Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Static in the barren wasteland

Dear Nevada Dept of Agriculture, explain to me again which licenses are required to spray pesticides?

The crazy maintenance lady here at my apartment building keeps spraying some kind of poisonous pesticide outside my windows that make my eyes and throat burn. And the heavy way she's spraying it in isolated areas directly outside my windows, in the video I shot of her two hours ago, I don't think she's a professional? I might have to see a doctor if the burning gets any worse. Please contact me. I have questions. Thank you.


The original reason for this blog was to post a clearer wip pic of my Ryan drawing.

*WIP, work in progress

Wow, that pesticide is really strong!

Part of me thinks she sprays it because my downstairs neighbor is a Trump loving racist. The maintenance woman is white, and according to my racist neighbor her boyfriend is black, and he can't understand how she can, and I'm quoting here, "Spread her pussy for a black man."

I've been called racist because I've never had sex with a black man. Which is a dumb reason to call someone racist. Be that, I couldn't care less what you do. Doesn't bother me. Fuck off. Consenting adults, etc.

But not him. According to my neighbor, white women BELONG to white men. Gotta love them Trumpsters! Of course women of color are for white men too according to him. 🤨 Just so long as white women don't fuck black men.

Damn crazy honkies.


I want my downstairs neighbor to know he's too old to be a Nazi. Dude would get all tangled up in his sheet, trip, fall, break a knee, find a reason to blame black people, or Mexicans.

He's so racist, and old.

As in ...

"I don't bank or shop online" old.

"I only use the internet for free porn" old.

"Gotta keep Trump in office and women in the kitchen" old.

Damn crazy honky, you know sound carries, right? When you yell into your phone I can hear you upstairs. I know everything about his family in Dallas, the $20 hookers and lifetime crack whores he considers "good pussy", his ex wife and her cats, I know when he's going to walmart to buy eggs and sausages...

He just spent an hour complaining to his brother in Dallas, about women taking away jobs meant for men. When the woman maintenance worker replaced the previous guy who retired from our building, I heard my downstairs neighbor complain, "They couldn't find a male worker?! And she has kids! Go home and raise your kids!"

Why do old men wear knee length shorts and knee high sock? If your legs are cold there's this thing called pants. Check it out sometime.

Adulting is hard for some people. 

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