Wednesday, January 22, 2020

My favorite Dick

I saw Amarican Gigalo, when I was 16 or 17 years old, and again when I was in my 20's, and again last night. I fell in love with Richard Gere first time I saw him. In love, girl! In love. He's so hot in that movie. There were guys I thought were good looking much in the same way I think some women are beautiful. I don't want to have sex with them. I just think they're attractive. And then there were men like Richard Gere, and my 7th grade art teacher, I would have loved to have had sex with both. I was only 12 in that art class but Ssssh let it happen.

You think girls don't have sex drives at 12 but we do. Hormones are going out of control at 12 because of the change. I love Dolly Parton for admitting on TV that she had the hots for Johnny Cash when she was 12. For me it was my art teacher. And the joke since then has always been - It's too bad I didn't have the hots for my science teacher. Think of what could have been.

Even at 16 years old I was so sheltered. Men could be Gigalos? What?? I thought whoring was only for women. Goddamnit! Can we have nothing just for ourselves?!

(I'm kidding calm down.)

My next two foot tall drawing was going to be Richard Gere, but upon texting friends the other night, they all unanimously said Farrah Faucet should be my next two foot tall drawing of a famous person, and so that's what I've been doing. Drawing Farrah Faucet. And just like in the begining of drawing Dolly, I've already had my first Farrah emo mental breakdown. I couldn't find the top of Farrah's head. It's a thing. I wasn't satisfied with the outline, then spent four hours locating the top of Farrah's head. It happens. Luckily I have friends to talk me down off the ledge. That's my #1 issue when drawing large scale, I sometimes lose sight of dimensions. Motherf🤬ck! But then I got back on track.

I get that everyone's in town this week for AVN. I'd love to hang out. I am in dire need of fun. Blow off some steam. But I just started a new drawing and so....

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