Friday, March 1, 2019


It’s suddenly Spring time in Vegas. Weather changes here in the desert so drastically fast it can be 35 degrees, raining and snowing one day, 70 degrees and sunny the next. 

With the change of warmer weather attracts the crazies and crime. In the last three days a meth addict tried breaking through my iron security gate at 11:30pm. He trashed my downstairs neighbors front door area including breaking both light bulbs used to help them when they come home at night. One neighbor promptly moved out. Don’t blame him. The following afternoon some guy was jumped and severely beaten right in front of my building by two men (cops were called and they arrested the men), and today there were triple the usual homeless people on my block. Welcome to the desert. 

I have an interview at another casino. I know I said I’d never work for another casino ever again but, work is work and it’s right by my apartment so no commuting three hours a day.

I’ve now gone on three first dates in the past seven days. The first date was great. Totally fun. We seemed to be into each other, planned a second date even, and then *poof* like Keyser Söze, he was gone. Aaah this takes me back to my 20’s. The next two first dates were with functioning nutjobs who stalked women (me!) after the first date. Grown men. What’s going on here fellas? Stalking. Really? Aren’t you kinda too old to be acting loony? Scumbags.

So now I’m getting my home ready for spring and summer visits from Miso, who FINALLY drank some water - long story. But I still can’t get him to poo in the litter box. He’ll pee but only if I watch him, just not poo. And he’ll only finish eating if I watch him. Not sure what’s going on there. 


I guess I’m here for a few more years until I move to the senior community in Palm Springs. And for the record, one more time, I know I look very young still, but I’ve always looked young, and I presume I always will, nonetheless my joints, bones, and organs know how old I really am, and so how I look means absolutely nothing. Not one mahatma damn thing. So shut your face hole telling me I look young. No shit. I have mirrors. I can’t even begin to tell you how beyond irritated I am that all my life I have never looked my age. So shut it. 

Just be grateful I’ll still look good on your arm when your geezer old ass looks like Uncle Fester. 

And now a message from Miso

“If there’s a human willing to love us, take care of us, get us fixed, and get us off the streets and keep us healthy, why would you deny us that love and opportunity? Stop charging pet rent and pet deposits. Do you charge kid rent? Kid deposit? Kids create more noise and mess than any cat. You know I’m right. 

Let us be loved. Thank you. Miso 🐾”

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