Monday, November 1, 2021






If I have to keep wearing a mask even though I'm vaccinated, are you saying the mask works better than vaccines? Sooo why get vaccinated?  


"If you're vaccinated, wear a mask around people who are not vaccinated."

Um. But. But. If I'm vaccinated why would I need to wear a...


"May I give you a kiss?" He asked her.

OH MY GOD THAT FUCKING MONSTER!! He actually said MAY I? What a dick!!

*Smirk emoji isn't enough here. This one earned Asian resting bitch face smirk.


I feel like peeing on someone. 

I'm talking to you Joshua

You're lucky you didn't drag Wetzel's. I recently did an IG post on Wetzel's, and then YOU had to go and do this, dragging Auntie Anne's. Yeah yeah "for your cookbook". Whatever

You miss the point of junk food, Joshua.

Now, over here, my Korean brother understood the assignment. 

THAT'S HOW you Korean junk food. 

(I love Korean potato corn dogs. LOVE them.)



I finally got someone at the DMV on the phone. 

Hi! Great! So on October 14th I renewed my ID and was wondering where it is.

(I answer a series of security questions)

"Good news" she says, "It looks like your ID was processed in Sacramento on November 9th."

Great! (they're in Sacramento, I'm in Los Angeles, 6 hours by car) so I can expect it in the mail in like what, a week?

"You should get your new ID in 4-6 weeks."

I'm sorry could you please repeat that? I was too busy getting fucked in the ass with the dick of Kong.

"I said you should get it in 4-6 weeks."

Yep ok thanks. Just making sure I heard you right. 


“Oh baby yuuuuuu got what I need. But you say he’s just a friend…”


The world is shitting on everybody. Welcome to the party!


JEWISH PEOPLE IN LA: "I can't believe this racism is happening to us!"


Yes, just you, Jewish people. It only happens to you.


Aaahhh The DMV "customer service" phone line. There is nothing quite like getting "Go fuck yourself!" customer service from the DMV. Brings tears to my eyes. You can't get a real person on the phone. Nope I've tried, and tried, and tried. Tomorrow I'm going to have to stand back in line at the fucking DMV to find out what the fuck happened to my ID. Because without my ID I can't update my change of name back to my maiden name on my bank accounts, social security, passport, and for work. Almost 7 fucking weeks I've been waiting. "It'll come in 3 to 4 weeks" they said. LIES!


I actually heard this one before.


Preach, Preacher! 

This is how I feel waiting for my new CA ID to come in the mail. It’s only been 6 weeks.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿง๐Ÿคจ



Why you ending my day like this, Ryan? But why?๐Ÿฅบ




The medical, pharmaceutical, media worlds just picked a random date and said "on this day you must be vaccinated." Really? Because people who get vaccinated can still get Covd, right? That's why we still have to wear masks right? Because the vaccinations don't work, right? Or is it the vaccination don't work until after October? Or is it the vaccinations don't work at all that's why there's booster shots. Or is it that vaccinations do work but we have to continue wearing masks anyway because... because... because WHY??

You people are fucking ridiculous.

In other news...



Yay! A meteor! It's about time!


Vaccines either work, or they don't work. YOU CANNOT KEEP US LOCKED DOWN WITH "COVID" FOREVER.

None of this makes sense anymore.


Total number of people who have asked to see my vaccination card - ZERO.


I actually woke up angry over this. 

So Steve Burton's last day shooting as Jason Morgan on General Hospital was in October. OCTOBER! Was there no Covid prior to October? 

There better be a big "rescue Jason" from the mad scientist where Sonny busts down the door just in time before Jason is reanimated from patient 6 into a serial killer... or something! 

You can't keep destroying power couples off GH, that's your jam!




This one is perfect.


I’m trying to finish writing this piece. But there’s a Sex And The City marathon going on all weekend. It actually ends around 10pm tonight, but still…




Dear 20/30-something males of the world, stay in your lane. Whatever you're going through is not so bad you have to intrude in this old lady's lane. Yes, INTRUDE. I'm too old for you. Read that again. If I actually thought there was a snowball's chance in hell I could spend ten minutes on a date with you without the raging urge to murder you with a wood chipper, I wouldn't be suffering men MY AGE who don't know to send a photo text. Stay in your lane! 

That's all relationships are with people my age, the ability to hang out together and not want to murder each other. 

"Do you love him?"

I don't want to murder him. So yes.




I believe in freedom of choice. I believe adults have the right choose what's best for them. Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. But the fact everyone's livelihood in the hospitality industry has been utterly destroyed and further dictated since April 2020 doesn't make me weepy eyed for all these "woe is me!" Broadway assholes who think it only happened to them, or anyone else who thinks their lives were more impacted than someone else's. I know people who owned their own business 25 years who are now bankrupt but continued to pay employees full salary wages until the money completely ran out. Covid fucked everyone. But "oh no" lets just talk about those Broadway motherfuckers who actually get to go back to work. Unlike many other businesses whose doors are boarded up forever.

Get me the fuck out of here. I'm done.



I'm very VERY disappointed in you General Hospital, for breaking up the bromance of Jason and Sonny. Way to break up the band, Yokos.




We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas...

We wish you a Merry Christmas... directly underneath these power lines!


Where can I find a white button down shirt? Holy shit. I went to two Target, a Ross, an Outfitters, and a Marshalls. WTF?! 

This makes me happy. Thank you for trending this.


Happy mace someone in the face for a flat screen TV day!

Back in the day we all watched General Hospital for the Luke and Laura story. Luke "raped" Laura (forced seduction) and then they fell in love. Don't judge! Luke was drunk god damnit! That makes it okay.๐Ÿ˜ Shit happens. They fell in love. I watched GH just for Luke and Laura. Powercouple. And then the mega bromance happened between Sonny and Jason, and I watched GH when I could just for Sonny and Jason Morgan, but... but... You got rid of Jason Morgan because Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) isn't Covid vaccinated? WTF?! I don't want to see Jason's "twin" or some dude who had "plastic surgery" I WANT JASON. Way to fuck up my day General Hospital. My stress eczema came back too. I had just gotten rid of it and... 

