Saturday, June 23, 2018

Being women

Ayn Rand. 

Did I lose half of you already? Good. 

Not all conservatives are alike.

Bob Gordon compares me to Ayn Rand. And while I agree with many aspects regarding her governmental philosophy on social infrastructure, there are many elements of basic human nature she insists are deficient. I disagree. 

EXAMPLE: Man’s relationship to woman. 

While I agree with Rand that we must seek individualism, strive for independent success, and be the best we can be as one, I disagree with ignoring basic gender roles, heterosexual or homosexual. 

What do you bring to the table?

What do you have to offer?

I believe we can be more only as a team. So long as there is an equal amount of giving under the same roof.

Whether business or pleasure, domestic or in the work place, equality in partnership can only be achieved once gender roles are agreeable. Equality is what can be achieved together, not as individuals. If you have the mentality of ‘I can do anything you can do’ than what’s the point of being together, work or play? Who wants to be with someone who’s going to constantly challenge/criticize their capabilities?

Once I start working two jobs, because it takes two incomes to live in this world, than I’m going to stop looking for a partner. I’ll be too busy and tired to share my life with anyone. Is that what life is all about, being too busy and tired for each other?

I had yesterday off. It was my one day off this week. I spent it running around in 108 heat and doing chores starting at 9am. By 7pm I was crashed out in front of the TV exhausted.

I have gone as far as I can, at my age, alone, as an individual, as one. Ayn Rand and feminists say “do more!” as an individual, and while that is possible, by filling the last of my free time with more work I will in fact be doing more, but not better. At my age, I can only achieve doing better with a partner. 

Life isn’t about working yourself into the ground. Not at my age. I have MAYBE 25-30 more years of life left. It seems people are now more commonly dying between the ages of 50-75. And I whole heartedly believe it’s because individuals have abandoned basic human nature for fantasy and illusion. 

Quality of life, at any age, is necessary to live. When men and women confuse and/or abandon their basic gender roles in this world, they make living life harder. 

You do this, and I do that. Simple, right?

Men who are just looking for sex are useless to me. I can achieve orgasms on my own. 

If all a single man has to offer me is sex, no thanks, pass. I’d rather get a second job.

If it wasn’t for loaner husbands, I wouldn’t even date. 

(There’s a script in there somewhere.)

Ayn Rand writes about the 1% - that (we) society created. We created the 1%. 

The wealthy 1% watches the rest of us scramble around like blind mice because we refuse to work together. We refuse to accept what we can and cannot accomplish on our own. And we refuse to accept responsibilities as a couple, as a team, what we contribute as individuals.

Sure, I can get a second full time job, and it looks like I’m going to have to, but it will most likely take 5-10 more years off my life. But then again, if the rest of my life is spent just working, than why live a long life?

Thank god for loaner husbands. They do more for me than any single man I’ve met in the last six years. 

(Seriously, there’s a script in there somewhere.) 

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