Thursday, April 16, 2020

Don't be such a Dennis! (Update April 23)

April 23

Just remember Asian Americans, we're over 18 million strong!


Has anyone checked on Anderson Cooper, recently? Is he ok? 

Mayor Carolyn Goodman, is the Leona Helmsley, of Las Vegas. The queen of greed. Batshit crazy old woman. She’s represents Las Vegas, perfectly. Las Vegas is the oldest, ugliest, fattest, worst hooker ever. 

WHAT A DUMP. After the mob, sin city just turned into one big garbage receptacle. Greedy. Dumpy. Dirty AF town. 

The only reason Carolyn Goodman became mayor was because her husband, Oscar Goodman, was the previous mayor and everyone loved him. He was amazing. His wife, not so much. 

She wanted to run homeless people out of town. When that didn’t work she harassed homeless people every day with street cleaners at all hours day and night. When residents protested her ill treatment of homeless people, Carolyn Goodman, replied, “Gee, it’s fun to complain.”

Drag this bitch. Drag her hard!

April 22


Fixed it!!

The worst president this country has ever seen. Ever. 


I have no idea how Trump can wish Kim Jong Un, well. It goes beyond my understanding. But then again...


Instead of the tramp stamp, the Trump stamp? 


Love of god


Remove humans, then every day is Earth Day. 


The second this quarantine is over you better believe lawsuits will been filed from here until Christmas 2025.

Lawyers, personal trainers, and.... hair salons, apparently... will be the first to recoup their financial losses.

I forgot how much natural hair color blows peoples minds. "Natural hair color? Nooooo!!!"

"Give me peroxide or give me death!" 

If... you... insist?

April 21

Biden needs to be more vocally assertive and less scream-o. Women are not attracted to scream-o men. It's what makes Governor Cuomo, attractive. The way he talks. The way he conducts himself. "You're going to be an a-hole, fine. Here's how we handle a-holes." It's only a New York thing because of his accent. Apart from that, it's a generational thing. Women want Frank Sinatra and Johnny Cash charisma in the worlds of politics and trade. Dating too. 

My generation's fathers didn't yell. They were businessmen who took care of business. And they never talked about their business. They never brought it home. Women want men to fix whatever is broken. Don't bring it home with you. Don't preach. Don't yell. Just fix it. That is the cross men bear. There's so much talking during this pandemic, we don't care what you say anymore, just fix it. Fix the pandemic. Fix the social divide. Lead the country.

Fix it!

Which now brings me to Tucker Carlson, and the men of his ilk. Ratings are like dick pics. Neither one really matter to most women unless attached to someone we already like. And you sirs, are no Matt Passmore.

Matt Passmore played Detective Jim Longworth, in 2010 TV show The Glades, or as I called it, The Hot Guy show, as my ex-husband can tell you.

Normally I don't give a fuck-all about Tucker Carlson. 7 years, I've never mentioned him. After today I doubt I'll mention him again.

Have whatever opinion you want about about women, or a woman in particular, that's your right. Sell politics if that's what you get paid to do. Have your narrow minded racial, sexual, gender discriminating opinions. Again, that's your right. As long as you do it from way over there, I couldn't care less. Violence only occurs when opposition is too incompetent to reach people any other way. That said, in a political war, like the one we're in right now, those of us who love to cataloging material, cannot help but marvel at the self destruction and daily melt downs of almost every top Republican television personality. Every day as of late is "Holy shit did he just say that?" Day.

What day is it? Holy shit, day.

"My body. My right." A phrase pro choice marchers have been using since women's liberation put boots on the ground. And these are the words Republican television male personalities are using for their right to... eat hotdogs in public during a pandemic?

"My hair won't cut itself!" <------ That's your argument for prematurely opening the states?!

Have all the writers for every Republican based television network just simultaneously up and quit? Because if that's the case, go dark! As much as I would love to watch you guys metaphorically murder what's left of your conservative party, Trump will murder all of us before the month's end.

What day is it? Holy shit, day.