Remember when Sonny and Carly hooked up and Jason caught them. And then Carly ended up with Sonny! BROS BEFORE HO'S! Ugh I was so stressed out. 

Will Christopher Cross write a song called THINK OF JASON? Like he did with THINK OF LAURA? 

*I know the Christopher Cross song isn't written about Laura Spencer's character on General Hospital. Calm down. But that's what General Hospital fans relate it with like it or not. And it got the song on Billboard top 10.

Just once I wish television (a dying source of entertainment FYI) networks would think of the fans.



Waiting for the 9am airing of the Thanksgiving Day Parade.



I was about 12 or 13 years old. On Sunday nights the local rock radio station (I want to say KQRS, but it wasn't, although that was a great radio station too where I worked one summer) anyway this other radio station had an 80's arena rock night from like 9pm-1am after repeat airing of Casey Kasem top 40 countdown. I think that 80's arena rock night program was called The Rock Show. If you know what I'm talking about you're old AF too. Remember when Kasem during top 40 Countdown would read letters (letters!) on the air that were mailed into him requesting a song for that special someone. Holy shit I'm old. And it was during this time I got heavy into S.E. HINTON books. I was reading THAT WAS THEN THIS IS NOW, then RUMBLE FISH, THE OUTSIDERS, and TEX.

At the time I only had a clock radio in my bedroom and a radio TAPE CASSETTE WALKMAN god damnit. Got a boombox like a year later. Turntable year after that. But as I was reading THAT WAS THEN THIS IS NOW the same songs kept playing on the Rock Show. Aaaand I heard one of them just now. Some black dude was blasting it from his car! And here I thought I was the only non white person to know the lyrics to this song!๐Ÿ˜‚


My blood pressure has been steady all November at around 103/70. That's kinda low for my age. That's the blood pressure of a woman in her 20's. Which makes me think I can get off my BP meds but I'll wait until my jaw heals. One thing at a time. Almost four weeks post oral surgery (three more months to go until the next surgery!) and while I can still feel that big incision going down my gums, the pain of surgery is pretty much gone. Now comes the horror, the realization I'm missing two goddamn teeth for the next three months or so. They tell you do NOT run your tongue over the surgical area because the bone grafts are still soft and the gums are still closing, but it's hard to never run your tongue gently over the surgical area. Gums with no teeth in them feel like jellyfish! 

During jaw surgery I couldn't feel anything but I pretty much knew what the surgeon was doing while she was doing it EXCEPT for when she cut my gums away from my jaw, I couldn't tell when she was doing that but I can clearly see now where she cut my gums away. The incision scars are pretty deep. And that whole area of my mouth feels like jellyfish! Totally weirds me out.

Stick your dick in that and tell me what it feels like!

* Don't actually stick your dick in a jellyfish. My lawyer says I have to say things like this from time to time because men people are dumb.


Waiting for the WIFI to reconnect...

Still waiting...

Still waiting...


Why are all the good ones taken?!



This time next year. I will be packing for Russia on the trans Siberian train to Moscow! No oral surgery. No Covid. No stroke. Goddamnit. 


I don’t know what this means? Starbu.. ๐Ÿค”


I miss having a family to cook Thanksgiving dinner for. One day I will have another one. I’m a traditionalist with Thanksgiving: turkey, honey ham, three kinds of stuffing (spicy sausage, cranberry/nut, and turkey), homemade mashed, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, sourdough buns… my ex Swedish in-laws never had green bean casserole until I made it for them. They loved it so much they ate it every day they were here to visit. Christmas dinner is pretty much the same additionally with fish, salmon, white fish. I’m from a German part of Minnesota, we eat fish at Christmas.

But until  I have another family…



Humans don’t deserve you.


๐Ÿ’ฏ more fun and loving than anyone I know.



My IG page is food. That’s what I do. I do food. I give people ideas how to eat for cheap. When you’re poor you learn tasty hacks. Like this one I posted today.

For a tasty fast cheap (and healthy) easy meal for two… 

I bought pre-made Kale salad in a bag. Save salad dressing and nuts for another day. Just use the lettuce. One microwave BBQ shredded beef pack. One package of flour tortilla. That’s right I’m not afraid to eat flour! Homemade spicy mayo. Salt. Pepper. 

Because you’ll use the left over ingredients for other things or more tacos, this one large soft taco is about $2.25.


I love you in a heterosexual way. You’re awesome. How do I meet friends like you? I would cook you dinner once a week for the rest of my life.


It seems we're hoarding toilet paper again. Target, just now. Did something happen? Was there a thing? 


Dear Stanford University,

2020 and 2021 epically failed your Marshmallow Test.

The World


1979: When I was a little girl I was told the only reason women work and go to college is to snag a husband. I laughed and laughed. Then 1989 rolled around, I packed my bags, flipped off Minnesota winters and left the arctic tundra for San Francisco.

2021: I start a five week gig after Thanksgiving and will be going to school to become a certified massage therapist after the new year to make money, and hopefully even more money... 

Aaaand to meet a boyfriend, possibly second husband. 

Since I can't find anyone I'm interested in to lay on top of me, might as well look for a second husband.



Have to meet boys out in the real world. That's why you have to work a few days where boys can see you, in public, and chat you up face to face.


I'm just going to balloon up and be fat. What the fuck am I doing all this hard work for, killing myself, looking good, when men are so goddamn stupid they don't post photos of themselves online (anywhere!) and just expect women to be interested in their (what?) dicks? 

Boys are dumb. 


What do marshmallows have to do with delayed gratification and reward? I don't eat marshmallows unless in s'mores in front of a campfire. Your A-game has to be WAY better than marshmallows to tempt me.


ME (yesterday): Hey there. Got your text. Can I give a proper reply this evening when I get home. Sorry busy day.

HIM: Whatever. Have a good night.

His age, 52 ๐Ÿ˜’


I’m done. This guy wins the internet for the day. 


