Wednesday, February 2, 2022




Love it 

It takes 4 hours to run two errands in Vegas on stroked out legs but I made it. 


She said the exact same thing using elevated speech. Afterwards, homeboy over there was (this close) to saying "Yeehaw motherfuckers!" and got the applause.


That's how WASPS in America condemn Russia's war on Ukraine, by banning Vodka sales. It's like protesting but with a Mojito instead of a Screwdriver.



Support the pussy!✊🏻

Otters! I love this YouTube channel. Maybe it will remind my fellow Americans not to litter, and to be kind. And appreciate natural beauty. (sigh) One can only hope.



I said I would never work in a restaurant again.
I said I would never live in Las Vegas again.
What’s the moral of this story?

“Never say never”

HAHA no.

I have no morals.




I wish more people made these.


You win. This kid wins internet for the day.


As I was saying about airbnb hosts...


What is the secret of Soylent Green?

The year was 2022...

Oh... and.... Don't forget this gem


'Member all those times I said cannibalism was the only way. Well I told you so. 

Keep the conversations going, boys and girls. Let's see where this goes.



Preach, Preacher!!!


ARAMIS: What are you doing in Las Vegas?


ARAMIS: No really, what are you doing in Las Vegas?



The housekeeper came and she said, or rather what I gathered she said in her broken English was, "Something wrong with the thermostat. You have to turn the heat up to 75 (degrees) for the heat to go on." -- Ooh ok see that piece of information would have been useful to us last night when we were just trying to get the heat up to a mere 73. But then can you please explain WHY the air conditioner blasted all night long? 

No no, you're right. Just be grateful you might have heat tonight. 

20 signs taped all over the house in broken Google translate English except for the most important thing, how to turn on the heat with a broken thermostat.

Interestingly enough, the people with the kid next door left today, and the heat is miraculously working fine. Now maybe it's like the housekeeper said, maybe the thermostat is broken and you have to have the temperature raised to 75 F in order for the heat to go on, or maybe it's like I said where the home owner just wanted people out of their room and to not come back. 

Either way last night was bullshit.


And just like that PST is teaching you kids the truth about airbnb. 

Don't say this blog isn't educational.


Now that I think about it, it's probably a con game. Remote lock the thermostat to freeze people out so they abandon the airbnb, not refund their money, and then re-book the rooms. 

I'm on to you bitch. I'm on to you.


I'm still fighting with airbnb home owner Ryanna about her lazy fucking ass not fixing the problem with her broken thermostat. I called her twice this morning to walk me through changing the thermostat setting and her reply was in airbnb EMAIL, "The housekeeper should be there between 9:30am-10am." -- In other words go fuck yourself. And if it was just me in the house, BITCH IT BE ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. You, me, and AIRBNB in cage match until I get justice! But it's not just me. There's a couple in the room next to me with a little kid who also froze all night long because of this woman's broken thermostat. A little kid, bitch. You froze out a little kid. 

Do NOT stay in Las Vegas airbnb Chinatown locations. Just go where people at least speak English and do not rely on Google translate.   

Even my teddy bear is like:


Ryanna rejected my request for $50 refund saying, "Your amount request is unreasonable. We don't know yet why the air conditioner won't shut off."

Bitch, this isn't open for negotiation. You didn't answer your phone or come to the house to fix the problem. 


Finally Ryanna, home owner of the Las Vegas airbnb I'm staying in, got back to me with "I'll have the housekeeper check it out today." I requested my money back for last night's stay.


Nothing works to adjust the temperature. Nothing.

Current temperature in this airbnb...


I have been on YouTube/Google for the past hour trying to adjust this thermostat. Everything they say to do does not work. It’s still blasting cold air. I think the thermostat is just broken. Crazy days and nights in Las Vegas ladies and gentlemen. 


No one sleeps tonight! The house host Ryanna at this airbnb has the temperature locked at 59 degrees. At midnight the air conditioner went on and has stayed on ever since. Can't change the temp the thermostat is locked. Needless to say my housemates and I are not happy. Even my teddy bear is shivering under the blankets. Some bad airbnb reviews are a'coming methinks. 

I shared a cigarette with Tony this morning. After my plans got unceremoniously shit-canned (it's a Gen-X term just roll with it) Tony picked me up and took me to a beer/breakfast at his favorite local spot whereupon we shared a cigarette. The last time I smoked was with Aramis in 2012 when I separated from my husband for the last time. I miss smoking. I just can't do it anymore unfortunately. Although had I known I was going to be inhaling air conditioning all night I would have indulged one more cigarette.

Remember Bob Gordon? He took me to the Ramones exhibit at the Grammy Museum I blogged about it here: BLOG: JANUARY 17, 2017 I think he was institutionalized with Alzheimer's. He tried so hard to get me to live with him for years because he had no one to take care of him. But that's of no one's fault but his own. The man takes his phone off the hook during Christmas so he doesn't have to buy his family any presents. He does it every year he says. And then he tells his family "Oh it's the phone company screwing up my phone line, it's not me." He laughed about this over breakfast one morning while telling me this story. Additionally he kept slipping and saying stuff like "my counselor said as my memory goes..." And I'm like, counselor? But I never said anything. Anyway, no one has seen or heard from Bob in about a week. He doesn't return anyone's email or answers his phone. His answering machine has been turned off. I suspect he's been institutionalized. Or had a senility breakdown and locked himself inside his house with a gun. Old white men can be scary AF! White male Baby Boomers have zero coping skills as they get older. I don't know if it stems from women taking care of them all their lives that it debilitated their coping mechanism or what? Scary. As. Fuck.

