Thursday, September 1, 2022

SEPTEMBER: The real fix



I love these guys.



The Queen of England has died. And while death may not be your happy place she was like 96 or 97 years old. She did her time. Long live the King. Diana could have been your Queen, right?


Make up artist season 



Coming in hot! Starting controversial. Seriously though tho’, how many dead birds do you see? Animals generally don’t die of old age or so I read. But if they do, they find a private place to die. Unlike humans who die wherever from whatever. Let it all hang out. Not one F given. Humans have become such dumpster fires. Can’t even die the way nature intended. 


I got a flu shot, and the moderna omicron bivalent booster. So far no side effects. I didn’t have any problems with that last booster. The vaccines were the ones that knocked me out. Both times for at least 5 days.  

I’m in the middle of a lot of changes. Mostly age related. I want a peaceful, quiet death. I’m getting a fitness test today (the reason why will be explained later). Much of my future rides on it. Wish me luck that my knees hold up! On the plus side the fitness test is by the ocean so it won’t be 100 degrees. 

Yesterday a breeze actually blew through my hair. My hair is growing back out. That's the last time a shaver hits my head. Until next time. 

I had a conversation with a guy yesterday. “I just want to do something real. Know what I mean?” I said. “Yes. Yes I do.” He replied. I could tell he did. He lived hard for many years also. It takes one who has seen the light at the other end of the tunnel to know one.   

I’ll find out Monday just how dead my little farm retirement is. That’s when I’ll see the cardiologist to discuss my small vessel disease. And perhaps it’s time I have a conversation with my oldest nephew again. See how he feels about inheriting a few cats, cows, and some chicken.     



I have a ton of new things going on right now. Blog to follow sooner or later. But in the meantime, HER.


Everyone pays taxes or no one pays taxes. 

The fact organizations exist that are tax exempt is ridiculous. If you make money off people, your asses better be paying taxes. 




Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

THE REASON, BILL, IS BECAUSE at the time the virus got its name there was a president in the White House who thinks Iceland is a sleigh ride at Disneyland. He bought Mar-A-Lago after a real estate agent told him it was Spanish for House Of Boobies. We, as adults, have to monitor things immature children can choke and die from... regardless if we want to or not.    


Good morning. 

It’s official. Kink is commercially mainstream.



And that’s how rumors get started! 😂 



I just tell people I’m a girl (now that I’ve had my penis surgically removed). 🚺


Ohmagod it’s 97 degrees out. What the serious fuck. I’m getting my flu shot today. I’ve been battling nausea all day. 

This helps. I love this trend.


This is the best IG account ever



My friends kitties are too thug for this but…


Well… Minnesota… but yea


We were hoping my occasional chest pains, shortness of breath, and nausea were caused by Afib, turns out it's angina. I don't know how serious it is. I have a cardiologist appointment on the 12th. 

No idea how or why I got it. I do actually eat pretty healthy most of the time. My IG gets updated sometimes only once a week. So don't go by that. Even after my stroke I walk anywhere from 12-20 miles a week. I'm about 10-15 pounds overweight. Working on that. I admit I did eat a lot of salty foods. I take full responsibility for my high blood pressure but I've since changed my salt habit. Additionally I take daily prescriptions for my hypertension. 

It's a mystery.

My dad quit smoking over 20 years prior to dying from throat cancer, so...  

It is what it is.

Don't count me out just yet.


Aramis is in possession of all my artwork. 

If you're new here, before my hands went bad I used to make large scale art. 

I miss this hobo porch kitty. 

I have two books I've been working on. One is about the food industry. The other is about the growth of female intellectual properties regarding sex and/or relationships starting with her family, to friends, lovers, to life partners. You'll laugh. You'll cry. People get murdered. It's a love story. 😏  

Of course these books have all been written before, Mr Turner, but unlike your writers I'm actually interesting. 

I don't know how much time I have left, and while I have created some things I'm rather proud of, no artist can simply rest on their laurels. Amiright? 



Ladies & gentlemen, HIM.


Ladies & gentlemen, HER.


It is my experience the relationship people have with food will show what type of relationship you will have with that person. 

His name is Ken. 

He was a traditionalist in almost every way a man can be. He insisted on taking me out to eat every time we got together. Back then I couldn't care less about eating. I did however enjoy watching him eat. I can see Ken now as I saw him those many years ago. Handsome. Clean cut. All-American Superman physical traits. I once read somewhere the names you give your children will ultimately dictate their occupations in life. Ken worked in the LA/NY stock markets. I don't recall what exactly. That type of work bores me to no end. But Ken was handsome. Thoughtful. I enjoyed his company. I enjoyed watching him eat. Especially bread.

I liked the way Ken tore smaller pieces of bread from the larger piece. I liked the way he very meticulously dipped the smaller piece of bread into the dish of olive oil without spelling a drop of oil or a crumb. I liked the way his perfectly shaped lips moved. I liked the way he half smiled showing off his perfect straight white teeth as he placed pieces of bread in his mouth and began to chew. Perhaps it was the way I looked at him with such affection as he ate, his eyes hazel in color, seemed to return my gaze with an equal amount affection. 

I liked watching Ken eat. 

Reminds me of...

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