Bro don’t… you will hurt brain… they won’t… you gotta just let them…




Please social media make this a trend. We need this.๐Ÿฅบ

I meant to say “lobe” until it’s love.


I took the job because I want to meet men to date. The job is in a prime location where (presumably) men can afford to take women out. I mean if they can afford to live there, they can afford to take women out. It’s just…


Good morning 



Call me crazy but it seems to me plucking vanilla beans would be much less work than milking a beaver's butthole?


Three weeks post surgery. Healing nicely. 

I can still feel that incision going down my gums. You can see the bone grafts packed in my gums. It’s what makes my gums look square.

Canines are looking especially sharp and drooly this morning. 


I was [this close] to getting sex yesterday but the fella didn't want to come over. Instead he wanted me to go all the way to Pasadena to his house. I don't live anywhere near Pasadena. 

Why don't you want to come here?

"I have to think about my safety."

What about MY safety going to your house?

"I have no interest hurting anyone."

Neither do I. (And while I am freaky strong) I'm pretty sure you could take me.

"Yea but not your big hulking boyfriend."

I don't have a boyfriend.

"How do I know that?"

How do I know you're not three hulking men? (Not that I'm against that)

"Because I'm telling you it's just me."


Y'all can see my dilemma here. I had to cut off communication at this point. 

His age, 54.


When you make THE PERFECT dildo masturbation video for a friend only to be told your file is too large to send through email.๐Ÿ˜ฉ It's only 4.49 minutes long. I mean. 

*Normally I can rub it out in under 3 minutes but I was being fancy. 

Fuck. Editing.



Apparently my dad was more gangster than I originally thought him to be. He knew how to text, set up his wifi, he knew what a gif was. Laugh, but at 70 my dad was proficient enough to follow an IP address. MEANWHILE I can't seem to find one man over the age of 55 who can download an app onto his phone! Do men just quit after a certain age? Just give up, say fuck all and follow the same six routine steps every day for the rest of his life? 

1. Oatmeal 
2. Work
3. Lunch
4. Work
5. Dinner
6. Sleep

If I have to go younger, maybe do a 40 year old man trial run?

I just... 

Don't understand what the problem is?


This would be nice today.



If you’re just going to fuck other people WHY get married?๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ™„


I blame swinger wives. They're completely fine with their husbands not giving a single fuck about them, their marriage, their children, and allow their husbands to pimp them off so the husbands can fuck other men's wives. Good job ladies.๐Ÿ‘ And then the morons who you allowed to fuck you (just to amuse your husbands) write ME and think all the they have to do fuck me is say hello. NO ASSHOLES. I'm not married. I can FREELY FUCK WHOEVER I WANT without some asshole husband narrating and negotiating everything to his benefit.

Peacocks try harder looking for a mate.


Facts. I haven’t drawn anything in over a year and I’m still…


Remember when we said "Man, when I move away from home and get my own place I'm gonna be such a ho." And then immediately after we got our own places we fell madly in love and/or got married. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Hi. DMV? I have not yet received my new... (click)


Hi. DMV? I'm sorry to bother you but I was told if I did not receive my new... (click)


Hi. DMV? I was told to call this number after 4 weeks if I did not receive my new... (click)


Hi. Suicide prevention hotline?


Gordon Ramsey dancing to his own awesomeness is the proper way to start a Friday. That and a second cup of tea.



This will never be not funny.


"This is doo-doo."

"But my friends call me shitface."


Oh Clive. You silly Englishman.


Whoa buddy. I just asked if you were bi 'cuz you said "flexible". You didn't have to hit me with the transgender question right out the gate. You could have asked if I was bi. Lead up to, "How big is your cock?" A girl likes to be romanced!

I like how it's just tossed into casual conversation now.๐Ÿ˜


Oh lawd Jesus please let this be a trend. Oh lawd.

Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it.


I’m not for everyone!


Racist transgender male with sensitive nipples and fear of chocolate ๐Ÿซ seeks old fashioned missionary sex. 

My Eharmony profile is coming along nicely.


Apparently I’m a racist transgender male who is afraid of chocolate. But YOU on the other hand want me to wear a diaper, so even in this scenario who’s the fuck up? You. The answer is you. You’re the fuck up.


That's two, two men in the last 24 hours to ask me if I'm willing to wear a diaper. I'll be 53 in January. Soon enough fellas but there will be NOTHING sexy about it!! Not that there's anything sexy about women wearing diapers to begin with.๐Ÿ˜ฃ WTF is that anyway?? And y'all fighting over shaved pussies?? I don't even want to know what they're fantasizing about with women wearing diapers. I just don't....

Christ I need a drink.



I do not have FOC (fear of chocolate). I'm simply not sexually attracted to black men. Or Asian men for that matter. But no you're right it's "fear". 

Christ. I liked it better when you called me racist. 


Goddamn. I said goddamn.


This made me laugh way too hard. 


Thank you for explaining it to me. I should have known this was the reason.



I love her.๐Ÿ˜… 

Looking for something for a “friend”. 


I feel you sis.๐Ÿฅบ I mean, I’M PRETTY! 


New gums! I wonder if all the incisions are going to close up too? Or if they will just stay that way? I have questions! Bet my new dentist regrets giving me his work number to “Text me if you have any questions.”

Sir, I have questions!


It’s a real game. I don’t care what anyone says.


Is he still a fuckboy at 59?๐Ÿคจ

Just finished watching (1982 film) MAE WEST with Ann Jillian. So good. 


2 1/2 weeks post oral surgery and I'm still showing off my jawline. Look! Look! Fuck you stroke & jawbone degeneration. No drooping. 

53 in January. My FOY game is TIGHT.๐Ÿ˜œ 

(FOY = Fountain Of Youth)

I'm constantly taking picture of the surgical area in my mouth. My new thing now is watching regenerated gum cells grow closing the gum sockets where teeth were pulled. Pink fleshy gums. The human body is ridiculous. I find that when I take photos now I'm always putting my jawline forward. Look! No drooping. Aramis is like, "Yeah. Great. No drooping. Is this the only reason why you're texting me?" And I'm like NO, look at the new gums growing in my mouth! GUMS! He'll be so happy when I get a boyfriend. He's like please get someone to lay on top of you by the time you get implants. March next year buddy. In the meantime... Look at my gums! 

