Saturday, October 1, 2022




After I cut off my hair (again) I got so much grief (again). But I did it to let my natural grey hair grow out, again, like last time. But now that a few inches of hair have grown back, now that I pin it back on my good side, the left side, now I suddenly get compliments on my hair. Really? Three inches of hair makes that big of a difference? FFS. You people are tough.  


I had the most amazing conversation with my Lyft driver. A nice young man from Russia. During the 15 minute car ride home from work, forgetting how fucked up our American/Russian leaders are, we just talked about traveling and how much we both like winters, that is, until it drops below ten degrees. If this were glasses of wine over the Malibu bluff we would be having a successful first date. People who are into winter, who grew up with winter, who have the cold of winter in their bones, always seem to be okay with the temperature dropping down to ten degrees. That’s the cut off temp, ten degrees. Who knows why. It’s a mystery. But nine degrees and there better be an Irish coffee in front of me! My Lyft driver and I talked about Sweden, Minnesota, Moscow (where he’s from), Alaska, Germany, Japan’s overnight train sleeper capsules, Siberia, and the Trans Siberian Railway (the 14 day train ride from Moscow to Beijing). I’ve blogged about the Trans Siberian Railway before. I really, REALLY want to go. 14 days on a train from Moscow to Beijing. I absolutely love traveling by train. Clears my head. 


I haven’t gotten my glasses yet. I picked up a pair of ready readers, for reading of course, with the prescribed magnification by the optometrist, but I still need the bifocals. I’m supposed to be wearing provisions but I’ve read they are hard lenses to adjust to. Provisions are three prescriptions in one lense. The bottom part of the lens for reading, the middle part of the lens for clearing the blur directly in front of you, and the top part of the lens for magnification/clearing of what’s more than 20 feet in front of you. And all three areas of the lens have different prescriptions. I can’t see anything clearly 20 feet in front of me unless it’s the size of a car and even that’s blurry. Supposedly provisions are designed to enhance where your eyes naturally move to see things, but what if your eyes avert? Divert? Avert? Mine do constantly. Plus they’re just so expensive for one pair. Do you know how many sunglasses I have worn in five years? I’m not allowed nice sunglasses. I lose sunglasses like a negligent parent loses their kid at the grocery store. 

The search for glasses continues. 

Regarding work, all’s I can say at this time is, I can’t work for Chef Rodriguez during the week with two messed up wrists and a bad back. My weekend job is just too physically demanding.

I’m so messed up on Mondays recovering from my weekend job I’m literally in too much pain to leave the house. I’m currently wearing wrist splints as I’m writing this. I mean, I have carpal in both wrists as it is. If forced to choose, if one job has to go, it’s the rehab job sad to say. All my years working in the food industry, Chef Rodriguez is probably my favorite chef, next to his then sous chef Andy P(filipino last name I’m not even going to try). I’ll work wherever Chef Rodriguez works. – More about work later. 


Work/life balance is everything. As I said above, my days off work can’t be spent recuperating from work. 


I’m still apartment hunting. FML.

I finally retrieved my art from Aramis. I want to draw again. Two messed up wrists and legally blind without glasses. Should be a great drawing.  


You win, sir. Today you are the winner of internet.


Happy Halloween!

Didja see this little thing I made starring my friend's cats? 

I don't know who's going out on a Monday but be safe out there kids. People like her are out there, driving.



I love makeup season. These kids today.πŸ‘πŸ»


Christmas! Christmas! All I want for Christmas…



Pop lock and drop it GREY CAT


I just watched 30 minutes of people tryin’ to pop lock and drop it like grey cat but only this guy got it.


Hollywood! The Highland jogger still jogs Highland 10 years later. Goddamn.


Coming soon, fun with glasses & the return to Hollywood. 

But until then...

Cracker. Honky. Fag. Cunt. 

Who needs Twitter. You're not the Kwik-E-Mart, Elon! 



She’s amazing. Monster High. Monster High. 



I am not a huge fan of ballet 🩰 BUT…


My relationship with my friend’s cats can be summed up best this here way:

Boy cat. Snuggles up on my bathrobe.

Girl cat. Sits on my chest and patiently waits for me to wake up before I asphyxiate.




Male coworkers:

Female coworkers:

Sex with men:

Sex with women:

I could do this all day.😁


As I get more familiar with my weekend job, (most of) the Filipino female nurses and I are finding our snugly place of mutual disdain. 



“Pack your things and leave.”


