Friday, March 30, 2018


Degrees in Las Vegas! Margaritas and pool time!!!

Oh look, it got ALL the way up to 37 degrees today in Minnesota.

Um. Yeeeeah.

Margaritas and pool time!!!!

June 25, mark it on your calendar BREAKFAST CLUB at the dive in!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Zero respect for

ANYONE who gets in front of a camera drugged out, and verbally prances for mainstream media who she spreads her legs for. Fucking whore. That’s why CNN’s ratings are in the toilet. Remember when CNN was a news station? No? Neither do I.

No one loves you. You just expired the last thing you’re good for. Congratulations.👍🏻

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Rapists and whores

“One in the same, and there is no place on this planet for either one.”

I could run for President on that platform alone, and win.

Friday, March 23, 2018

No one cares who you fuck

A little old to be acting like a jilted groupie, eh? So pathetic. The gifs are funny. I amuses myself.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

My friends are cooler than yours

Its our job to get our guys in office, and keep them there. Not even God will help you if you get in my way, he and I have an understanding.;)

Sorry not sorry about the Demi remark. She’s reportedly six years older than me, and she prances around in public like she’s 21. How pathetically embarrassing. At our age women MUST keep their private lives locked up tight behind closed doors, no one wants to see us acting out in public. No one. It’s their world now, the young people. Old women like us must remain discreet for the betterment of society.

Can we bring back public stoning? Oh that’s right, Twitter. Never mind.;)

J, people like us

We don't need 130M friends. We just need 5 of the right friends. You can propagate among the millions all day long until you’re blue in the face, whereas I just have to say it to the right people, and let free speech ring.

Have a nice day.


P.S. My lawyer has a brand new website. Should I send you the link?;)

Monday, March 19, 2018


You think WE trash talk each other?! No no, my friends. NO ONE trash talks harder than drug dealers and/or porn people. I get an earful at least once a week on who the mother fucker (or mother fucking cunt) of the day is, usually the same circus of people. I know more dirt on those women, than on you guys!

Women in porn get zero, zero ZERO respect from their female coworkers. Zero.

Yaaaay sisterhood!!! 😂

At least we’re honest. We tell each other off.

Her coworkers say

Her pussy smells worse than the La Brea tar pits. I’ve never been to the tar pits so I’ll take their word for it. If she got death threats from anyone it’s only because she gave them VD, again.

I’m willing to bet she’d FAIL a drug test, blood test, IQ test, and mental/emotional stability test.

Fuck this bitch.

Sorry Angela but

I deleted my FB page again. Censorship sucks. You’re going to have to go back screaming, insulting, and criticizing me the old fashioned way. Still have my number? (310) 27...

Saturday, March 17, 2018

It’s Saturday night when

Food trucks park outside Deja Vu. You’re in there so long you have to come out for a snack. 😂

Friday, March 16, 2018


Oh. Wait. What’s that. You’re 367 miles away? Oh. 🙄

I just heard the most “interesting” domestic fight between a couple in their early 20’s if not late teens.

HIM: “Get out of my way nigger! I’m getting my shit and I’m leaving you, nigger!”

HER: “Baby please! I’ll be better! Please don’t go!”

HIM: “I’m sick of your shit, nigger! I’m getting my shit! Out, nigger!”

HER: “I’m so sorry baby! Please don’t go!”

HIM: “Out nigger! OUT NIGGER! Hear me! Out!”

HER: (chasing him up the stairs, crying) “Please! Please! Baby! Please don’t go! PLEASE!!!”

And he just kept calling her the N-word. Now I realize I don’t do domestic squabble, but based on their voices I had to check things out, and just as I suspected HE is black, and SHE is not, and yet HE kept calling HER “nigger”... Has the word since changed derogatory definition? SHE might have been Hispanic, but very, very, very light skin Hispanic. I’m darker than her, and I’m not dark.

You kids today.

I’m glad I grew up in the 80’s. Growing up today probably sucks.