Question: Are they still fuck buddies when you haven't had sex with them in ten years? 

The problem is I've been single since 2012. And I was pretty much alone in my marriage for a long time before then. Now I get turned off so fast. 

EXAMPLE: Chatting with a fellow today I asked him a question and he replied, "Didn't I answer this already?" So I scroll up our brief chat. Nope. No sir. You did not. Aaaand now I'm not interested anymore.


I love this guy's social media. He reminds me so much of Derrick๐Ÿ˜ญ but in a good way. Derick and Ynhi were these two RIGHT HERE with their humor. 

Miss you Ynhi and Derrick. I miss my birthday twin. My Capricorn brother. 



God damnit!!





RECAP: I never had my wisdom teeth pulled. They didn't grow in until I was in my 40's, the last one not until my late 40's, the last one caused the problem. One morning my jaw was in excruciating pain. I went to one surgeon whose office said they were going to extract three teeth and implant two. Then threw dollar amounts at me and said they wanted total costs of surgery and implants upfront. SHADY. I walked out of that office and got a second opinion. The second surgeon's office sent me to radiology where they took an x-ray of my entire head, not just my teeth, and showed me where my jaw had actually started degenerating from the roots of my teeth being mashed up against each other caused by the last wisdom tooth. The surgeon informed me that they don't pull wisdom teeth with people over 40 unless there's a problem. The surgeon also informed me that had the first surgeon extracted my teeth and simply put implants in without taking care of the degeneration in my jaw, I would have absolutely needed another surgery costing me more money, more pain and recovery, and quite possibly would have needed plastic surgery. 

Photo 1: Is the surgical site in my mouth a few day post surgery

Photos 2-4: Were taking just now 17 days post surgery

I cannot thank Dr. Mann enough. Her, and her office. THANK YOU for saving my jaw. In about 3 more months I'll have implants put in once the bone grafts infuse with my jaw bone, and the gums completely close back up.


I actually do love all the people who email me over and over, and over, and over. Because when my looks go to shit in another fifteen years y'all be the first emails I reply back to.




I feel you hard on this one sis! 



Drag those bitches! DRAG THEM HARD! DRAG THEM!


You’re right. That’s too aggressive. 


Princess Blowjob is, as Princess blowjob does. 

Here’s your cum spit bucket and shot of penicillin, your Highness. 




Um. Catorce is 14, I believe. And if you have 14 cats well, ๐Ÿ˜ป


Don't be ridiculous. As if I'd ever let that idiot touch me.


Goddess cumslut
Princess gape ass
Queen whores a lot 

About as sophisticated as a used condom.


Whoever started this whole "Queen" trend for heterosexual women can suck my dick. I don't give a shit what your occupation or hobby is, TAMMY, you're not the supreme Highness of Bannockburn, Illinois. Therefor NO ONE should be addressing you as Queen-anything simply because you have a vagina. 

Tina Turner is the Queen of rock because she EARNED that title.
Billie Holiday is the Queen of jazz.
Aretha Franklin is the Queen of soul
Queen Latifah, can call herself Queen, because before her rap music was a boys club until she commanded respect of record labels. She earned her name. She didn't call herself Queen simply for waking up, getting dressed, and making a tik tok video about it.

Fuck you, feminists. If any of my childhood girlfriends, who I love and adore with every breath I take, decided to promote themselves in their work place as something like "Goddess Staci", she would swiftly receive a text message from me along the lines of, "BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH Y..."

Calling yourself Queen, or Princess, or Goddess makes me want to do what your parents should have done years ago, taken off the belt and beat some sense into you.

Yeah, Yeah...

Whatever you say Princess Heidi of tits and blowjobs. 


Why is everyone always in an F'ing hurry? This is why I only kik chat with people. Very very few people will get an immediate response out of me if they text my phone number. And I never answer my phone -- unless we're mid something in the works and you're cancelling or running late, and even that can be text to me.

People who need to talk on the phone, or people who are in a hurry for responses, can fuck all the way off. Everyone can text. If you can read an email, you can text.  

Sure, I could have gone out this weekend. Don't want to. Too hot. I'm over the hot weather. It's November. The fact I didn't text you back within two hours means MAKE OTHER PLANS. Why how do people not know this? 



THIS trend going on right now!


Boomer: “Snapface your instatalks”


๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ!!! Girrrrrl


Dear Princess, Goddess, Goddess, Queen, Princess, Goddess, Queen... come see me in about (oh) ten years, five if you're Caucasian because some most you ladies can't age gracefully for shit. 

I look young for my age because I'm Asian and made of magic. But everyone can still call me by my actual first name.๐Ÿ˜ 


You see boys and girls, cross dressing isn't JUST your generation.๐Ÿ˜ 

Bugs was in drag loooooong before social media. #GOAT


Legal question: If everyone at the time was between 13-15 years old including the camera person, and pictures were taken one weekend at the lake, kids being kids, and 35 years later those photos still exist and are in possession of the camera person... (you see where I'm going here right?)


All I said was, "If you love me you'll let me suffocate you with my vagina." 

Apparently that is more of a second date thing to say.


I also grew up watching cartoons. Imagine my surprise when I learned this was not socially accepted behavior.๐Ÿ˜

Cartoons lie? They sure do! School was just... disappointing.๐Ÿ˜



If your idea of hanging out with me is watching a football game... You... No. 

Just no. Not sorry.


Good job judge. 

Now go after Britney’s dad. That asshole owes her a lot of money!




Just an observation. Since having oral surgery two weeks ago my blood pressure (after prescription meds) has been steady around 101/73. Which is low not only for someone my age, but someone with hypertension. The whole reason I take blood pressure meds is because I was diagnosed with hypertension of which there is no known cure. My blood pressure cannot maintain healthy levels without prescription drugs, or so I'm repeatedly told. But then why are my numbers so low? I've been on a liquid diet past two weeks. Only recently back eating solid foods. In fact, I've had to add extra sodium back into my diet to keep my blood pressure at 100/70. I guess what I'm trying to say is -- I don't trust any y'all.   

