Saturday, February 1, 2020

My pussy. My rules.

Yesterday on social media I learned not all snakes lay eggs. Some actually give birth to their babies.

And speaking of snakes on social media...

500 men, a small number of my childhood girlfriends, and none of you men are willing to help this little kitty cat? You drool all over my PG photos, write filthy comments, make unwanted sexual advances, but none of you can lift a finger to help an actual living creature? What kind of men are you? Who the fuck raised you? Way to go moms. You raised a bunch of greedy selfish degenerates. I'm done posting pretty pictures of myself until you men do something for me for once. For once! What have you done for me late-ly!

The only time I thought of Brad Pitt, as a sex symbol was in the movie TROY. Both he and Eric Bana, were hot in that movie. But that's the only time I thought of him as a sex symbol. He's a pretty man. Just not sexy. He was sexy in TROY. Aaaand you men on social media, and adult websites, who act like greedy degenerates, you're no Brad Pitt. You all think you are. You're not.

I have zero problems giving... but you men better start learning how to give back. If my male friends can generously give without wanting anything from me, you greedy motherfuckers better start opening some wallets and digging deep. Until then, the only pussy you're going to see is this one.

And I've got tons of pussy pics! For example...

Peak-a-boo pussy. Awwww.

Licking pussy

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