Saturday, February 25, 2017

Oh yes I did

THIS just happened!

Because unlike Hollywood, I actually paid these ladies.


Let's NOT call it an anti Muslim/anti Mexican/anti illegal immigrant campaign, but rather a lets take THIS country AS IS (now, today) and figure out how to fix it campaign before relaxing this country's boarders once more.

A wall? Moronic idea. Next?



In the meantime buy Tagalongs and Thin Mints (or whatever cookies you like) and share them with friends, if for no other reason than because it's Saturday, and this Saturday was made for Girl Scouts cookies and friends.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Same thing I do every Friday night

Trying to solve Americas problems one bike lane and abortion at a time.

$130,000 per bike lane?

Yup! In the money ballpark. There's a bike lane right outside my front door that goes to the ocean, Venice Pier, and Marina Del Rey, and hey guess what, no one but the locals use it. Everyone else uses the sidewalk. Fuck that $130,000 bike lane twelve inches to the left of you!

Before you illegally enter the country please learn what a bike lane is.

Yo Hollywood!

You know who you are, you rich and famous actors, rich and famous musicians, entertainment people, aka Hollywood, I don't have a problem with you guys using the press to gain air-time clappy kudos for your "pro immigration" stance (nudge nudge), just one question though, um, where's the money going to come from to keep housing, feeding, clothing, educating, facilitating, and necessitating every poor immigrant from EVERYWHERE once in the U.S.? Are YOU rich and famous Hollywood people standing on your soap boxes willing to fork over a few million in cash per, because I don't have it.

The cost of being a rich and famous person to stand on an immigration soapbox, five million dollars! Bam!

No? Yeah. I didn't think so.

THIS is my exact same argument I have with Catholics (or anyone) pro-life. Where's the money going to come from for the next (at least)18 years?


I just read from the ABC7LA app, Hollywood immigration soapbox had a fundraiser for... ?

No. Seriously. What was the fundraiser for EXACTLY? And who gets the money? How? When? Where?

The news channel didn't report how much these rich and famous actors donated to the charity. Could be because they didn't? They DO have gowns and jewelry to buy for their upcoming awards show...

Where they can get back on their soapboxes yay!!

Oh Hollywood. Your hypocrisy is beautiful. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Tell them about our robots!

No? Too soon?

And another thing, when are you guys moving to the west side? It's not like you guys can't afford it. You really want to commute from Studio City, to Santa Monica, every day??

If they only knew;)

Congratulations, Aramis! The Guggenheim boardroom never looked so sexy! I'm going to start blogging a bunch of "Aramis" stories and let big shots at Guggenheim figure out which one among them is so depraved and nefarious.

I'm looking forward to celebrating you next week!

Shall I start with story about the hot French guy who picked us up on the beach, or the 24 year old Ryan we met at the bar, or that one girl in Iceland, or the girls in Germany.... ;)

Sunday, February 19, 2017

One boot in front of

"Did I call you at a bad time?" Mr Gordon asked.


"I was thinking this Saturday going to the Aquarium of the Pacific." Mr Gordon says.

I don't do aquariums, or zoos, or any place that has caged animals.

"My wife and I used to go all the time and we LOVED it." Mr Gordon said argumentatively.

I'm working over the weekend. Saturday is my only day off. I might have mentioned it when you stopped by my work the other day?

"Do you know how many people I've talked to since then? Hundreds. I can't remember everyone's schedule." Mr Gordon says with great importance.

I guess this means the honeymoon is over. Funny, I don't recall getting married, Mr Gordon.

If you want to just grab coffee I can return your movies to you? We can talk. --We really need to talk, Mr Gordon.

"I'd rather grab coffee at the Arboretum ." Mr Gordon says ignoring me.

There would be no compromise with Mr Gordon. He was in a mood. And, unfortunately, as I have learned, an entire day with Mr Gordon is exhausting. I need a second day to unwind after spending the first day with him and this weekend I only have the one day off.

I enjoy Mr Gordon's company grately, I do but he's very, very chatty. Thirty seconds absolutely cannot go by without him saying something. Example: Mr Gordon and I were walking through a meditation area of the Huntington and Mr Gordon remained chatty as ever describing the type of wood the benches are made of, and where the rocks were found to make the gravel pond, and what the design raked into the gravel pond meant, and the overall history of how the meditation area was structured, etc., etc. --The fact it's a meditation area, for (silent) meditation, didn't even enter Mr Gordon's mind. I was grateful we were alone. He would have kept talking and talking, without a fuck given who he might have been disturbing.

