Monday, October 28, 2019

My kind of Cash

“Where did the money come from?” I asked an upper management friend from my last job.

“Don’t worry about it.” She replied. “Just roll with it.” 

Shortly before 3am there was a loud popping noise. It could have been gunfire. I hear gunfire in this neighborhood every couple of months. It only got my attention this time because it was so close. Side of my building, close. Seconds later, all the power in my building went out. I went outside and met up with my downstairs neighbor. ‘Did you call the manager?” He asked. Yeah no. And besides, I think Nevada Power, is the more reasonable phone call to make at 3am. Which someone apparently did. From 3am to 6am utility trucks came and went to fix the outage. Who knows what happened? 

6am, after the utility trucks left, power restored, I finally fell back to sleep, woke up around 8am, and panicked because I missed Miso’s morning feeding. Poor kitty. I searched for my little stray cat but could not find him anywhere. I’m sure the utility trucks scared him off. I felt like shit all day. Lack of sleep and no kitty. I looked for Miso when I got off work. No luck. I looked a few times. Nothing. It’s 2:42am right now and I just looked again. No kitty. 5:14am still no kitty. 

Ignorance is bliss. It truly is. For the past 13 months, up until a few weeks ago, I was totally ignorant of the bullshit going on in my building. Well, not totally ignorant. Every time something seemed “off” inside my apartment I just let it go. Alas there’s only so many times you can let shit go. And all this animosity, all this passive aggressive animosity regarding the strange goings on inside my apartment when I’m gone, is all because I feed a hungry neighborhood cat? 

I couldn’t care less if you don’t like me. I don’t like most people. I get it. But I tolerate a lot. I tolerate people talking loud on their cell phones in close quarters. I tolerate people putting their feet up on furniture in restaurants like the world is their living room. I tolerate people who ride their motorcycles at 2am only in residential areas rather than the open road like it was designed for. Tolerance is the only way to survive one ridiculous day into the next. “Just roll with it.” But some people would rather fuck you, trespass against you, for no reason other than because they feel entitled to. And that’s where my tolerance ends. 

Dear kids, you’ll get the gist...

“I let a friend stay with me. She needed a room to rent. And while we were roommates she stole my identity. She stole my social security card, my identity, and started a new life as me. I hate this town. It’s so fucked up.” she complained. And that’s the only conversation I’ve ever had with this nutjob who lurks my building, furthermore she did most of the talking. I guess her life motto is, “Fuck over forward.” 

So again, I have to ask, all this passive aggressive destructive animosity towards me because I feed a neighborhood cat?  You poked a hole in his ear. You actually stalked this particular cat for no other reason than to hurt him. And you think it’s the town that’s fucked up? 

At last Miso stopped by to eat. He was a very hungry boy. Poor thing. 

We talk about mental illness all the time. We talk about what an epidemic it’s become, like the homeless. We theorize how it got this way. 


Wouldn’t it be nice if just one political party actually cared enough about it too? I mean like all year around, not just during election time. 

Well, you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's down in the dark will be brought to the light

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

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