Sunday, April 30, 2017


THAT father-son relationship is creepy WEIRD. They sleep in the same bed. He's 53. His dad is 80. And they sleep in the same bed. I guess when you're rich and (very, very) old there's nothing left to do but stick your dick into anything. I'm not implying he fucks his 53 year old son, well ok yeah maybe, consenting adults and all, I'm just saying WHY would you mutually admit to sleeping in the same bed with your 80 year old dad as if that's normal behavior? Literotica, isn't supposed to be a how-to handbook! 

We all know there's something very not right going on here. Years ago, when his dad got a girlfriend, and she thought his grown adult son needed to make friends and healthy relationships, the son instead got wasted and tried to kill himself. 

What's the son going to do when his dad dies? His dad is in his 80's. He doesn't have much time left!


Just wow. 

I don't know why anything surprises me anymore. I guess it's why people are into the whole "That's mine!" possession ownership. That's MY bar, and MY bartender, and MY seat, and those are MY friends. Not yours! They're just being protective (in a batshit crazy kinda way) so no one ends up accidentally befriending a nutjob old man for a brief period of time. 

If his oldest daughter ever wanted to collaborate on a book about yet one more fucked up old white man, I'm so in!

I'm protective of my loved ones too, but i don't put them on a leash, unless they ask nicely.


I'm beginning to understand why loved ones get mad I'm not the jealous type. They want to feel protected, I guess.

I got your backs! 

And while I knowingly on occasion put myself in questionable situations, I'm more worried about these morons who post in public forums. Holy shit. 

"I don't understand why he doesn't return my email!" 

Really?? Huh. Interesting. And you're only 43 years old.

"What do selfies mean?"

Ok yeah. There's no hope for you. 

Recently I poked fun at a loved one who went a little nutty because I didn't return our usual morning text message. I accidentally dropped my cell phone in a coworker's car the night before and didn't get my phone back until noon the next day. But my loved one had already called the cops by 11am. -- Long story short, I consider myself lucky to be so loved and cared about. 


Nutty? Yes, baby, kinda nutty.

Then again

I get emails from guys who "invite" me to a GB, and oh by the way you're the one getting GB. Whoooo!!! Like I'm sitting around just A'HOPING for an invite to a GB where five guys want to fuck me in the ass. Neat! 

The other day some guy in a car got pissed off at me because he had to wait 15 seconds while I crossed an intersection at the venice circle. He laid on the horn for the entire 15 seconds THEN he proceeded to drive around the venice circle THREE TIMES before figuring out how to exit the circle. FYI any exit out of the circle will take you to a main boulevard where you can catch a freeway going east, north or south. Pico, Washington, Venice, they're all main boulevards.


Are we so quick to abandon the Ching Ching Ding Dong Foundation?? Some 110 year old Asian bitch almost murdered 3 people with her auto-mo-beel plowing through an intersection as kids were crossing at the designated (right of way) cross walk. 


You know what? 

I'm sorry I called you "nutty" for calling the cops at 11am.

You're right.


I'm lucky! 

Sooooooo everyone not working next week raise your hand.

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