Monday, November 19, 2018

Dead wax

Dear idiot girl being pranced around the Vegas strip like a donkey by some guy who told you to wear six inch heels and a tiny bikini dress, you do know it’s only 48 degrees in Vegas at night, right? It’s cold out. That’s why the rest of us are wearing both hoodies and jackets. That dude doesn’t care about you. But worry not, your social media friends will surely appreciate your bitching about him when he dumps you next month for a girl with class and self respect. 

And speaking of self respect...

Whoever dressed Ezra Miller for that Playboy spread should be FIRED. That clear salmon colored negligee with solid color collar is just awful as is that blazer. Queer card REMOVED. No self respecting self-identified queer would wear such terrible threads. 

And another thing, Mr Miller 

Your colors are obviously late autumn, not spring. I mean Hello. 

Yup, I’m a snob even with the queers. 

If you go to the Louvre in Paris, don’t dress like a hooker, little miss “Australian social media personality”. Translation: she has zero talent and therefor just acts like a whore in public for attention. The only women defending her are people I wouldn’t be seen in public with. 

Snob. Me. Yes. I admit it. 

There’s a difference between being a snob and being stuck up. Snobs care about actual public behavior, education, sophistication, and applied standards IN PUBLIC. People who are stuck up, have none of those things but will still disregard you for lack of superficialities like looks and money. 

I much rather have tea and sandwiches with a poor educated man with manners, than a rich good looking creep. 

Going out in style, being excessive, it’s a fantasy. It’s not reality. Isn’t that right Aldo Nova? I’m guilty of excess. But I do it for me. I’m old. I’ve made every bed I’m going to make in life. I’ve earned both my fabulous gray hair and dying however I damn well see fit. 

That said...

I’ve nearly reached my maximum pain threshold for creeps and morons. PURGE!! That chick who was denied entrance into the Louvre is so messed up in the head, behaving like a whore in public is the only way she identifies love and acceptance, like girls in porn. Smart girls learn a skill or talent, or read a book to better herself and occupy her time. 

Did I just call that chick not smart? Yes. Yes I did. SNOB!  

Don’t get me wrong, I think money exchanged for services between consenting adults should be legal, as long as it’s all performed discreetly behind closed doors. And...

I get spending money on what younger generations consider attractive and sexy, lord knows my generation couldn’t dress ourselves either at their age, but they’ll get old and then what? Be a burden? I didn’t think I’d live this long either but I did. SURPRISE! 

The majority of my generation did a real bang up job raising millennials and Gen Z’s. 

I adore my friends who gave their kids undivided attention, love, discipline, encouragement, support, hockey sticks, passports, and paintbrushes, instead of computers and cell phones. 

If the only selfies your kids are taking is of their wardrobe, you suck as a parent. 


I tried watching Cable Girls, couldn’t get into it. Sorry. Pretty pictures though. 

I’m seriously considering moving to Alaska, or anywhere remote where Albertsons and Amazon delivers. I’ll chop wood all summer and get a nice log bin for  winter fireplace and cooking. No I won’t. I’m old. I’ll buy my wood logs from other people like everyone else. I just need an excuse to have axes and hatches laying around.;)

I read and watch movies at night by candle light. I love candles. Judge me. I don’t care. At least once a week I scrape melted wax buildup out of my candle holders. Candles. I’m silently building up to a roaring brick fireplace. Not one of those California flip a switch gas fireplaces, no, I mean a real actual fireplace.

And another thing!

The only reason Fortnite beat Red Dead Redemption 2, is because you can punch an annoying nagging feminist in the face in RDR2. I will listen to an intelligent, sarcastic, well thought out disagreement, over hysterical nagging scream-o, any day of the week. I can’t listen to most bands I religious followed in my 20’s and somewhat in my 30’s because now they’re just too loud.

Ssshhhhhh .... Is my favorite reply to most people these days.

“Hey Simone, I need... “

No. Ssshhhh. 

Complete with finger over the lips visual. 

If I was a smarty pants I’d mold new candles with all that dead wax, but...

I’m just smart. No pants.

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