Killing this trend πŸ’― 



Apparently Eddie Munson from Stranger Things & The Hellfire Club jersey is among top Halloween costumes of 2022. In other words an unemployed unsigned Hollywood musician in 1985. 🀟🏻


Walking around Hollywood the other day I almost went inside the Frolic Room for a beer but was distracted by Scum & Villainy being closed. 

There’s a very good chance I’ll be living downtown. I will need to find a good dive bar to drown my sorrows in. 

Seems I’ll be watching this on my computer. 



It's been going on since 1978 FFS! At this point Michael Myers owes Lauri Strode alimony. 


This girl is amazing.




Around the world 🌎 Around the world 



Three months later and my hair is starting to grow back. Which is all coming along much quicker than the storyline in Game Of Thrones. Holy shit.

After watching season 1 of House Of The Dragon, I started binge watching GOT. I last left off at Season 3, episode 4, and that was the best show of the series so far. GOT just moves along so very slowly. I watch hockey for the speed, strength, and skills of the game. Mostly the speed. And occasional fights. That’s how I’m hoping GOT gets… soon. Very soon. Too much gratuitous sex and violence. Where’s the story? 

CLERKS III. Did I miss it in theaters already? It was playing only at 7:00pm about a month ago but nowhere near me. The showtimes never opened up more than that. And now it’s only playing in Cerritos. Cerritos! The gateway between LA & OC. Pick a team, Cerritos. Pick a team! You can’t be both Sharks Ducks and Kings.


White collar cattle farm factories all have to go. I agree with you there. Farms not factories. Those milking machines are pure torture on the cows. If you can’t get your cows milked by hand you’re a useless farmer. The prairie didn’t use torture milking machines. They hired farm HANDS. Hands, bitch. Learn how to use your hands. More farms. Free range. No feeding grates. No closed tight pens. Learn how to build barns and fences you bunch of lazy fucks. That said, WTF are these kids doing?   

It has come to my attention that Americans really don’t know thing-one about farm animals. Americans refrigerate eggs. Why? Y’all know where eggs come from, yes? No, really, do you? “Don’t other countries refrigerate eggs?” No. No they don’t. Because other countries know eggs are a female bird’s discharged reproductive body part. “Farm fresh eggs'” do not need to be refrigerated. Tell ‘em, Egypt. If you put too much thought into it, it is rather gross we eat eggs, but damnit, Hollandaise sauce just wouldn’t be the same without yolks. You don’t need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs. I’ve never cracked open a fertilized egg but I imagine if I ever did that would be the end of eggs for me.

Another medical blog update right HERE and HERE and HERE… Aaaand HERE.

Presently, I’m looking for a Starbucks to see a man about making my glasses while I drink a Pumpkin spice thingy. 




The two Starbucks nearest to me right now, according to Google maps, aren’t motherfucking there anymore! Pumpkin Spice, why you mock me so?! Goddamn you onlyfans! Goddamn you for giving kids a better chance to earn more than minimum wage! And by “kids” I mean anyone under 35. If you’re under 35 years of age, you’re a kid, to me anyway. 




My eyeglass place is closed. They closed at 4pm. Shit. FML! Tomorrow then. 


I found a Starbucks! Life is good again. I’m so easy. Pumpkin spice. First time having it. Good. Good. 


As I mentioned, yesterday I saw the optometrist. He confirmed the fitness test eye exam. “Without corrective lenses you’re legally blind. Just get glasses, you'll be fine.” Doc wrote out a prescription and handed it to me. Somehow I managed to grab the prescription on the first try, not because of my shitty vision, but on account of just 15 minutes earlier his tech dilated my eyes.

I had no idea the optometrist office was going to dilate my eyes. I could have used that information the day before as how I couldn’t see shit as I stumbled out of their office. Luckily my dear grumpy friend generously offered to pick me up when he heard my eyes were dilated. Crossing the street was fun! Good times. 


I used to wonder how I’m still alive after years of drug and alcohol abuse. Now that I’m 98% sober (I still have maybe two drinks a month) - but now that I am mostly sober I wonder how I’m still alive what/with eye doctors, employers, taxes, insurance, and general cost of living. 


I still haven’t figured out which fucked my life worse, being a delinquent, or being an upstanding citizen?  

Finding a place to shop for eyeglasses is the new thorn in my side. The ho’s at Visionworld thought I would pay $600+ for a pair of progressives. No, bitches. Peddle your wares someplace else. My brother gets his glasses at Zenni online, and a friend suggested Warby Parker. I fully expected to pay around $100-170 but I REFUSE to pay $600+. If you’re paying $600 for progressive lenses then you must also be shopping at Erewhon and/or Whole Foods. If you can afford to pay $12 for one stick of butter then congrats, you’re doing well. 