I'm going to try weaning off again. I firmly believe it can be done. 


The number of businesses who have asked to see my vaccination card --- 0. 

Yes, even in WEHO -- 0.


Thank you. HIPAA not HEPA not HIPA not HIPPA. (FFS)




I can relate sis.




Smack him a few times for me too brother.


The last piece of suture fell out of my mouth this morning. What a relief. It's like being a little kid waiting for your last baby tooth to fall out. Now it's just the long wait for my gums to completely close and the bone grafts to completely harden. My mouth still feels like surgery has indeed occurred in there, just less. Getting the teeth extracted was one thing. The bone saw across my jaw, having my head held down and my jaw literally held in place while the bone saw was in my mouth, that feeling will stay with me for a little while longer yet. 

Withal, I'm back to my full bouncy self. It has been an interesting goddamn year.

Now it's time to shine up my A-game. I will have a boyfriend to drink eggnog with. Oh yes. Yes I will! Is it sad I'm only considering gigs where I might land a man to lay on top of me on a regular basis? And whatever happened to missionary sex? "That's so 1982!"   

Yesterday was my intro back to a full day of solid food after 11 days of liquid. Back on the intermittent fasting schedule. Eating a soft taco after 11 days of liquid food be liked:

Seems my "period" that came the other morning was just a brief threatening reminder that it could still come any time it wanted. Well played menstrual cycle. Well played. I'll only be 53 years old in January. Quick! Someone get me pregnant! I long to chase an 8 year old around at 61! Holy shit, NO. I would actually like to be a grandma though. How do I make that happen? 

The weather warms back up in LA this weekend. Means we'll be seeing more west side trust fund ladies in Ugg boots, hunting hat with very long peaks, and bikinis while eating vegan ice cream.

It's good to be alive. No, really. 



But... But... You can still get Covid if you've been vaccinated that's why we still have to wear masks to enter grocery stores, and to go to and from tables in restaurants, right? Right?


And People rag sexiest man alive is...

Wait that can't be right...







Paul Rudd


Was Chris Hemsworth not available?

Was Chris Pine not available?

Was ANY guy named Chris not available? 

NOVEMBER 9, TUESDAY (11 days after oral surgery)


Tik tok hitting hard.๐Ÿฅบ


Please help them find the owner (or family) of these photos taken in 1943. Please look at this tik tok link. Amazing! 


Marry me.

Not by breeding, silly. Literally MAKE baby zombies together.


After surgery I got a 3 day post surgery instructional. It just said rinse your mouth out with warm sodium water several times a day to avoid extra bacteria, take pain meds & antibiotics as prescribed, avoid hot/spicy food, eat soft food like soup, ice cream, and mashed potatoes which I did beyond three days. I did it for a week. 

Last Friday was my one week followup and the young doctor on duty said I could eat whatever so long as it didn't hurt my jaw. Chew on the non surgical side (no brainer). If my jaw got sore stop eating it. Which is something I would do even if I didn't have surgery. I'm not a Homer Simpson where I'd be like, "OMG it hurts so bad eating this, but I can't stop! NOM! NOM! NOM!"

I've lost another inch off my waistline. Liquid diet. I'm only now 11 days post surgery eating soft chicken tacos. No spice. (sigh) 

I'm on repeat. I'm constantly having to remind people I had oral surgery. I HAD ORAL SURGERY. Not just my teeth. MY JAW. I can still hear the buzzing of the bone saw in my mouth. Mother F'ing daunting! 

I had to once again assure a guy I wasn't trans and he still wouldn't believe me unless I gave him a naked picture of myself spread eagle. Are you fucking serious? "Crop your head or blur your face." He said. Then it kind of defeats the whole identifying me as a woman, then, eh?
If you have to ask if I have a cock, maybe I'm not the gal for you. And I know it's because I'm Asian. We have smooth skin, no body hair, I have girlfriends who were born male and still have their male parts, but fuck all if you would know it just by looking at them. Only thing is, they tell men UPFRONT "I was born male. I still have my dick and balls." And you would be surprised how many men are still down. Or maybe you wouldn't be surprised, I dunno. 

No. I do not have a cock. That's not MY penis in my shirt. It's the penis of a guy who kept asking me for pussy pics. I hocked his off and kept it as a trophy. There, does that make you feel better meeting me?๐Ÿ˜  

I actually do have a picture of me without wrinkles in my shirt. But fuck. Seriously? I have to prove I don't have a dick before you'll meet me??

Feel better? Is your manhood intact once more? Morons. 


Thankfully another suture came undone. This morning it was hanging loose in my mouth. I just ate some soup and noticed the suture is now gone. I have only the one suture left. Good. I was getting a little worried like why are the two sutures still in my mouth 11 days after surgery? One had fallen out. I was wondering why the other two were still in there. But now there's just the one. I'm on day two no pain meds. So this is a good sign. The only thing that freaks me out now is, when I move my tongue away from my gums they seem to fall apart where the surgeon had to cut and pull away. Is that normal?? The young doctor on duty last Friday said it was normal. He said the gums are regenerating back to their normal shape but it will take time. 

Photo 1 is two days after surgery (you can see all sutures, excess grafts, part of the sheet of membrane poking out)

Photo 2 is like three days after surgery

Photo 3 is now when my tongue is next to my gums

Photo 4 is now when I pull my tongue away from my gums, and you can see that disgusting scab forming in the socket where my wisdom tooth was. 

If you REALLY want to see what my mouth looked like after surgery, I'll post it. It's really not as horrid as I originally thought. 

There's one suture left in there.

Nothing but food and drink, toothpaste and sodium water, goes in my mouth until the incisions and open socket close, and even after that nothing goes in my mouth that will move the grafts around. I don't ever want a bone saw in my mouth ever EVER ever again. It didn't hurt, none of it hurt, but I definitely knew what was going on. If the grafts move mid infusion they'll saw the grafts out and start over. OH HELL NO. 


