Friday, September 1, 2023

SEPTEMBER to remember?


YOUTUBE new reels 9.29.2023



Alright, who gave France bugs!!



You think global warming is going to kill these animals? No. Like I said before, humans will murder every animal on the planet with neglect, selfishness, and stupidity, LONG before global warming gets a crack at them. 


Because we all hate the way she says, "Bentley". Use the letters! All of them! There's a T in there! It's English FFS!


Made a new reel. 



Yes please.


Real or AI? Would these actresses actually hang out together? ๐Ÿค”


Humans suck. Dear universe, keep this puppy safe and get him HOME! Take care of the two individuals who stole this doggy. Karma. Justice.



"Pay $8 to receive medical ID necklace in 5 business days."


Sooo not in 5 business days then? ๐Ÿ™„


"Welcome to Red Cross medical ID jewelry. Please select your ID jewel piece."


"Please select size."


"Please type engravings."

Ok. This takes 20 minutes because I have to look up the accurate medical abbreviations for everything and type them in. Additionally the website keeps erasing my info for no apparent reason. Finally I have the type in place for engravings. 

"Did you know select Red Cross jewelry is currently on sale for 20% off. Would you like to see which items are 20% off?" 

Um. Sure. Although that info would have been useful at the start of this process. 

"These are our 20% off items."

Ok. Thanks. I'll take that one. 

"Please select size "


"Please type engravings." 

But I did that already. 

"Please start all over with discounted items or pay the original price for the first item completed."

Mother. Fuckers. 

I also blame my useless phone. It's just an anchor with internet.


I like working with my boss. I had the chance to do so this week. Last week's bullshit at work made my blood pressure spike hard and that's with my blood pressure medication. Being able to talk with her, my boss, this week while working was very nice. We both have medical issues, different issues, but we've both been in the hospital with life threatening problems. Her, twice, and she's ten years younger than me. She gets where I'm coming from. In 2019 I was on my way to a very different life and then 2020 happened. 

I have this talk with friends in LA about COVID, which I've had three times now, even after getting all the vaccines and boosters and I still got COVID THREE TIMES, and I had a stroke, almost two, so no, I'm not getting any more COVID vaccines. They don't work. I get the flu vaccine every year and guess what, I don't get the flu and I never had a stroke following it. 

So my boss understands that we're on borrowed time. She just got out of the hospital again over the weekend and came right back to work, and I'm like, I did the exact same thing, I
 went right back to work, no disability, nothing, and then we go to bed at night with the thought of - we're on borrowed time. Life could end for us any day now. 

Which is why we're in a hurry to get things done. Like we always feel rushed to get things done because we don't want to die before we finish. Had a near death experience? You know exactly what I'm talking about. Every doctor I saw after my second stroke all said, "You're lucky they were able to stop that one. It for sure would have killed you. You could be dead right now." 

All this shit we dealt with in our 20's, guess what, we don't want to deal with it anymore. 

So working with my boss this week was really cool. We both know what nearing death truly feels like. It helps talking with people who get you. My blood pressure is way down back to normal today. I truly believe it's because I got to talk with my boss for 7 hours yesterday. I've worked for her since 2017 for two different companies. I followed her from one company to this one. I'll work for her until I retire in 7 years. Provided I live that long. 


Happy Birthday ❤



Ok well... 

Every generation after mine will kill them with severe neglect looong before global warming. 

Clint. ❤️ Goddamn. Screenshot.


OMG SHE'S A CRAZY STALKER. I left to go to work, and crazy woman from the haunted bedroom was a block away from the housing community we rent rooms in just standing there in front of a different condo building I pass to get to my metro stop, sees me walking by and just waves and says hello. Like, no explanation what she's doing in front of this building, nothing. Holy shit. I'm moving! I've had it with crazy bitches.