I have begun fast-forwarding GOT episodes. Too much gratuitous sex. Too much sword fighting. 

No Dragons. No Tyrion. Fast-forward. 

It seems I am returning to Hollywood. 

After all this time.

Full circle. 

I said back in 1995 I was done with tattoos but…

Full circle. 



If I live near K-town I will eat this every day. Tteobokki is very hard to find in Los Angeles, even in H-Mart, LA's Korean chain market. Tteobokki is street food, thick chewy rice noodle but it's the sauce that makes each vendor different. Paired with little sausages and kimpab (Korean sushi) I would eat this every day.



Single men who are retirement age, who then retire, need to find hobbies. Lots and lots of hobbies. You have to - for your sanity and for everyone else around you. Because while you, a single retired man, may have all the energy in the world, those around you who are still working, do not. 

EXAMPLE: My single retired male friend, who loves talking on the phone, took it upon himself to search for nearby eye doctors when I mentioned in conversation needing one. “Call these people.” He said. “Call them. I know they take your insurance. Call them. Go there.” So I called his place and put it on my schedule to go there today. Then, after an excruciating night at work, he says to me today, “I found some places that are closer. Call these places. Call them. Go there instead. Call them."


I am running on fumes today. My work destroys me more often than not. I’m going to the first eye place he told me to go. That’s where I’m going today. And I’m going there upon his insisting I call them and go there. I put it on my schedule. That’s where I’m going. I’m NOT going to call around different doctors offices because he got bored and Google searched eye doctors after I already put it on my schedule to go to the first place he insisted I go to. 

So please fellas, I love ya, but get some goddamn hobbies. My dad took up cooking classes, baking classes, wine making classes, continued to play golf, he kept his ass busy so he didn’t drive his working wife crazy. 



She’s amazing.




I died a little last night. Running up down 8 floors all night while also trying to do my job just to hear people say, "Oh I didn't want that. I meant..." You have a goddamn degree. Use your words!

Also, I've come to realize I'm the 1-800 emotional distress call with the rehab crew. Bro, I'm sure you were trained how to do your job when you were hired. Now, do you want a pharmaceutical container or sanitizer. Which is it?



I’m watching House Of The Dragon with a friend. And because of this I began binge watching (Game Of Thrones) GOT on my days off. Prior to now I had only seen one episode of GOT. A roommate in Las Vegas in 2017 had me watch one episode with him and I just couldn’t get into it. I was ready to call it quits now after three episodes but I managed to sit through the first season. Tomorrow I start season 2. I’m also binge watching The Kominsky Method, on Netflix. On season two. Absolutely brilliant. Love it. And of course I put on my makeup every day to MrBallen podcast. Music? What’s music? I would love to see a concert, live music, only now I fear the music would just be too loud. 

As I blogged earlier (scroll down) I started a new job a month ago contracted at a rehab center, and I’m also back (back again) working for Chef Rodriguez three days a week. 

Companies, government branches, and religious sects got wise. It’s cheaper to renovate a wing on one floor into a kitchen and hire professional chefs & crew, than it is to order take out and catering. Prisons now have private chefs, as do airlines, churches, hospitals, and old folks homes. Good for food workers, bad for restaurants. That’s why I support local restaurants whenever I can. And tip out at least 20%. Usually more. If my order is $14 I’m still tipping out $7 that’s my bare minimum. People who tip $2 for a $14 sandwich should learn how to assemble a sandwich at home. Bro, it starts with your choice of bread… 

That said, I rarely go out to eat anymore. Not if I’m paying $1,000 per 100 square foot for a roof over my head. I could rent a farm house in Minnesota for the cost of a Los Angeles studio apartment but then I wouldn’t get the nice yearly weather and that’s really what we’re paying for. I’m falling apart much quicker than I originally thought I would so unless I meet a Mister Farmer Brown, there will be no Mrs Farmer Brown. (Sigh)

I have at least 20 more years of work before I can retire. Who thinks I’ll make it? Hands? 


I updated this blog if you care to read. Just call me 4-eyes: 

I’m teaching the cats to bring me sushi. 

Tamago. Good. Good. I like Tamago. 

Prince Harry married her to piss off his family. The ceremony alone was a giant dumpster fire. I love weddings and what I imagined/hoped to be a beautiful elegant royal wedding was instead something I’d expect to see in Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion, circa 2005.