Remember over a year ago when I said THIS ABOUT KIDS and growing up today? Multiply that now by ten.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Cannibalism, no really ;)

I'm not coloring my hair. This is my natural hair color. I get more compliments on my natural hair color in one week than I ever did when my hair was down to my waist and dyed black. I'm happy to continue modeling hair and make up, but just so you know, I write campaigns for conservative organizations.

You can reach me at:

You mad?

That I'm almost 50 and still get carded?

Maybe I'm a vampire, or a cannibal. I do talk about cannibalism A LOT. (It's the only way.) Asians live forever. I'm really 819 years old. Want to know the real secret to the fountain of youth... 


Go find the guys from Flight 571, Uruguay Air Force. Those rugby players don't look a day older than they did in 1972. 

I'm kidding.

About the cannibalism. 

Not the rugby players.

Or am I? 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

bitch please

I love hearing these holier-than-thou hypocrite women in porn get on mainstream media and declare how clean they are. “Cleaner than non porn women.”

Um. No. Not true.


Bitch, those are fighting words.

I know people in the porn business and they tell EVERYONE which female “talent” are repeat offenders that test dirty for gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, etc. 

And these “starlets” names are... 

If these media-whores keep talking to the press it won’t be long before porn stars are forced to make their blood results public in order to work. You watch.

Keep talking down to everyday women, see what happens!

But you’re still a whore, so...

There’s a reason the word WHORE exists, because you know, whores.

Wu claims

She claims to be a woman. I’ve seen her photo. Let’s agree to disagree.

** Do you know what impeachment means? There was already a sitting president in 2006. **

Hag sex

Isn’t a crime. It’s called slumming, and we all do it.

The “fuck off” response

I love LH. She tells people to fuck off more than I do.

“Only a Spaniard would try to stop the French from drinking wine.” — Versailles

I just binge watched the second season of Versailles.

Let the episode air. 1. Who under 100 years old watches that shit show? 2. You can’t impeach someone (for anything) when they weren’t president in 2006, you unbelievable fucking morons.

Monday, March 12, 2018

The golden rule of women

Women hate women. 

You are no friend of mine, and you are certainly not my sister. Good lord, I would never be seen in public with trash like you. 

There is no treachery to country, god, or woman, calling a whore, a whore. 

There are no legal grounds for impeachment, none, zero, nothing left to investigate, and you, you go back to the gutter where you belong, you stupid fucking cunt.;) 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Vegas NOT Laughlin

You guys have Google. I’m sure of it. If Laughlin was the same thing as Vegas, it would be called Vegas. Laughlin is about an hour and a half away.

Friday, March 9, 2018

No thanks. Pass.

I’m not into chicks with dicks. As a co-worker of hers once said, “Her pussy smells worse than the La Brea tar pits.” — I’ve never been to the tar pits so I’m just going to take her word for it.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sarcasm goals!

I never get sick of watching this YouTube clip. 😂

AKA fuck you tired sarcasm goals

Serious AF!

I’m so glad we got this hi speed WIFI that totally hasn’t been working all night!

Hi Aramis

Oh nothing. Making new friends on the internet. Whatcha doing?

Fuck basketball!

And fuck you too bitch! — Dont worry, I got your back.;)


Its impressive how fast we all turn into a bunch of hateful racists on Twitter when we’re bored and the WiFi is out. Does Michelle Obama really have a penis? How do these dic pics suddenly appear? Apparently Stormy Daniels has a penis too. And she’s apparently run out of money.

WIFI still out? Let’s go back to bashing Benjamin Thomas Wolf. What a dick!


You’re arguing with a woman who has #wizards on her twitter banner. 😂

Meh. I hear ya. We’re all just tired and bored, plus the WiFi is out again.

what’s a nice way of saying FU!

In your face Kimmel! THAT went around cyberspace over 10,000 times in 4 days! And like a true Soy Beta, you blamed Netflix. 😏 The only person who got mad at me was a GenZ black girl ‘cuz I added Whoopi and Chris Rock to the list, and she was just mad I listed ANY black people.

Can I just say how much I like Dana Loesch, and Michelle Malkin. Judge Judy will always be my #1 girl, but Loesch & Malkin have their own edgy-bitchy style that CANNOT be imitated.