Manners maketh man.

Did Tucker Carlson really just get on national television and bash AOC because of her upbringing? Because he doesn't think she grew up poor enough? Yes. Yes he did. And here is where television network writers would have really come in handy because none of ya'll can make a decent well thought out point. Instead you just sound like a bunch of bickering 20-something makeup artists on YouTube dishing the tea. Aaand then Tucker thanked wikipedia for providing him with the tea on AOC's upbringing.

"She grew up privileged!" Tucker scoffed. So then I went on wikipedia and did something I otherwise never would have cared enough to do, I searched Tucker Carlson. Aaaand (What day is it?)

According to wiki, Tucker has some serious mommy issues. His bio-mom choose the swinging "bohemian" lifestyle over being a wife and mother and then got re-married to an artist, eeewwww! But worry not, dad re-married up, the frozen dinner heiress to Swanson. But because of his mommy abandonment issues and obvious inferiority/superiority complex due to having gone to, what university was it again? Oh wait, my mistake, what college was it again? Ah. Trinity. Yale, lite. Liberal arts. Political science. Because that's what the world needs, more poli-sci classes. Tucker much rather use his cultivation to read off a television prompter insulting women rather than strut his education saying something that might matter to someone who has the potential to change the world entirely for the better. FOR THE BETTER.

I'm not sure if Tucker is aware of this but he was recently outclassed by Piers Morgan.

Pierce (fucking) Morgan. I am not a fan.

Where am I?

What day is it?

(Holy shit! Day)

Tucker Carlson outclassed by this guy...

I'm also not a fan of CNN, but that was pretty amazing.

I would like to live in a world where I get to (at least) choose political candidates by who I like and respect the most, rather than picking political candidates by way of who I absolutely hate the least. 

I don't like CNN or Piers Morgan, but that was cool. 

Happy National Tea Day (how fitting!)

My cup of tea. Only I pour milk in after I brew because I'm American and I like to see just what exactly is going into my mouth without a whole lot'ta guess work, thank you very much.

Panda butt! You're welcome. 

April 20

"Open the state! Open the car dealerships! I need a Porsche! I need a Porsche right the fuck now! Open the state! Open the state! AAAAAHHHHHH MOTHERFUCKERS open the state!!!!"

You can afford a Porsche?

"No. But it's not America if I can't buy a Porsche!!!"

You know Porsche isn't even American made, so... How about a Chevy? Ford? Bicycle? Treadmill? 

My three favorite nazi protesters are: the woman who wants businesses to reopen so she can get her roots done (honey, the roots of your hair is the least of your problems), the protester who told an Asian American nurse in scrubs to go back to China, and the idiots who are outside protesting in general. Meanwhile I know people in CA who don't give a single fuck and just go outside to the beaches and wherever they want sans face mask. Do I approve? No, of course not. WTF you want me to do about it?

All these people protesting the quarantine apparently cannot survive 30 days without a hair salon or a bar, but they're dressed like hunters who give the vibe they can live off the land. What a bunch of phonies.

Am I happy about the quarantine? Of course not. But three bottles of decent wine for price of one night out isn't the end of the world either. 

A state can prematurely open businesses but that doesn't mean the businesses are going to open. 

If that woman gets her hair done at a salon, I hope she's not paying more than $7 for that cut and color. Because that is most def a $7 hairdo(n't).

Taco Bell hot sauce packets are having way more fun than the rest of us. They're the candy hearts of quarantine. 

Tattoos or it didn't happen!

April 19


I thought Woodland Hills/Calabasas was supposed to be kind of a yuppie and a slightly sophisticated area. It's so not! Holy shit. There's a lot of sketchy AF people here. Trash ghetto, like people you would find on Jerry Springer. Their parents worked hard so they never had to, kind of people, who will leave absolutely nothing but debt for their own children. "Thanks mom. And that's why years from now we're leaving you to rot in an old folks home."

Downtown may be where the hobos live but at least they have good reason for being crazy like hardship and despair. Unlike...