I think the third bedroom upstairs in the house I rent a room from is haunted. Every woman who stays in it goes completely crazy. First, the white blonde Hitler-esq chick, and now the second tenant is a woman who is THE nosiest person. She's obsessed with (me in particular!) my comings and goings. Her bedroom door is always open - even when it's dark in her room which I'm assuming she's sleeping but if she is sleeping why THE FUCK is her bedroom door open?? Why does she keep her bedroom door open?? OMG I'm getting ready for work now and I have to pass her bedroom to get to the bathroom. I drink a large mug of tea first thing in the morning which makes me pee a ton. And she has now on my second pee trip opened her bedroom door completely. It just creeps me the fuck out. What a weird weird woman. Holy shit.



No one does. I get phone calls to come into work because no one wants to wash dishes. And they wonder why I don't want any more responsibility? 

No one will do labor work. No one will perform tasks they think are beneath them. That's how the trees, animals, and eventually humans, die. 


This AI would like to talk to you about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 



Yum ๐Ÿ˜‹


THEE most annoying thing about Instagram is receiving post comments "send to @" an IG page where all they do is re-post other peoples work content. Lame. Same with Twitter. Why you just re-posting other people stuff? Go make your own! Do the work. Even the tourette's girl games and comments when she re-posts other people's stuff. Just DO SOMETHING.



I shot a new youtube reel yesterday - and by "reel" y'all know I mean a collection of my photographs, eh? 

I have a deep love/hate for Las Vegas. Possibly more hate than love. It's the goddamn desert. I'm still bitter I had to leave my home, Los Angeles, of 25+ years. But there are cool places in Las Vegas far the fuck away from the strip. Unfortunately some treat these amazing places as just a job to pay the bills whereas I would move to Henderson (instantly!) and deal with the rednecks if I were allowed to work there. 



This AI would like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty. 


When boomer's were younger they never submitted to money ransom, they chuck Norris their way through steel freakin' doors and took out the bad guys - but then 17-24 year olds with computers and cell phones, and now boomers are like "What's email? Cyber-whatnow? Fuck it. Here ya go. Paid and paid!" 

Ya think Vegas casinos would have top notch cyber security but apparently it's just someone's grandpa with a lighter and a wire hanger.



Beautiful. Sexy. Not real. Purely AI. The future of adult entertainment.

Not quite as sexy. Not yet anyway. But will probably remember your side of ranch dressing.

Let machines think for you. Why? Because people thought this was a good idea. Do you know how many people had to approve this road. ๐Ÿ˜’ 



Better late than never using this song. Today's 5 mile walk.


At my local 7eleven picking up sunflower seeds. They're out of my dill pickle ๐Ÿ˜ž and some woman is being all redneck with the cashier. But I was good. I didn't say anything. "All these goddamn foreigners coming here with their diseases" Uh-huh, just like your ancestors. Cunt. 


I love this channel so very much. If you have children plee-ease watch this channel with them. I have a sinking feeling where all this technology will take generations 100 years from now... but maybe maybe maybe there will be those who will continue fighting to keep whatever is left now thriving. 


After two days rest I feel good again. When my BP gets high like that it really does feel like my head is going to explode. I hate it. Yesterday I ran a few errands and immediately after I had go to sleep. Exhaustion is the worst after-affects of having a stroke. That is, after the risk of having another one. 

And the A-holes of the world who scream and rant at everyone with zero regard, those guys live forever with no problems. Me, who rarely ever yells at anyone, I get the strokes and medical problems associated with it. Which leads me to consider if it's healthier to yell than be polite. 

I'm all out of sunflower seeds which means I'm on the hunt for the ones I like, as do many other people apparently because lately I haven't been able to find my brand and flavor. Thank you sunflowers for being so generous. Whoever was the first person to pluck your seeds was a genius. They probably just watched the animals eating them and thought they'd give it a go, to be honest. Humans always take credit for the brilliance of animals.  



Sleep is good. Sleep is your friend. I feel like a new person. 