Don't be a white male Baby Boomer, little boy. There's nothing more pathetic than a man who can't cope with his feelings.

Okay, gotta cuddle the teddy bear now. Try to get warm.   



What a day. Crazy. So I'm still at the same airbnb that I've been in for the past 3 nights. This will be the 4th. I have it until Saturday. I was lucky to get it back. After this morning's dumpster-fuck I hung out with Tony. He took me to 11am beer/breakfast and then to his place so I could sort out the bullshit of the morning. Re-booked this airbnb. Even though I was able to check back into my airbnb - I didn't get my full grip back until about an hour ago. Fucking shook. Goddamnit. But it forced me to reach out to people I haven't chat with in yeeeears so if nothing else I reconnected with old time Vegas friends and maybe that's what I was supposed to do, who knows? Meanwhile this job is just sitting there in Summerlin waiting for me to start it.

 Fucking CRAZY.  

And then I get an email from a guy I gave my number to a week ago. He emails me and asks if he can still text me. I'm confused. Bro, I gave you my number a week ago. Why are you emailing me now asking if you can... 



That’s the good thing about Vegas. When one guy seriously fucks up, another guy is right there ready and waiting to be your hero.πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ 

Mine is named Tony. 


An hour before we were supposed to meet he blows me off for another woman. Niiiiiice. 


And he thinks he’s getting his shopping money back. Go fuck yourself! 


That there be some Midwest comfort food. Also a rendition of what I was going to have on my food truck - had Covid not come along and bankrupt me instead.

Sourdough Breadbowls are fun to eat and just amazing. I'm a huge fan of cheese fondue and any rendition thereof...

I saw a tiktok video of a home chef who wrapped four stack of diced Brie cheese in pre-made double wrapped pastry dough, baked with small potatoes, slice off the top of the dough now bread and, brie fondue with baked tiny potatoes. It looked amazing.

Anyway, here's this... 

My 6 nights at Palazzo hot date, Jason, got on the the first flight out of Minnesota to Las Vegas. He's in the sky now as I type. YAY! I was originally meeting up with him at Palazzo around 6 this evening but now meeting him at 11am. I'm just so excited! He does what he says, and says what he does. That's a well raised Midwest man. I mean yes he's a pervert, like me, he is a MAN after all, but a fun, honest, and dependable one. I haven't been to a Las Vegas show since.... Hmm. 

Atomic Saloon is going to be FUN!!!

In our "goodnight" texting last night I said I would try not falling in love with him. He said the same back. We're both living in the now. Enjoy each other while we can. And be grateful.

There can be no heartache without love.

Love Of The Loveless ❤ 



OMG so cute! 


We've all seen that Airbnb Tik Tok with the girl who's house host required guests to start the washing machine with their own linens inside? I've now stayed at two different airbnb since coming to Vegas, and one airbnb years ago but he was shady as in "I'll give you a discount but you have to fuck me" shadyπŸ˜’ (no thanks I'll pay the full rate) but neither house hosts have asked me to start their washing machine with my linens inside. I don't have a problem starting the washing machine with my linens inside before leaving an airbnb if the house host asked me to, I just wished things I do bring to their attention (like the first time I use the toilet - not flushing even after I plunge it four times) would be addressed and not dismissed with a "No, the toilet works just fine". (Las Vegas has THE WORST plumbing.) 

The airbnb I'm at now has a washing machine but it's the stand-up kind that rips your clothes to pieces. No thanks. I went to the laundry mat yesterday and washed my clothes there. Seven Hispanic women with 30 loads of laundry each. Goddamn. I certainly hope it's their side hustle. With all those quarters every week you're better off buying a washing machine. Be that, neither airbnb I've stayed at have television/cable. How weird. Is it because we all stream on our laptops?

I mean, look, we're strangers in other peoples' homes who, all things considered, have more reasonable room rates than hotel rooms on the strip. Because nothing fucks up your day like checking out of a Las Vegas hotel with SURPRISE! resort fees. Ugh. 

I just don't want to live here. No one willingly chooses to live here. Vegas is where you go TO DIE. When you have nothing left but TO DIE. Friends have asked me if I'm going to go look for that hobo porch kitty I fell in love with three years ago. No. I'm not. It's been three years. The whole situation leaving Vegas, leaving the hobo kitty, back when I lived here (2017-2019) to move back to LA immediately pre-pandemic was a cluster fuck situation which I foolishly allowed to be orchestrated by "a friend" with the social/personal skills of a North Korean pay phone. All things considered, the hobo kitty was better off here, in his neighborhood with houses he knows and people who love, fed, and sheltered him. Seeing him again would only break my heart all over again. 

