Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Another fabulous Capricornicuss

Las Vegas and their cameras. I don’t want to know. I see plenty of awful things on a daily basis. I rather not know what’s happening when I’m not around. People will fuck with you because people suck. The management at this complex has leaf blowers doing their thing at 7am every Saturday morning like clockwork. I’ve lived here for six months. Every Saturday at 7am. The leaf blowers come in and do their thing just long enough to wake you up. In. Five minutes. Out. Leaf blowers. Know how many trees there are in this complex? One. And I’m not sure it’s even real. People are assholes. Cameras. You really want the aggravation of knowing? If I had pets or kids that would be different, but I don’t. I rather not know. I’m not suing anyone unless it’s enough money to end poverty for at least 5 people.

I’m constantly wearing earbuds when I’m out running to and fro. Daytime. In the dead of night. Whenever. Earbuds. “What if someone sneaks up behind you with a gun or knife?” What if? I rather die listening to music than hearing my murderer breathe. 

I SO love politics. 

Yeh. No.

I love it when people are suddenly advocates for prostitution so long as it caters to their political agenda. 

I actually do care what a person does for a living. It matters. If you bring your sex work drama into my home, we’re going to have problems. And by “we” I mean you.

As long as you have it together, keep your work life at work, and your home life at home, we should get on well enough to be at least friendly distant acquaintances. But let’s be honest, if you have (holy shit, some of the medieval fucking porn on the internet!) sex for money on a regular basis, chances are SOME OF YOU might be a little unstable. 

Actions speak louder than words. 

Backpages is gone. Craigslist personals are gone. You, the people, made sure of it. And in Vegas 107 degree heat, street prostitution is on the rise. What did they think was going to happen? 

So what if Giuliani doesn’t respect a female porn actress? I don’t respect her either but for entirely different reasons. 

And with all these sex/personals websites shut down on account of sex trafficking, you NOW have the audacity to claim you don’t care what a woman does for money? 


If that’s true bring back Backpages and Craigslist personals.

You won’t.

Admit it. You care.


I was about twelve years old when I had an inclination of what prostitution was. If you absolutely had to drive down less desirable neighborhoods in Minneapolis you would see the most unattractive women wearing next to nothing lined up along brick walls of dilapidated buildings, piles of garbage at their feet, just standing there waiting for Prince Charming, or any guy with $5 and a hard-on.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business. I don’t care. So long as those closed doors aren’t in my home.

No one can keep a secret anymore. Sad. Every fight, every date, every new outfit, every meal is on social media before it even digests. 

Pictures or it didn’t happen!

Social media ALSO destroyed intrigue, rendezvous, liaisons, and memorable stately entanglements. 

Everything is now sexy.

Hey sexy.

Sexy girl.

Sexy shoes.

Let’s get sexy.

Sexy time.

Fuck off.

Justin Baldoni is an asshole. Reportedly his kid had an epic meltdown at Whole Foods, and he did... nothing. 


I shouldn’t be forced to listen to your shitty kid have a meltdown because you decided to breed. Take your shitty kid outside in the parking lot like a decent parent.

Oh. Sorry. I forgot. Asking parents to be decent and courteous human beings with their screaming kids isn’t politically correct. Again, FUCK YOU.

I wasn’t born yet in 1960 however I miss that era when I watch movies where parents locked up their toddlers in kiddy cages like in the 1960 movie ‘Please Don’t Eat The Daisies’. Parents in that black and white film repeatedly locked up the kid AND the dog in the same kiddy cage. Outstanding. Apparently locking up toddlers in kiddy cages was PC in the 60’s. Can we bring it back? 

Let the dog out. 

I care more about animals than people. 


Moms and dads frying their little babies like bacon in the 107 degree Vegas heat just so mommy can get an Instagram selfie in front of a casino. 


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