The only thing you need to know about Jeanine Pirro, is her downfall began when her husband went to jail for tax evasion, which is on him not her, but then she admittedly tried to wiretap his yacht to catch him in an affair. Good lord. Right there you know she's a nut. Wiretap your cheating husband? Seriously? Talk about pages taken directly out of the SNAPPED playbook, all 28 seasons.

You either love someone or you don't. Going through their personal belongings, spying on them, playing games, that's not love. That's season 29.

Jeanine's public alcoholic rants don't help her either. 

I like to get my drunk-on too sometimes but behind closed doors like a decent American.

She tries so hard to be Laura Ingraham. But she just isn't that white. Isn't Jeanine, Lebanese? Classic case of self loathing. 

Dr. Phil, isn't a doctor. He plays one on TV. He's not a psychiatrist either. To be psychiatrist one must be licensed and Dr Phil has not had a license in over ten years. I'll let you kids do the discovery as to why.

COVID-19 is contagious. Drowning in a swimming pool is not.

COVID-19 is contagious. Getting into a car accident is not.

Maybe if Dr Phil still had his license he could comprehend the difference.

That picture of DeSantis, still makes me laugh.

"He knows how to wear a face mask right?"

"Of course. Everyone's been wearing them for the past five weeks."

"Still, you think we should maybe give him a quick tutorial before he gets in front of the camera?"

"What? No. He'll be fine." 

Corona road rage!

Hey kids, ever hear of this fancy coffee place called Starbucks? It's a thing. Started in Seattle. I think it might actually take off.

Yesterday one of the Starbucks nearby only had the drive-thru open. Problem was that drive-thru Starbucks is located at the bottom of a freeway offramp, and there was a line of cars at least 25 strong waiting to go through the drive-thru. Location. Location. Location. The line of cars was ever growing until inevitably conflicting with cars trying to get off the freeway, and cars trying to turn right. Road rage was ever mounting, but then, out of the chaos, poetry, one little white 1980-something Corvette decided it no longer gave a single fuck.

That little Corvette, that little 1980 Corvette a'corona, spun its heels and jackknifed it up the embankment, into the gas station nearly murdering a guy pumping gas, squeeled past the remaining three pumps, further beating the concrete with a 90 degree semi circle ending at the sidewalk, then barreled down 180 horsepower once more into oncoming traffic, and cruised down the opposing lane until it disappeared. Less than two minutes later the Corvette returned in the oncoming lane it originally beat through. I guess the driver finally composed himself and remembered where he was going.

I'm going to leave you for now with this beautiful link of Governor Cuomo, teaching Trump how to be a real man.

April 18

I love him. 

And the angry Trumpsters chant, "Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci! ... Oh wait. Let me put on my protective face mask... Hunnner Chahki! Hunnner Chahki!"

I have more coming I just have a lot going on right now.

Hey guess what?

If you own a non essential business on Ventura blvd. and you remain open even after DWP shuts you down, just know people are not afraid to call the police on you. Holy shit. I was out on my run, wearing my face mask of course, when suddenly two police officers pulled up in front of me, got out of their car and started walking rather quickly right for me. I immediately stopped and reached for my ID, I might have even put my hands up in the air, but just then the police breezed right past me to the tiny gym (workout center) behind me. I spun around and saw the police trying to get inside the gym. The guy inside was screaming at the police to get away from the doors, "Don't touch the doors! Get away from the doors! Get the fuck away from the doors!" Yeah I so did not stick around.

For the past month the owner (I presume) of that gym has the same workout schedule as mine. I either run in the morning and/or later in the afternoon and he's always there with someone working out albeit lately in the dark. All the bikes and treadmills face the giant window wall. Do those work without electricity? I honestly did not think it was a crime for the owner and a friend to work out at his own gym, but whatever, apparently it is. Heavy. End of days. One of his business neighbors probably just got mad. You know how it is. 

Unlike these people who will never see the inside of a gym, or a library. 

