Thursday, June 14, 2018


I could watch these guys all day.

Bob Gordon keeps pushing me to perform speaking engagements. He thinks I should just talk to people in seminars akin to what I’ve written in this blog for the past five years. If I do, be forewarned ladies and gentlemen, the title of my speaking engagements might be called ‘Justin Baldoni is a lazy asshole.’ Because really, he is. Baldoni has given up on being a man. He has ONE JOB, be a man. He doesn’t want to be the lone pussy among men, so he instructs all men to give up being men alongside him, just to make his lazy ass appear normal. Apparently, according to Baldoni, if there’s one thing women ABSOLUTELY LOVE it’s having to support men 24/7 as though they were all helpless newborn babies. Right? 

“I’m just a little boy. Take care of me.”

Um. No. Be a man.

Refuse to quit!

Feminists might enjoy a pathetic excuse for a man, but real women, like myself, will not. Will never. 

I’ll be 50 years old in 6 (plus) months and I  absolutely refuse to quit being a manicured woman regardless if I have a boyfriend or not.

Intentional slobbery is unacceptable.

You can never have too much pride. Whatever your legal occupation is in life, whatever your role among family, friends, and society, accomplish it all with pride. 

Imagine if everyone took pride in their every day behavior, in the way they drove, in the way they look, in the way they speak, in the way they dress, in the way they raise children, in the way they work, etc., it’s not arrogance to be forever self improving. Better today than yesterday. Justin Baldoni, however, wants men to be quitters. He wants men to give up and just be weak pathetic slobs. IN MY OPINION people like Baldoni inspire suicide. He inspires men to quit being the ONE THING nature intended him to be. He wants men to abandon their masculinity all together. Meh. Why try? Why be a strong man people will love and admire when you can just be lazy, insecure, and cowardly. Ever watch Baldoni’s speaking seminar? Who the fuck does he think he’s helping? Feed the weariness and kiss your hopes and dreams goodbye? — Oh sure. Why not. If there’s one thing people seek in a life partner it’s a lazy, insecure, cowardly mate. You betcha! 

Get off your smartphone and pick up a hammer. Learn how to build something. There are very few things sexier about a man than watching him fix something and build something. The only women who appreciate dick pics, are women who are bored in their relationships. The majority of us women want a man who knows how to build a shelving unit. 

You build me a shelving unit, and paint the house, and I’ll pay the utility bills and do the laundry. That’s our unspoken man/woman agreement. Maybe not those exact reciprocations, but you do for me, and I do for you. 

The whole idea of coupling is to make each other’s lives easier and more enjoyable. Or is it more enjoyable and easier? Either way, if you make my life harder and more work, I’m out. 

Bob Gordon and I talk almost every day. But lately it’s just been me listening while Bob angrily vents sometimes up to three hours, mostly about women. I learned rather quickly he’s not interested in my female opinion. He just needs to vent. But that’s cool. I get it. Among other things he’s mad I moved to Vegas. I had no idea prior to moving he even had an opinion. 

I’ve been blamed for a lot of things over the years:

Anna couldn’t find a husband. It’s my fault because I wasn’t interested being married at that time. My free spirited dating habits were ruining her chances of finding a husband.

James couldn’t find a woman who wanted children. It’s my fault because “It’s women like you (meaning me) who don’t want kids.”

Bob Gordon can’t find a woman just like his beloved dearly departed. It’s my fault because “women like you (meaning me) keep moving away rather than finding a man in Los Angeles.”

I hear this all the time. I’ve been hearing it for almost the sum of my adult life. It’s not acceptable to some, to many, for a woman to just... be. 

“ explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

One day I will meet the forrest ranger/carpenter male otter spirit animal of my dreams, and maybe, if we’re not too old we’ll adopt a child, or maybe he’ll have children, MAYBE. But I’m also fine just being a single manicured woman.

Can’t you be fine just being a man? Is it really that much harder being a man than being a single 49 year old divorced woman??

Do you need to see the video again?

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