I walked into work and four co-workers legit looked me in the face at one time and said they could not between them perform a work task I do by myself every day. SO they just left it for me to do. Then I looked on the counter and saw the same four co-workers had taken out huge boxes of product - and just left them there on the counter unopened. All boxes are supposed to be in the freezer or walk-in. All four co-workers took the boxes of product out - and did nothing with them. They just left the boxes sitting there. From there on the night just got increasingly worse. People rely on me too much. I refuse to work harder so other people don’t have to. That’s what my marriage was. I did all the heavy lifting while my husband enjoyed the benefits including financially. When I got back to my room after my shift this morning my blood pressure was 160/100 and my head was throbbing pretty bad. I managed to calm down a little with breathing exercises but that only dropped my blood pressure down to 153/95. My heart rate however was good. I took more BP medication, got my BP down, but got zero sleep. I took last night off to sleep and rest.

My boss is in the hospital because of her medical issues. I almost joined her. 

I’m too young to have all this stress, hypertension, BP and heart issues. I can’t take on the work and stress of others. I just can’t do it anymore. And while people like Bob Gordon say “immigrant workers” (meaning Hispanic people) only do the jobs no one else wants to do, which is untrue and an incredibly racist thing to say but he’s a 100 year old boomer who still thinks it’s 1970, fact is, no one wants to work today. Jobs are out there but everyone seems to think they’re too good to do them. People, all ages, think they’re too good to work. In the meantime, Las vegas casinos are being digitally hijacked, hacked, and held for ransom. Cesar’s paid the ransom, I think MGM may have also, but nothing has really changed. Money and identification of not only gusts but people who showed up for work were taken and are being used for theft.

My doctors told me to get out of my industry because of the stress risk factor but what else can I do? Luckily my boss is understanding. I been working for her since 2017. She knows I had 1.5 strokes in 2021. But in all honesty I just don’t think I can do this work anymore. Too many people see me working hard and just dump their work load on me. Too much stress. I’m going to apply for full-time disability. I was going to apply at 61 and retire at 62 anyway. I literally thought I was going to die last night. Thank goodness for my teddy bear. We hugged it out.



I hate sharing a bathroom. Hate it. The woman I share a bathroom with now is just as messy as the guy I last shared a bathroom with. She leaves hair, toothpaste, soap, what I hope is oatmeal in the bathroom sink... Her hair is everywhere... And God only knows what that thick white plastic film was that was left in the shower drain. ๐Ÿคฎ

I have an appointment next week at the DMV but I think I'm going to cancel it. I need to move on. I just can't share a bathroom anymore. I'm horrified a woman can be so goddamn filthy. How was she raised?? 



This AI is replacing y'all. 


You're welcome. ๐Ÿ˜†


A few days ago I finally made it to Henderson, Nevada. By car this trip is nothing. By metro bus however, it's long, four buses and five hours round trip long. Be that, I really wanted to go so I made it work. 

I loved this museum. It's more of a small town really. Only $2 per person because it's out in the middle of the desert. They have a little indoor museum area complete with dioramas but outdoors is where it's interesting, all the houses and buildings and mannequins everywhere, so many mannequins. Ever see the 2005 remake House Of Wax? It was that. So beautifully creepy and weird. I want to go again. My next museum trip is even further out in the desert. A ghost town with NO ONE around for miles and miles. It's like six hours by bus (one way) so I'll be spending the night. It's so way TF out there I'm telling my brother my itinerary minute by minute.

I don't know who Lauren Boeber is but apparently vaping and groping her date's dick and being groped while at a Beetlejuice musical (musical?) in front of children, really does it for her. Pedophile.      
That's a perfect example between saying a thing and doing a thing. Boeber did a thing. Kunas and Kutcher said a thing (about Masterson). Meanwhile Masterson did a thing. Saying a thing, is nowhere near as bad as doing a thing. Dig? Is saying a stupid thing, bad? Sure. Is doing a stupid thing worse? Oh you betcha. Incredibly worse. Lets not vilify saying a thing as being the same as doing a thing.  

And oh look, Jon Bon Jovi follows me on Twitter. Shame he only has about 10 followers these days.๐Ÿ˜ It's the hair, bro. Grey hair is always demonized - unless of course you're an old woman like me then all the horny 20-something and 30-something men tap my age group for sex because women their age want more than dick pics. The failure of men can be summed up with that, men are lazy. Fun fact tho, women my age couldn't care less about sex. We're planning the final phase of our life and only doing what makes us happy - very few to no men make us happy, and that includes your generation of men. I guess y'all will just have to work harder than snapping pictures of your junk.    

