Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sand people

In talking with my Lyft driver today, and talking with other Vegas locals who moved here from Los Angeles, and knowing how I’ve become since living in Vegas, it’s SO easy talking yourself out of going out and being social. 

“It’s too hot.”


“It’s too far.” 

Are the most common reasons for staying home. It’s going to be 107 degrees next week. In my defense, Vegas, beyond the strip, has no problem wasting your time, exhausting you and sucking the life out of you for a day. Something as simple as an hour’s worth of paperwork turns into an entire day. By 5pm you’re ready to fuck off the night, turn on the TV, mute it, and just stare into your phone for the next 9 hours. Your cell phone is less of a hassle than risking having to deal with another asshole, out in public somewhere. 

EXAMPLE: I got turned down for an 8 day loan because the loan company was only going to make $13.02 interest if they gave it to me. But it took them six hours out of my day to say no, when the loan officer probably knew after an hour she wasn’t going to give it to me. So rather than just saying no, she put my life on hold for six hours, you know, just because. But I blame myself for thinking I could go a week without juggling unexpected finances. 

But this is the luxury of being single. I don’t have to clean up after someone else in the bathroom, or deal with their daily baggage that stresses me the fuck out, but then I also have to handle my own finances where two incomes are often times a necessity.

Aramis works four jobs. Four. But three of those jobs he works from home. Personally, I’m ready to pack it all in and head for the gawd damn mountains.

When I try explaining Vegas to people who don’t live here, let me just remind you, it’s the desert, as in the REAL damn desert. And people born here, who don’t know any other place than Vegas, are desert people, with desert sophistication. You don’t see a whole lot of churches, health clubs, dentists, and book stores here, if you know what I’m saying. 

Fortunately there’s a lot of Californians who live here with whom I can relate to temporary as our association might be, but for those desert sand people, look out, best limit your conversations with them to - absolutely nothing.

“They’re uncivilized.” Says Aramis. But the same could be said for people in general. It’s easier to be ghetto-thoughtless than take a minute to attempt intellect and being well-bred rather than inbred. 

“Well HE said this, so it must be ok for me to say that.” 

Yeah. No.

Be better than that. 

I hate how the word gentrification is strictly defined as upper class removing middle to lower class from their homes. 

Polite society, that’s what I want. I’m SO over chest thumping haggard angry women. For the love of kittens, feminists, please go out and buy a dress and some lipstick. Put the FEM back in feminist. Don’t worry about what men are doing and saying, pay more attention to your haggard appearance. Ladies, let’s all go back to being civilized or hand to god, I’ll support men who want to take away a woman’s right to vote. 

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