Furthermore, Mr Gordon never seems to want to do anything simple like coffee OR a movie unless it's coffee AND a movie AND ten other things filling up seven hours of the day. --I'm just not that kind of girl. Not every time together can be an all day thing.

I shouldn't have answered Mr Gordon's phone call because he just kept pushing and pushing to go to (this) botanical garden, or (that) hiking trail half-way to San Diego.

"So you're not interested doing ANY of these things?!" Mr Gordon said loudly, screeching with amazement and disappointment.

I just want to grab some coffee. That's all. I think WE need to talk.

"Well I'M going to the Arboretum  apparently without YOU." Mr Gordon said with disgust.

Didn't we have plans to see a movie?

Mr Gordon avoided the question and said, "I'm going to rent for you 'When a Stranger Calls'."


"You mean YOU'VE never seen 'When a Stranger Calls?!" Mr Gordon said with more screeching, amazement and disgust.

Well apparently they remade that movie in 2006. Sounds interesting I'll check it out. I'm sure at least one version of it is on Netflix. You're a very odd man, Mr Gordon. Do you still want to see SPLIT? --Like we planned.

Mr Gordon ignored my question and instead said, "I guess I'm flying solo this weekend." He consented with a dramatic sigh.

I guess so.

I don't think Mr Gordon is in the mood to sit through a movie quietly anyway. I really want to see SPLIT and if Mr Gordon ruined that movie for me sighing heavily or chatting through it, I don't think I could forgive him. --It's a deal breaker when I tell someone I'm excited to attend (this specific thing) only to invite that person along and immediately regret it.

I tell Mr Gordon I'd like to return his movies to him at least.

"Maybe I'll come by your work."


"Eventually. Don't hold your breath, kid." Mr Gordon said and then hung up on me.

I appreciate people not wanting to do their favorite things alone, but if you are unable to do your favorite things alone then how much do you really enjoy doing them to begin with? Aside from social activities involving eating, drinking, sports, and shopping, I do most artsy and outdoorsy things I truly love by myself, until I met Mr Gordon, that is. Only challenge for me spending time with Mr Gordon is, he's mentally and emotionally exhausting.

I'd like to see Mr Gordon Saturday for coffee and a walk along the Venice canals but, that won't do for him. It's not enough. --It's not about spending time with me. It's about him not wanting to do his favorite things alone.

My Saturday was therefor spent with someone else less complicated.

Mr Gordon is going through a change, a major transition, from being a long time husband with a life partner, to being a single man, 64 years old, suddenly very alone. I appreciate the challenges he is experiencing as a recent widower but in becoming Mr Gordon's friend, I can't also become his crutch. There is no talking to Mr Gordon. Right now he doesn't want to be with me just to be with me. Mr Gordon needs to mend. It is a good lesson in patience for me, though, I do have limits. --If Mr Gordon continues to act out like a bratty child than he may go.

Pity. I really enjoy his company.


I'm not going to conclude this blog with Mr Gordon.


I wish to ask WHY are Americans today demanding in protest we give away every inch of American soil to every person around the globe without question EXCEPT to the Native Americans?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Immigrants stay home

And Native Americans everywhere are like, "It's a start. Now when are you going to pack up and get the fuck out?!"

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Be my Frankenstein

First of all...

M. Night Shyamalan

I know what his name is. Calm down. It was an accident. I'm a huge fan. I write these idiotic blogs on my phone. But we're all still cool I called Metallica a bunch of whores, right? Ok. Good.

Note to self: Do NOT misspell M. Night Shyamalan, ever (ever) again or feel the wrath of Shyamalanians everywhere!

Mr Gordon stopped by my work and gave me a dozen beautiful Valentines Day purple roses...


His copy of X-Files The Event Series, I wanted to borrow



His copy of 'The Entity' he wanted me to watch, and thought I would like because we have plans to see SPLIT written and directed by...

What's his name again??



M. Night Shyamalan!


To return my movie Sense And Sensibility, which Mr Gordon claimed to really enjoy. I don't know? He might have? You never know.

To summarize, a dozen purple flowers, ghost rape, aliens, and Jane Austen. --And if that doesn't say be my Valentine, NOTHING does.

