Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Mad convoluted ramblings

Right after Thanksgiving I got laryngitis. For about ten days along with being voiceless, I literally felt like death without the courtesy of being dead. Followed by another seven days of nagging cough. Then I got well. Hooray! AND THEN...

Three days ago I woke up feeling like death once more. WTF! 

Yesterday I had to go outside. Leave my apartment. I was out of (everything). I had to go to the store. The cold air hit my face, and by the time I got back home from the store I had chills, a fever, and even more death. 

Luckily I also have cheese. 

I love eating cheese when I’m sick. I suddenly become the Bubba Blue of cheddar. Mac n cheese, sliced cheese, grilled cheese, cheese fondue, cubed cheese, broccoli and cheese, cheese soup ...

I’m bummed I miss NYE on Fremont Street. The pictures today are amazing. I heard fireworks exploding all night long. Music. People cheering. Alas, I stayed in bed feeling sorry for myself and binge watched West Wing, yet again.

This morning, feeling much better, I power cleaned my apartment with my special bucket of movie-murder magic cleaner. 

I’m still under the weather but on the mend. I’ve already gone through a box of  Kleenex. Tried a few drawing smoke tutorials for a drawing I’m working on. Having a hard time visually concentrating though. Presently drinking my fourth cup of herbal tea. Meh. A few more days I’ll be fine. At least I’m out of bed. 

Spoke with Aramis yesterday regarding Smith Card Company, him being a partner and all, which he wants to turn into Smith Card Company Corp. I’m planning the next 6-12 months. Aramis is diligently planning the next 6-12 years. God bless him for thinking I’ll live that long. He’s currently working on getting me a studio. I just love his big glorious nerdy geek brain. His girlfriend can have the rest of him. I just want his brain.

Generally speaking there are two main interested parties among art society, Artists and patrons. 

Artists study the quality of art.

Patrons study the value of art. 

Back in the day, good artists had wealthy patrons. Going even further back, only the wealthy could afford good artists i.e. royalty, the Vatican, and nobleman. 

Today, There’s not much appreciation for art as there once was. People think Photoshop is art. How sad.

The technique is called ODAD. One drawing a day. In other words, practice. Painters, sculptors, and pencil artists should make one drawing a day. It’s a very old technique to bond images with hand/brain coordination. It also paves the way to individual style. Like relearning how to write the alphabet, all artists who took drawing classes sign their names the exact same way. It’s an old technique that teaches you to lift your pencil, paintbrush, or chisel after each stroke, giving each meter independent (original) value. — These are all things that bore the shit out of most people, rightfully so I guess, especially patrons, which is funny because although they should know it, most patrons today don’t know what makes art valuable. They don’t know what to look for. Which explains the shit being sold today as art for $30 million dollars. — FUCKING VENT!!!

The only people buying good art are the 1% who can afford Picasso, and I’m not even a fan of his work. 

It’s like ballet. You don’t train for 14 months and then have the audacity to call yourself a trained ballet dancer equal to someone who’s studied and trained ballet for 20 years. 

The quality of art lifts the value of art. Not the other way around. Anyone with $5 million to spend on a sculpture better know what to look for, and most of the time they don’t. — That’s all I’m saying. 

At last, working for Guggenheim has rubbed off on Aramis artistically. I’ve been waiting. Patiently. He took up black and white photography last year and asked if I wanted to use his photos in my card creations. Of course I do. He has a great eye. Even the Guggenheim hung one of his prints of the Eiffel Tower on display for six weeks. Not bad for a rookie. I’d like to see him paint. But that’s me. That’s all artists. We’d like to see everyone paint, draw, and sculpt. 

I haven’t showered in three days. Guess I’ll go do that now. 

Happy New Year, all.


Did you know liquid acrylic and acetone are both used in the making of cocaine and meth? Me neither. Do you know why I use those chemicals? Because it literally burns the image off laser prints, and onto (whatever) I want the image on. And then I watched a YouTube of, well here https://youtu.be/0oXabRYcXhc

I hope you like my next drawing. It’s got a girl and some smoke, and (I think) a raven... 

Here’s an old makeup tutorial in black and white. I just thought it was funny because it’s in black and white. https://youtu.be/y3bB-13dtnQ 

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