick and blush. Yep sure do.

Might run into a forrest ranger.👍🏻


More hiking photos.

Tree bones. 

Cactus. Everywhere.


Hiking photos.

My brother reminded me, “They say everything in the desert wants to stab you or kill you.” 

“Watch out for snakes and scorpions.” My LA friends advise. My LA friends who have never seen a snake in their natural environment. 😁

It’s too cold for them now. They’re hibernating. I’m fine. 



Christmas presents for everyone!





Nature el natural



Two small observations about Arizona. “Oh shit. Here we go.” No, nothing bad. People out here are amazing, or so the people I’ve met anyway. 

1. Whatever satellite Google maps is using needs to have their lenses cleaned. Maps has done me dirty almost every day since I’ve been here. I’d love to take a left at the corner, Maps, but there’s a thirteen foot concrete wall not even the creepy reptiles on V could climb. 

2. Santa hats on cactus. My brother even has one donning the tallest cactus in his front yard. His neighbor down the street has about a dozen Santa hats on his biggest front yard cactus plus one military camouflage hat. Apparently that part of the cactus has seen some shit. 

Everywhere I’ve been in Arizona is so nice. Then again it’s winter which makes it incredible to be outside here. But that’s when you want to relocate to the desert, during the winter months. Makes it easier to fall in love with the state. 

I might check out a bar later. I need a glass of red wine. 


Please remember folks…

Nooooow her on the other hand…



So I guess there’s a Magic Mike 3, coming out Valentine’s Day, and after seeing the preview I gotta say… 

I’m still an Aussie girl.

It’s the storyline that kills it for me regarding Magic Mike films. There’s only so many times you can “save the dance magic” Chan.


He’s feeling his Minnesota 💯 



Snoop Dog needs to narrate more wild life documentaries. 



Uhhh 🤔 


Good morning.

March 1, 2023.

My last day in Tempe, for now. Gonna hang out with my brother for a while starting tomorrow. I applied at my company's Scottsdale location last Saturday. I'm expecting to hear from them this week. Means I'm going to have to airbnb it in Scottsdale for a while. Forget finding a room on Craigslist. People are just as stupid on Craigslist in Phoenix as they are in Los Angeles. What happened to Craigslist? And where are all the people in Phoenix? 

The streets in Phoenix are bare. Where is everyone? It's like Scientology came in and fucked up that city too. I hope that's not what happened. 

Meals are like $10-$15 less in Arizona. 

I got a giant plate of tteokbokki & fish the other day for $10 which is like $25-$27 in LA.

There's a free local busline in Tempe called Orbit. The busses are named Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter... but no Uranus. Very disappointing. "It's the only way I would ever ride Uranus" alas I am unable to send that text. 



I almost believed Duff McKagan was Bucketsthedrummer until I remembered he doesn’t play drums. 

Or does he?🤔🐴


Went to the laundry mat but it was closed. Broken water main. Will have to do laundry at my brother's house. I will always be that little sister who has to do laundry at my brother's house.😅



“Uuhh fuck you.”

“Yeeeeah… fuck you too.”

Means so many different things to Gen X’ers. 


Hard facts about my generation. 💯 why I hate mamas boys, ya bunch of fucking pansy ass weirdos.😅

If you didn’t grow up calling your parents by their first names I don’t want to know you.😅


Netflix and chilling with myself lately. 

WEDNESDAY, excellent except for Morticia and Gomez. ZERO chemistry for supposed hot smoldering lovers. But the girl who plays Wednesday Addams is great.

Right now I'm watching SR. It's cool. But don't tell me I couldn't make a movie with my Iphone.




We don’t have laugh lines for a reason. 

Kevin’s booby traps were good. Mine are better. 


Remember 2021? When I could hide the nose mole?

Good times.


So I'm on my way to get lunch and there's a group of teenage girls on the street corner screaming and yelling, frantically waving at cars! And I'm like, HOLY SHIT! I run up, pull out my cell phone and pepper spray. WHERE IS HE?! WHERE HE AT?! Oh hell no, that motherfukker ain't getting away! I'm wearing fat heavy hiking boots. I'll STOMP the lungs out of him!! I'll.. I'll... Oh... wait... Soooooooooo no one was abducted?? Are you sure? Then why you bunch of crazy white teenage girls screaming at traffic?? Oh. I see. You have a car wash. For new cheerleader uniforms. Ok, look, see, I'm from Los Angeles, and, you can't just... (sigh)... fuck it. Here. $20.

This is going to take some adjusting. 



A beautiful day in Phoenix.


I keep forgetting to tell that kids at Starbucks to put TWO tea bags in the cup. Go ahead kids, charge me for the extra teabags. But Tempe Starbucks are the responsible relatives who only give ONE teabag because they want you to go sleep at a reasonable hour, unlike LA Starbucks, no fucks given, TWO teabags and some meth because they never want you to sleep ever the fuck again. 

I'm avoiding Scottsdale. I just. I don't want any LA vibes. I'm trying to heal! But that's where my immediate prior work companies are. (sigh)  

Everyone is so nice here. My airbnb hosts are amazing. The past two days I've been scoping the city. Everyone is just really chill. Reminds me of Minnesota growing up. There's no homeless, no trash spewed all over, it's a beautiful clean city. Sooooo yeah, I'm basically waiting to get murdered.😏 You don't understand, I have years and years of untreated neurosis! EXAMPLE: Why are these canals filled with water?! What do you mean you have a lake?! Aren't you in a drought?! What do you mean it rains here?! 