"You were wearing purple at the Huntington. So I got you purple roses." Mr Gordon needlessly explained. "I have no idea what your favorite color is, and red roses, well those go to my late wife."


If you've never seen 'The Entity' it's loosely based after the true story of Doris Bither, who claimed in 1974 the ghosts of three Asian men raped and attacked her, in her Culver City home.

I'm not sure how Doris Bither knew the ghosts were Asian, except to say the ghosts seemed "small" and there was a foul stench. See, you can say that about Asians and no one goes batshit crazy parading in the streets and starting hashtag movements. BUT accuse three black ghosts of rape, and the next thing you know, bleeding heart liberal middle aged blonde white women from here to Kalamazoo will start campaigning against black ghost racism #blackghostlivesmatter!

Oh, and in case you missed it, here's Louis Farrakhan bashing the Clintons

Aaaaand how can we forget (civil rights activist) Jesse Jackson calling New York "Hymietown"
Washington Post Hymietown

Where was I?




Doris Bither claimed to have been raped by three Asian male ghosts and Hollywood made a horror movie out of it because, let's be honest, it would totally suck as a porno.

I'm curious as to WHY Mr Gordon thought The Entity was similar to the movie SPLIT? One movie is about disassociate personality disorder, the other is a really awkward Valentines Day date.


I'm getting to know my new friend Mr Gordon

The Whammy Drawer

A Tale of Two Gordons

Ladies and gentlemen, the Huntington

Happy Valentines Day ghost rape!

What's the next holiday?

St Patrick's Day?

Well that should be.... I mean, how do you top Valentines Day ghost rape?

Leprechaun rape?


I think I saw that movie.

Monday, February 13, 2017

I wasn't gonna, but I'm saying it!

What the fuck, Metallica?! Why don't you whores just slap on some blue eye shadow and fuchsia lipstick already.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Huntington

Last Saturday Mr Gordon took me to the Huntington botanical gardens.

This is date #2 for Mr Gordon and I. A tale of two Gordons

I shot over 100 photos but I wanted to share these with you. It's just an amazing place.

It was overcast and rainy last Saturday in Los Angeles, but it made the Huntington more magical. This is a photo leading into the gardens

Trees and plants grow here unlike anything I've ever seen

It's a little like Alice in Wonderland

And because it was wet and raining last Saturday pictures came out better on my IPhone or so I think

You completely forget you're in Los Angeles (Pasadena)

I shot these on my IPhone

Some idiot tagged one of the bamboo trees with their initials. Respect the trees!

My dream house

Lady slippers

I love this plant!

When you visit the Huntington, don't forget to look up!

Indoor clouds. No. Really. Indoor clouds

Holding my iPhone and their magnifying glass at the same time, I kept wondering which would be more expensive to replace if I dropped it

Dr Seuss?

One of my favorite images

Texas THINKS they grow things bigger and better 😉

Thank you trusty IPhone for capturing this image!

This is the last photo I'll post here. Just go!

In addition...

I'm trying to upload a video onto Instagram but it doesn't seem to want to upload 😠. The Huntington has an echo chamber where they play a loop of sounds recorded by NASA. Very cool. I managed to silence Mr Gordon for an entire 21 seconds so I could make a video recording...

Just 21 seconds and then Mr Gordon couldn't contain himself any longer.

A tale of two Gordons

TOMBSTONE (1993) and THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (1960 and 2016) are the only western/cowboy movies I really like.

I recently rented 'The Magnificent Seven'  (2016) and 'Nocturnal Animals'.

Warning: If you rent Nocturnal Animals, you're going to NOT want to be eating anything for about 15 minutes into the film. I made myself some salmon and eggs and had to fast forward past the opening creds before I could eat. I appreciate the Hollywood political message of body image, but, it's just, THAT went on way too long.

THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN remake was brilliant. Loved it. I own a copy of the original 1960, and will be buying a copy of the remake.

I happily stayed in bed and watched movies all day, all night. Made food at home, finished the remaining half bottle of Cab I opened the night before, spilling some on the comforters I had just washed days ago, naturally, and talked with Mr Gordon on the phone for 40 minutes. He called me from the studios as his night was coming to an end.

Mr Gordon invited me to spend Saturday with him at the Huntington. I was weary he might cancel again when he later said he mailed me a Valentine. --As if to say we might not see each other in a few days as planned so I mailed a valentine to you, rather than giving it to you personally.

