Thursday, June 1, 2023

JUNE: GLOOM rhymes with DOOM



La sigh.


Peaches-peaches, peaches-peaches-peaches!


Laying in bed wide awake craving tteobokki like:



I love this IG account so much 😂


Dear Patreon… I have ideas.

* I’m not a photographer but I am an artist and a writer. I like to think I have a pretty decent eye. I shoot everything on my iphone because I’m not a real photographer, and I'm poor, hence YOU. I have ideas. I’m [this close] to making film shorts on my iphone.


Books are important. It takes readers to make writers. I outta know! I’m still writing. That said, I unintentionally started a youtube channel. I didn’t mean to, and it’s never going to be something I rely on for money. I just want a place to put all my cell phone photos in my own artsy way. 

The link to my Youtube: ONE DOVE @ YOUTUBE


Better late than never I guess. It only took him a year to figure it out. 😒


Someone get this guy a script!


It is my lot in life to be irritated. I’m irritated with how lazy my female co-workers are. The restaurant hired a new girl who sits in the break room and vapes for the majority of her shift. I’m irritated that she will be hard to get rid of because you’re no longer allowed to fire people for not doing their jobs. I’m irritated that my brothers’ mom has been dead for 5 weeks now and I’m still having to run around in the 97 degree Las Vegas heat on my day off because of her. I’m irritated that Youtube won’t let me pick the cover to my reels. I’m irritated that my reels aren't even full screen. I’m irritated that I’m sober. Tomorrow I’m fixing that! 


Here are a few new reels.



A reel of my last visit to Huntington Library, Los Angeles.

Expand completely for best viewing.

I’m [this close] to making a short film. 



I’m just happy I have some place to display my iphone photos. You do realize I’m [this close] to making film shorts. 

My Youtube short reel series: ZOMBIE WALK


You don’t need any “Hollywood writers”. There are plenty of writers elsewhere. Someone get this guy a script!



This morning walking back to my room.


Same, kitty. Same. 🥃



I’m finally putting all my nerd-girl stuff up in one place on youtube.

Just posted my little reel from NASA's "Orbit Pavilion" at the Huntington. It was a rainy day in Los Angeles, but the dark cloudy skies made the photos of the Botanical that much more illuminating. Video post coming soon. What you're now hearing are sounds representing the movements of the International Space Station and 19 Earth Science satellites as they orbit above.


I rarely ever see the sun rise but today I got the chance. I wanted to catch the casinos off into the brightly lit hazy rays of sun, but because the sun was in my eyes I just shot a bunch of photos in the direction of the casinos and hoped at least one photo would get the casinos in the frame. But then when I got back to my room and looked at all the photos you can clearly see a blue orb bouncing around in each picture. What is that? 🤯



Gosh bless social media for the quick entertainment.

Fuck those guys.


Oh Al. Nooo.


I need a man who will do this with me.


I wish.


Took a series of cloud photos yesterday. This one among them.

When you were a kid didja ever look at clouds and see things in them?


I’ve been good, worn my pressure socks every day, and no more feet bloat and calf stiffness. 

For the last two days I worked at my boss’s second restaurant. What a dumpster fire. Hell’s Kitchen does not even begin to describe it. The guy who corporate put in charge of this restaurant ran it hard into the ground. The women he hired were the laziest bitches I ever saw. If they were stealing from the restaurant they were at least smart in just skimming, unlike my regular workplace (where I’m at today) where cooks just rob the fucking place on camera and think “I’m entitled to steal this.” One woman was fired, and the cook I blogged about earlier is about to be. What are you people thinking? Is it worth it? Steal for a day, be miserable looking for new work, and if you’re lucky enough to be hired within a reasonable amount of time then learn a new menu and set-up of a new place. Why do it? So you can complain how unfair company policy is? “They fired me for stealing. How uncool!”

Yesterday while I was there my boss asked me if I wanted to pick up Saturdays and Sundays at her 2nd place. I turned her down. I told her if she’s going to keep that many people on the clock to do absolutely nothing, they can do the prep work. They fuck around at the first restaurant too but at least they work 80% of the time. They do their shit. And if they’re smart enough not to steal it’s an easy fucking job. YOU make your job as easy or as hard as you want, or not have a job at all. Entirely up to you. 

I’ve long ago stopped working harder because my coworkers are lazy fucks. I’m at social security age. I could actually collect it now. I was for almost two years but got off it when I went back to work following my stroke, jaw surgery, and pandemic. Trust me when I say big pharma wants me alive. I’m a total cash cow for them. They’ll battle social security.

Back when I was young and adorable without money cares, I wish someone would have told me then, “Save your money.” But I’m a Gen X’er. We didn’t save shit. We excessed until our hearts stopped beating at least twice, and if we survived at all we found ourselves suddenly 40 years old, beat down, broke and broken. 

The worst thing I ever did in my adult life was give up my rent controlled apartment when I got married. I should never have gotten married, but I really shouldn’t have given up my apartment. Never give up your housing, ladies. Never. If you meet the love of your life, always have an exit strategy. “Forever” isn’t necessarily a lie, but it usually is. Downsize your house or rental if you must, but never give up your roof. Always have somewhere to go. I wish someone would have told me, “Look, I know you’re in love and getting married, but don’t give up your apartment. Seven years and rent control. Do not give up your apartment.” I know people who live in a really nice one and two bedroom apartment in Santa Monica, CA, minutes away from the ocean, paying under $1,000 a month each because of rent control. 

When 2023 men complain about women having too much independence, it’s because THEY are the ones who never learned to be independent. Those men need women to survive, and you don’t need those men. Get a cat. I mean.



I was totally going to be nice. Post only nice positive things, but this is too goddamn funny. 😁

I love this movie.


Got a few more hours of sleep - then got up early to get ready for work aaaaand he’s back in the bathroom.


This type of guy just does not do it for me. I dated boys like him in high school but was never into this look.

I’m more into the 1970’s mad science teacher. Plus I prefer dark hair. Sometimes when I’m homesick for my childhood home the blonde Euro type appeals to me. I guess that’s why I married a Swede. And divorced him. “Looking for love in all the wrong places.” 🎵🎶


The best candidate so far, honey.


Holy shit where do I begin?

My boss recently acquired a second store from an old employee of hers who could not deal with it. My boss asked if I wanted to prep the walk-in at her second store this Friday and Saturday, my days off. (I just got back to the room I rent from there.) I like money. I didn’t have plans. I said yea sure. And then my boss proceeded to give me the wrong address. I’m standing outside the wrong restaurant like, uh, the doors are like, locked and stuff. The lights are off. Um? I text my boss and she says, “Oh no! I gave you the wrong address!” Yep, you sure did, lady! I got the correct address and headed over. I was happy to see a few people at the correct address I already knew from working with them in the past, so that was cool. While I was there a shift change happened - to a new cook who was pretty cool, but the new shift cashier was a young girl who was a total jagged pill. She fucked up an order right out the gate and got super stressed out. Look, boys and girls, life is too short to get stressed out over a fuck up. They happen. They still happen to me. Fuck ups will happen until the day you die. Some of us will die because we fucked up somewhere along the line that day. But yea, she turned out to be a total cunt-y pill. Oh to be young and not the least bit in control of our mental health and emotions. I got their walk-in prepped after 6 hours and left, but right as I was leaving “the pill” lost her shit again. Who knows why this time? Maybe she’s on the rag? I can say that because I’m a woman and I know from past million periods of yore I had rag-time moments where I made people run screaming for their lives. 


In case you’re wondering, he’s not in the bathroom anymore. 😂 Legend has it he'll be back in there tomorrow taking at least two, hour long showers.



He’s still in there. He’s always in there.


I know there’s good men in Las Vegas, but they are few and far in between. And I seem to be in environments where there is always one A-hole in three. Like herpes.


He’s still in the bathroom.


I have to leave for work soon, and of course, the guy who rents the room next to mine is in the (you guessed it) bathroom. He’s always here. And he’s always in the bathroom. It’s a mystery. Is he sick? He’s a young guy. Why doesn’t he work? I gotta get my own place.


This room, while super gross, is nothing compared to what some hospital rooms look like. I briefly worked as an EVS tech in a hospital and was constantly told by nurses after 10 minutes of cleaning, “It’s clean enough. We have a patient downstairs.”

It takes an hour to properly clean hospital and hotel rooms. It takes an hour to fully clean a room from ceiling to floor, but neither hospitals or hotels want to hire the labor it takes to clean the rooms accordingly that doesn't interfere with them making money. Don’t blame the cleaners, blame the establishments. 


You’re my hero. 😅 Good night.


Hey, I made another youtube reel (that Youtube turned into a short) of pics from my time in Arizona last Christmas.


Okay I take that back. My reel is cleaner on IG. You decide.




Hey have you seen my cloud reel on IG? I took a few of my cloud pics and put them in a reel.


Debbie such a ho.


Huh. I’m not sure… I mean… what?


Oh I see a movie in your near future, sir.


Scam. Be on the watch, boys and girls. No legit employee will ask, “Are you home?” to a front door cam. 😒


And the world moves on with or without us. 

Sadly the U.S. Coast Guard informs us the missing Titan Sub likely imploded underwater. AFter all these years the Titanic still has a hold on us. What do you suppose the fascination is? Every nuance of the Titanic sinking has been explored, documented, romanticized in films, images captured, theorized, I mean, what’s left? And still, people need to see the wreckage. We love wreckage, sunken ships, doomed love, ruined beauty, hope lost, the end of mortality, suffering, so much so that humans are willing to end their own lives to understand death and ruin of others in the name of - whatever lie you want to tell yourself. 

There were a few fires here in Las Vegas, also. Apartment buildings were sent into flames. One building was under construction. No occupants, thankfully. Any time this type of thing happens here my tingling Spidey senses tell me there was a business dispute that ended “the old fashion way” amIright? And here I am looking at apartments. Lets hope I do a better job this time than I did in 2018. For starters, I’m not downtown. Thank Jebus. What a dump downtown is. 

I’m also at the new work location tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it. It’s in a local area with many things to do after work so that’s cool. I just might meet husband #2 still! I’ve reached that point where I’m checking out nice looking, well behaved, well put together, 30 year old men and asking them, “So how’s your father? Is he still alive, single and able to care for his own medical conditions?”


It changes you. I am forever changed. And the so-called normal people can blow me.



I have concluded that the guy who rents the room next to mine, who I (yu-uck!) have to share a bathroom with, has some form of mental illness that makes him urinate on the bathroom sink counter. I had to bleach the counter top before I could use it just now because once again there was a yellow stain of clear liquid all over the counter top. He must be mentally ill, or a drug addict perhaps? There’s just something not right with that guy. And he never leaves the house. No job. No friends. He’s always home. No matter what time I get home he’s always here. Vegas is thee dumping ground for mentally ill people. Their families just dump them here.

Back in 2017 when I lived (bloody hell) downtown I saw a lady drive down the street, stop in the middle of the road, got out of the car, opened the back door, pulled out an old man from the backseat, and when he was finally out of her car she ran back into her car and sped off, leaving the old man in the road. He started to chase after the car but then stopped. The city calls it “relocating” mentally ill people. Downtown is a popular dumping ground. You feel bad but then you don’t when you realize there is nowhere for them to go. The state will give them money and means to get the money to eat but then there is literally nowhere for them to go. They don't have enough money to live.


Preach my snacks Preacher!


I just started to calm down after the bullshit that happened last night (scroll down to read about it) when my boss hit me up on chat and asked what happened. Truthfully, what happened is I scared the managers and yelled at a cook for attempted theft, that’s what happened. I explained it to her and now I’m worked up again. My boss understands. She gets it. She thanked me. But moreso I was standing up for myself. I don’t get paid to make food for my co-workers to steal. There are rules when working in the F&B industry (food and beverage industry) and those rules are silent rules but they apply everywhere you work. Theft happens in every restaurant. If not cash, then booze, and/or food and supplies. You can’t stop it. It’s going to happen. That’s silent rule #1. Silent rule #2 There is no honor among thieves. If you get caught stealing, you're going down by yourself. Your co-conspirators will throw you under the bus so fast those big fat wheels are up your ass in less than half a second. Silent rule #3 Know who the boss’s allies and friends are (HI! HOW YOU DOING?) idiots. Rule #4 Don’t do stupid shit like steal in front of us! 

I’ve always wanted to write a book on the hospitality industry. I once told my dad I was going to do it, but my dad, who has heard it all from me over the years, most of it not good, said, “Don’t just write about the bad stuff. Write about good stuff too.” Um. What good stuff? Again, truthfully, this industry wrecks lives. Ends lives too. When Covid hit, the assholes who made it sound like only their establishment were the ones affected by it, made me lose all respect for them as human beings. All of us, the world, were affected by it. 

Pandemic aside, this industry is hard as fuck, especially for morons.

Prep cooks work maybe 6 to 7 hours a day, 8 hours when the previous prep cook is drinking on the job and stocked absolutely nothing. A prep’s shift ends before the following morning shift begins. We prep for the day ahead, not the current one. So when people try to steal our “tomorrow” inventory, we lose it. I totally lost it! And here’s where being a drunk, or a drug addict, or a moron definitely does not help you, because you could basically try to steal (if you were that kind of person) inventory from the day behind and very few people would give a shit including me. Day old food, meh, you could try to steal it and maybe 70% of the time I wouldn’t even notice it gone. I make all new (everything) every day. Stuff from yesterday I don’t really concern myself with. But no, people don’t want that. They want “fresh” and “new”. Now permit me to wax a little wisdom on what “fresh” means in the F&B industry. “Fresh” brewed coffee is coffee that is brewed from actual coffee beans, stored and cooled, and then turned into specialty coffee. That “Fresh” brewed coffee has a shelf life of 48 hours. And co-workers, not other cooks, bless their hearts, think I’m making “Fresh” cold brew coffees because the pitchers of brewed coffee are still wrapped up tight in their seal. There’s even a date-sticker on the pitcher that says when the coffee was brewed and when it expires, but do my co-workers read the expiration sticker? No, of course not. They wait for me to pop open that “Fresh” brewed coffee sealant to make the cold coffees of their choice. Never no mind that, again, they know where the walk-in is, they know how to make the coffee, but they don’t want to pop open a seal and re-wrap it, because that’s too much work. Instead, they wait for me to pop open the seal. HOWEVER, the cold brew coffee that is open already at the front of the house (front of the restaurant) doesn’t appeal to them because it’s not “Fresh”. Are you fucking kidding me here?? That cold brew and the cold brew I just popped open have the same expiration date. I know, I put it on both goddamn pitchers. Just because I pop open a sealant does not make the coffee any fresher than the coffee that’s open. It’s the same goddamn coffee. One just has a sealant on it to keep walk-in debris from falling in. That’s all.  But people are convinced that if you pop open a non-carbonated liquid it’s “Fresh” compared to the exact same thing that was popped open three hours prior from the exact same source, with the exact same liquid compound and ingredients. 

This is how little people know about food and drinks. Sealants are placed over food and drinks more so to keep debris off of it. That’s what we mean by “Fresh”. 

*Open pitchers have sealants also, they're called lids. Different name. Same purpose.

The pretzel they just put into the warmer is the exact same pretzel that’s been in the warmer for the last 30 minutes. It came from the exact same box of frozen goddamn pretzels. It’s not “Fresh” it’s simply hotter.

This is why most cooks are assholes. 

If I was good at social media, which I’m not because after I entertain you here I’ve got other things to do, but if I was good at social media, whooooo would my channel be popular among my work kin folk. Not so much with the customers unless you have a sense of humor. But whoooooo!   


What the goose said.


I almost threw a cook into the dumpster last night at work. Almost. Little fuck. In the last three nights I made 80 specialty salads. 80. I have a food prep quota of what's expected of me to have prepared for the shift ahead. There is no way in hell my place sold that many specialty salads. By the way, that’s hand washed, hand chopped lettuce, hand cut vegetables, handmade everything. 80! In total it took about four hours to make. And while I do get paid to make those salads, I don’t get paid to make food for my co-workers to steal, AND I have a ton of other shit to do! 80 specialty salads in three nights? Odd, not at all likely, but okay. I let it roll the first two nights. That is, until last night when I caught one of the cooks trying to snake out of the restaurant with 8 of the large salads I just fucking made! After I busted him he had the nerve to say, “What? You have plenty of salads left. What’s the big deal? Just make more.” – JUST MAKE MORE! I have a quota and other shit to do, asshole! I came (this close) to having a mugshot last night!  

So as you can imagine war broke out in the kitchen. You want to steal food from the restaurant, (one) don’t make my job harder doing it, (two) make it yourself! There’s a prep counter, there’s the prep sink, you know where the walk-in is, take your little knife, make it your goddamn self! I legit almost took that little fucker out. And as that little shit tried stealing my salads he was giggling about it like a little girl AS IF I would be okay with it! Are you fucking high?! No, of course not. People who are high don’t want SALADS!

*You can have the salads and be thrown in the dumpster, or you can put those salads back! Of course he put those salads back. A word of wisdom boys and girls, of all the Asians DO NOT fuck with the Koreans. Just don’t do it. Time won’t heal those wounds. Time, god, and love, will never heal those wounds. 

* Here’s another piece of advice, boys and girls, from your life coach here at PST. If you ever apply to work BOH somewhere (back of the house = back of the restaurant) regardless of the position, cook, dishwasher, prep cook, kitchen manager, make sure you have bail money and at least one trusty friend who is police station presentable. Shit gets real back there and half of us have knives!

I work with that cook again on Sunday. Motherfucker. I have had it. Just fucking had it. I’m BEYOND sick and tired. I’m fed up. And you know when women are fed up, black eyes and nosebleeds are being handed out! Who wants some!



My little guy. 🥰 So sweet.


“Everyone in the comments let me know what she’s saying.”

Awesome! Thank you. I needed a laugh. 🥹


Me, every time Jacob stalks the back of the house where he has no business being but does so just to lurk on me.


Men are so creepy in Vegas. The dude who rents the room next to mine always opens his door to watch me go into my room after I take a shower. I hate having to get fully dressed right after I shower but this dude always opens his door and watches me go into my room after I shower. He always does it. He creeps me out so much. What happens to men in Vegas?


As I mentioned before, a few weeks ago, my work hired this guy named Jason. I recently found out his name is actually Jacob. But unlike the Biblical Jacob wherefrom his name was acquired, this Jacob will no doubt have only a mental illness named after him. And he’s obsessed with me. I can pretty much go into work any time I want. But because I don’t play by corporate rules regarding my headgear and pants, I go in after 5pm on the weekdays, and as we already covered I look like a pirate at work, as in I wear a bandana over my hair, sometimes my LA KINGS bucket hat rather than the corporate bucket hat. Who am I wearing the corporate bucket hat for? And I wear black jeans rather than their corporate pants. Again who am I wearing the pants for? I work back of the house. I’m not wearing corporate gear for the cooks and delivery guys. Yep, rebel. If I have to stand on my feet for eight hours I’m wearing jeans. And so I sometimes go into work at 10pm, sometimes at 2pm on the weekends only, but during the weekdays any time after 5pm. I got into the habit of coming in at 10pm, when Jacob was coincidentally originally hired for, but then changed my hours to 5pm, and fucking Jacob requested his hours to be changed to also start at 5pm. And last night I caught him staring at me in a dead ass stare. Bro, what the fuck? Jacob is a white late 20’s guy, lazy as fuck, nothing about him stands out, you know, like serial killers, and he always has excuses to come to the back of the house (house = restaurant). He’s always back there. Bro, if you’re not a cook or delivery guy get the fuck outta here! Everyone complains about how lazy this dude is, even his immediate bosses, but as you know it is super hard getting rid of people in the workplace once in. Every time he lurks around my work area I’m like, “Where my chef knife at?!” He is 100% the type of guy who would murder a girl if she said no to him. Look, I know the workforce is scarce because no one wants to come to work when they can all get jobs online, so restaurants in particular are left with dudes not smart or creative enough to get gigs online. He just creeps me the fuck out. And it wasn’t long ago back in 2018 a cook I worked with went mental and held up the cashiers with a gun.

Sometimes at night just before I fall asleep I realize I’ve lived most of my life. The end is near. Maybe in another 20 to 25 years. I’d like to say longer but I have too many medical conditions with my heart, blood pressure, and liver. If a kidney goes I’m doomed before 60. I have a long list of ways I do not want to die. By the hands of a co-worker is among the top five along with on the toilet. Every time I look him now I’m like, Not on the toilet or by this fucking guy!


America is the only country who puts eggs in the fridge immediately because that’s how they were shipped to us, rather than eggs being purchased at farmers markets unwashed and unrefrigerated and kept on the counter. As if we wouldn’t eat a dozen eggs in a month? It’s a refrigerator conspiracy! 


Preach my non-American raised Preacher!



So my boss took on a second location and asked if I wanted to prep there on Friday and Saturday. I originally kept those days off thinking “Oh I might meet someone with a normal work schedule and at least we would have Friday and Saturday nights together” but that never happened, so I said yes. Bring on the extra money! But that also means I’m looking at apartments easily accessible to this legally blind stroke survivor. The second location is also in Summerlin (proper) and so I’m looking at apartments on Sahara. 

Sahara ave. is one of those streets that’s nice when you’re on the west side, by my work, but a complete dumpster fire on the east side going towards Palace station. Where’s the dumpster fire starting point? South Jones? 

Wednesday I’m just going to run around looking at neighborhoods all day.


Preach my Preacher!


“They dress like pirates. They carry big badass knives…” 😂

I still wear a pirate bandana at work. Yup sure do!



Preach, Preacher!

5 inches is plenty! Most men think jackhammering it into us is pleasurable. 🙄



Sharing a bathroom with this guy who rents the room next to mine reminds me why I left my husband. It also makes me not want to date anymore. Every time I think - you know it would be nice to be in a relationship, all I have to do is walk into my shared bathroom and be like NOPE, hard pass, this is partly why I got divorced! He made my life harder having to constantly clean up after him.


Hello boys and girls. Where should we start? That I had to brush my teeth at work today because the dude I share a bathroom with is always in the goddamn bathroom. And when he is in there he legit splashes water all over the freakin’ place (and I swear to you sometimes his urine too) I mean he splashes water all over the mirror, the floor, and the sink counter has an inch of water on it always. What TF do you men do in there with the water?! Seriously. And then at work I come to find the lady who is there when I’m not - is drunk on the job and today it definitely showed. Look…

It’s not hard, boys and girls. Come to work when you were hired to come to work. Do the job you agreed to do when you were hired. Don’t do drugs or be drunk on the job. Why are these three simple things so hard for people?


What the serious fuck do you men do in the bathroom with all that water?!


From one of my favorite Youtube channels.



Is it weird that while apartment hunting I’m taking into consideration my friends that will come and visit and end up staying for long periods of time when their significant others throw them out of the house?

According to my emails I’m a married white female who has an excellent male photographer.


Um. No, goddamnit, but… thank you? I'm the photographer!

I do my own stunts. Why do men think it’s so hard to put an iphone on a tripod, shoot 10 minutes of video and screen grab what you like? That’s literally how I take my own photos. You can call me white and married, you would be wrong of course, but goddamnit, I take my own photos. That is the one thing men say to me, repeatedly, that irritates me to no end.

Oh hey, I also take pictures of clouds. You can see a sample of my photos here on IG: 

Or see them here:

I’m going to make a coffee table book on my cloud obsession. I've decided. It will be one more thing men will think other men helped me to make and be completely wrong about. 

It will be my test run publishing-project for when I publish the book I’m writing about crazy people.


I miss him so much. He was so real. Kick it with the locals on a plastic $2 chair by the side of the road, or on sacks of grain and potatoes out in the field. So real.

And his message is clear. Show up on time. Do the job you agreed to do for the paycheck you agreed to work for. If you do that I can and will tolerate it when you do this. Goddamnit. 🤬


With a nine foot humanoid. Don’t forget they also claimed to have seen a nine foot alien 👽 ish humanoid in their backyard.

When I got divorced I’m the one who moved out. All I asked from my husband was for HALF the deposit for a new apartment I estimated at $1600, so $800. He could keep everything. I just wanted out of the marriage. I had a job. I worked. I had some money saved. I just needed a little extra for the deposit. We could buy a cheap divorce package from the courthouse and file the divorce ourselves since we didn’t have any children. And my husband said no. Instead, he hired an attorney, took me to court four times, and dragged out the divorce for two years. Because that made more sense to him. This is how many men think in America. Instead of doing the reasonable thing the first time even if it means a sudden loss but a better deal in the long run, some men, many men, would rather drag things out to see if a better deal can’t be made. 

Instead of giving Ukraine the F-10’s when Zelenskyy asked for them over a year ago to aid ending the war with Russia, America said “Naaaa, lets wait and see if this war doesn’t end itself.” Because that’s what Americans men do. 

When I told my divorce lawyer, who happens to be English, that all I wanted from my husband was $800 and a divorce, my lawyer was in such shock that my husband refused to pay the $800 and sign divorce papers - the lawyer sat behind his desk and stared at me for like five minutes before shaking out of his legal brain coma. “And he refused to pay it??” My lawyer asked all confused before twisting back into the legal brain coma from whence he came for another five minutes. Lawyers must hear a lot of stupid things but I do believe this one broke my attorney a little. 

I still to this day have no idea what the reasoning behind my ex-husband’s decision to go the long legal route getting divorced but god bless him, through a judge I got alimony and half of his 401K.




My point is this, thinking is not really a strong point for a lot of you fellas.

Next time, let the dude in the war being attacked by Russia, do the military thinking for his country.




Maybe I’ll do it.


Holy shit. I hate editing.

Whatever. This was a quickie made on Imovie. I saw the last clip I created on Imovie and all I can say is - Ha! Kids.🫣


I’m thinking of turning my cloud pics into a coffee book.

Or watch it here.


Instagram is royally pissing me off today. Tell whoever if she could be so kind as to wake up from her 7th little nappy of the day and get her shit together. It's only 1:16pm in the afternoon.


Level 1: “Knotty means you like being tied up.”

Level 10: “That’s totally not what knotty means, bro.”


How frustrating. YouTube changed its audio usage — and IG won’t allow its audio library used on your reel to be played anywhere but on IG yet they encourage you to share the reel on other social media platforms. It’s not the same without the gosh gol darn audio!

(Nothing to see here, just enjoy the music!)

Cue the music!


A dark rainy day is perfect because I just heard a Bar-S hotdog commercial to the tune of Sweet Cherry Pie. (sigh)


I woke up early to get a morning walk and see the sunrise but its raining out. All day according to the weather app.

Took this yesterday.

I know there’s a reasonable explanation for all the dark spots in the clouds I’ve been seeing lately, Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) or whatever, but military planes have been flying overhead for da-ays before the VGK won the Stanley. And again, thank you for not letting Florida take Stanley home. That state is no longer just “Florida man” it’s the entire state that’s gone hysterical. Newsom is a politician, a smoking hot one at that, but DeSantis is a blithering idiot “post birth abortion” FFS.

Someone on IG posted this photo. Conspiracy?


I mean, who can you believe if:



Little girl be batting like:


Hi, California. Ron DeSantis would like to schedule a “post birth abortion.”



Because I’m obsessed with the clouds here. The only time I wish for a high powered camera is to take mountain photos of the clouds. This is the best I could do with an iphone but it doesn't even begin to capture the magnificence of it all.

The first photo is the view from the end of my street.

I absolutely love the mountain clouds at this intersection.

Okay, back to writing. Good night.


Oh. Hello. Hi. How you doing?


Who says politics can’t be fun?


My 5.0 rating on Uber got knocked down to 4.96.

A'ight, who was the fucker? What didn't you like, the fact that I tipped you or that I gave you 5 stars? I give everyone 5 stars and I tip everyone, even the nutjob loony toon who drove me home after admitting 16 hours on the road prior to picking me up.


If I actually posted what I wrote the first time without spell check or a conscience, this blog would be more interesting.

PS. I spelled "conscience" without spell check for the first (and only!) time ever.


Went to the store for two things. Came back with neither one.


But then arrives the day when your brain has been so broken beyond repair, words just flow naturally as if they were created in the bowels of Satan. Those are the real writers. Not the idiots on strike.

Writers on strike are like moms on strike. No bitch, you chose this life. Got presents for it and everything.


Congratulations, Vegas Golden Knights, for beating Florida Panthers for the Stanley.

*Yea, I don't like Florida that much.



Additionally when you disappoint a Korean person, they create mass murder games and then make you an offer you can’t refuse. #Korean

Say! Have I told you about the book I’m writing? It’s about the makings of five psychopaths beginning with their childhoods, who then find each other in adult years, relishing in one another's personality disorders and derangements. It's pure fun good-time lunacy. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. (You’ll mostly cry.) 

I just don't have a title for it yet. I suck at titles.

*I wanted to call my book A MURDER OF CROWS but there's already a book with that title. Not sure how I can get around that.


Also how they announce themselves at the Miss Universe pageant. 🫣


Watching Trump Tuesday unravel is still funny, I don't care, because he's such a giant buffoon.



If we hung out (once) over three years and two states ago and you had no interest in hanging out again, why do you then keep texting me to see “What’s new” with me? I get there are people who do useless things but please do not include me in them. I’m busy doing things. I don't feel the need to update you in a private text especially since you had no interest in hanging out with me again which is totally your prerogative. No worries. But have ya heard I have a blog only for the past 10 years that will keep you updated on all the dailies. FFS lose my phone number will ya. You, and that irritating woman in Los Angeles who keeps calling me at 5am with a shitty job offer. Seriously lady, if you can’t hang on to your crew for even two weeks that’s a you problem.


I want a man who comes home and is all, “Guess what I did at work today?”


Good ol' Uncle Duke.

Do ya think the kids knew he was really Hunter S Thompson?


Some asshole threw a kitten on the freeway. What the fuck is wrong with people. Poor scared little thing. I’m so glad this trooper has a kind heart and this kitty is now in her fur’ever home. See right by this kitten, universe. Deal with the asshole who threw her on the freeway. Drag that motherfucker HARD. May I suggest Hellfire and brimstone for the next three generations of his (or her) family, thanks. ❤



I hope that the Uber driver who just dropped me off never picks me up again. Holy shit. FIRST OF ALL, he said he had been driving for 16 hours! Are you people in-fucking-sane?! I can’t think of anything I want to do for money for 16 goddamn hours. “How do you stay alert enough to drive?” I innocently ask. To which he got super offended and snidely replied, “How do you stay awake at your job?” To which I replied, “I get off work after eight hours.” And then he said, “Well 16 hours is a short shift for me. I usually drive for 20 hours per shift.” 

Dear Uber, lemme ask you something. Ya think your drivers are alert enough after 20 hours on the road non-stop? Who do my brothers sue when your driver jack-knifes off the road taking out a few other cars with him? 

The Uber car was tense after that little fubar social exchange so I said, “I’m glad to be going home. After 8 hours on my feet I just want to die.” To which he snidely replied, “Well that’s a pretty intense thing to say.” 

Jesus (fucking) (mother) (fuck) (fucking) Christ! 

Allow me to translate that into human speak. 

“Wow, after 8 hours on my feet I just want to die.”

If you’re female your response would be “Gurrrrrrrl!”

If you’re (any other) male your response would be, “I hear ya.” 

Both mean the exact same thing. 

“Well that’s a pretty intense thing to say” is something a person says after they’ve been driving Uber for 16 hours and are hallucinating giant flying monkeys while driving down a yellow brick road to meet a geriatric honky wizard!


Oh! I saw my first suburban street hooker yesterday walking with a male escort. As I was walking to Target, a couple also walking passed me on the sidewalk. I didn’t think anything of it until I saw this was no ordinary morning walk for them. He was wearing what you would expect to see a guy wearing going for a walk at 8am, but she was not. She had her long black hair down to her waist, full on red lipstick, Gucci style sunglasses, a tiny crop halter top, a (mini) mini tennis skirt that did not cover her completely, and tennis shoes with little babydoll bootie socks with ruffles. If she wasn’t a hooker, then she and her boyfriend were playing some weird sex roleplay game which they should not have been doing at 8am on a Saturday in the suburbs where kids are. 

I have no problem with adults doing whatever consenting adults want to do BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 

All’s I’m saying is, cover your vagina out in public.





Dang, Rob Lowe. $153 a ticket? Those better be some damn good stories. Pass.


"Is everybody in? Is everybody IN?"

I was going to go out tonight. But after showering, shaving, I’m now sitting here watching THE DOORS and I think… I’m staying in, writing. I spent $400 already today soooo… Yea, staying in.


Do YOU know Linda? 🥹


I needed good walking shoes. I walked to Target.

And then I stopped at the grocery store. I quit eating low sodium sunflower seeds since my feet were blowing up. I figured even a little extra sodium could be too much. I also wear pressure socks again. But because I stopped eating sunflower seeds I’m constantly searching for healthy crunch snacks and needed a bag of carrots.

And then I came back to my room and had a good cathartic sniffly-cry. 🥺


All Day I Dream About Sex

If you know, you know. 😉

Good morning 🌞



Good night. Gotta get up early tomorrow.


Let us not forget Nellis Air Force base, and Area 51, are not far. That said, as you know I'm constantly taking pictures of the clouds here. I'm obsessed.

The other evening I took a pic of a little cloud trailblazing thick cloud vapor into a bigger cloud and then whatever it was stayed in the bigger cloud.

Also, this is a regular occurrence over the mountains at the end of my street. I live in Summerlin, south.


My little hobo stray kitty from 2019. What are the chances he's still alive?


The clouds rolled in last night, over the mountains at the end of my street, and with it came something wicked.


Renamed Trump Tuesdays!




Sure, there are more than two political parties, but just like feminine holes only two have been the major source of high traffic aggravation.   


#Capricorn 😂♑️


Don't thank god. Thank the kind lady who donated her bed so your kid has a bed to sleep on.


It's how we all learn how to play guitar. 😂


“Dude, for the last time!” 😂 Preach Preacher! The struggle is real!


My background check cleared on Rover. I am an official pet caregiver. I'm excited! I love cats and dogs. So if I can make a little extra cash, why not?

I had a strange dream. I dreamt I was in a pool with a man, and suddenly the pool turned into a large spiraling dark water oceanic vortex spinning us around and sucking us down into the depths of the ocean. Ominous? Note to self: Do not get into a pool with a man this summer! Yep, that's how my brain works.



I think I might have a hernia. When you work in a kitchen you're constantly lifting 50 pounds or more. I’ve known for a while now that something is going on under my breasts between my rib cage, I just thought it was heartburn - acid reflux. But now I think it might be something else. I see my cardiologist in like 4 or 5 weeks. I’ll see what he thinks.

That's all I need now, a damn hernia.


Learn it. Know it. Live it.


Picked up a few groceries and egg rolls just now and since my UPS mailbox is next to the grocery store I picked up the package that was delivered to me yesterday. Just as I knew it was, it's Sheldon's Will. The estate lawyer's name is on the envelope. I can't bring myself to even open it. The lawyer said I was removed from the Will, so whoever gets Mikey I hope they love him and care for him like I would have for the rest of Mikey's life. But after our fight in 2020 Sheldon thought someone else would take better care of Mikey. Sheldon removed me from the Will, the lawyer said. Hey, who am I to argue? I just hope Sheldon was right. I hope the universe does right by that kitty cat. He's an innocent.

Like a pal of mine up north said, "Just get your own pet." Agreed. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Rover to approve my background check. I'm so excited! Today would be THE perfect evening for a stroll with a doggy. It's actually cool out for once. One of the last remaining cool days until winter. Later in the week it will be over 100 degrees! Ugh.

Just popped open my fortune cookie.

Is it cross-dressing? Oh boy, I hope it's cross dressing!


I don't know what kind of music they play but I would totally buy their CD.


She's so beautiful. I love her.

"You were in Sheldon's Will but then he removed you. This is just a formality really. You have the right to contest the Will, so I need to mail it to you. What's your mailing address?"

I received notification from UPS that a package too big to fit in my mailbox is waiting for pickup. If that's Sheldon's Will, which according to the estate attorney and daddy Goggle's info on how many days I have to contest a Will in California after its reading, I have 120 days starting from last week sometime. Why would I contest a Will? Any Will? Move on with your life. Sheldon has been technically dead to me for the past three years. News of his actual death was a shock, not gonna lie, but not surprising given how poorly he ate, and his poor lifestyle habits. "But I'm blind!" he would say. I'm legally blind without my glasses nonetheless I move around just fine without them. Blind people can exercise and eat healthy too. If you can travel to Europe, you can join a gym. Just saying.

Like I said before, I'm just dumping the Will in the garbage.

I'm still waiting for Rover to approve me following the background check. I had to make an edit with the first background check because I accidentally left off my middle name on my social security info, my middle name is on my social security card, so they had to start over.

It's not often (what's left) of my female hormones rage, but...

Oh hi! Hi! Hello! How you doing?

(Tom Cruise's stunt doubles for MI7)

I wish more men looked like this. And while all three men look very similar, the one on the right is more appealing to me. Symmetry. They say physical attraction is based on symmetrics.



Yea well...

Our concert parking lot.

Your concert parking lot.

Have a nice day, all.



Idolize people with actual skills. I don't know if my brain can handle another Kardashian fame fuck-up.


There are/have been four generations of my family in Minnesota. We were raised around Minnesota pioneers. I can always tell old Minnesotans from new ones. New ones, meaning people who moved to Minnesota after 1990-something. Twenty years prior however I never knew crime, or hatred, or starvation, or anything nefarious. The most criminal activity in the neighborhood came from my house! As I’ve been writing about, have written about, scroll down, most of the neighborhood misery came from my brothers mom. We were the white trash of the neighborhood. Thank god I was young and adorable. The neighbors liked me. They felt bad for me and wanted to help me any way they could. I can’t tell you how many times I heard, “Stay with us. Finish high school. We’ll take care of you.” But that’s what old school Minnesotans do. They take care of their own. I have binge listened to almost 3 years of Dateline. Holy shit. Between Dateline, Forensic Files, Snapped, Cold Case File, First 48, To Catch a Predator, I had NO idea things were this bad in our country. None. I come from a place where we didn’t lock our doors until 10pm. And by 8am they were wide open again. 

People will say, “Well that’s YOUR generation.” Uh-huh. But don’t you want that for YOUR generation? Wouldn’t you like it if your kids had safe streets to peddle their bikes on anytime they want without the risk of abduction? 

Do you know what the difference is? What I honestly believe the difference is? Hard work. People weren’t afraid to work for love. They weren’t afraid to work to keep the heat on in the winter. Work was a great thing to have. People wanted to work - for everything. Now there’s so much entitlement for nothing. They’re not even doing anything yet want demand entitlement. 

You need to beat your kids when they run around all feral in grocery stores. Seriously. Gen X’ers were feral but WE were feral out in the woods!

Women in their 40's doing stupid shit like having sex with 20 year olds need to go back being shamed like,"That weirdo lady who wears too much eye shadow."

Alcoholism, porn, cos play sex, all need to go back to things you do behind closed doors. That way it's a "in the know" club like back in the day.

Generations need to fight it out in their own arena. Gen X'ers battled the shit out of each other! Pummeled each other, passive aggressive, out earn, out live, out - everything!

20 and 30 year old men need to be told “No” until they figure out how to earn a “Yes” with black eyes, split lips, and bloody knuckles. 

Here, I'll help you.




Absolutely not.


But until then, Dateline season 32, I guess?  



GenX'ers may be broken down and crippled, but Boomers are are on crazy missions from...


Have I been wearing my pressure socks, nope. But I’m going to go back wearing them. My new Gen X struggle is fluid build up in my feet and lower legs. By the time I come home from work my feet and lower legs swell up like circus balloons. Poor circulation. I go to bed, wake up, and the fluid is gone. My feet and lower legs are back to normal. But by midnight you could use my feet as kink floaties for some pervert's pool party. I’m supposed to wear pressure socks 8 hours a day. I’ve been flaking on it. My bad. Balloon feet are a reminder to wear them. Aaah old age. 

This is why old people have cats, dogs, hamsters, because really, who wants to deal with old people problems unless you’re getting paid? I won’t even go to the strip even if I’m offered to be paid. Convenience and comfort over desire. Every single time now. 


Preach Preachers!

Learned a few days ago…

Danny Masterson is going to jail. 🍾🥳👏🏻🎊🎉🍻 When crime so obvious, when arrogance so obvious, and that ridiculous wife of his stands by his side. 🙄 She must really hate eating alone. Welp, get used to it. Hey, you can always walk dogs on rover! 🤭


Because of the Vegas heat I worked the graveyard shift. Not that it gets any better after the sun goes down come August, but it beats having the sun barreling down on you in addition to 110 degrees. But a month or so ago my work hired a new guy named Jason, to also work the graveyard shift, and Jason just creeps me the fuck out. He’s always staring at me, I mean always. He finds any excuse to be in my prep area, and since I stopped working the graveyard shift (because of him!) and changed to the swing shift, I only see Jason now for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, and he’s always mumbling “cunt” under his breath when he sees me! Holy shit. Freaky motherfucker. 

My friend in LA wrote me the sweetest Rover testimonial. I’ve watched his kitty snuggles, and have fallen madly in love with them. Mad, I say. 

That's Alice. I found a Youtube channel for cats. She never saw a mouse until I played that Youtube video. She's a total sweetpea!

And that's Arlo. Handsome little devil.

I love their white paws!

Alongside cats I also listed I would care for 1-15 pound doggies. I miss having a dog to walk with, play with, brush, bathe, and snuggle with. I'm not into big dogs so much. I had them when I was a kid but they were security watch dogs. A Dobie/Lab and a German Shepard. I didn't bond with them.

I'm just crazy for this breed of dog, Jack Russel Terrier. I want one. The perfect size housemate!

Look'a the face!

Rover does thorough background checks so that's where I'm at right now. They're doing a background check. I know some people are like pro dog walkers and take on like 12+ dogs a day but this is my side hustle. One or two dogs a day is perfect for me.

Look'a the face! Check out that milkshake. 😂

If I had a farm I would get like 3 of these dogs and two goats. Plus a few cows and a ton of hens! Just hens for the eggs. Corn, grain, and eggs. That would be my farm. The cows and goats would be pets. The hens would be pets too. Pets that make eggs. Oh! And ducks!

Dare to dream.

June 5, MONDAY


The attorney for Sheldon's estate called back just now.

It's nothing. A legal formality. Sheldon had put me in the Will, like I said, back in 2013'ish to care for his cat Mikey, and then removed me from the Will in 2020 when we fought. Almost 30 years of friendship, and then the Pandemic happened, friendship lost, but he's the one who made certain we could never talk again. The attorney said as a legal formality he had to inform me I was once in the Will and even though I'm not anymore I can apparently contest the Will if I want. Look, wherever Mikey is, I hope he's loved and cared for. I'm not going to contest the Will. I trust Sheldon's judgement. And I'm a little relieved that I don't have to go through the drama of collecting Mikey and re-arranging my life, again, because of Sheldon. He's forced me to re-arrange my life way too many times in the last ten years. That's Sheldon.

Thank god this whole mess with Sheldon is over. Thank god. Would I love to have Mikey, sure, because I'm emotionally invested. But if Sheldon felt the cat was better off with someone else - hopefully that's the case.

When I get that document mailed to me I'm tossing it.

Moving on.


I returned Sheldon's estate lawyer's call just now. Left a message.

I'm annoyed with all of this. Between Sheldon ending our friendship in 2020, to my brother's mom Vickie not leaving a Will or assigning anyone power of attorney, or even signing a piece of paper yeeaars ago that would have released me from all this shit...

People don't realize (or care) how the living are supposed to deal with you once you're dead. It's selfish. And I get the calls when I have to be at work that night, or when I'm at work. It's never on your days off when you can be an emotional wreck.

I hope Mikey got settled somewhere. You know those vultures Sheldon has for neighbors do the bare minimum with Mikey. They feed him, maybe scoop out his litter, maybe give him clean water, maybe keep his dishes clean, maybe give him treats... kind of with a mild neglect.

I knew getting another cat after Mimi was a bad idea. But whatever Sheldon wants, Sheldon gets. I just wish I hadn't gotten involved. When people don't treat pets right it sits in me and festers.



The attorney taking care of Sheldon's estate called me tonight while I was at work. He left a message simply saying he needed to talk to me.


What do you think it is? Mikey or the drawing I gave him that he just threw in his closet? Or both?


Gender roles between the two genders are not equal. They're not meant to be. If men wanted 100% equality then never no mind the women, just stay in the company of men. You're a man. You're job is to bleed and sweat for society. Deal with it.

Women who want children and a family will biologically seek a same age male or older who can PROVIDE for her and her family. She wants a provider. I'm not saying she will insist upon it. I'm saying she will want this as an option. Women want options that benefit them. Dig? It's pure biology.

Males biologically are the breadwinners. You just are. Deal with it. Female, breed. Male, breadwinners. That's just the norm. Not the mandatory - the norm. Males under 40 for healthy mindset and growth of maturity NEED to be among their own generation. They need to learn diplomacy, skills of a trade, how to sharpen their skills of negotiation, learn love, learn loss, pummel the shit out of each other, and then learn forgiveness... not just among their siblings, among all the siblings of their generation. That's what generational arenas are for.

Males in their 20's and 30's who turn to mommy aged women for sex and comfort are giant red flags! They will grow up to be utterly useless in society. They will grow up to be burdens. Kick those boys back into the arena to battle the lions and bears of their peers where they belong!


Is this little boy your son? These 20 year old BOYS need to man up and make it work with women their own age. 20 year old males who seek sex with women old enough to be their mothers are why men are failing America. They are the reason America is failing. 

America needs its men to bleed and sweat for its country. And you sharpen man skills by conquering your own generation. When 20 your old males think older women will care for their needs into his 20’s and 30’s, for fuck sake (literally!) they don’t become men, they become subservient, lazy, and utterly useless.



I'm signing up with Rover to be a dog walker and cat sitter. I'm off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. So why not? Maybe I'll meet a single man with a house and a cat. *swoon!*


Sweet little Mikey opossum. He loved my belly rubs. I hope he's getting lots of treats and belly rubs.


I want to title my book A MURDER OF CROWS but some British author already has a book published with that title.

Me, and English authors, I get you.


I was a waitress for Coogie’s Cafe in Santa Monica, CA, for almost four years. I had to pay the owners, all servers had to pay the owners, $5 of my tips per shift just to work there. Five days a week, for four years, almost $5,000 to work there and be a loyal dedicated hard worker who showed up to work on time.

How fucking greedy is Corporate Vegas? Rhetorical question. We already know the answer.


OK well let me see if I understand this correctly, In order to work for the Allegiant Stadium, I have to pay $85 to get fingerprinted, and $129 to expedite the fingerprinting processing if I want to start work within the two to three weeks it takes to process my fingerprints otherwise, none of which my potential employer will reimburse? 

And Vegas wonders why it’s hard finding people to work for them. Can the mob just go back to running Vegas please? And thank you.


Smooth transition🔥



Watching Interview With the Vampire.

Good night little boy. My little opossum. I hope I see you again.


Is this idiot your boy? He's 26. I can't even begin to tell you how satisfying it is to cut and paste this response. 😂


The National average of life expectancy in America is 79. And retirement age is 69. What bullshit. People should be able to enjoy at least 20 years of retirement.


My last cat, Marquis.

The neighborhood hobo porch cat I renamed Buddy. I really miss him. *Sadly he was too feral to house.


“With a court affidavit the transfer of property can occur after death without going through probate.” 

So Sheldon’s Will may not go through probate?  

I just can’t see how Sheldon would allow his niece to take hold of his place without first settling things with his cat Mikey. If Mikey is still living in the house as his niece sells it off, that means Mikey hasn’t been re-housed yet. And if I understand this correctly, the person entrusted with Mikey may not be notified for up to three months?


I feel like Jerry Shepard in the film Eight Below.


I’m trying to find the executor to Sheldon’s will. I searched online. I paid $5 to search the website for Sheldon’s will probate but the search came up empty. So either Sheldon filed under another county, or his will just hasn’t gone into probate yet which doesn’t make sense to me because his niece is already trying to sell off his place. How is that possible? How long does it take to get death certificates?


So then I found an email address and emailed the courthouse directly with an inquiry as to where else I might search to find the executor. Bottom line, regardless, I need to go to Los Angeles. I know Sheldon did in fact die. I found his memorial page on the Mount Sinai website. So then I turned to Youtube…

Are y’all telling me that even with a will executor, who is also an attorney, it still takes a month or so for a judge to sign off on the death certificate/s and validate the will? So how is his greedy niece able to sell off his place already?

Couldn't the attorney executor just use funds from Sheldon's bank to pay whatever amount Sheldon instructed for Mikey's care?

I don't get how his niece is able to sell off his place before filing probate with the courthouse?

The good news is, there's an order of smaller items on the will needing to be signed off on by both recipient and judge, before the bigger things on the will can be signed off on. So again, how is his niece able to put his property up for sale so fast?

Just give me the cat.


That's fine. Come get some.



This poor kitty still thinks daddy is coming home.


So for the cost of a copy of Sheldon's will, I can get his attorney info and see what, if anything, the will says in regards to little Mikey.

All this for a cat? You bet. I never even needed to know Sheldon died. But I got dragged in, had my heartstrings fucking yanked at, and now it's on.

Never fuck with a #Capricorn


Shit's about to get real.


No sweet kitty cat goes in a kennel especially if he's still willed to me.


I consulted a lawyer friend regarding if Mikey is still willed to me. I do not trust any of Sheldon's friends, family, or associates.


Sheldon had a will, and for whatever reason I’m still in it.

Vicki had no will, and for whatever reason I’m still legally bound to her. Shackles around my neck!

Have a will, boys and girls. Preferably a living will. Appoint an executor. Keep your will updated. 

KEEP YOUR WILL UPDATED. Jeesusfuckingchrist.


Holy shit. Where do I begin?! 

When I was a little girl, my dad had my brothers mom adopt me so I would have two parents on file in the event of an emergency. In the event my dad died. Who could have predicted then what a fucking loony toon nutjob this crazy bitch would turn out to be?! So just before my seventeenth birthday my dad drew up legal papers for the certifiable whackadoo hag to sign dissolving her parental rights of me. Which everyone assumed she did and had at least one of the lawyers between them file with the courthouse. Well guess what? Plot twist! Now that she’s dead, the lawyer for her estate cannot find the papers, cannot find any legal papers aside from her divorce papers. Meaning it’s entirely possible I’m still her fucking child. Meaning ⅓ of her estate is possibly mine. I’m going to have a heart attack. No, this is the real deal. It’s fucking happening.

I told my brother immediately when he called me last week with the news of his mom dying that I wanted NOTHING from that whackjob, and I meant it. 

I can’t even begin to tell you how CRAZY this whole thing is. But why should it surprise me? WHY? She’s never been able to do a single thing by herself EVER. Sign a document, hand it over to one of the goddamn lawyers between her and our dad and she said NOPE. NOT GONNA. Too hard for her. My brother called me today and said it might cost more money in attorney fees to get out of being legally bound to ⅓ of her estate. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! 

My brothers talked. They want me to take the money. Whatever the third is after lawyers and taxes, they want me to have it. 

My heart is throbbing in my chest right now. I can’t get rid of this fucking woman! 

Don’t say you don’t learn anything from this blog. We’ve covered divorces, strokes, jaw surgery, and now it seems we’ve reached the part of our program where we learn about wills.  

And I was feeling so good when I woke up this morning. I really was.  I made my peace with Sheldon’s death. My brothers were responsible for Vicki’s death. I was going to be productive today, and now, I can’t get off this gooddamn roller coaster. This goddamn fucking piece of shit roller coaster. 


My heart is racing again.



Agreed, that said, I ain’t winning this one. Pick your battles.

A post from my girlfriend back in Minnesota.

Back in 2013’ish, when I was getting divorced, Sheldon asked me if I would adopt Mikey in the event of his death and will him to me. I said of course. We hoped that wouldn’t be the case obviously, Sheldon and Mikey loved each other, we hoped they would be together for the rest of Mikey’s life.  But in the event of, Sheldon said he would make certain in his will that Mikey and I would be cared for - for the rest of Mikey’s life. So like maybe 12 years at that time? I have no idea how Sheldon summed up the math on Mikey’s life, but he said he would make certain Mikey would have a roof over his head and all the treats in the world if I would only love and promise to care for him. 

*in 2013 Mikey would have been like 1+. Average cat lifespan is like what, 13 to 14 years?


I have to emotionally distance myself from Mikey, from all of this, because if the lawyer cannot get ahold of me then it all falls back into the legalese of his will, and back into the pit of snakes the vultures otherwise known as his friends and family. 

I pray the universe works it out with Mikey, the only innocent in this whole entire shit storm.  

*Add to that, Mikey is a senior cat now. A senior cat whose owner just died. What a shit storm.   


To my other friend who has cats that I got know and love, thank god your daughter isn’t a horrible human being.


I know. I know. It’s been a week. I have to just let it be. I hope kitty is either loved and cared for, or put out of his misery as swift as possible. I don’t want little Mikey locked in a cage at the animal shelter. Pedro says Sheldon’s supposed friends are taking care of him but no one will take him in. And then what happens after Sheldon’s niece sells the place. What happens to Mikey then? 

Nope. No. 

Just please universe, see that this little boy isn’t locked in a cage that’s all I ask.


I realize Pedro could have told me when Sheldon’s funeral was. He went. But I’m sure he’s caught in the drama of it all also. Pedro knows had I gone to Sheldon’s funeral, had I been there at Sheldon’s bedside when he died like I should have been, I would have made sure everything that followed went exactly like how Sheldon wanted it. Exactly like how the will instructs. And because of this, no doubt those thieving vultures put pressure on Pedro to not say anything to me. I mean, Sheldon wasn’t even in the ground yet and people from all over the country flew in to ransack his house. His niece, who inherited his house, who wouldn’t even have dinner with Sheldon in almost 30 years, already put his place up for sale. Of course I’m angry.

And where is the cat?!


Preach Preacher! 😂


I got off the phone less than an hour ago with Pedro, the only mutual friend between Sheldon and I, and it seems Sheldon’s attorney, the one taking care of Sheldon’s will, is trying to get in touch with me. Pedro gave the attorney my phone number and email address last Tuesday. I have no idea what that’s all about. Unless Sheldon never changed his will and he left his cat Mikey to me, then I have a lot to plan ASAP. If it’s not Mikey, then my guess is Sheldon wanted the lawyer to return the drawing I gave to Sheldon but never hung up. He threw my drawing in his closet and left it there for like 25 years.   

This drawing. 18X12 charcoal and graphite drawing.

I couldn’t care less about the drawing to be honest. I do care about the cat. If it’s not Mikey, I couldn’t care less what it's about. Sheldon chose to end our friendship in 2020, a friendship that spanned close to 30 years. No one on Sheldon’s side, people who knew Sheldon less than half the time I knew him, bothered to call me when he was sick, when he was in the hospital, or when he died. No one bothered to tell me about his funeral that was yesterday.

Sheldon always said Mikey and I were the only two that loved him unconditionally. Sheldon always said when he dies they will all immediately ransack his house and fight over his possessions, and that's exactly what they're doing. One bitch flew in from Georgia the day she heard he died! So fuck all. I mourned Sheldon's death. Go ransack his house you greedy snakes. Just give me the cat!

I shot this pic of Mikey when I last house sat him back in 2016'ish.

Sweet little boy.

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