Woke up to pee and noticed I started spotting. THERE IS NO GOD. Which also explains why I’ve been so horny lately. 

Yes. Agreed with this tik tok. But it’s still your body. Take care of it.

Just saying. 





Preach, Preacher!



Pulling my shirt down because I have GIANT hairy balls. Not hairy. I manscape. I'm not an animal! 

I get asked quite often if I'm "all girl". Apparently this is an issue with men 25-50 where every trans person they've met were Asian women. I'm only part Asian, so.... 

Worry not, the German females in my family are MUCH more masculine feminine.


If I wanted to get laid all's I would have to do is just walk out my front door. So to that married old man who I don't find the least bit attractive, um, why should I want to fuck you? 

No no, I'll wait while you drum up an answer I won't find ridiculous.


I've supported the brand on many occasion. 


I feel this one. With both my GP... AND I went to a different surgeon for my oral surgery than the asshole I originally consulted with. I could not imagine enduring what I did with that first oral surgeon or his god awful office who threw dollar amounts at me without so much as talking with me about the procedures. I'm so glad I went to who I went to. Additionally their office is where I met my new dentist who is just amazing and will be doing my implants.    


After much consideration I've decided to apply to masseuse school. It's the only thing remotely doable financially. The one I want to attend is in Hollywood **shudder** but they are recognized by the state of CA as having (whatever that accolade is called a school needs to be considered a legit masseuse school.) 

Getting a real estate license is doable but then you have to work for a mortgage broker, so then why not just become a broker? I'll tell you why, because it's 1-3 years in school. Whereas masseuse and real estate certificates can be acquired within 4 or 5 months.  

(sigh) This pandemic and my divorce are two worst financial disasters of my time. I'm afraid to save money again. At my age I'd probably just die before I could enjoy it. On the plus side I only had my full seven day period once this year so far. Hooray! 

CA Superlotto is 33 million. Yes, I play when it's this high. Aramis thinks I'm crazy for playing but you know if I win, I'll end up dying before I can truly enjoy the money which means you my dear Aramis will be among my few millionaire heirs. 


I normally do blur out names and accounts of peoples social media when I re-post them here, but what that women said about feminists pissed me off -- just as much as feminists do. Saying feminists prevent you from cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your husband, children, and home, is like a man saying he can't vacuum the floor because he doesn't know where the outlets are. But the second he wants to hook up the XBOX to a smart TV he'll install 10 new outlets, and then 5 more just to be sure he has enough. I would be happy if you didn't let your kids run rampant and unsupervised in the (everywhere!) And that's not because of feminists, it's because you're a shit parent.


A legit masseuse. When people were surveyed during Covid as to what luxuries they gave up and didn't give up to save money, they gave up their housekeepers, and kept their masseuses. DO NOT ask me for "happy ending" massages. There are currently TWO people I would do that for, because we have had relations though not recently, but I would also not charge them for massages. (You know who you are.) Sorry Aramis, I won't massage you. That would be too weird.๐Ÿ˜– 

I need a backup plan in case I don't get into a school. The last time I had a morality background check I was 19 and failed gloriously.

Any hockey games on today?     


Aaand good night. ๐Ÿ’ค 


Hello Kitty Kitty

NOVEMBER 6, SATURDAY (day 8 post oral surgery)


I love my kitty garter.


I miss my grey hair to be perfectly honest. But y'all hated it so much.

Did it really look that bad?


Uh. No. What feminists ruined were the roles women chose to embrace and excel at because they (feminists) think all women are equal and should get trophies just for being born.

AND THEN women like you come along and say stupid shit like this.


On the plus side I can eat more solid food, chewing on the non surgical side obviously the young doctor said. My jaw is maybe 10%-15% swollen still but the "excavation site" is very sore. I have pain meds for it. I'll be sticking to soft fish and soup for a while yet. Took this just now. I asked the young doctor if the incisions ever reopen on their own and he said no. I don't remember his exact words but it was along the lines of the gums are already in process of regenerating their shape. You can see where they cut away my gums to expose the jaw. The remaining two sutures are still there. I know there were three sutures because I was awake during the entire procedure on account of my stroke 8 months ago they wouldn't put me to sleep, surgeons talk during the operation, and I could feel the long sutures drag across my face as the surgeon put them in. 


Capricorn behavior.


The moment I can, I’m so doing this. 



Remember Babymetal?


That would be ME. I'm the photographer! I do all my own stunts! And I do it with a tripod and iphone. 

Listening to Cheap Trick, searching for something to draw. 


Hooray it's not dry socket. After my wisdom tooth was extracted there was no blood clotting, you know, because I'm dead inside. Instead, a very disgusting crusty off white thing is growing in the hole which the doctor assured me is just the scab and is perfectly normal. Gross. But normal. he gave me a small water plunger thingy to clean out the hole of food debris if rinsing with salt water doesn't work until the hole closes which could take (fucking) months because there's no blood clot... you know, because I'm dead inside.  

Apparently the sutures the surgeon put in my mouth dissolve/fall out on their own, Thank goodness. Did I know that and forgot? Probably. 

And so I ask the doctor on duty, "How long until I can, you know, get physical (winky winky)" The young doctor on duty looks at me and without skipping a beat says, "Now. There should be no problem." And I'm like REALLY? I can get physical now? And he's like, "Yeah, no problem. Just protect your jaw." And I'm like, HUH? And he says, "I mean don't go back to kick boxing if that's your thing but going to the gym is fine. Going on hikes is perfectly fine. Just be mindful of your jaw. The grafts will be infusing for...." And then I tapped out.



A male friend said I’ll be discriminated against for my age. He said no one wants a 55 year old girlfriend. He said no one will hire a 55 year old woman. I’ll be 53 in January. We’ll see about that! 


Back to the oral surgeons today. We'll see if they take the rest of the sutures out or put this one that fell out yesterday back in today, or what. Last day of antibiotics which mean SUNDAY FUNDAY. 