On the plus side I'm in deep like with a man I met on fetlife. We have 6 upcoming nights together at Palazzo starting tomorrow and I am definitely looking forward to it. We chat for an hour every night and it's like being home again. I'm that comfortable him. But of course, he's a home boy from Minnesota. Any man who sends a gal money to go shopping to keep her entertained until he arrives at the hotel, is a keeper... for six night anyway.

I so need this man right now. After all the grief and hard work these past 2+ years, this man came along at THE PERFECT time. I'm so grateful. So very grateful. If all I get is six nights with him I'll greedily take it. And be grateful.



Love you Kevin πŸ₯“ 


Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.



What? Cut and paste? The hell you say!πŸ™„

(Read the dates)


I'm at a Starbucks that doesn't have electrical sockets. Wha... ?

Additionally I ordered my usual large English Breakfast hot tea with whole milk and there's legit one tea bag in here with 3/4 of the cup filled with whole milk. It's damn near impossible to fuck up hot tea but goddamnit challenge accepted. 

Last night I met the most foul young "lady" ever. She's a stripper she said earlier in the night, from (small town) Arizona. An hour or so later she had no issue going #2 in the bathroom with stall door wide open. Literally blowing up the bathroom for everyone to hear, then didn't flush or wash her hands afterwards. Being polite the other women in the bathroom didn't say anything. Just brushed their hair and applied lipstick like they didn't just witness the anal nuclear explosion in the stall directly behind them. I sidestepped around this girl for the rest of the night more delicately than a 1915 minefield. And had to pinch the skin between my fingers until tears almost ran down my face when she told me of a pizza place she's been eating at not far from where we were. Um. No thanks. Pass!

I can't check into this airbnb until 1pm. 

I'm in hell. This is hell. And it doesn't have any place to charge a cell phone.


I own a few HR GIGER art books. Correction, Aramis owns a few HR GIGER art books (all my art stuff is with Aramis). I've been a fan of GIGER and his art since the 80's. In one of those books, in an interview GIGER says that a beautiful young girl who doesn't exploit her beauty and body for profit is a fool. It was the most make sense-y thing I had ever heard. GIGER and SE HINTON were my teenage life coaches. Which should explain a few things. 

Back to an airbnb behind Wynn -- this morning. 


Like the man I’m spending the week with, he’s my age, single, the male equivalent of me. He’s who I want to be with, and a Minnesota boy too which is why I’m excited.

I love that he’s also excited. His enthusiasm to be together is such a huge turn on. I hate it when men contact me with interest, I’ll show interest back, give him my phone number and he never uses it.πŸ™„ Boring! 

Not all men were raised the same way. 


It’s called sowing your wild oats for a reason. And you do it when you’re young and beautiful before you get married. No one wants to get hit on by old, fat , and ugly. I’ll accept that after 15 years of marriage you’ll turn into that weird creepy old couple because you’re bored in your marriage, but there’s a good chance there will be consequences down the road. The Lifestyle was never meant for married people. I lived the lifestyle since high school when it had no fancy name. It’s what single people did. “Do you party?” That was our code. 

Swingers are that creepy fat old couple who are overly friendly with the neighbor boys who cut their lawn. But if you were young, single, and beautiful you’d get asked “Do you party?” By other young, single, and beautiful people. That was The Lifestyle. Age and beauty separate you. Money is only a factor when you’re paying someone to perform. 


I had to come to Las Vegas to meet a man from my home state of MN to date. Love Of The Loveless. 


Ladies, what goes through your mind when a man you’re in love with says to you, “You’re not enough. I need another woman to join us”? Why do you let him email other woman to join you in your marriage bed? WHY? What the hell is wrong with you? Why bother getting married then? VALUES. SELF RESPECT. Get some.



I don’t know what the deal is with the strip vs Fremont Street Experience but the bitterness between the two was strong back in 2019. Well now it seems the strip has drawn a line in sand. Literally. Goddamn.

And from this Vegas sign on the strip just south of old Vegas, Fremont Street, the metro has also stopped running on account of perpetual “construction”.

My old job asked me to come back. HAHA no. 


...And his Saturday night date to see Shin Lim.

I'm excited. Two dates in one weekend with the same man. *gasp*


Found this on my phone just now. Forgot about it.

Valentines day in West Hollywood.πŸ˜‚ Love Of The Loveless!


I forgot there's a library in Las Vegas. It's behind the stratosphere. Mostly DVD's but they have some books too. My job is directly underneath Summerlin South. That's where I'll probably end up living. Las Vegas. *Dread* 

If I'm not mistaken there's another library on Charleston just before you get into Summerlin. I wonder if I still have my library card. I can't really invest doing anything today when in 24 hours I have to come back down the other end of the strip to my airbnb. But we do what we gotta do. 

We do what we gotta do.

Then Sunday I can go back to being all...


Preach, Preacher!

Trees belong outside. 

A bunch of fake, phony bullshit.


He's taking me with him to see Atomic Saloon. I'm excited! 