And since we're shut in until.. May 15?

Check out this movie. It's awesome. I love Sean Penn, in this. 

Here's a YouTube link to the trailer.

April 17

Meanwhile Florida Republican governor Ron DeSantis, puts on his face mask...

Hannity showing us his technique on how to do whatnow? 

April 16

Exciting news moms and dads, Dr Oz estimates only 2-3% of your kids will die when he and Trump prematurely reopen the schools. Hooray! Dr Oz is super excited. "Only 2-3% of the children could die." 


I think this is Trump's way of saying "If I'm not elected for a second presidential term I'm taking out some of your kids with me."

Yep. He sure does.

It's amazing. There is no limit to Trump's stupidity. To his back talk. To his blame game. How can anyone be proud to be an American with this moron in the White House?

And while people poke fun of Biden being old, they're all old except for Yang and Buttigieg, and ya'll didn't want them. Plus Trump is the social media president. Everything he should be saying using only his inside voice, he screams it all over social media and in front if the camera like no one's going to use it against him later? Are you fucking kidding me? I got enough video and screen-grabs of Trump's Twitter buffoonary to make anyone with an IQ over 40 laugh for hours. We all do. Where do you think the video clips come from?

Trump's followers are just as dumb. Dumber! The laundromat is about 3 blocks from where I'm staying. I don't want to go but I have to. My room doesn't have a washer or dryer. I put on my face mask, grab the spray sanitizer, say a little prayer and head out to the laundromat. Not one block later this fat (huge!) white couple come wobbling towards me. They're so fat they don't walk like normal people with one foot in front of the other, but rather have to swing each foot to the side in a half circle. Holy shit. I thought people only walked that way in The Simpsons. He's wearing a Trump hat. She's in a muumuu. Neither one are wearing face masks. Fucking christ. I already hate these people. Irritated AF. I walk around them into the street (6 feet social distance motherfucklards!) until I pass Godzilla and her monster whale of a husband, and then got back on the sidewalk and continued on my way. But for whatever reason they took offense to my being able to walk at a normal person's pace, and started screaming at me like it's my fault they're fat, ugly, and stupid. Had I stopped and waited for either of them to catch up to me, it would have taken the HeavyMcLardAsses at least 20 minutes and I have things to do. That's right I fat shame when no one can walk past you on the sidewalk. THEN...

At the laundromat another man-twat in a Trump hat NOT WEARING A FACE MASK acted like he couldn't understand what my hand gesture of "Is this cart yours?" meant. It's universal, you moron. Like "is anyone using this chair?" or the "check" hand gesture, or pretty much anything a four year old could understand. Not Trump supporters! "We're dumb as fuck and proud!"

I really have zero tolerance for stupid people. Candace Owens, bitched on Twitter that she got tossed out of a Whole Foods for not wearing a face mask. Good! What part of pandemic do you not understand?" Candice Owens isn't a stupid woman. She's just willing to put her health on the line to make news. "If I can go outside without a face mask so can you."

Sure I can. But I'm not going to.

Trump's insane. He's perfectly fine killing your elderly parents and your children (only 2-3%) just to restart the economy.

Only 2-3% of your children will die. So go on, put them back in school. What could possibly go wrong? Maybe they won't die? Maybe?

Hey I have a question. If you're all so sure it's safe to go outside then why were you all sitting in your individual cars blocking streets, and ambulances, and fire trucks, to protest the quarantine?

I want this pandemic over as much as the next person. I don't know how much longer I can eat grocery store food. God bless you store employees for working. Seriously. It's just, I miss the going OUT part of eating out. Furthermore, let's get real here. Most of us were into social distancing before the pandemic. Add to that, a lot people really should wear protective face masks when they go out. Coughing and sneezing into their fucking hands and not washing them afterwards. If they bother covering their mouths at all.

I'd love to go out, but...

Over 34,000 deaths. How do you ignore that?

54,000 recovered doesn't make up for 34,000 dead. And if it does for you, put your kids back in school.  

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