Wednesday, August 30, 2017

La la la la la la laaaaaaa

(shrug) No worries. People gotta live the best way they see fit. 

Pick your battles.

Monday, August 28, 2017

For you four

On Facebook, who listened to me and put large bills down on Mayweather, you're welcome. I know you guys don't live in Vegas, but if you did, you'd know that every main sports-book guy in Vegas had Mayweather, in around the tenth. I work for a casino. Which is why I post...

** Because they're not stupid. They all pretty much said Mayweather, knowing the rediculous amount of people who would still put money down on McGregor. Trust me. These guys know what they're doing.

** Books, know how to read the odds. They also know how to create them.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

For the love of women

This woman moves me. I love her body, her face, her hair, her attitude. 

This woman motivates me to succeed. I want to sell her wine. 
Not her specifically, but women like her.  

Being a woman is an art. Geishas. Among many other things, it's what I like about my new job. They expect (expect) you to look your best right down to your individual manicured cuticles at all times, be your best at all times from your smile to your job performance. 

I like that.

Expectations, and when those expectations are met comes reward. It's another thing I love about Vegas, we take care of each other here. A concept Los Angeles, has long forgotten -- the old school belief that if you take care of me, I'll take care you of you, in an honest sincere way.       

People say hello to each other out here. I go for my morning runs and everyone I pass we say "good morning" to each other and smile. For no other reason than just to say good morning to each other. Unlike L.A., just try saying hello to five people you don't know on the street. See how that works out for you.;)  

Put your work ethics and expectations on me. I can take it. I love the challenge.  

It's not who you know, it's what you know. 

Maybe it's a little who you know.;)

My company takes care of their employees, but you have to work, to get work. Just ask anyone who lives here. They don't make it easy. And why should they? They'll investigate you, want a bunch of licenses from you, tear through your background and credit with a fine tooth comb, shred by shred. But with hard work comes reward.


A million discounts on everything. Cars, spas, vacations, restaurants, movies, sporting events, concerts, theme parks, shows, Starbucks (there is a God!) etc., including 20% off rooms at the Palms, and up to 35% off rooms at Red Rock. 

Who's your buddy now?;)    

Not one employer in L.A. was a grain so generous as my current employer. Ok, yes, granted I now work for a multi billion dollar company, but I've never gotten so much as a discount at Starbucks, from an L.A. employer. In all fairness, one multi (million) dollar company bought me a toaster oven for Christmas. That was nice.   

Today's my day off BUT not really, I have to run to the Nevada health department to pick up my brand spanking new LAMINATED health card. You must have a health card to work here FYI, and then I have to run to my work and so they can make a copy of it. But it's worth it. All of it. 

The only thing that was awkward was sitting in between two gentlemen yesterday at a new hire work banquet who applied for my position but (obviously) didn't get the job. Still, they got hired for other positions or they wouldn't have been at the new hire banquet. We were all super nice and humble with each other because, you know what they say, you never know who you're sitting next to. One day they might be...    

And of course there's the somm entry at ARIA in November. I never thought I'd see the day when the all (vino) knowing Aramis, said I'll probably get my wine certificates before him.  

It was kind of nice to hear actually. I think it's the nicest thing he's ever said to me. :) 

If I do get my silver-pin before Aramis, I will thank these ladies. 

Don't be surprised to see their pictures again in the not so distant future.

Monday, August 21, 2017

F your eclipse!

Eclipse? We don't need no stinking eclipse! It's cloudy and raining out. All morning. No eclipse for us.

Vegas said F your eclipse!

Instead, the house pets are in my room because that's where the human is who gets them food and treats. I'm going to buy shoes for work, and make sommelier flash cards for study. That's my day. Don't be jealous!

I'm also watching the netflix movie SOMM.

The next 3-5 years is learning everything there is about every wine and lingo from around the globe, and taste every wine I can get my hands on. Study it. Research it. Become even MORE annoying than usual.


If you're into wine tasting, and you're in Vegas, lets go drink some wine. Just don't be alarmed if I spit out most of the wine at first. The last glass of wine will be for swallowing enjoyment. The rest before then is for study. Much like blowjo...

Hey! Ok then.

The highlight of my day are these guys...

Who's a little pupper! You're a little pupper!

"Hey (Simone) do you think the eclipse is in the same place as my treats? Why don't you go look."

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Bring on the heat

Lets see... whip out my check list.

Accidentally moved to Vegas - again. Mhmm.

Got all my Vegas licenses needed to get a job

And then

I got a job

A paycheck job 

A J.O.B. 


Good. Got that out of the way. Guess I'll have to stop saying things like "blowjob" on the internet. What about naked pictures and sex videos? I'll probably have to stop doing all that online too. Doesn't matter. It's all comedy to me now anyway. I'm old. No one wants to see me naked. That's why it's funny.

