Saturday, May 26, 2018

Bob Gordon says...

I need to go on ChristianMingles or EHarmony. 


Then again, yesterday Bob and I talked on the phone for almost FIVE HOURS (he’s a talker) about bats, trees, racism, alcoholics, his nephew, and a billion other things. He’s a tough one to follow sometimes. One minute we’re talking about Machu Picchu, and then he’ll throw a curve ball and randomly start talking about his sister and I’m like, “Aaaaand your sister did this while at Machu Pucchu?” Only to learn we’re not talking about Machu Picchu anymore. 

My days off are pretty much spent talking to Bob Gordon for FIVE HOURS at a time. And if you know me at all, you know how much I just LOVE talking on the phone. Yeah. No. But I like talking to Bob. Just wish it was in person and not over the phone. I don’t call him Mister Gordon anymore. Just Bob. Sometimes Bob Gordon. 

Las Vegas is a very lonely place for me sometimes. It’s been difficult meeting people who just want to hang out. It’s like their lives revolve around fucking. Those people just depress me. It seems no one just hangs out unless someone gets to fuck. Boring. Maybe that’s just with straight people? Who knows. I just don’t care about sex anymore. Not really. Sometimes I do but it’s usually in the middle of the night and I take care of it myself, a minute/thirty bam done and I’m back asleep in under three minutes.

Anyway, Bob doesn’t text because he doesn’t have a decent cell phone, or an email address, or a home computer, or GPS as we already established back in January 2017

If I ever do start dating anyone, I’m going to have to bring Bob along, or Bob on speed dial in case the dates go bad there will never be any awkward silences. 

So ChristianMingles ... ?

Q. What brought you to this website?
A. Bob

Q. How religious are you?
A. More than Bob.

Q. What are you hoping to find on ChristianMingles?
A. Better ask Bob.

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