This show looks HOT.


I'm meeting a handsome stranger this week. He gets into Vegas on Wednesday. Although he's not really a stranger, or so I don't think, he's my age and from Minnesota. Good 'ol Fetlife. You know he's from Minnesota because when he wrote me he asked me out on a date. See fellas, it's not so hard. He found something he wanted to do while in Vegas, wrote a gal a charming, hot sexy email full of compliments, and asked her if she would be interested being his date. Easy. It must be a Minnesota thing. Maybe fathers didn't raise their sons this way in other states? I don't know. You can be a pervert with consenting adults and charming.

Today is going to be a giant hassle. I lost my airbnb for one day, today. I have to schlep all the way to the other end of the strip for one night, and then schlep all the way back Sunday morning. I'm making a few new local male friends this weekend. This is ridiculous. My male friends in LA are like, "How do you not know any local men in Vegas to hang out with for one night?" --- How, you ask? Have you read my blog? My diary. My daily therapy. My cybernated methadone. Have you been reading it? Well, have you? HAVE YOU?!      



I hate this town. I just fucking hate it.

But this is where the jobs are.


It's not a communication breakdown, it's that one person has an agenda and the other person is just seeing what they can get for free.


Nothing is free. 



"What's in it for me?"

Money! Moron! What more is there??

"Do I get to fuck you?"

No. Idiot. That's what the money's for. 



The best thing you will see on the internet today! 

Watch to the very very end.πŸ˜‚


I have Las Vegas dry nose/throat. Additionally the airbnb I'm staying in keeps the temperature locked around 70 degrees. Which is great during the day, not so much while you're sleeping and deeply breathing in air conditioner. It's a nice condo about 3 miles from Encore. Wouldn't mind a place like this. In Vegas it's actually affordable... for now.

My Lyft driver wasn't wearing a mask and when I asked him he said just carry a mask with you in case a business still wants you to wear one. But it's not a requirement. I stopped into a Circle K to get water and (Yes!) dill pickle Spitz sunflower seeds. They didn't require us to wear a mask. Afterwards I went into 99 Ranch and since everyone was wearing one, fuck it, I put it on. 

I have an underline medical condition and I've long ago gotten so I couldn't care less if you wear a mask, don't wear a mask, vaccinate, not vaccinate, I do me, you do you. I take issue with people who scream at others for peacefully choosing to wear a mask, or peacefully choosing not to wear a mask. It's not up to you to make others bow to your will. That's called slavery. Live and let live. But this whole forcing others to wear a mask and be vaccinated is entirely moot two (plus) years later and you know it. 

Today I see my old boss. Afterwards I might ho-stroll the strip. I see you Encore lurking in the not so distant background.

I see you. 



The year was 2019

I got the funds to start a small food truck.

At the same time... 

My girlfriend was going to buy a fast food restaurant store. 

Then Covid hit.  

I was forced to live on my food truck money.

My girlfriend bought her fast food store. Here in Las Vegas.

Hi. My name is Lester Bernam. 


The most important person in my life taught me how to mass produce homestyle chicken club sandwhiches. 


THEM: The media will stop AT NOTHING to keep Covid DESIRABLE.

ME: What? That’s craz…


You done ruined pizza πŸ• and 🍟 


People don't go to Vegas to find love. They go to Vegas to retire AND DIE.

Love was my goal for 2022. Now my goal are fur babies. And even then I would worry who would love them after I died.


Never underestimate the weight of nothing. 

EXAMPLE: My purse is very heavy but the only thing in there is my wallet.




That got ugly fast. 5-2 Edmonton. I never saw Edmonton play so aggressively. The moment they slo-mo'd Quick landing on his back sliding into the net... I knew either Edmonton was going to win or hostage negotiators would be called. "We got an arena full of hostages! Here's a list of our demands...!!!!" Something about (a'boot) wheat poutine, hot air balloons, and crokinole as an Olympic sport.    

"Don't you want a getaway plane?"


(Dismiss the above if you didn't grow up in the Midwest) 

In regards to Elon Musk, one day I want to be wealthy, I admit it. I just never want to be torture and experiment on monkeys wealthy. What an inhumane dick. His douchebag-ness is so large I can't even remember now why he's wealthy to begin with. 

I didn't wake up angry, I swear. Although at this hour it's hard to tell.



Edmonton 1
Kings 1

Good game. I’ve never seen Edmonton play so aggressively… EH!! 


Edmonton is the only Canadian team I like based solely on childhood memory. They were my childhood team. I so loved watching them play back then. And then all their fun players were traded to the LA Kings. The rest is history. Be that, can I please hear just one "eh" from Edmonton?   


Dear Elon Musk, go fuck yourself.

Good night.


Hi. I'd like to close my safety deposit box.

"Okay. Let me sign you in and you can empty the box."

Great. Thanks.

(Empty the box)

"I'm sorry we're unable to close your safety deposit box."

Why not?

"There's a glitch in the bank system blocking me from closing your box."

Um. Un-glitch it? 

(Two phone calls and 15 minutes later)

"Yeah we're not going to be able to close your box today. You need to call (this number) and work it out with them since you're the customer."