I'm a pretty serious person, really. Capricorn. Self deciplined. I just like to cut loose on occasion and pretend I'm sexy and artsy. Know what I mean? Do you hear that new employer? It's only entertainment. I know sex is YUCKY. Especially MFM. Me and two hot guys. So damn YUCKY. You don't have to tell me twice. No sir. 

The next 3-5 years will be devoted to earning my master sommelier diploma anyway. 

The wine industry says 3-5 years to earn the master diploma. As of a few years ago there were only 25 women in the entire country with a master sommelier diploma. 125 men. 25 women. In the entire country. A master sommelier diploma is incredibly hard to achieve. Challenge accepted. 

As your sommelier I'll show up for our first business meeting in a TIGHT black elegant dress, fishnets, high inch heels, black wrist gloves, a sheik hat... possibly a whip. 

If after 2022 I walk away with only an advanced sommelier diploma, I'm ok with it. I'm only going to pay the master exam once. If you fail you have to pay it again, in full, no discount. Around $900. The only way I would change my mind is if I earned a pretty decent living for the following 20-25 years as a high 5-figure som, and then I would attempt the master exam again in (what would be) my retirement years. 

The good thing is, you never retire from being a som. If I spend my dying days in a vineyard, drinking wine, still making art, then I will have accomplished what I dreamed about as a kid. I really am quite the simpleton. 


While I'm studying the sommelier entry exam, I'm also looking for a more permanent place to live. I got unbelievably lucky thus far to rent a room from a very, very cool guy. I'm totally grateful. Through the channels that be, the room was offered to me on a month to month basis. I couldn't have gotten my start without his spare room. It's been my base for the past 24 days. Some place to sleep, shower, etc. Anytime you move into a new city to start over, especially one like Vegas, there's a lot you have to accomplish before you can even look for work. I'm so grateful. Truly. 

So now I need a place to study. 


I'm told

On occasion I need to be distracted with my "rotation" of lovers. I was recently informed this is what busy single people do for companionship, get a rotation of regular lovers. Kind of a depressing thought, really. I'm just not that kind of girl. I don't "rotate" lovers like a restaurant pantry. FIFO. First in, first out. Not my style. No judgement. Just not my style. I like the connection.  

I'm perfectly fine masturbating to movies. For example, movies starring Mads Mikkelsen. (Rogue One - A Star Wars Story). I only watched that movie because Mikkelsen, is in it. 

Dear new employer, masturbation is ok, right? 

What's that? So long as I don't do it on the internet? 

Are you sure?

God damn it. 


I'll keep it artsy and classy on the internet. Leave the naughty stuff for those in the know.

If you want to Netflix another good movie, see The BUCKET LIST. 


This is old news, but

Michelle Carter, the woman in Mass., who supposedly encouraged her boyfriend to kill himself reportedly only got 15 months in jail. Hmm. Only 15 months in jail? no kidding. Huh? 15 months. 15 months. Still worth it? 

How did Carter only get 15 months?  

Borgia, just became Pope. If you saw this episode of THE BORGIAS than you're familiar with the chamber pot scene, aaaaand it happened while I was online pondering Chinese food. Mongolian beef, anyone? Extra sauce? Blaaaaa!! NO. And she didn't even flinch getting a face full of poo. Happens to her character a lot, does it? 

(I wrote that last part about Borgia, a week ago. I'm way further along in the series now.)


For all of you who's socks I've stolen over the years, though technically I don't think it's stealing when you know I took them, well there's a karma and his name is Romeo, as in a dog. This dog. This handsome devil. He stole my socks!

I had to chase after Romeo while he took my balled up socks in his mouth and ran through the house with them. I'm still missing socks. I had to go to Tar-zhay yesterday and buy another 6 pairs. We'll see how long they last. 

So. Socks. Once upon a time I met a boy. He and I were friends both in and out of the bedroom, for like 6 months. I wondered how did I get so lucky. A friend AND a lover. I was the luckiest girl in the world, or so I thought. AND THEN one cool night at his place my feet got cold. He gave me a pair of his socks to wear to bed. Oh so comfy were those sock, I wore those socks home. "Do you still have my socks?" he text me. I text him back that I did. "You're gonna bring them back, right?" He asked, and I jokingly replied "NO they're comfy. I'M KEEPING THEM." (winky face) Like that. In caps. With a winky face. He didn't reply. Not only did he not reply, he wouldn't text me back, AND he stopped taking my calls. I never saw or heard from him again. Over socks. seriously. Socks. 

Naturally I told all my friends I got dumped over a pair of socks, and jokingly made a BIG DEAL about it on the internet. Yeah. Because I'm mature like that. I take out my personal baggage on the internet. 

