Monday, May 25, 2020

DOWN WITH KARENS!! (Update May 31)

May 31
Oh hey hi. Hello kids.

Didja know a sitting president cannot be removed from office during wartime, including civil war. 

Just putting that out there. 


I'm glad y'all like Hanoi Jane for her Black Panther activism. Oh hey, remember that time she did a photoshoot on a Vietnamese antiaircraft gun while American soldiers died by it. 

That was neat. 

Jane, what the hell are you wearing?



Julia? Is that your name? You're incredibly mindful, well spoken, and highly intelligent. You're what this country needs in leadership. I miss you already. 

Where are the "liberties and freedom" tough guys now? 

"Liberties and freedom!!!!"


Now you're happy to stay home? 


May 30

Love her as WW but...


Christopher Burns

Enough said


I believe these riot photos, specifically, were for Breonna Taylor. Not George Floyd. 

Same purpose. Obviously. 

I’m going to say this one thing and then I’m not saying it again. 

As a woman of color who grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in the whitest part of the country, while I did experience some racism, I did not experience racism to the extent what black Americans experience. 

For starters, I’m still alive.

I did not grow up in the twin cities. I’m a townie. One street light, no stop signs, small town. The biggest fear there wasn’t black people, it was outsiders. It didn’t matter what color. If you were an outsider, you were not going to be showered with welcome. 

It was a natural belief for his parents and mine who I was going to marry. My childhood friend Rick. Of course we should get married. Knowing him. Knowing me. Knowing our parents. It only made sense. It was that kind of small town. 

We, you and I, non black America, can argue back and forth about WHY it is black Americans are being murdered in the streets by police, which FYI, anytime white people give their opinion about being not white in this country, I just want to punch them in the nose, OR all of us in America can make the change and vote out the racists running this country. 

Yes, most of my friends are white. All of my girl friends from back home (MN) are white. I love them. I cherish them. I’ve known them since we were children and, they are very aware of how I feel about white people expressing their opinions on what it is to be a minority in this country. They have no say in this matter. None. Don’t say anything. You have no clue. That’s how I feel.

White people, you don’t have to love me. You don’t have to like me. That’s fine. I couldn’t care less. You don’t like my being Asian. I’m sick of your white selfish entitlement. Keep your opinions about me to yourself when I’m around. I’ll show you the same courtesy. If you really do care about being righteous, fighting racism, then do the right thing come November 2020. 

If rioting and looting is indeed the outcome of not being heard, well now you have America’s attention.

We hear you.

The stage is yours.

Will you now make your presence profound to the world 


Will you just keep setting fires and looting? 


I grew up in a very different Minnesota, during a very different time. We grew up with a solid recognition, practice, and understanding of right and wrong. The generations following mine were not raised the same way. My friends and I, now in our 50's, have remained silent for the most part regarding George Floyd, because it's our understanding that rioting and looting stem from those not being heard. 

You have the world’s attention now.

We're listening.


You know it's about to get real when Minnesota's Amish come out to stand in protest against the police for George Floyd. 

May 29

The morning of 9/11, I was ending my night shift on the 4th floor CNN building. I received a phone call from a CNN head who told me if I didn't feel safe I could go home but they felt I was in a safe place because we're a news building.

CNN is your friend!! Stop rioting them!!


Everyone is reporting on George Floyd, Minneapolis, and Chauvin.

Trump was on TV just now bitching about his hot girlfriend, China. Not one comment about Chauvin. Not one.

"When the looting starts the shooting starts."-- Trump



My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. Come November vote Biden! 

May 28

FFS stop saying Hennepin County. 

No one outside of Hennepin County cares about Hennepin. They won’t relate.

Say Minneapolis!!!


May 27

Never give up the fight, Mister Byrd. 

May 26


“Following our internal review of the incident in Central Park yesterday, we have made the decision to terminate the employee involved, effective immediately," Franklin Templeton said in a statement. "We do not tolerate racism of any kind at Franklin Templeton." 

Good job everyone 


This was the last thing he text me...


That’s his white privilege showing. To think he can speak to minorities that way. 

He snaps his fingers and I’m supposed to bow down.

And that was after repeatedly saying I was diseased because of who my friends are. 

White privilege.

Nice huh?

Maybe he was always racist. 

Maybe he always felt white superior.

Oh Jimmys.

Going after everyone now. Fuck it.

I can't stand Sarah Silverman, anyway. Never could. She's always been a disgrace. She has zero entertainment skills. It's widely rumored she gets work via casting couch (not a secret!) And plays bit parts for being vulgar. The last comic who pulled off vulgar stand up, was Eddy Murphy.

Vulgar comedy these days all just look and sound like a desperate middle aged Sarah Karen.

May 25

Here we ho! I mean go!


DEMAND Amy Cooper get FIRED from her job at Franklin Templeton! 


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