Thursday, December 27, 2018

FU two!

Ok, first of all, I thought this guy was 17 years old at the time. You’re saying he was 18?


(As in a legal grown up adult?)

When I heard there was video, I thought someone else saw Spacey and the 18 year old, and filmed it. Which is messed up and creepy by itself, especially if that person thought the 18 year old was underage. If you think a crime is happening, put the cellphone down and help them!

BUT THEN come to find it’s a Snapchat video taken by the 18 year old. So while the legal adult was supposedly being “groped” instead of walking away, or excusing himself, or walking away, or saying no (wait, does he say “no” in the video?) instead of walking away, instead of doing anything to help himself, the 18 year old takes out his cell phone, opens the Snapchat app, and films himself with the famous actor.


This is absurd. But let’s keep going.

The 18 year old lied about his age. Interesting. Hmm, why would an 18 year old lie about his age to a famous actor? 🤔 

I dunno

To get drinks maybe? Drinks from the famous actor? Girls do it every weekend and he doesn’t even have to be famous. Been doing it since the dawn of time.

Spacey supposedly bragged about the size of his dick and tried to get the 23 year old back to his place. In the real world this is called a hook-up. Oh right, he’s not 23, he lied and said he was 23. Because why again? 

Memories! I’ve hadhookups start this way. Good times. 

Ok. Stop. Just. Stop.

This guy lied about his age, chose to drink on the job, then messes around while at work, and somehow manages to text someone AND open the Snapchat app to secretly(?) video record “the assault” rather than merely walking away and going back to work? 

And this is somehow Spacey’s fault? 


Dear Kevin Spacey, when in the courtroom, can you please hold up a postcard drawing of mine? And then while holding up the postcard next to your face say these words, “Statuesque works of art that takes us back to a simpler time.”

Thanks in advance! 

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