Most of the swelling on my jaw has gone down. Doesn't look like I'm harboring a tomato in my cheek anymore. And I'm finally getting back down to my "fighting" weight. According to Google 50 years ago women's waistline at fifty years of age was 28 inches. Today it's 35 inches (if they're lucky). What happened? My weight gain was from being lazy during the pandemic. Only towards the end was I like holy shit I got fat! But I'm almost at 28 inches again. Two weeks of liquid diet after surgery helps.  

So I guess because my wisdom tooth was impacted no blood clot formed over the hole when the tooth was extracted and so now I have dry socket? Which means constant warm water sodium rinses I guess. Does it close on it's own? Questions for the surgeon.  

This weird path I'm currently on has lead me to some very intriguing people. Of course when you post pictures like this on the internet that's bound to happen.๐Ÿ˜



One suture just fell out of my mouth. They put three long sutures in. Aaaand one just fell out. Good thing they’re all coming out tomorrow.๐Ÿ˜ณ


Heartburn. I got heartburn eating a cracker. Getting old is fun!

Tomorrow I get these stitches out. That white stuff is excess bone grafting you eventually just eat. They overpacks the jaw with it (I don't know why). But yes boys and girls that is the inside of my mouth 6 days post surgery. Excess bone grafting is like chewing sand for the past week. You can see the incision lines still where they pulled my gums down and sawed out the "dead" jaw bone. That hole way in the back is where my wisdom tooth was. Nothing happened back there after pulling the tooth so it's just left open to heal. I have pics from the first day after surgery but they're pretty goddamn rough. That's why I waited 6 days to post a pic.  

In about four months when the bone grafts infuse with my jaw bone they'll put the screws in and screw in some new teeth. The antibiotics they have me on has a side of effect of having to go D they said, but since I'm on a mostly liquid diet I just have tons of deflating gas in the morning. Takes me back to the 90's. Ah yes. Cocaine. When 115 pounds dropped down to 95 pounds in a week, size 0, and every morning was spent all gassy as your body deflated from lack of, well, food. 

I eat a lot of apple sauce, mashed potato, and lately tomato soup. Which is weird because I hated tomato soup as a child. But I saw it in the grocery store coming back from surgery and it appealed to me. I'm trying to eat more eggs (for protein) and tried eating mac and cheese the other day which did not work. The "excavation site"  doesn't hurt that much anymore. Now it's just a nagging soreness but I definitely know surgery took place there. It's only been 6 days. I'm sure in another week I won't really notice anything. I'm craving sushi big time! Can't eat it yet though. I lost an inch off my waistline in 6 days.

My sex drive came back HARD. Is that weird?? Ima pillow princess the roof off this kingdom all weekend. All. Weekend.  

NOVEMBER 3, WEDNESDAY (Day 5 after oral surgery) 


Because reindeer are for helping Santa deliver presents to good girls and boys. Not for eating. 


While doing laundry this morning I contemplated what would really make me happy occupationally. Hmm. I always wanted to sell men’s clothing. There is nothing sexier than a well dressed man. I would totally get off doing that job. I would get so horny at work though omg. I also thought a masseuse would be cool. A legit CA certified masseuse. I just love being in the kitchen though. I still want my food truck. Or have my own foodie show.

A male friend said no one would hire a 55 year old woman. No one wants a 55 year old woman working for them. I’ll be 53 in January. I guess we’ll just have to see about that.


I kind of think telling a woman you want to tie her up during sex is more of a fourth date conversation. Not so much on the initial email.๐Ÿ˜ 

*Like a female praying mantis. "Thanks for the babies! Nom. Nom. Nom.*


Having had this type of oral surgery really fucks me up. I can't go anywhere. Not for at least 3 months. I can break in between surgeries. Do some travel. Have sex. Suck dick. And then come back and get the remaining surgeries. It's not like you can see where I'm missing two teeth. It's the back left molar and pre-molar or whatever its called. The tooth next to it. I can still smile. But I'm curious how many men are willing to just please ME sexually for a while. After all the blowjobs with zero reciprocation, I'm over-fucking-due.  


Upon searching career jobs for older women the internet pretty much said, "Naw. You're kidding right?" And then redirected me to AARP who pretty much said, "We have a lot of volunteer positions available." And I firmly believe you can help yourself by helping others. I totally believe that. And then I saw it, they have kitty care volunteer jobs available! Two hours in the morning. Two hours at night. And you get to also cuddle and play with KITTENS.๐Ÿ˜ป The facility is in Westwood. What is it about Westwood? Everything in my life lately keeps taking me to Westwood. Interesting. 

Since I'm stuck in LA for the holidays might as well love me kittens. KITTENS!๐Ÿ˜ญ 


I forgot to mention the thin tissue of membrane. After the bone grafts were in, the surgeon placed a thin layer of white synthetic membrane tissue atop of the grafts to start the infusion process. Within days the tissue gets, well, eaten. You eat it. It tears away automatically from the grafts once it's done it's job and basically gets eaten. Like a female praying mantis after she's done mating. Do the males know they're getting eaten afterwards?


I did sleep. But I’m up and down a lot. Every motivational speaker has been replaced by tik tok.


Capricorn ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Preach, Preacher


My chant before every first date.


My outgoing message…


My internet bestie is a Preacher.

NOVEMBER 2, TUESDAY (Day 4 after oral surgery)


I received a phone call reminding me to come in on Friday to get these stitches out of my mouth. Like I need a reminder. Oh these things? These many pieces of twine holding my gums together? Oh gosh I completely forgot about them. Thank you for the call or I would have completely forgotten. (sarcasm off)

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to! You can't change me! If I want to bitch about having my jaw sandblasted by a bone saw, I will! You don't get the therapy behind this blog? If you don't know me by now. You will never never know me. OOOoooooooh.


Please kinsman, please stop yelling at me about shit I have nothing to do with. I get you're upset and heartbroken, baby we've all been there, but taking it out on me will not bring her back. We all know what it's like to love the wrong person. Don't ask me how to "love the you're with" because I have no idea. Just spend more time with whoever you've been spending time with. Maybe THAT PERSON is worth loving? No?