But my safety deposit box is about to auto-renew for another year.

"When that happens you can send in a dispute to the bank and state the reason for it and see if they will reverse the charge."

But... it's the bank's fault I can't close my account.

"I understand that but (department/number) won't let anyone in the bank close the account. They want you to do it."

So let me see if I understand this correctly. I'm going to be charged another year for an empty safety deposit box that I cannot close today because of a glitch in your computer system that I now have to straighten out on my time, and then dispute the charge of the safety deposit box in hopes the bank will reverse the charge?

"Correct. Here are your box keys back. Have a nice day." 


Love this channel. This is so beautiful. And relaxing.


And just like that I'm back in Las Vegas. My old boss made a job offer months ago but I have no interest living in Vegas again. It's unbearably hot four months out of the year and overrun with litter and homeless people. But it's affordable cost-wise and I like my boss. This for that. 

I'm staying at an airbnb in a neighborhood I like and... fuck me. Yeah that too. 

I'm disappointed with the Truckagedonites blocking the Canadian boarder. I've heard over a half dozen Canadian truck drivers being interviewed now and not a single "eh" among them. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU CANADA? Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow! 



Have you met my Valentine? His name is Marvin.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

I liked the halftime show. I have no idea who Kendrick Lamar is. Still don’t. Not a huge fan of Mary J. Bilge but I loved her in (film) ROCK OF AGES. 

Everyone got a meme this morning.πŸ˜…





They had to win the Superbowl it's the only way they could afford a trip to Disneyland. 

*Because Disneyland is expensive AF 


Dear TMZ, it's not wrong to call intermission "half time" in hockey. People do it all the time. We know what they mean. 


Eminem... So I guess the theme of halftime is old school rap/hip hop? That's cool. 


That looks/sounds like Dr Dre.



The Holder dropped the ball for the kicker to make the extra point. 


Holy shit I'm watching the Superbowl game.

Los Angeles has a football team? Since when??


Almost became a local channel news story just now. I had to jump out of a moving vehicle because this nutjob wouldn't stop the car! He drove down an empty loading dock alley instead of Farmer's Market where he was supposed to drop me off!  

Be SAFE out there boys and girls, people be CRAZY today!


Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in between
How can we be wrong


My dad was from Utah. Born and raised into Mormonism. Having multiple wives was accepted back when American Mormon pioneers were fewer in number than other religions. Having multiple wives allowed the church to grow by breeding new church members. There's no need for a man to breed 15 new Mormons into the church now. They own a good chunk of Las Vegas FFS. 

Arrest them.

Make no mistake, my issue isn't with Mormons, it's with men who think a woman's world should revolve around a man's dick, his flexed bicep, or his ability to catch fish. Big deal. I was catching fish when I was 6 years old. Oooh what a man! 


Polygamy is outlawed in the Mormon church. Arrest them. 

I get people being bored in their marriage and wanting to "spice things up" with a night to giggle about. But it's not always funny, boys and girls. Lots of marriages end that way also. 

EXAMPLE: State of California recognizes a 10 year marriage as "long term".


Couldn't care less about football.



In case anyone needs a reminder.


Another ridiculous man who thinks his dick will put a smile on my face. I want so badly to be in your corner fellas but y’all make it so hard.


I dunno kids, am I using the internet correctly?


GirrrrlπŸ”₯ We’re surrounded!! 

Bicep arm flex, and photos of your dumb ass fishing!πŸ™„


It was the little things that bothered me:

Lotion was $23 a bottle ($12 in Los Angeles)
No dill pickle Spitz sunflower seeds (got 2 bags the moment I landed in Los Angeles)
The hills. Following my stroke I can't walk those hills. (I can walk anywhere in Los Angeles)
Bar soap & toothpaste were locked up. (Not in Los Angeles)
Hardly any grocery or drug stores. (On every corner in Los Angeles)
Every other business was closed "due to Covid" (Los Angeles is open)

I love San Francisco 1989. San Francisco 2022 is not for me. 

Start over.

Where to? 


Got back to LA around 8:30pm, unpacked, ate, and by 10pm I was out. As in...



Happens to me every darn time.



It’s time for rock n roll celery mix III. 

I have fun recording it. And after a rather daunting oral surgery I’m just super grateful to still have the left side of my jaw! All thanks to an amazing oral surgeon.

I turned it into a youtube because why not. (80's!)


I’m looking forward coming back. 


CVS be getting aggressive with their 40% off coupon. I’m in a part of CA where Walgreens reigns supreme. Be back in LA tomorrow. I’m sure I need lipstick or a lint brush. 


Men chasing "free sex" on a Friday night like:


Invest in people, not sex. I mean, sure you can invest in sex, they're called hookers and some are very reasonably priced. 

Invest in people first.

You do not get to know someone through sex. Don't be stupid. Nothing is free. Especially when it comes to women. If you think a woman is beautiful so do hundreds of other men. 

Women are like any other bird, we want a male with the most compatible nest.

And tacos.

We also want tacos.   


