Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 1. You know who you are.


I'm not tired.


My bathroom smells like weed

Marijuana is legal in Nevada and everyone smokes pot here. Everyone. But me. My bathroom reeks of pot. Not because someone's smoking pot in there, but my neighbor's living room is on the other side of my bathroom, and he loves smoking pot. All the time. Every day. The moment I open my front door, I'm in clouds of smoke wafting from my neighbor's apartment. So just FYI, my bathroom smells like weed. The bathroom fan doesn't help at all. The fan makes it worse. I have spray in my bathroom just vapor the whole thing down before getting in the shower.

So here we are, January 1, all over again. In six days I'm going to be 49 years old. I know I've been saying that a lot lately, but wow, 49 years old. I'm vocally critical about a lot of things and not in the angry old lady shaking her fist hastily at nothing, kind of way. I'll tell you why. I've done most everything on my own.

Money, on my own.

Moving, on my own.

Down and out, on my own.

Getting back up, on my own.

Failure, on my own.

Success, on my own.

Half way around the world and back, on my own.




On my own.

Some things by choice.

Some things not.

As a result of this, I have experiences/knowledge/strength most men will never have. Ever. Most women too. Challenge accepted! I try using these advantages to make my words and visuals entertaining, interesting, because somewhere along the line someone is going to benefit from wisdom.

I'm pretty smart, but there's a lot of people smarter than me, who act dumber than me on a regular basis, and this makes me critical. I'm horribly sarcastic towards that kind of stupidity. I earned that right. I work my ass off. If being sarcastic towards idiots my only payout for the day, I'll take it.

My loved ones are AMAZING, irreplaceable, but they can't be by my side 24/7. I once learned a very valuable albeit expensive lesson and that is this, once you've created a self preserving system for survival and therefore consummation, tactics perfected over 30 years of time, putting someone else in your life beside you 24/7 is at best a hindrance, AND more importantly you're just going to drag that other person down. You either have to change entirely solely for their benefit, unimaginable, or let that other person come and go at their leisure which is both honorable and more likely.

The only way to keep going forward artistically, financially, and find new successes is to never stop advertising yourself. Never. Email everyone. Every day. Shoot 1,000 photos of whatever it is you're selling. Every day. Hustle. Non stop. Every day. Take it from a 49 year old woman who's earned it on her own, it's not the approval of millions, fuck that, approval doesn't pay the bills, it's the connection of those FEW ones in a million, that truly matter regarding your initial reward.

Painters don't paint for millions of people. They paint for that ONE buyer who's going to pay off his mortgage. Jackson Pollock, didn't give a shit what people thought of his art, or him, fuck awards, but he did care what his patron Peggy Guggenheim, thought of him. In that hunger, in that selfishness, in that self absorption, historical luminous art was created wonderfully and without distraction. You might love Jackson Pollock's art, but personally I would have never had that train wreck of a human being in my house. Nontheless, being a selfish a-hole is what it takes to make something. If I listened to every man or woman who talked shit about me or the way I do things, I wouldn't have made it past 25 years of age. Not even close! On occasion I have to be the bigger a-hole.

So when I see couples who complain about the most petty things, who behave in such poor... I mean where the husband is literally pimping his wife out blowjobs for drinks... I just can't respect it. They're both useless. You're two people and you can't make it?!seriously?? Useless.

Every gig, every job, every dollar I've ever earned, I'm always alert and all-knowing someone else could have easily gotten that job had I not been the bigger fucking prick somewhere along the way. Sure, having talent, looks, wisdom, experience, craft, connections, are all well and good for you, but somewhere along the way you're also going to have to be a total plague of a motherfucker whether it's with getting the job, performing the job, and/or keeping the job. People are going to TRY tearing you apart. Feel free to sink your fangs into them without guilt or shame.

No one can PANIC at insignificance like an American.




These people are USELESS. They have zero coping skills.

Fuck them.

Keep hustling. Every day. All it takes is that ONE person to like you and take you to the next level. I wouldn't have lived this long on my own without that piece of knowledge. Furthermore, it will bring to light who your allies are.

If I can do it, by myself, and live to see 49 years, so can you. A couple BETTER be able to do it. If not than someone in that relationship needs to shake lose the anchor. Know what I'm saying?

That hair ad... 920 hits in three weeks. Not much. But it led to those artists, and that photographer, and those other ad reps, and that other cosmetic company...

Keep hustling.

Keep your eyes open.

All is fair in WAR, my friends. If you learn war as an art, the result is beautiful regardless of the outcome.

"I'd love to gum on her face."

Huh. I'm (this certain) GUM is autocorrect shenanigans. But you never know?

Either way the answer is NO.

How useless are people who would rather waste their time knowingly not getting something on a personal level, rather than hustle to get what they want on a business level.

Welcome 2018

Day 1, my friends.

All things significant start on day 1.

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