I mean, really? He dumped me and our friendship over a pair of socks. I even put a winky face after my last text. Isn't the winky face supposed to mean I'm joking? A NORMAL GUY would have said something like, "Bring back my socks or I'm going to tie you up and spank your ass next time I see you!" 

Although, that's not really a threat. But you know what I'm saying.

Oh well.

So, Romeo stole my socks.

Karma. Got me. (There. Happy?) 


Back to reading my wine text book and pronouncing all the French words wrong. 

I should get another French tutor. 

A really hot male French tutor. You know, for my studies.

Thursday, August 17, 2017


I'm reading the court of master sommeliers, demeanor of the professional sommelier.

One of their general points is, and they wrote it in capital letters, DO NOT MAKE THINGS UP.

That's just awesome.

"What an interesting sweet aroma in this Pinot Gris. What is it exactly?"

Well ma'am, they start with the tears of 100 male virgins...

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

If you're wrong I get to pee on you. Deal?

Oh hi. 


How you doing?

Well as you can see the grey-silver-platinum old lady hair is coming in nicely. I'm thinking of starting a Facebook page for it. I know a certain rockstar/ex-pornstar/personality extraordinaire thinks HIS hair is all the rage, but no, no, my sexy friend. People send me hate mail, hate text, and start topics in forums about how much they hate my hair. You get a few "likes". Meh. I get threats of being abducted, held down, and shaved bald. --I'm assuming they're talking about my hair. I don't have hair anywhere below the neckline, so... it would be a total waste of duct tape otherwise. 

State of the nation! Nothing bands people together nowadays like hatred. Grrrrrrrr!!! Racists!!! Grrrrr!!! KKK!!!! Grrrrr!!!! If you guys start making babies over your hatred of little old Asian ladies with grey hair, please name your kid after it. Thatgook Ihate Johnson. 

And another thing...

Stand up during the national anthem. It's not protesting when you sit during the national anthem, it's being disrespectful. There's a difference. If you love a country enough to hate the leader of the country, then show your love for the country and stand for her, and social media your hatred for the leader. A country needs all it's good hearted people to stand for her. Unless you're saying you're not a good hearted person, and are merely sitting during the anthem to be a self promoting dick, then in that case go fuck yourself.

Me personally, I'm going to lay a military serviceman, or police officer, of fireman... or two, or three... at the same time... or so I hope. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Weed and crystal meth

I'm offered these two things more than anything else in attempt to lure me into one thing I'm totally not interested in, or another.

Crystal meth

And then ...


"No thanks. I'm trying to quit."

Does no one do coke or heroin anymore? What, too expensive? 

Didn't Vegas run out of weed? Somewhere in Venice, a 97 pound, 45 year old man living with his mother, is high... and laughing. 

"Summerlin, is very nice."

That's a catch phrase in Vegas. You can't say, "I have a job interview in Summerlin" without the other person responding, "Summerlin, is very nice. It's a very nice place to live." Fuck your job interview, Summerlin is awesome! 

I get it, Summerlin, and Henderson, are two very nice places to live. I knew that already. So where's my job interview? Summerlin. That's all that's important. 


There is one eerie thing about Summerlin, for reasons I cannot explain, nor have ever encountered before, oddly I don't ever have to pee in that city. Strange. Maybe that will change once I work, and/or live there? The few 107 degree afternoons I've recently spent there, I've downed enough fluids to fill an NFL Gatorade cooler five times over, and didn't have to pee NOT ONCE. Impressive. A little scary. But the moment I left Summerlin city limits, I made Russian race horses JEALOUS. 

My body is still adjusting to Vegas heat. it's 30 degrees hotter than what my body's used to for the past 25 years. I can vacation anywhere, any climate, temporarily, plus I'm a Capricorn, if you believe in that kind of thing. Capricorns can handle climate & altitude change rather well. Still, it feels like my lungs and heart are working incredible hard to adjust. Both, just feel so... heavy. 


You're not sweating water. Dry heat. You're sweating vitamins and nutrients. Burning 600 calories, sweating in dry heat, with an intake of 400 calories, would be fine in 80 degree weather, but compact with 30 degrees hotter than what your body is accustom to, and ZERO humidity, and you just feel like you're breaking down. 

I know runners in Vegas, and they're constantly popping vitamins and added supplements just because of the heat. Maybe I need to do that, and hope three months out of the year I can workout in a gym, breathing air conditioning and the perspirations of others. Mmmmm yummie. UGH! No.

There's an intersection in Summerlin, Red Rock desert & Pavilion Center, where off in the near distance is an illusion of an ocean. There's a blue "haze" in between the desert trees where an ocean SHOULD be... 


It's just a mirage


Simone Gordon