It's finally raining in Los Angeles. RAIN baby RAIN! We need it. 

In about 4 weeks or less I'm hopefully in my own apartment. 300 square feet for $3,000 a month and I'll be eating cans of soup over the sink, but hey it'll be mine.

I can't thank my friends enough for keeping me alive.

I invited a fella, an older buddy of Armis's, out for coffee, but given my limited time off now, two jobs and whatnot, the next day I was available didn't work for him. And he actually said, "When I get back in town perhaps. Please advise."

Please advise?

Is this how old people talk to each other?



Good night 


Human bed hog, or cat bed hog, makes no never mind I’m taking your picture and posting it on my blog! 


Your cat just legit fell asleep in the middle of the bed. 


Um. Excuse me kitty, but can you please pick a side?

“F U ho! Right in the middle!” 



I have a real blog with words & sentences but I’m in insurance hell at the moment. In the meantime watch this.



No, holy shit we have a tie. 


Holy shit you win. 


I’ve had this dream.


NURY MARTINEZ, why bitch, why?

The kid is only two years old, and you had to make racial monkey-beat down threats at a two year old? - Because this is what reasonable people do apparently?

Nury Martinez, FUCK THAT HO.



Again, I post this. It's infuriating how President Reagan, the uncle most likely to drive you to the nearest stripper bar for cheese curds & lotto tickets, can take care of business with Gorbachev, but President Biden acts like a shy 10th grade cheerleader on a first date with Putin. 

We don't need the shy cheerleader, Biden. We need the thug ho that will fuck him up.

If Biden and Trump are the best this country can do I'll blindly vote libertarian, or green, or for little Johnny's hamster. 



I don’t know what the cats are up to but I’m in! 


Woke up from a nap. I’m hot. Must be on the mend.

The best of this trend right here. 


I’m fighting a cold and… You win. You win internet for the day.


Oh Kanye, Ye, or whatever yer calling yer'self these here days. Didja really have to go and say the things you said? I mean, have you been hanging out with these Filipino women? What have I told you about hanging out with these Filipino women?! They're no good I tell you!   


Can I please just go back to working with white women? They irritate me the least when they're being annoying - at least I can understand them.  

I spent last night with waaay too many Filipino women. You're single because you don't stop talking, ever! For the love of sex at 20, shut the hell up!  



Murder is still illegal, yes? At least three Filipino bitches got lucky tonight. "Oh god no, I would NEVER cut my hair short like hers, or should I say his. Hehehehe."

Yea, see, I'm pretty, so I can cut my hair any way I want. But you, just keep your hair long. The longer your hair the better. 😏



So I says to my middle aged Mexican female coworker, I says, "You don't have to run around the hospital looking for me. Just leave the company phone in the sign-in room (where you're supposed to leave it for the next shift)" and her response was to go into the women’s locker room and dump a bunch of water into my purse. It’s what reasonable people do apparently --- Five hours later I get an angry phone call from one of the nurse floors looking for our boss. There was a theft earlier in the day (before I got there) and it was presumed to be by someone from my department.πŸ˜’ I would never in a million years let a loved one recover there. Let’s see what happens today. 

What is the malfunction here ladies? 

Oh. That’s right. Women hate women.

“Fuck that ho!”



Love this time of year. πŸŽƒ Brilliant.



It’s that time of year again. Nothing says Halloween like a Wonder Woman costume.πŸ˜‚


Victoria Beckham can go suck a donkey dick for ruining her son’s wedding. Spoiled old rotting cunt. No wonder her husband wants to get rid of her. 

This is what all you men with 30-something trophy wives have to look forward to, your wives competing with your children’s girlfriends in 15-20 years. Thirsty. Old. Desperate. Forever 21. Acting like a fool. 

You can do better, David Beckham. 

Get rid of her.

You can do better. 



Woohoo won $2 on Superlotto. My retirement plan is coming along nicely!



Apparently Coke wants me to have a threeway.

(sigh) Fine.


Me! I’m my own photographer goddamnit.


You win. You win internet for the day.


Fires. Smashings. Robbings. Break-ins. Break-outs. It’s a country gone to hell in a handbasket. (I said it that way for the boomers.)   

True love, unconditional love, is something you had before the year 2000. Back when people still had dignity and compassion for themselves and each other. Back when you loved something because it moved you, not just for the likes. Right as the hatred for one mad man can tear a country apart, so can the mutual love for another make a country whole. I’m talking about Elvis, of course. I wish I could have seen Elvis in concert. I bet it was a fun show.