*Tap married women on adult swing sites. Those women have been married to the same man for so long they're dying for new strange. Even though those couples are "madly in love with each other" they're dying to have sex with other people. 

Take away tax breaks for married people and watch how even fewer people get married. 


She's beautiful. This AI will replace talkshow hosts in 20 years or less. And honestly would you not watch?

Are you paying attention, Echelon Mirror?



These are the photos that didn’t make the military reel. (1) I didn’t want to have to make the “I’m sorry” intro for taking pictures and posting offensive things written on military vehicles during brutal wartime pre-my generation. (2) I didn’t want to have to explain art to people - again.

No, I don’t use the same filter for every photo because - they’re photos, not a movie. 

Yes, I filter my photos. Why? For the same reason there’s technicolor, makeup, and whatever Wes Anderson uses on his films.  

Wes Anderson uses bright pastel colors, whereas  I like rich earth tones to highlight the fine lines of the… Zzzzzzzzzz. No one cares why I do what I do as long as shit looks cool.  

On the plus side very few people openly hate on my Youtube photos now because I’m not famous - which is nice. When the day comes, I much rather have money over fame. Any day.

YOUTUBE new reel 9.13.2023:


Of all our politicians he annoys me the least. At times I even really like him. I ๐Ÿ’ฏ agree on his take on both Trump and Biden. 



I forgot about the Hollywood writers strike. I rather have AI to be honest. And all the writers who made studio employees unemployed so (just) you can get more money - good job. ๐Ÿ™„

Hollywood is getting sick of your shit and are reopening the studios anyway. Fuck y'all. Which is what they should have said from day 1. You people don't seem to understand the impact AI is going to have over all your careers very soon. Digital creators can make anyone - and make them hotter and more interesting. 

Enjoy your strike. No one cares. 



"Treat your phone like it's your baby."

Well then I just punched my baby in the head three times yesterday. And I'm constantly screaming at it, "Do something! Anything!" When it just sits there and does nothing after I try opening something, closing something, searching something. iPhones are like "there, bitch" and doesn't want to be bothered again for a few hours at the very least - like me. 

(Sigh) I miss my iPhone 


Work. YouTube. Twitter. Location. Finding locations. Book. My hands are full. If I was smart I would go on full disability now. I'm considering it. Applying at least. I'm so tired. Physically broken in so many places. I don't want spend my retirement confined to a walker or wheelchair, or hospice bed. They say when people are truly conscious of their slipping mortality - it is the mind preparing for acceptance. A prediction of what is to come in about three years. Worry not I accept it. I'll die when I die. I'm not going to fight it. I'm not 20 years old. I don't have my whole life in front of me anymore. 

Yesterday some nut job in my neighborhood held a woman hostage, then when she was free the nut job refused to leave her home, or so I gathered from what little news I could find online as to why a giant police RV, two SWAT tanks, and paramedics, raced past me yesterday on my way to work. 

Retire in the West valley they said. Nothing ever happens out here they said. ๐Ÿคจ

Humans suck.

Even this doggie is like, "Well I better pay attention because these idiots are going to need saving one day."

Yesterday I screamed at my cell phone like five times. Punched it a few times. I hate this phone so much. I am not an Android person. The difference between iPhone and Android is, iPhones are like cats, whenever they do pay attention it's brief and then you're on your own asshole, which I prefer - but Androids are in your face constantly predicting what they think you want without doing what you actually instructed it to do, like dogs. 

I miss my iPhone. 

This week I'm excited to venture to a few places I didn't know existed out here. The bus rides are long but hopefully worth it. 



People working their AI magic. ๐Ÿช„

Poor gal. ๐Ÿ˜ž



I hate my voice. So I...


AI advertising. I'm not hating it.

It's Wes Anderson. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคซ


Men when you try telling him/them, "Bro, there's something... You might wanna...."


