Thursday, October 5, 2017


So comfy. Didn't want to get out of bed. I need a sleep day. Stay in bed and order chinese food day.

Are you a conspiracy buff? Was there a second gunman? Is this a setup? A cover up? 

SUPPOSEDLY Stephen Paddock, checked into Mandalay Bay, alone, with more than ten (10) suitcases. I find it hard to believe a single man checked into Mandalay Bay, with over ten suitcases, unnoticed, in a Las Vegas, hotel and casino.

Last week, a little old lady of 90-something, (let's presume) ACCIDENTALLY walked out of a restaurant, inside a casino, without paying. It took security about three minutes to find her in the casino. And you're saying this guy Paddock, checked in, alone, into a big name Las Vegas hotel and casino, with over ten suitcases... didn't raise any red flags?  

Huh. Interesting.

I've worked for hotels. We're trained to look for things, like women who want rooms for the night but have no luggage to check in. We're trained to engage those women in conversation. To find out why they don't have any luggage. I imagine the same is true for a single guy checking in with over ten suitcases. Maybe someone forgot to ask the luggage question. I don't know. But I'm sure they're going to ask every single person now. And HOW did security not notice (over) ten suitcases going into this guy's room?

Remember when your parents were informed of warning sign that your kids mights be on drugs?

Wears black
Listens to Death Metal

Vague generalizations, ridiculous stereotyping, but it kept parents alert and paranoid nonetheless.

I work with two women (one nutjob in particular) and one guy, who I think all need serious psyche evaluations. They're angry ALL THE TIME. It's scary. 

And as I said before, menopause can severely screw women up physically, mentally and emotionally. So automatically I expect most (American) women of a certain age to act like terrorists. But for men... what are the warning signs?

As I get older, and older still, I'm acutely aware that I have (what) maybe 25-30 years left to live. Hopefully the next 15-20 years without too much pain brought on by old age. My dad died young from cancer but with at least with his mental/emotional faculties intact. 

The only pleasure I get from being old, is that my face still looks like I'm twelve. It's creepy and weird, which makes it fun. I could be a monster in the next M. Night Shymalan, film. (Call me!)

Let's assume Paddock is solely responsible for the Mandalay Bay, massacre. How did he end up this way? 

I appreciate all the heated debates over gun control and the NRA 


I'm more curious as to what was going on inside this guy's head.

How do people get this way??  

Are all these shootings mental illness? All of them??

Ok, make it harder to get guns. Ban semi and automatic weapons. Ban internet gun sales. Ban silencers... 

But let's also not forget, dangerous crazy people will find a way to express their danger crazy... with or without guns. 

We need to know what's going on here. Cause and effect. 

Take away the guns. All the guns.  


Bear in mind

If this is something OTHER than (just) mental illness

Serial murderers did things old school. They didn't need guns.

The only thing we can then hope for is: lazy before crazy.

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