Wednesday, December 12, 2018

War paint

“Michael Cohen, the president’s former fixer who once famously claimed he was willing to "take a bullet" for Donald Trump before later turning against his boss, was sentenced to three years in prison Wednesday by a federal judge in New York after pleading guilty to numerous crimes while cooperating with prosecutors.“

Are we friends on Facebook? You know those pics I posted last night along with the caption of, “Age gracefully? Hell no! I came into the world kicking and screaming, and that’s how I’m going out.”

Well apparently I’m not the only one, BITCH. 


No, fuck that. Not today.

I’ve been wearing dark heavy eyeshadow lately because of the war zone I been walking into lately. But now that I’ve gone full artist I can wash my face and relax in the comfort of sane, drug free, drama free like-company 

Said no artist ever.

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