Instead of plucking flowers from the ground for your wife, how about taking your wife TO the flowers at a botanical garden somewhere? Road trip? Pay the small entrance fee to keep the gardens flourishing. Have lunch there. Make a memory? Pick up a little something-something at the gift shop. 

Don't mind me, I'm an idiot. 



Social media dragging Ericka James is to be expected. She's waa-ay too old to being singing songs like, "it's expensive to be me". Those lyrics age out on women after 25. She should be more classy and stylish. That's what is sexy on an older woman - much older. Plus she's white, and you know, they don't age as well. 


Riddle me this. What kind of guy dons a mask to hide his identity while wearing a latex body suit and snapping on rubber gloves? ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜



You didn't answer the question. 

What, Dawn advert guys were filming a commercial and low and behold there was a duck covered in oil? ๐Ÿ™„


If I ever actually make a film, I want all the women to look and dress like:

I don't understand people who have no pride. What are you living for then? If you take no pride in your work, no pride of self, no pride in your surroundings, then what are you living for? 


I don't understand Hispanic culture, or rather this one particular Hispanic situation that may or may not be so particular or culture. One of the cooks at my work, the one that steals all my prep for his family and friends, is Hispanic. The Hispanic women in his shift all clean up after him, do his bidding, submit to him, and think he's just the wittiest most fascinating man. Meanwhile, I look at him and think he's just a little (short) man with no pride or respect. I don't spend much time in Hispanic culture for the simple fact I don't speak Spanish. Two Spanish speaking people don't speak English to each other and why should they, I guess? Therefor I don't really hang out in Hispanic communities. Plus, I find most people of any color choose to segregate amongst themselves. Fine. Whatever. But when you are in society or the work place, you kinda have to speak the universal language of respect or society and the workplace fail, additionally you as a human being fail. But some people are drawn to the fail, I guess? Um. Why? This little man is nothing to be drawn to. He's a thief, crude, couldn't give two fucks about his job, so what's the draw, ladies? I was always under the impression Hispanic women were stronger than that. But these women I work with are perfectly fine to clean up after him, and submit to him. 

Now that the weather is cooling, I'll work the morning/day shift instead of nights and graveyard. Metro graveyard is sketchy anyway on account of labor shortages and drivers with mental health issues, and no one needs to deal with mental health issues at 4am. No one. I'm happy to get out of work at 5pm. And since those Hispanic women think that little man cook is so wonderful THEY can clean up after him every night. And let's not forget the other dude who thinks it's my job to wash his coffee mug out every night. Enjoy, ladies! I seek better.    

22 years in jail. Was it worth it? 




And none of you guys have to pee?

*Apparently this guy doesn't want his drone flyover of the billions of cars leaving burning man to be posted anywhere other than YouTube*

Um. Why-y? ๐Ÿคจ 



Good morning starshine. The earth says hello.

I've just been dealing with work, shooting my pics for Youtube, and planning new walking adventures. 

In the meantime enjoy these reels. Look'a the puppy! I love his doggy. That's my dog! 

Iceland is one of my destination places. I always wanted to go here. Iceland, and Siberia. Specifically the Trans-Siberian railway.

Iceland. So beautiful. I love this channel so much.  



I know I'm going to sound like a dick but someone needs to say it -- Bro, we know you were a junkie heroin user that died, almost died, and died again, and again, and almost again. ๐Ÿ™„ But that was, what, 28 years ago? Ya wrote a book about it, made songs about it, did a tour about it, wrote another book about it, made a movie about it, did a farewell tour about it (twice), I mean. If your claim to fame was being a drug addict then what does that say about your music? 

We were all drug addict alcoholics once. It's called being in your 20's and 30's. FFS do something, anything else. 


I started to walk but then had this sixth sense that it was going to rain - and it did. I like walking in the rain but not while shooting content. 

Also, I reactivated my Patreon account. 

YOUTUBE new reel 9.1.2023



Happy Labor Day get drunk weekend. "Whooooo!" I had a glass of red wine last night and it was heaven. Let's drink more. 

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