Sunday, August 18, 2019

Head like a... hole?

Where do I begin?

I hope Buckcherry made gobs of money for that gig. It was ridiculous. There’s two sets of metal detectors on Fremont Street, FYI those of you considering attending any future free shows. Enter through the metal detectors by the ABC store, not the ones by the alcohol stands or you’re going to be stuck in a smelly human traffic jam forever. - They make you toss your drinks before you enter through the metal detectors. Sure it’s a “free show” but you have to re-purchase your drinks for like $15 a beer. 


The people attending the show. 

The attire was Suicidal Tendencies & DARE tee-shirts. I did not get the memo. And let’s not forget all the single moms bouncing their toddlers on their hips while trying to find some place to store their strollers. One mom asked a store cashier to watch her stroller. Of course the cashier said no. I’m surprised mom didn’t ask the cashier to also watch her baby. Who brings a toddler to a concert, outdoors, on Fremont street, at 10pm? Crackerjack parenting there lady. 

The trick to plowing through a concert crowd is to get behind the biggest drunkest guy and ride his wing. I hung onto the wing of some military looking guy wearing a green tank top with the name STAAL on the back. Thanks. Much appreciated. 

Josh Todd looked like he wanted to be anywhere but on that stage. His WTF resting bitch face was on point. We all have to make a living, right? I can relate. I bailed after the fourth song, sorry. Head Like a Hole, was the first song they played. I left during I Love Cocain. No more Fremont Street free concerts for me. Because it was early I was going to hit the strip, but went home and watched a movie instead. Aaahhh peace and quiet. I should know by now, any time I’m really feeling it, any time I’m in the mood to be social, Las Vegas is NOT the place, for me anyway.

Also, how insulted are all the local bands who play Fremont Street every weekend without metal detectors? 

Dear Dodo,

What’s with all the animals being found in the water? I’m from Minnesota. Land of 10,000 Lakes. I never once found cats, baby deer, squirrels, or any land animal stranded in the water swimming for its life. I’m convinced these precious little creatures are being tossed into the water by their so-called heroes just to make Dodo videos. Disgraceful. 



I saw it.

Crazy Rich Asians

I was so against watching this movie just because of the name and preview. But I finally watched it.

First of all, it’s no wonder the hotel didn’t want that Asian woman and her shitty kids staying there. Her poorly raised children were purposely making a mess on the hotel rug with mud from the bottom of their shoes. Mom didn’t say shit to them. I’d want their disrespectful asses out of my hotel too. 

Secondly, if the hotel employees were truly racists, they’d tell that Asian woman to go back to whatever fucked up country she came from where children are allowed to destroy private property, not Chinatown. And that’s not being racists. Not really. I would have told that bitch to go to Chinatown, or hell. Racists would have told her to go back to her country. And really, is that being racist? I think not. It sounds more like a plea rather than an insult. For the love of god please go back! 

Also, Christianity is a white man’s religion. Which is fine if Asians want to practice it, whatever, but there is nothing more white, nothing more “ABC” than practicing a white man’s religion. Asians can throw fake-Asian shade at me, but if you’re wearing a crucifix while doing it, or reading the Bible, you can just go back to wherever you came from, and fuck off. 

I watched the movie, Rachel! 



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