Friday, November 11, 2016

Women voters 2016

Voted for their children, for their children that were murdered, voted for their children to possibly one day have. Women voted for their loved ones in the military, for their loved ones who served in the military, and for their loved ones who died while serving in the military. Women voted for their husbands, brothers, and fathers job security. Women voted for wives of police officers, and widows of  police officers. Women voted for their right to pray...

Just to name a few women.

Hillary Clinton, completely forgot about those women in her presidential campaign, or simply didn't care. All she wanted was the minority/millennial pussy-vote. BUT who was her mouth piece? Another rich self entitled (white) woman, Lady Gaga. Good job!

That's cool if you're a white woman with money, by the way, just saying there ARE other kinds of women out there too.

*That's my point. Women voted for Trump. Even registered Dems, voted for Trump.*

*Women didn't trust Hillary Clinton. She lives in a bubble. She doesn't see real womens issues just their votes. You can argue neither does Trump, but you don't have to care about me if you take care of my loved ones. I believe at least Trump will take care of my loved ones. Hillary Clinton, wasn't going to take care of anyone but Hillary Clinton.*

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