Writers Writers everywhere! You guys know who I write for, yes?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Liberal women

I will never stand with you. I will never vote for a woman Democrat. I love social media. I love knowing who’s emails to never return. Ever.;)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Monday, March 5, 2018

As we once were

Has it really been over a year since THIS HAPPENED? The other day I received a random call from Mr. Gordon. Imagine my surprise. I moved to Vegas eight months ago. I haven't been at my old job where he and I met, since nine months ago.

(My phone rings)


"Uh. Hello. I wasn't expecting you to answer. I thought I would get your voice mail. I'm sure you're very busy. I'll let you go and call another time." Mr Gordon, replied.

I'm not busy. It's nice to hear from you. What a pleasant surprise. How are you?

"I'm going to the museum on Saturday. I called to see if you were available."

That sounds very nice only I don't live in Los Angeles, anymore. I moved to Vegas eight months ago. I left my job nine months ago. Did no one tell you?

"Okay then. Nice talking with you." (Click)

And with that Mr Gordon hung up on me. Ok then. Nice chatting with you too.

Did I ever tell you that I swear my dad talks to me through Joel Osteen. 

Ok dad. Thanks. 

I finished a layout for a periodical designed for men, about men, regaining their masculine roles needed in society and leadership, to be published in men's magazines only. I doubt non conservative women would agree with anything I have to say, and therefor won't even bother with publications designed for ladies. 

Here is an example of my writing :

The tragedy of American women are those who have forgotten how to recognize a good man, appreciate a good man, or they simply refuse him respect and decency out of grotesque feelings of female entitlement. There, I said it. But worry not gentlemen, I have a plan. Perhaps not so much a plan, as a campaign to impress upon a basic level of decency with one another (etc).... else wise be lost in mediocrity or less as we have more often than not found ourselves as of late, and it simply will no longer do.
In masculine society men must lead. I fear a great many men have lost their way and surrendered their power. (Etc)

As I said, articles designed for men. 

I know dad. I won't. And I haven't. But if we don't restore some sort of genteel courtesy and respect between the two sexes, I fear a world where the strongest man is Jimmy Kimmel, and THAT will not do. How/why have liberal men surrendered their masculinity, and their leadership? You're men. Now act like it.

Let's see. What else?

I'm still running.

Women should never give up on their figure or their looks no matter how old. Die a beautiful corpse.;)

Friday, March 2, 2018

I miss Craig Ferguson

The Late Late Show, was awesome. There, I said it. And that was the last talk show I watched.

Leno and Letterman were fun, but their replacements... ???

As I said before :

Any time a talk show host wants to quit entertainment and go into politics, cool. But if you're going to stay in entertainment, and that's your actual day job, then have the same expectations as you would anyone else at the their day job.

Make sense? You limousine liberals and your grande soy latte (go fuck yourselves!)

Hollywood is a disgrace. HOW do you have Joy Behar on TV? In the daylight, even?? She's a vile disgusting woman. Seriously, where did all the young talented beauties of Hollywood go? It's now over-run with Nancy Pelosi looking/behaving cruddy old unwatchable women.

Soooo I started a new project. Nothing big. Once a month. It's my mission to bring back style and lure to women, especially older women. Garbage old ladies, with garbage say-nothing mouths are on the way out! When I walk into a ladies clothing store I want to see more dresses and skirts. I want to see more women wearing dresses and skirts. Look nice ladies, that's our appeal. Nice hair. Nice clothes. Nice makeup. Nice shoes. Manicured nails.

We're women. Why do so many women today protest exercising, eating healthy, looking pretty, dressing nice, acting like a lady in public, and mastering her feminine lure? I don't want ANY man who honestly believes there's a grain of feminine value in Joy Behar!! Put that hag on a plane to Russia!! Am I using these exclamation marks correctly? Of course I am.

That saying "A lady in the streets, a freak in the sheets." Um, where's the being a lady, part?

You FAILED Justin Timberlake. Never bring in a man to do a woman's job.;)