Saturday, August 10, 2019

Damnit Alex, answer me!

I got text bot’ed by a 310 phone number similar to mine. “‘Sup” was all the text read. Pathetic. First of all, it better have been a bot. No one should ever speak that way. Disgraceful. Uncivilized, Aramis would say. 

All the good people I will ever know, I years ago have already met, and regret nothing what comes after and with whom. Much like how you people throw away your mentally ill family members. Madonna, for example. Reportedly that bitch couldn’t give one fuck about her homeless brother. I remember watching the report in 2011 and again in an updated interview in 2013. Her brother was living on a park bench in Michigan. He reached out to Madonna for help, several times, and she, according to him, couldn’t care less. 

Yep. Sounds about right. 

Sometimes I just look out my window with a cup of tea and observe every day madness. 

Some guy is hunched over in my building’s front stoop area. I recognize him. I’ve seen him before. 

“Alex. Alex. Alex. How much do you think we can get for these spiders Alex?” He asks while plucking invisible spiders from my front stoop. 


No response.

“Alex. Alex. Alex. How much, Alex?”

Again, no response.

“Answer me, Alex! How much do you think we can get for these spiders? Alex. Answer me. Alex. Alex. I don’t have all day.”

No, actually I’m pretty sure you do have all day. You’re one of the homeless guys who naps on my sidewalk. 

“Look at all these spiders, Alex. How much do you think we can get for these spiders?”

He’s by himself by the way. 

Ten minutes later he crossed the street plucking invisible spiders from the sidewalk, still trying to get Alex’s attention. He’s not among the dangerous group of homeless though. There’s a 300 pound filthy disgusting man, quite possibly has turrets, who carries a broken piece of two foot timber spiked at one end. Stained in red. He would no doubt murder anyone who stood in between him and a cheeseburger. Why are the craziest ones always so fat? Are they eating people? If he’s eating people I can forgive him. Population control. Nonetheless, I’m certain to be killed coming home from work one night.

Be that, it seems as though death will be the only way to stop my menstrual cycle. I’m 50 years old and still needing to buy tampons. So there’s that.

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