What am I, your classmate? If I'm so beautiful you can do better than this.πŸ˜’ 

Back in the early 90's I met a guy who packed a very thoughtful picnic. It was very sweet. We drove up PCH, found a quiet bluff, enjoyed each other's company, the picnic, the ocean, the sunset, got to know one another, and then later that night we had amazing sex. It was amazing because of how much we enjoyed each other prior to sex. The build up was natural and mutual. Organic as the cool kids say.  

"Join me for a drink sometime" is unacceptable. Ladies DO NOT accept this. Ever. This is something a classmate says to another classmate. Not what a man says to a woman. He starts off strong and then.... 


Normally when people email me I blur out contact info but this guy can go fuck himself.

And it's spelled "you're"πŸ˜’


In this episode of LIFE BEFORE GOOGLE:

This is how we met people. (Gen X humor) 

I dunno kids. Am I using social media correctly?😏


I love him. He makes me laugh.


Pretty much every Valentines Day since my ex-husband proposed in 2001.



Oh look, Wells Fargo just reported laid off bank employees can come back to work if they want in March. A letter, email, message on your app to us who bank with you, would have been nice! 


Trump can steal 15 boxes of archive documents from the White House, but goddamnit if you try taking home an office chair in good shape left by the dumpster!  


"We can remove the mask mandate and live with Covid responsibly."

And we couldn't do that a year and a half ago?πŸ˜’


I love her. And she likes to eat. 


I think what the problem is, is that after 50 years of age most men don't want to be men anymore. They want to be little boys for mommy to take care of. Fuck that. I need a man not a little boy. If I wanted kids I would have had some. That's why I totally respect older men who put on women's panties and false eyelashes. At least they're honest.  


"Amazon workers make $15 an hour when they start. $15 dollars an hour."

Oh. You mean minimum wage. Amazon workers make minimum wage. 


Because this zoom meeting occurred in Los Angeles, and fuck all if Los Angelenos just don't LOVE paying taxes for no particular reason. DO NOT PAY PEOPLE FOR PHONE CALLS. You fuck us up come tax time, assholes.  


Additionally I received a W2 for a zoom meeting. A zoom meeting! Someone actually fucking paid me for a zoom meeting that I paid taxes on. How fucking stupid. I had to email the company's general manager yesterday to inform him I never received payment for the zoom meeting and asked why I received a W2 for it. Still waiting for a reply. I might have to do another angry walk today.  

We are surrounded, boy and girls. 

At this point, silver dollars for the ferryman. 


More banking fun! The bank branch that has my safety deposit box temporarily closed. Means no one who has a box in that branch can get into it, at all. I didn't receive a phone call, message, text, or mail notice that they were closing the branch therefor did not receive any instructions on how to get into my box. So I call 1-800 customer support and was told this: Email the following general info safety deposit box email address with your safety deposit box info, name, phone number, branch address (etc.,) and that bank manager will get in touch with you usually within 1-3 days to address your questions. Goddamnit. Day two.πŸ˜’  

Yesterday I angry walked 3 miles. 

As angry as I was I did not have the urge to plow anyone down. I guess that's a specific white man's rage.

What happens to some men over the age of 55? One guy I tried to date has been inconsolably weeping over his 100 year old mother dying, for the past month. I get she's your mom and it totally sucks she dying, but at some point you have to come back to reality and deal with it. His mom is literally 100 years old and dying of natural causes primarily old age! Being balled up in the fetal position for the past month weeping over her is not a good look on a 67 year old man. Or any man. Ever. I can't imagine what's going to happen when she actually dies. 

And then this morning I get an email from a 50-something year old man who posted this pic on his profile. Because if there's one thing that turns a woman on, it's the light sockets in your bathroom.

Yesterday this guy's super friendly (and big!) pitty was just being all playful and cuddly with me in the elevator. I almost dog-napped her. Almost.

No, this is my baby...

She will be the most loved and spoiled fur-nugget ever! Look'a the face! I literally swoon when I see this face.
Withal, I am most irritated that 7-elevens around here do not have the dill pickle spitz sunflower seeds I absolutely love. 

I can never leave Los Angeles, can I. 

I am defeated by haunting memories of days gone by and single life.

Maybe it's fate. I so badly want to love someone. 




I’m not a big pizza eater but I love places where you can get pizza by the slice for the occasional craving.

YouTube and all social media always finds the worst still of you in the entire reel to use as your cover.πŸ™„


I can already sum up 2022 this way: 

A man renting living space in a building was soon to be traveling abroad. I overheard the man ask the building manager, "Can I store some of my things right there, in the corner of the lobby?" To which the manager (not surprisingly) said no. Someone could walk off with this man's stuff. His property could get damaged. It would be an eyesore. Additionally, it's A LOBBY not a storage unit. Irritated for not getting his way the now angry man yelled back, "Well maybe it's time you renovated the building with (free) storage lockers!" -- OR maybe you could go to a storage place and rent a storage locker you cheap fuck.

Everyone wants their way for free. No give of anything. Someone else has to suffer for your selfishness and failures. 2022.

Silver dollars for the ferryman, my friends. That's the price to get to the other side.   