Relationship goals!


I was in the west valley yesterday. My favorite place (she said with sarcasm). I past a fat fluffy cat who needed my love (poor thing was all dirty, hair matted) but he seemed very content being a hobo kitty on the kitty bed someone left out for him. I'm sure the neighborhood feeds him. He was rather fattish. Still, you know my heart when it comes to stray cats. I was madly in love with a stray porch kitty in Vegas as you may remember. He refused to leave Vegas with me. He sat on the sidewalk with my downstairs neighbor as the Lyft took me to the airport, leaving my stray kitty behind. I loved that kitty cat so much. He really broke my heart.

The swelling on my jaw has gone down a lot. The tooth next to the "excavation site" stopped hurting finally. The medical websites said it would. It was simply tender because it was the tooth next to the teeth that had to be extracted. Now there's just a general annoying pain radiating from the "excavation site" which I have painkiller for. Yesterday I accidentally popped a small piece of soft scramble egg on the surgery side and bit down. Habit. I chew on that side. It didn't hurt so much as I worried about moving the bone grafts. The stitches come out Friday but the bone grafts take up to three months to infuse with my jaw. Last thing I want to do is move them around or they have to start all (the fuck) over again. Drilling out the old bone grafts and lay in new. There's only so many times one should experience a bone saw in their mouth. I've reached my desired quota, thanks. 

As for sex. I'm not supposed to do anything physically exerting for at least two weeks. The medical sites say you can resume regular sex practices two weeks after oral surgery but again, I don't want to move those bone grafts around. Not like I get a whole bunch of sex to begin with but what's my personal ad going to read? "Small penis only for oral sex. Jaw bone grafts."

Getting older sucks. Adulting sucks. And while this surgery is kind of considered cosmetic on account of you can survive with a thin drooping jaw, my face is my meal ticket. Always has been. Everyone wants to see what you look like in person - for everything. Everyone zooms. Everyone wants to look at you. 

EXAMPLE: No one initially falls in love with your personality or all the fat, chain smoking, acne infesting Karens would all have rockstar husbands. Remind me again who Adam Levine's wife is? It's bad enough being a stroked out 52 year old woman on prescription drugs. But a droopy jaw on top of it? No. Nope. Not gonna happen. That's where I draw the (jaw) line.   

Now that Halloween is over we're all making plans for the holidays. My travel plans have been squashed but I might actually have a NYE date for the first time in forever. A couple I've been chatting with on Kasidie from San Diego. I hope it works out. They're so hot. Fun. Friendly. I miss being a unicorn. Let me have one more ride before being put to pasture, yes? I could really use a fun hot date riiiight about now. 
NOVEMBER 1, MONDAY (Day 3 after oral surgery)


My jaw is still a little swollen but way better than yesterday. ... 

I'm to Aramis's house to battle militia squirrels. I want to know who's making their helmets!  


I was a little panicked that the tooth next to the "extraction site" in my mouth was sore and felt loose, but then read that this is common due to swelling around the teeth. And there is indeed swelling although thankfully I woke up this morning to it having gone down since yesterday. 

I am staying with a kind friend but leaving soon. He was generous enough to allow me to hang out for a short stay to deal with my surgery which took place nearby his. And though he is away for work, it was comforting knowing there was another human being under the same roof. 

I've been alone for 9 years. (sigh) He would have to be just like me for us to cohabit. Like minds 100%.  

Of course the cost of this surgery, near future surgeries, and the length of time each surgery needs to heal, set back all travel plans and life in general for most of 2022 and the rest of 2021. There has to be reason for it all. There has to be. I guess we'll have to wait and see what that reason is. 

The year started with a stroke, and is ending with jaw surgeries beginning last Friday. And if you ever have to have it, jaw surgery, I highly suggest going to sleep for it. I couldn't because my stroke was too recent. If I were to seize, stroke, or have symptoms of another stroke coming mid surgery, I would only know it if I were awake. Plus stroke meds might not jibe with their sleep compound, etc.

I'll cut and paste what I have already written about it.

Welcome, November. Lets see what you got. 

To recap...

It didn't hurt. None of it hurt. But yes, you knew what they were doing in there. You knew when they were pulling teeth out, heard the teeth clinking in the dish as they were being discarded, when they were cutting, sawing bone, when they were putting the grafts in, when they were putting stitches in. None of it hurt, but I knew what was going on. 

There's a rubber bit they put in your mouth to keep your mouth open. And they stabilize your tongue with gauze additionally to prevent blood from draining down your throat. And a few times blood splashed out onto my face. That was neat. The only time I was a little weirded out was when one doctor (in training) had to hold my head/jaw in place with her hands because the pressure of the other doctor working on me was fucking intense! I'm like, fuck it bring on the electro shock treatment! Bring it! I ain't scared!

My face is totally numb still on that side from surgery. Or rather, my fa'the i'th totally numb th'till on that th'ide from th'urdery.

Day after oral surgery and aside from my jaw being (obviously) sore all else is well. I took a picture of the top of my gum line where I had surgery. It's nothing too horrid. You see where they cut my gums down and sewed it back up. You see the stitches that are coming out next Friday. And you see the top part of the bone grafts, which looks like, well, bone. Of course there's dried blood and bruising. 

I don't mind so much missing Halloween parties tonight. I apologize to my date but shit happens. In lieu of a Halloween party I had a bone saw in my mouth and really, does it get more Halloween than that? No.

** They used an alloplast bone graft material on my jaw. It's some kind of glass mineral found in bone, or so I read. I can only see the top of my gum line but it's fascinating watching the material harden into bone. Today is only day 2 but the bone graft has already turned into a more solid white, clear, white milky color. It's all just so weird and fascinating. I read they can also use actual bone that was harvested from a human being, you or someone else. I'm an organ donor. Mindless donor, as in I don't really give it much thought. Why would I? I'm dead. But if you should ever receive anything harvested from my body, first, I'm sorry. Whatever you do it's not your fault. I'm a horrible human being.๐Ÿ˜

Thanks again my tribesmen for taking care of me. Much love. ❤