Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hangovers are SOoooo 2001

Daylight savings. Why? What for? I want my hour sleep back!


"It is a beautiful day at the Red Pony Saloon and continual soirée"

Just finished binge watching five seasons of Longmire, on Netflix. Love that show. Not quite the Wyoming I recall visiting often as a kid, probably because I read Longmire was actually filmed in New Mexico, and Las Vegas. Two desert states I absolutely love. I almost moved to New Mexico, once. Still might.

I am among the proud Ute indigenous people. Well, a part of me is anyway, the good part. I'm also part Asian, but Asians have never liked me for being a proud (native) American, and all I can say to that is, if you don't like being an American, or in America, than go back to whence you came. Don't let the door hit you on the ass! --Right about here is when I start being accused of sounding like a racist redneck. But hey, love it or leave it. Yo bartender, Pabst Blue Ribbon, in a can, make it a double!

I decided today to forgo eating with utensils and just eat with my fingers. Not for any reason in particular I'm just a little kinda hungover. It's my first hangover in YEARS. I don't drink enough to get hungover, plus my wine tolerance is pretty high, but last night I was drinking beer, a lot of beer, and today was a little brutal.

The only thoughts I managed to keep in my head all day were...

People from Venice, CA, are called Venicians. People from Venice, Italy, are called Venetians. I dare you, stupid American, you know who you are, to go to Venice, Italy, and tell the proper locals, "Hey, I'm from Venice, California, in the U.S., so I guess we're all Venetians." --And see what happens. FYI I think they still murder people by pitchfork over there. Is that really how you want to die? Is it? Is it?

No really, is it?


SA company face shields, NOT used for robbing banks, anti-hero crime fighting and other nefarious comic book villainy, and definitely NOT for dirty rapey sex fantasies!

So. Um. What exactly then are face shields used for again?




Are you sure?

In closing...


Yeah. No. I got nothing.

Darling come here fuck me up the

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