I recently watched (film) Winchester. I liked it. I didn't think I would being that it's the Hollywood version of the Winchester House, but it's good. You know who would like this movie? Christine.

I still have not heard from Christine in forever. Seems no one has. I really miss her. She had her idea about life, death, me, you, and the universe I never truly agreed with, but none of it mattered. At the very worst we just had heated passionate discussions until one of us exhausted. Albeit, back in the day we were both high on drugs, her on heroin, me on coke and vodka. What I would't give to hear those discussions now.  

Where are you Christine? You are missed. Terribly.  



When $85 "suddenly" turns into $165 @JetblueπŸ˜’




Thought so. Just a 3.2 in the east Bay. 


Two silver dollars for the ferryman. 


The only film version of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus worth watching.


Oh Texas, y'all need to watch (1984) Footloose.

How about instead of banning books you get your women some gym memberships? Your state used to have the hottest women in the country. What the heck happened? Size 12 is not a small. 

Don't ever give up Wacco, Texas! You ain't a fat ho in Texas until you had a Super Ho w/cheese for $3.25. 

Because I come from the latch-key gen-X generation American version, I read anything I wanted. From the $1.50 mini porno booklets sold at every mini mart and gas station, those stories were crazy fucked up (but well written), to plays written by Shakespeare, also crazy fucked up (but well written). Titus Andronicus forever! Holy shit. And the worst thing I've ever done is make a man beg for me to punch him in the balls and pee in his mouth for money. Consenting adults and whatnot. I've never abused a puppy or "forgot" a baby in a locked car in 110 degree weather.

You don't need parents to know right from wrong although my parents taught me all the things not to do like stay in shitty relationships until you're (this close) to murdering them. Oh wait, no.

You can't ignore the world, or history, or the possibility your son might like dressing as a woman and having hot Asian women tie him down to be whipped harder than a four egg omelet. It is what it is regardless what they read.  


Stole that joke off Twitter but it's still funny.  

William Shakespeare Words, words, words. Once I had the gift. I could make love out of words as a potter makes cups of clay. Love that overthrows empires. Love that binds two hearts together come hellfire and brimstone. For six pence a line, I could cause a riot in a nunnery. But, now?

I want to fall in love. Hopeless dreamy gaze up at the stars together love. I want to fall in love in the movies.

Lets fall in love.  



Dod and I are still emailing each other back and fourth. I cut him off from time to time when he's obviously been drinking and blows up my inbox with drunk rants. The good news is Dod will inherit his dad's really nice 3 bedroom house. He can be a drunk for the rest of his life which I imagine is his retirement plan. He already lives in the house with his dad. And Dod's daughter will inherit the house after Dod. She too lives in the house. Family done right in batshit crazy way. This is how it's supposed to be. Unlike my dad who sold the house I grew up in to have more money to build his mistress a grander house. In my dad's defense he did end up marrying his mistress after he threw his first wife out into the driveway with her stuff. And again in my dad's defense he did buy his first wife a house before throwing her out. He threw her out because she didn't want to leave. Dad bought her a house and gave her $30,000 in cash. She had a full time job so really she did make out. I asked my ex to pay the deposit on an apartment for me to move into when we split (about $1300) but he refused and instead opted to retain a lawyer and pay legal/court fees for a year and a half. Genius. Anyway...

I've been here three weeks and still no dates. Not one. All the bars by me are sports bars and none of them play hockey games. Just football. Blah.   

I just tried going live but there was something wrong with my connection. Try again later.

Look'a the face!! Perfect size doggie for me. And they're so sweet. I'm already picking out names! If a girl, I like the name Emily. If a boy, Griff, maybe?



Facts. I’ve seen men cry. It’s not pretty. Just go through a divorce that take almost two years. You stop crying after that. Forever. Trust me.


I get it. Everyone has a sex site. Me too. I’m just never on it. But can you ladies please stop hijacking my content. It takes me way longer to be as clever as I think I am - then it takes for you ladies to roll around on a bed blowing some guy. Get your porno off my storyline and put it on Charlie Sheen’s page where it belongs! 



“The looser the waistband the deeper the quicksand”πŸ‘


I’m 53. I embrace it.πŸ‘

Cue the music! 


Relationship goals πŸ₯Ί❤️‍🩹


The healing ❤️‍🩹  process from oral surgery to now two months later. It takes 3-4 months for the surgical site to completely heal. Then screws get drilled into the new jawbone for implants. 

Parents, get your kids wisdom teeth taken out. Or they may have to endure this one day.


He makes me laugh so hard.





You’re welcome


Um πŸ˜• 


Channeling Cate Blachett's Carol Aird in (film) CAROL. 

I love Cate Blanchett. I love her style. And yes there were gloves in the film.

Can we please bring gloves back? These make me feel sexier than a $500 cocktail dress. 


Want to talk with me?


Ain't nothing sexier than 120 pound white guy wearing sumo wrestler man panties.πŸ˜΅πŸ˜• 


Watching my favorite movie in the world SENSE AND SENSIBILITY (1995) streaming now on Pluto. I love this movie so much. All my chick flicks are period films. (Hmm?😏)
I have yet to promote or go live on the LJ. I'm not happy with the content. I put up a bunch of quick prerequisites (that took 5 days to navigate!) then took yesterday off to run much needed errands and be among other humans. So today back at it.

Last night I was reminded just how much other Asians hate me. HATE ME. I went to the market to get some fruit, first of all every Asian has black, brown, or grey hair, no blonde or retro purple, not even the younger generations, no KPOP influence, nothing, that's how Asian everyone is here, and while at the market I set down my bags of fruit on the corner of a table to free my hands to open the freezer doors and grab some dumplings (there's never any grocery baskets) and as I did this at least 5 employees started screaming at me in (Chinese?) I quickly grabbed my dumplings from the freezer and picked up my bags of fruit. The 5 employees dispersed talking loudly to each other and to themselves in (Chinese?) but for all I know they could have been asking me if I was going to take the fruit or just curious why I set the bags down. I don't know? But my gut tells me they were yelling at me for setting the bags down.
There is no Koreatown here. Why is that? There's Chinatown and Japantown, both of which are HUGE but no Koreatown. Interesting. Did the Koreans all migrate to Los Angeles? It's our fancy hair colors isn't it? Y'all just can't accept hair that isn't brown or black. 

Cue the music!



What does it say about a man who cannot have a platonic relationship with a woman? He decided to end the sexual part of our friendship back in October which I was perfectly fine with (the sex was terrible for me anyway) but then... I  could pretty much fuck off after that. 

Thanks. I guess.


If I can't romance one man, if I can't have that Monet picnic of grapes, fruit, cheese, and wine with a special someone, I'll do it front of the camera instead.

What is art if not imitating life? 


"Lets meet at 7pm" he says for the third time now. Holy shit. Dude. What part of...

"I can't meet for breakfast or lunch" he says. 

Ever? You can never meet for breakfast or lunch? Do you eat breakfast or lunch?

I can't continue a conversation beyond that. I just can't.   

Stress kills me a little more every day as it does most people. Only I don't have the time of most people. 


I've told this guy at least twice in the most simple use of the English language I know how. I had a stroke. I was about to have a second massive stroke when I called 911 and had to go into the ER. 11 months later I'm good for about 7 hours a day, as in really good where I am able to get around, be active, do anything but run. I will never run again. I'm lucky I can walk. The harder I work my heart, the harder blood and oxygen work to get to my brain and pass through narrow arteries that caused my stroke last February to begin with. Is there any way I can explain that better? I am in bed between 7pm-8pm for the fact my body is tired and just won't go anymore. The meds I take help me to not be bed ridden all day. The meds control my heart rate, my blood pressure, and balance out my sodium/cholesterol/sugar levels. I have 7 good hours a day. Generally between 9am-4pm. After that I don't go far from a couch or a bed where I can rest of I need to. 

I'm lucky to be alive. Understand?

Any man I link up with next should take out a million dollar life insurance policy on me. Trust me, you will live to collect and enjoy the money.  


I am Henry Poole. I love this movie. I've referenced this movie over the years but relate to it more now than ever. Love Of The Loveless, by the Eels, is on the soundtrack. 

It is strange being in my 50's. Strange and wonderful. On one hand I get my period like once or twice a year - I have arrived! Until menopause at like 56 years of age when it completely disappears I believe. You men will never know what it is to spend 1/3 of your life menstruating for children you never planned on having. But on the other hand it's a wonder as in - what do I do now? 

I'm single (divorced), no children, as a result from a stroke am no longer able to perform the physical duties of my job that guaranteed me a paycheck for the whole of my adult life... What do I do now? 

Model, and write. I suppose? I spent the last 5 days putting my profile up on LJ. That is where I will be spending a considerable amount of my time I guess. My first pay video was rejected because there was no audio in the background. They require you talking or music from their library be in the background. Something I did not know until after I made the minute reel. I made a new reel with one of their romantic songs in background and again my reel was rejected. "Oh. Is that one of our songs from the library? Sorry didn't recognize it. I'll approve your video." Gee, thanks.

I'll let all the young beauties supply you with never-ending bootie eye candy. Me, I'm feeling too romantic and nostalgic these days. I miss Farrah Fawcett (circa Charlie's Angels), Cher (circa Sonny & Cher), Tawny Kitaen (circa Whitesnake), Loni Anderson (circa WKRP), I miss the sexy sirens of the 80's. Now all the ladies just want to be a Kardashian - none of whom I ever found sexy or attractive. Bigger is better only on cheeseburgers, and Texas. I'm pretty sure I'm recalling that from a bumper sticker.    

Will my romantic girlfriend experience sell? Not like the much sought after Kardashian experience to be sure. Be that, I remain honest. To thyself be true. I have big butt, boobs, and big hair, just a different world view regarding sex, sensuality, and nudity. It's another art form one I hope to master before I'm 60.

Love of the loveless. Cue the music!

Happy lunar new year Tigers. For all the noise welcoming you in to the year, make it count! The fireworks are still going off over here!

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