I’m watching Sunset Strip. Honey, I’m so boulevard when you make an illegal turn on Sunset the street screams my name… then makes a pothole. True story. 

Aaaaand good night. 


Pssst. The way you get hair to lay so pretty like this:

… Is to take the photo like this, and spin the picture around.😂 I’m laying on a pile of old speakers and sound equipment the photographer had in his studio. He found a backdrop tarp used in a Zakk Wylde photo shoot and threw it on top of the speakers. Then I, uncomfortable AF, laid down on the sparkly tarp pile of equipment, under the hottest MF lights in the world for like 20 minutes, while he brushed out my hair before shooting. 

I’ve got other photos from this shoot but this was the photo the art magazine used. Spun around - of course.🤭

Yes, those shampoo commercials LIE ‘cuz they’re a bunch of LIARS. No one’s hair naturally flows like that… Except for maybe The Arizona Viking Queen. Because she’s Satan. 


At Tempe Lake. If this nose mole gets any bigger I’m starting it’s own IG account.




I respect all culture who do not waste any animal parts for consumption. Nothing but respect. And I’m sure if you didn’t tell me what it was I was eating I might like intestine or brain (no probably not) just saying. I can’t knowingly eat liver, or kidney, or chicken feet, but I have nothing but respect for y’all. Nothing but respect. That said, I’m about to eat a hotdog. 😂

Trust me, I know exactly what’s in a hotdog. I know. 

I know.


Keep this going! 


Oh nothing. Just teaching Arizona Viking Queen’s cats bad habits. Reminds me, I want to see Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. 

Cue the trailer! 



Yesterday I was called a pretty pretty boy. Might say more about the fella who called me that than my current hair length.🤔

When my hair grows out a little more I’ll take another photo like this. Back when I was young and adorable.🫣

As you know I’m partial to circa Lana Turner vibe photographers. I don’t always like to shoot my own photos. Though most times I do. This photo was taken by a guy who shoots rock stars normally. I got him four stand alone studio lights for this shot. 


Whenever I see bull riding reels:


I'm in Tempe. I like it even though I can't get wifi on my phone at this Starbucks. And you know what, I don't care. Tomorrow I'm breaking in my new hiking boots. That's the thing in Arizona, hiking. I've yet to see a fat person here so I'm thinking there's something to it. I'm looking forward to hanging out with my brother next week. We'll either get along or one of us will be interviewed on the next Forensic Files. I kid. I kid. No, not really. We were close when we were youngsters. Then one day every conversation we had turned into a debate over stupidist shit. When my dad got sick and died it got super fucking ugly between us. We didn't talk for several years. He didn't know about my stroke until four months later. He actually seemed concerned which was a complete 180 from the fuck off vibe he threw at me on a daily basis seven years ago. We'll see what happens. 

My favorite nephew comes out in January from Minneapolis. I'm looking forward to that also. 

Welp, off to the asian market. I like Tempe. Reminds me of Orange, or any OC 'burb. 



You should have opened the plane door and thrown the kid out. 😏


Hard facts 


Her social media name is Di Kalanta. On IG she’s Kalanta_coffee. All she does is coffee ☕️ for which she is heavily parodied. I have tons of respect for her. While I won’t be trying many of her coffee concoctions she acknowledges the parodies made of her and does not shy away. 



“Thanksgiving” 😉


Y’all see what I do with cats. 



Gen X facts 


I'm listening to Dateline's podcast interview of Amber Heard, last June post trial.

I can only sum it up this way, she's an adult. When adults, when female adults, start talking about "years of abuse" my only response is then you should have left years ago. 

Women make themselves victims. I've had the worst past two years physically none of which I could simply walk away from. I wish I could have just walked away from stroke, jaw surgery, and a pandemic. But I could not. This bitch could have walked away "years" ago and chose not to. She took whatever abuse she thinks happened in hopes of advancing her career. These Hollywood bitches scream "victim" when they cannot cope. Good luck in your later years, honey. You're in for a RUDE awakening.



Can’t believe Toby & Derrick are gone. Cancer, and a brain aneurysm. How? How does this keep happening to us? Ever wonder if all the booster shots we got as kids… 


Hard facts 😂


I’ll just leave this here.



Hair goals! 


Nose mole! 



I relate, little girl. 


Look, fellas, if you need a shoulder to cry on go to your mates and cry on them. As a single woman who was raised in Minnesota where only the strong survive, I don’t cry. I was raised not to cry. I don’t want to see a grown man cry, ever. I get men need to cry, just go cry on your mates shoulders, thanks. — Especially a dude crying because he fell off a bull trying to be a tough guy!😂


Debating with rednecks on IG. Someone posted a reel with a bullrider falling off a bull and his daddy coming to rescue him from the bull. Look, assholes, if you’re going to be a tough guy by riding a bull, having your daddy save you after you fall off is about as pussy-move as you can get. Not gonna cry for you. I come from the generation of parents who said, “Well I guess your stupid ass won’t be trying that again eh!” Idiots. 



It’s ON like donkey Kong! Meh, it’s only the American Hockey League. OH! JEBUS! What did I just say?! You heard me, son! 


Only one of us is smiling 😊😾

Hockey season means wear ‘em if you got ‘em.


Yeah no.


Aaaand good morning.☀️


Someone needs to make a reel of just them talking.😂


LA Kings starting out rough but that’s okay. Fans need to be supporting our boys in black like: