Saturday, April 1, 2023




Writers strike? 

Oh hi! πŸ‘‹πŸ» Hello! I’m a writer! 


Not just casinos, darling.


And that's why it's now called the Harry Reid International Airport. 


More men need to ask women out like this! 


This is brilliant.



Last night


When the valet got Tom Cruise's ride?

When the cloaking device is broken?

When you lose the cloud you were hiding behind?


Internet dating...

What I hope for



First Amendment auditors (as they like to call themselves) are sadly the 2023 version of Sid Vicious, only Sid did it in music, drug addiction, and self image, whereas FAA's just want to interfere in policing for clicks and money. 

If your only "skill" is pointing a cell phone at police officers and waiting to see if they get annoyed, please enjoy these images of your future when everyone else your age is doing it too and you need to up your content because you have zero actual life skills. 

Oh dear.



Sweet dreams Zaddy-o


Monsoon season 

100° one day. 70° the next.

“You guys” 😏


"She didn't respond. I better write her again." πŸ˜‚


I'll watch anything with Margot Robbie in it, to be honest. 


Internet dating like...

What I hope for 



Tools ⚒️ of the trade for skilled high functioning methodical psychopaths. 

Or so I hear. 



Internet dating be like


The best flashy mix 


I wish I could see this in the theater TODAY. I want to see a movie theater movie.

Asteroid City


My kitty role like



Las Vegas, why do your sidewalks suddenly just end? You think people walking on them randomly desire to walk on gravel after 500 yards?

I will say this however, this last bar that was more empty and darker than my soul, didn't reek of cigarette smell... just raw sewage. 

Welp, good night.



"Go to a bar and meet men the old fashion way," says my brother. That's how he met my sister-in-law, his second wife. So tonight...

I went to the third local bar since moving into the neighborhood two months ago and it was dead. Desolate. More abandoned than a celibate prayer group in Amsterdam's red light district. Population bartender and me. I had one glass of red wine anyway, you know, for my heart, tipped the bartender (Steve, or Jack, I don't remember, he had two arm sleeves of ink and a sideways baseball cap) and then walked back to the house I rent a room in, logged onto Facebook and got screamed at by a friend, currently visiting Thailand, for the prescriptions I take for my blood pressure, arrhythmia, and hypertension. 

What the serious fuck happened to my life? 

FFS Mike, get off Facebook! You're in Bangkok! Get a tattoo on your tongue, get wasted on Chang, come home married to a one legged prostitute, like a normal person! 



What I dream about.

Reality. 🫣


30 year olds hitting on me ranks just below nausea. I’d rather have tummy rumbles for an hour than get hit on by a 30 year old. 


Geez Mike, of all the things to lose in Bangkok, virginity, sanity, a finger, but all you lost was your cell phone. Prepare to receive this tee-shirt for Christmas.


I'm confused.

Doing my pill box, because that's what old ladies do on any given Wednesday after 3pm while doing laundry, I noticed this....

One of my statins, according to this pharmacy in Los Angeles, says the pills expire in 6 months...

And yet... 

Same meds, same prescription amount, same doctor, yet this bottle I picked up in a Las Vegas pharmacy says the pills are good for a year.

Lose faith in the pharmaceutical industry, whaaat?

Current mood:


I'm so neurotic all last night at work I thought I left the coffee pot on - which I never do. But I didn't check it three times, which I normally do, before I left for work. Don't ever be confident! Always be uncomfortable! πŸ˜‚ Because that way you never leave the coffee pot on. I'm now looking at the coffee pot and I'm still worried if I left it on or not. When I get older I need all my appliances to have bells - everything! I want my curling iron to chime the Mama Cass "Make your own kind of music" if it's left on for more than five minutes unused.   


What are the H and R words? 


You know I'll be thinking about it all day now.





FOX settled with Dominion for 787.5 Do-million dollars.

Tucker Carlson got fired from FOX.

And yet, Trump, who doesn't know which way is north even with a compass, might still get re-elected. 

Throw Jeanine Pirro under the bus next and let's see what happens!

Bed time. Good night.



It’s a thing! It works. I run hot when I sleep. Left nostril breathing really does have a calming effect when trying to get to sleep. 


Whoo yay. Four hours of sleep and apparently prepping tonight for another inspection at work? So soon? Already? WTseriousF?! Sure, I’ll run around and correct all the stuff BOH. It’s a good thing I make the specialty coffees ‘cuz Imma need one entire pitcher on ice for me just to power through.


Getting off work my brain like…



Good night 😏


Hungry eyes 


Snapped a pic of this hovering over my neighbors house. Chinese spy cloud! ☁️ 

Kidding. We know it’s aliens. πŸ›Έ 


In the end I'll publish it myself but I will try to find publishing first. Although, and this is of no consequence, being as how daddy Google censored four of my blogs in the last 48 hours, one was from 2018 (I mean why now?) I'll probably publish the book myself. I think some situations need to be detailed explicitly otherwise you don't fully get the feeling of the moment or moments leading up to the effects of cause, and I'm just so-fucking-over being censored for things I deem petty. Like using the term "yellow fever" to describe non Asians only dating Asians. -- Really? You censored me for that? πŸ˜‘ Meanwhile Google is perfectly fine posting 30 links of one girl two vaginas, porn, but "yellow fever" that's the thing that gets censored. Are you saying reading words are more powerful than visual content? Or maybe two vaginas on one girl is about acceptance and "yellow fever" is derogatory, although my being Asian, like black people using the "N" word, should dismiss the derogatory-ness... I'm overthinking. Point is, I'd rather publish a book myself than being censored. Because if "yellow fever" makes your head spin, holy shit, buddy you ain't getting past the first chapter. 

I still don't have a name for it. 

A young woman is found dead and the last four known associates of hers are suspects, but this a psycho-drama, meaning no Law & Order murder weapon and "dun-dun!" moments, because true psychopaths have a level of OCD neurotic brilliance where being sloppy isn't even fathomable, and I back detail the circumstances on how I think (per lifelong studies/observation/first hand witness) how psychopaths are made in childhood, etc.... and as details unravel you do in fact find out the who/what/where/when/how regarding her, dead girl, end of days. Details matter. (DETAILS MATTER! or DETAIL SMATTER! if you prefer.) 

And when I need breaks from writing I open emails... 

Cut and paste: the secret of getting laid, apparently.

I especially enjoy when they write "you guys" like how did they know about my split personality disorder? I thought that was a secret! You just can't trust anyone these days.


She nailed France πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


Oh hello. Are those all for me? πŸ˜‰



Why would I go out when I can just… 


I just finished Halston, on Netflix. I loved it. But now I'm depressed. My brother is in my head telling me to go out and be social - meet a man the old fashion way, in a bar.

I've spent the past two days writing my book - amid growing heat (as in weather) and fires. Well, one fire. I'm horribly bothered by the fire that happened in my friends garage. More bothered by it than they are. I need answers! I need to know how the fire was started, for one. No one knows apparently. And no one cares. No one cares but me, that is. 


Really good film. Charlie Wilson's War, on Netflix.


My sleep Apnea reached an all new stress level yesterday. Last night I woke up in such a severe panic I thought for sure I was having a heart attack in my sleep. I'm going to try a night time mouth guard. I'm a left-nostril, right side sleeper. I sleep on my right side so my left nostril is the the more open dominant nostril. It's a whole thing. They say for people with heart conditions like arrhythmia to not sleep on your back, or left side on account of that's where your heart is. Don't add pressure to it. For some reason lately I keep rolling over onto my back while I'm sleeping and then I have very bad breathing problems. It's much harder for me to breath sleeping on my back. Yesterday I woke up gasping for air. My heart was going a million miles a minute after I woke up. - Crazy! 

Minutes later my heart rate calmed down but my chest still hurt for a few hours. I must have been struggling to breathe for a while. I don't know why I suddenly started rolling over onto my back in my sleep. It's totally new. I'm a really good side sleeper. Usually my teddy bear prevents me from rolling over onto my back. I can never sleep in the same bed with anyone ever again. Not that it's looking like a problem any time soon. But I would totally freak them out. Can you actually die in your sleep? I guess we'll see. I look at cute animal reels on instagram to calm down when I wake up all gasping for air like that.

When/why Apnea? I didn't have a sleep breathing problem as a kid... Did I?



The only way I’m leaving my house tomorrow is if I get invited to this.


Bright flashy and romantic πŸ’˜ 


When the 60-something year old man who wrote you has a hot 40-something year old son, do you reply? 😈



I don’t know why but this is oddly very satisfying to watch. πŸ™ƒ


Oh hi. Is this moron your husband? He's writing single women and telling them he's "separated". Just thought you should know. 




After the 1st game. The 2 game. The 3rd game. Yea. πŸ™ˆ



A trend for those who want to contemplate what it feels like being dead. Some European places will allow you to rest in your grave site while alive.

Just wait a little while longer, kids. You have a place already set up for that. It's called your bed. After a certain age you will on occasion, while laying in bed, come to the hard realization you will one day cease to exist. And you do it from the comfort of your bed.

Welp, good night.  


Young male social media home chefs are being all sexual with their beef burrowing a hole into the meat before cracking an egg into it. (*sigh*) LOOK, you don't have to burrow a hole in your meat for the egg. You just...

You can just set the egg directly on the burger. Been doing it that way for years, boys and girls. Been doing it that way for years. The yolk is still runny. You still get the visual run-down when you cut into it. I mean. 

If it's good enough for traditional loco moco, it's good enough for you.

Mmm loco moco. A little extra gravy please and thank you.


Please, more drunk Donald Trump. So much more drunk Donald Trump. πŸ˜‚


I think my housemate is mad I'm doing laundry. I got until 9pm, bitch! 7 more minutes! πŸ˜‚

It's like I'm married without having to pick up his socks off the floor. So in a way better. 


Vegas high winds as of late is messing with my sinuses. 

For those of us who don't follow the money, this means nothing. For those of us who follow the unhealthy love some have for money, this just makes me laugh... and laugh, and laugh.





Las Vegas sunset on this windy night.


I held off as long as I could. *Bites knuckle*


It is apparently my lot in life to live in the state where the Superbowl is going to be held. If only I knew what the Superbowl was? πŸ˜‰


THIS is an amazing commercial. 

The Fox (tits and ass) "news channel" can eat a bag of dicks. 

Not a fan of their beer but Budweiser has always made awesome commercials. And yes, Budweiser is American beer. Y'all know how I know that? Because every foreign beer drinker who comes to America wants Budweiser beer - and none of them have ever asked to switch the channel to Fox news. Therefor, Budweiser, more American than Fox news.


I'm hard craving Ambrosia right now. I'll make some at work tonight. Freak the kids out.

New Tik Tok challenge: writing your name without lifting up your pencil.

Cursive, boys and girl. It's called cursive.

GEN X: "We were born, weighed, and then told to go outside and play - forever."

I told myself I would sleep in today until 4pm, go to work, and when I got off work go somewhere and eat a proper meal, sitting down at an actual table, fork and knife, proper, but then my housemate said "fuck you" and vacuumed at 1:00. So. That happened. 


OMG πŸ™ƒ If you (daddy) Google “Mandalorian” baby Grogu pops up on screen. 

Someone please ask Pedro Pascal to read a Dr Seuss book in the Mandalorian voice! 


You’re loved. You’re… just… you’re loved!

Sssshhh just let it happen.




Stretched out lenticular cloud over my neighbors houses. 

Y’all have been chosen. πŸ›Έ 


Facts! I don’t cook for myself. If it’s just me I’ll microwave a few of those small beef  and green chili burritos. Although I do take home a salad from work on occasion being as how I make them. 


Is the solution bigger cells or putting things in the same cells to occupy prisoners time? Maybe give the prisoners in solitary bibles? There's a Catholic partnership that will supply the Bibles I am (almost) certain.

The Quaker practice of solitary confinement is a different world definition compared to prison solitary confinement as you and I associate it. Also, Quaker solitary confinement is not much different from their usual Friday nights, Jon. There's just less people and farm animals in the room, same four walls made of wood and a Bible tho'.


Have you been to Japan? Or any Asian country?

This is her apartment. I'm going to guess the size of her apartment isn't that much bigger than a solitary confinement cell. Size wise, the difference between her apartment and a solitary jail cell is her stuff, and the cute teddy bear. I'm almost positive she's hearing nonstop banging, screams, and nefarious goings on - on a regular basis in her dwelling as well. This is how Asian horror movies are made.

Give the prisoners in solitary confinement a teddy bear and a Bible. Maybe some ear plugs. It's a start. And more affordable than say, restructuring the entire foundation of a prison to make prisoners more... comfy. 



What’s the deal with Facebook and all the math problems? Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Well, are you?

I don’t know, Facebook. Last I was in high school there was a smoking lounge for juniors, seniors, and teachers. 

Now if you’ll excuse me I have wedding to plan for my stuffed teddy bears. Awww ❤️


Thank god none of my teachers in life was this dude or I would still be trying to figure out how to use a pencil. 


Pedro Pascal says he doesn't understand the internet craze for him when he's been in the business for years and years - and why now?

Why now?

Oh. Well. Allow me to explain.


In the cleanest way I know how to say it...

THIS Pedro Pascal...

Has no clue how to do the things THIS Pedro Pascal can do.

Lord have mercy.




I love this youtube channel.


Just saying. Good night. πŸ˜‰


I'm with you lady. Tell that asshole neighbor (pictured left) to fuck all the way off. "In 15 years when the paint wears off I'll paint it again!"πŸ˜‚ It's your house, ma'am. Put up a tall ass fence, paint that fence like a rainbow, if you were my neighbor I'd thank you for putting up a tall fence. Means I wouldn't have to do it myself. Tell Mr dickbag over there to suck a bag of dicks. 



This has nothing to do with health or science.

A ban on the abortion pill is nothing more/nothing less than church propaganda. The Catholic church says, or rather the Bible instructs, to go forth and breed new church members. Every religion breeds new parishioners. The Catholic church does it, the Protestants do it, the (whatever Tom Cruise is) does it, and the Mormons do it like they're creating their own individual baseballs teams. 

Those who are not religious, they don't care about you, you're collateral damage, they only care about their own parishioners not bringing to life future church members. That's the only reason the church doesn't like gay men, because in the eyes of the church gay men are wasting their seed that could be used to impregnate women to breed new parishioners.  

I have nothing to sell you, obviously, I don't even advertise on my blog. I'm just saying if you really want to cripple the church, stop having sex. You thought Big Pharma bribed people into taking vaccines? How much do you think the church would pay you to breed? That's why certain politicians, backed by certain churches, are pro 12 year old girls getting married, to have many years of breeding into the church.

*Think of it like a Holier Than Thou human female puppy mill.

*And you thought Elon Musk was mad that the younger generations aren't breeding new wallet holders? He ain't got nothing on the church. The church is way the fuck more mad younger generations aren't breeding new Parishioners.


Okay I'll go back to posting Pedro.  


I miss being a young Turk hanging out. Can’t do this at my age or you just look creepy and weird.πŸ₯Έ


That time Dan was an extra on Judge Judy πŸ™ˆ 


Death note box ☠️πŸ˜‚

Because I’m not allowed to drink in the home I rent in…



My mood earlier today 😾😸


Ok now you’re just being an asshole.πŸ˜‚


Hi hi. Sssshhh... Let me just... I'd like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty. 


If you call it thigh food you better be talking cannibalism or I'm just going to think you're an idiot, excuse myself to use the ladies room, and leave.


Hehehehe!! I was in a shit mood but not anymore!!


Holy shit this is funny


Ugh. Housemates. Amiright? πŸ™„



Capricorn! ♑️ 



Sigh. I know. I know.


Girlie, don’t even think about it. I would zap attack you harder than 100 Pikachu after inhaling an aiplane cash of blow. πŸ˜‚


Among other things, I use daddy Google to quick pseudo fact check things and again happened upon the story of Minnesota farmer John Meintz. It makes me so mad every time I read it. Although I have not thoroughly investigated John Meintz's history, Minnesota was prominently inhabited by Amish/Mennonite immigrants from Germany just trying to live a peaceful farm life where they can practice their faith, farm, and not worry about anyone trying to, you know, murder them for not being Catholic. And they are all anti-war. No Amish ever are pro-war. Aside from being anti-war peaceful farmers, among their own Amish don't use money. This story just makes me so mad. I'm going to put a little something about it in my book-with-no-name. The title will eventually come to me. Or not. 

* Even if you're not Amish, if you grew up in Minnesota outside the Twin Cities, even Gen X'ers, you grew up with Amish influence. 

*People think of Swedes in regards to Minnesota only because Swedes brought their church with them, The Church of Sweden, the Lutheran church, and heavily promote it and propagate it. But they too felt the sting of the Catholoc church when others immigrated/migrated to Minnesota with the iron fist of Catholicism. 

To this day if you are anti war then that "must" mean you are anti-America which is stupid. We should all be anti-war but what then would men do when they start feeling insecure about their manhoods? πŸ˜’  

*And yes, you can still support American troops and hate war. America should have shut Putin down a long time ago but that's a while other blog...


This is great.

Today I can think with a clear head. My days at work most of the time is fixing stuff people do incorrectly when I'm not there. Makes my head swell. I don't get mad. Pick your battles. Just be happy there's a "me" in every food work place fixing things. I'm not just an employee, I'm a consumer. I make food I want to eat.  




Stay away from guys in the door/door knob isles, that’s female territory unless of course you go that way and in that instance offer your services.πŸ˜‰


My my old flame who was going to visit me in Vegas, isn’t. Same old story. Sounded good at the time but when booking a social thing too far into the future I lose interest. That, and he really didn’t have anything to offer. Just like a few other men who lingered too long, I lost interest. You have to make it happen within days or it never will. I have the attention span of a bored child - which speaks volumes for Keanu Reeves who I’ve loved since Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. And now, since 2022, I’m crazy for this man.



The clouds above my street tonight. 

Because I’m obsessed with the clouds here.


Off to be a professional for a while.

Not mad. Just my resting bitch face.πŸ˜‰


I'm at the age in life where I've lived so many years I can no longer keep all the information stored. I'm full for a long time now. Info in/info out like Kelly Bundy. Use your Google, kids. This is why it's so easy to fool old people (a prince in Nigeria needs our help!) 

Alas, I do believe the answer to this math problem is 36.

48 ÷ 8 (14 - 8) = 36

First (14 - 8) because it's in parenthesis, answer is 6. 
Next you 48 ÷ 8, answer is 6, equation previous to 
the parenthesis. 
And then multiply the two numbers as the 
parenthesis follows another equation.

I used to be pretty okay in math, so.....   

But then again I lost my glasses for 20 minutes yesterday and found them on my face. So.


Oh my god 🀩 Yes you are Instagram’s cool slutty daddy. Thank you.


I think I might need an intervention?



Why so sexy. Lord have mercy. IG is all Pedro Pascal. I ain’t mad. πŸ₯°

You had Wonder Woman. We have Pedro.


Why are my late night stalkers never him?




Hey Christian sisters let’s play a game! 

Resurrection of Christ or Star Wars? 😁


One of my favorite youtube channels.


You know me. You know me well.


Happy damn those Romans for inventing crucifixes! 



Just made reference to (film) Mother's Day circa 1980 in my book with no name.


Aww πŸ₯° 


I like Colbert again. I didn't for a long time. But this is good.

The weather is warming which means possible snakes on the hiking trails during the day. Hungry snakes. Still too cold at night but that won't last long. 

It's Saturday night boys and girls, and you know what that means. Old saggy exposed udders as profile pictures. Ladies, no. Or rather noooooooooo. 


And now I follow them too! Mwahahahaaa! 



I love you. 


Ha! Back 10 years ago maybe. We nice now.


This is the end of red rock. Whenever you visit Vegas (Summerlin) and they say “Let’s hike red rock” they mean these mountains. I live in Summerlin South. This is the end of my street that runs up and down Summerlin, and the end of red rock. It’s a 6 minute drive to the trail from my street. 

One day I will get a shot of the alien spaceship/s descending from the clouds. πŸ›ΈπŸ‘½πŸ”­ 

*These are Lenticular clouds ☁️ forming ahead. 


Who’s your daddy!


So humble. ❤


I would absolutely love to live on a small one acre farm. I'd have two cows (because one cow would eventually get lonely), six hens, a few dogs to run the fence, maybe a goat, wild bunnies, cats, and then just grow corn, maybe soy beans, have a small vegetable garden...

Have a rocking chair on the front stoop. Knit. Learn how to can berry jams.

Sure beats spending social security checks on slot machines. 


These guys are in Ohio, I think he said, but where I grew up in Minnesota, is much like this. I grew up in a small town. One store called Tom Thumb. One gas station. One Howard Johnson's hotel that had the one and only cafe in town. One high school. One junior high school. I didn't go to either because the county line was just up the street so I had to bus to other schools. And one stop light. The rest were stop signs everyone ignored. In time one McDonalds would open (and close) along with one very greasy pizza place that is still around to this day. 

We had second language courses in school and you got choose one of three languages: German, French, or Spanish. It was a three year course. German, because everyone in my community was German. Most of Minnesota at that time were German. French, because our immediate neighbor to the north is Canada. And who knows why Spanish. No one took Spanish. It's not like Midwesterners spoke a lot of Spanish. 

Today in 2023 my childhood hometown is a booming little town filled with Somalian and Asian immigrants. The nostalgic part of me is a little sad that all that prairie land is now shopping centers and gas stations instead of wildlife and gardens, but it is what it is.

As a young teenager I had the chance to work on a grain farm for a few summers and lived there. There was no way you could commute to the farm and no public transport. 100% nothing out there but farms. The farmhouse had indoor plumbing, no hot water, and very strict electricity use. They weren't Amish of course (maybe earlier ancestors?) but the Amish and Mennonites were everywhere. And it was just like this...   
I have childhood friends who live on family farms (way out) still to this day. 

And thankfully it's still just like this:



Stroke regression is the worst. You're not having a stroke but the side effects are there. It's so irritating. I spent 10 minutes trying to say "typewriter" to someone last night who was patient enough to listen to the madness, and kept saying "type-o-writer". I could not for the life of me say "typewriter". I know it's "typewriter" but my mouth just would not say it. It was maddening. Literally maddening as in you feel like you're going crazy. But you can't tell the doctors you feel like you're going crazy because then they'll put you on another prescription. 

My hands were not effected by the stroke. My left hand was bad for about a week after it happened but then my hand-brain motor skills were back on track after a week, thankfully! I can work. I just can't talk to anyone, again. My legs are wobbly again. And I'm running into everything - AGAIN. I use my arms again to balance myself. Especially my left arm since I teeter that way.

Luckily regression is temporary.


For those of you who know what periods of regression after surviving a stroke is like:





The (main) difference between Kid Rock and Koreans is, Koreans take their rage to such a plateau even god is like, "Look, if you want to make this right, it has to be in a movie or a series and sold to Netflix and movie studios around the world. Educate." Whereas Kid Rock just looks like a walking 1980 infomercial for serafem. 


"So how was work last night?"


When your friend’s new girlfriend wants to talk politics. 



The force is strong with this one.


Current mood.

I think Colbert got some new writers.


Spring finally arrives in Vegas on Friday. Let’s hope it sticks around this time.🀞🏻

Oh, and. 

C’mon mister “art of the deal”.

The moment you realize shit’s about to get real:



Thankfully my brother is Ubering me to work tonight. (Thank you!) I already planned Ubering home in the morning. This winter is never ending which means summer will be long and hot as well. I predict it will be hot up until November. 😟 

FFS Spielberg! According to daddy Google Jackie Chan is 68 years old. How much MMA ya think the ol' boy got left in him? This is why Hollywood needs more Asian writers. I'd like to see Spielberg touch his toes! Go ahead. I'll wait. 


Last Saturday I had to go to the grocery store. I dread going to the goddamn grocery store on a Saturday but I was out of food and the store is just two blocks up the road so I walk there. Directly in front of the doors was (presumably) a mom and her toddler. Actually her son looked older than a toddler, the boy looked like he was 5 or 6. Is that still a toddler? No, right? I mean the kid's in kindergarten, right? And what was mom doing? She was tying the boy's shoe. I mean, he should be learning to do that himself at that age, yes? 

1) Not my circus really. I'll be long dead or glued to a rocking chair with my knitting and 100 cats by the time that kid is out in the world. Still.

2) If that boy doesn't have a dad or step-dad in the picture, get that boy a Big Brother. Because when moms "mommy" their boys and tying their shoes for them when at that age boys should be tying their own goddamn shoes they will legit be 100% useless to society, to friends and family, and god forbid what nightmare they will be in a relationship.  



I’m mad for Pedro Pascal but you are my first love. I’ve said Keanu Reeves more times in this blog in ten years than anyone else. ❤️


Minnesotans all remember the great debate of 1987 Ford v Chevy. It was ugly. So very ugly. Grandmas were throwing fists. Just ugly. 


I don't want the guy with a multi million dollar house. I want the guy who comes over to fix the shit in your multi million dollar house. 


Do NOT tell me anything about Pedro Pascal. Don't ruin it for me! 


I like Jeremy Renner. I do. But understand I come from a part of America where ten foot snowdrifts occur during our springtime. We were taught winter survival skills in elementary school because there are no emergency rooms nearby. If your fingers fall off they are literally staying off. So... 

Women in my neck of the woods look for men who can build and fix shit. That's what turns us on. Can you build a house? Chop firewood? Build a fireplace? (Ooooh I'm almost there keep talking you sexy bastard!) The biggest power tool wins - as in Black and Decker. 

I don't like seeing men cry. I don't cry unless it's with a bottle of wine behind closed doors where no one can see me, like a decent American.

Minnesota up until around 2000 is one of those states if you grew up there you had liberal parents, still a latch-key kid, but you had liberal parents. HOWEVER everyone still behaved like Republican neanderthals. Everyone there loves guns and God, hunting, sport fishing, church on Sundays, even our coffee joints are called Caribou. Put a Starbucks on my childhood street corner and see what happens. I dare you. A "good woman" is a female who knows how to use a backhoe, a John Deer, Boss, and Ski Doo. 3:4 is acceptable though not ideal.


I don't want to hear about Jeremy Renner getting run over by a snowcat. That's something you keep to yourself. It's unacceptable to me. Sure, he's hot. But now he's going to have to beat Dylan Teets in an hatchet throwing contest. And with a name like Teets, you know homeboy had throw axes or win a war against communism, or something!   




Hey sexy lady 



“How many times have you watched this?”


Bestest tweet of the day.


Back here again. And just like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that…

“Just go out.” My brother says.

Why, so I can meet these guys?

Bro, it’s April. It even says April on the top of the chat box. 

Oh sweet Jesus. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

I’ve spent the day writing. And while I do want to go out and be social, 1. I don’t want to deal with cigarette smoke, 2. I don’t want to deal with people. 

You know, I’ll just continue to:

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