Minimum wage in California should be $20 an hour. There. I said it. Why? 

REPUBLICANS: “People need to go back to work!”

ALSO REPUBLICANS: “Minimum wage work is meant for teenagers! Not adults!”

ALSO REPUBLICANS: “Why the hell is my local Starbucks and CVS closed?!” 

TEENAGERS: (Be like, and make way more money than you!) 

It’s not our world anymore Boomers, and Gen X’ers. It’s their world. We just haven’t died yet. YET. I’ve already outlived four of my childhood friends. I’m simply waiting my turn. 

Minimum wage work is now for Boomers and Gen X’ers. Guys like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates made it possible for young people to earn without leaving their houses. And that’s what really pisses you off, isn’t it? 

“In my day we had to walk five miles to school, in two feet of snow, uphill, both ways!” – Welp, guess what, kids today DON’T. They school at home, they work at home, they shop at home, they workout at home, they BUY homes for their cats and dogs. It’s their world now. 

“Depression is on the rise!” – More so among male Boomers I imagine. They want mates that don’t exist anymore. And most have no clue how to operate mobile devices. And the women, meh, they’re perfectly content with cats, Wheel Of Fortune, and knitting. Oh wait. Maybe that’s just me.

Do I understand kids today? Not really. 

More importantly, I don't care that I don’t understand them. It doesn’t bother me if a half dozen girls get together for lunch and stare into their phones. And I’ve since learned to live with standing in an unnecessary line at Starbucks because no one buys coffee for their friends.  

I paid a $20 fine in Hollywood back in the day for jaywalking. I walked across the street (Hollywood blvd & Wilcox area) when the hand sign started flashing, and two cops on bicycles dinged their police bicycle bells at me and gave me a jaywalking ticket. It seems they’ve done away with jaywalking in some parts of California. Finally. 

As for me, I’m still working my EVS tech job on the weekends, and just yesterday I reconnected with a Hollywood executive chef I worked with ten plus years ago. I stopped working for him when the powers that be broke up the band Yoko Ono style when they felt our crew was getting too unruly. And now we’re back together with some of the wrecking crew. Older Wiser.

Between the two jobs I’m sure to find a workplace romance. There is a 30-something physician at my tech-rehab job that finds his way onto my floor (8 floors down from the physicians floor) every Sunday. Slumming. All good. 

Tomorrow I will meet up with my chef friend to hammer out the details of my return working for him. – It’s a chapter in my food book I’ll finish one day. My friend stole me from another executive chef in Studio City, same company, a week after I finished training with that guy. The situation got so heated that the executive chef from Studio City, who trained me, followed me to Hollywood to have it out with me and my (now) long time executive chef-friend in his dining room. And if you’ve never seen (film) BURNT, petty rivalry between chefs is a real thing that has no limits. I was hired in Studio City to be a dining room coordinator, and I left that chef to be a server in Hollywood because I liked the crew, executive chef, and dining room, better. You see boys and girls, when you take a lesser paying/status gig because you like an executive chef and crew better, someone’s ego will just fucking… watch (film) BURNT. If for no other reason because it has Daniel Bruhl in it.        

Other than that, I drank a beer yesterday. My first drink in almost three weeks. My social life is having staring contests with a friend's cat. 

I really will finish my food book. One day.


They say everyone has a doppelgΓ€nger.



Sleep is nice. 


If Elon Musk is so passionately pro Putin’s war against Ukraine, why doesn’t he just move in with Putin. I’ll help him pack! 

I absolutely will not vote for either Biden (because of his docile, do only the bare minimum stance in aiding Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦) or Trump because he’s a ridiculous imbecile. I’m voting for the unknown libertarian. No one ever knows who that guy is, but that’s my guy!



Now there’s a package. Whatcha say Pete, bat for the other team? Just this time? (Sigh) I can dream. 


Way to internet Karen Bass. Apparently no Scientologist/supporter anywhere at anytime understand what cameras do. Spoiler alert, we all have cameras now and we carry them with us everywhere. Additionally there’s this fancy “new” thing called the internet where the world can see your dick pics, cooter shots, and oh, it can also see when you support Scientology - and replay that support on repeat after batshittery behavior is exposed in the Scientology camp. Way to internet. 🀭

I actually have a blog with words and sentences but I’ve been busy. It’s slow coming. “That what she sai…. “



Anytime it's 79 degrees or lower in Los Angeles, it's Ugg season. $170 outside slippers because why not?

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