I'm terrible with Valentines Day. I don't care for this holiday much. Never have. Just a corporate holiday like Christmas. All these women marched up and down streets and freeways loud and proud about their feminine rights and independence but come Valentines Day, there better be some flowers, jewelry, and dinner reservations somewhere expensive or these same (independent) women will freak the fuck out. Makes me laugh.

I fantasize Steve McQueen and all men who starred in THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (both versions) as being gentlemen who would stand and tip their hats like gentlemen at the ladies marching past them roaring chants about feminine rights and independent (um. we now have by the way) and then among each other remark, "It's good these ladies march down the street for their cause. Gets them out of the house, and the little ladies get some exercise at the same time."

Because unlike so many women today, I like my men to be men. Men like Longmire, and The Magnificent Seven. It's what attracts women to these films. Men who won't allow a woman to disrespect them and castrate them for no reason other than being men.

Be that as it may...

Mr Gordon said he mailed me a Valentine, and so I ran out and got him a Valentine to give to him personally on Saturday, or mail forward if he cancels on me again.

The card I got Mr Gordon reads: "For my Valentine. I always knew life was full of possibilities, but I never thought meeting a man like you might be one of them. I'm so glad you happened to me."

To which I signed: "Thank you for being a part of my weird little world. Happy Valentines Day."


I finally saw the amazing Huntington botanical gardens. I first blog about it here

Here's a link to the Huntington website

In my next blog immediately following this one will be some photos. Check them out!

I couldn't remember if Mr Gordon said 9am or 9:30am. He's VERY punctual. He likes to be at his destination right when the place opens whereas I'm more, "I'll get there when I get there." I set my alarm for 6:30am. Giving myself 2 1/2 hours to wake up and be ready.

Mr Gordon showed up in front of my apartment building at 9:20am. The Huntington, is a 40 minute drive to San Marino (Pasadena) from my place.

During the drive to the Huntington, I gave Mr Gordon the Valentine I got for him and loaned him a movie he wanted to borrow. It's my favorite movie of all time SENSE AND SENSIBILITY with Emma Thompson (1995). Mr Gordon said because it's my favorite movie he wanted to watch it. When I got into Mr Gordon's Truck, Mr Gordon shoved both the movie and my card into his glove box.

When we arrived at the Huntington, It was dark, cloudy with a little bit of rain, but I love nature this way. Everything that's green, vibrant with color, rich and plush, just grabs you a hundred times harder in the dark wet backdrop. It's why most artists use black mat and frames for their drawings.

All the plants and trees at the Huntington gardens are absolutely giant, alien looking, many of which I have never seen before, or at the very least not seen grown to such an enormous size. At times it felt like I was walking through a haunted necromantic Dr Suess story book. Just beautiful.

Mr Gordon and I walked for 6 1/2 hours (until the place closed) through garden after garden in the gentle rain. It was just so much fun.


I was getting to know my new friend better.

He's a nonstop chatty fellow. A few times I had silence him in order to take some video.

In other aspects, I once knew this girl, Kate, very much like Mr Gordon, in that, he's very militant about being on time and everything being in its place, being right where he left it. I think in Mr Gordon's case it's because of his long time occupation in the TV and movie industry. Everything and everyone has to be in their place at this specific time in order for this specific scene to work PERFECTLY otherwise it's just a huge waste of his time, no exception.

Regarding Kate, she was just crazy.

Mr Gordon wants to be somewhere right when the place opens. He has everything mapped out. Everything is perfectly timed. He even knows exactly where in the Huntington gardens you can get coffee, or so he thought. After two hours of walking Mr Gordon said he needed coffee and knew exactly where a coffee stand was. When we arrived at the stand we found they sold every beverage you can possibly think of BUT coffee. The nice employees said all we had to do was walk to building directly in front of us and that's where they moved the coffee stand. --But this didn't sit well with Mr Gordon.

"Why would you move my coffee stand?! I always got my coffee RIGHT HERE. And now I can get anything I want to drink here BUT coffee?! How stupid!" Mr Gordon yelled.

I have a thing about people yelling at hospitality employees, yelling in general. It's an automatic red flag. An automatic no. First of all, you don't need to yell. You don't need fight. Second, it's not an employee's fault for the decisions of management or owners.

"We're under new management. They moved the coffee stands inside (that) building, sir." The nice employee patiently explained while pointing to the building in front of us.

But Mr Gordon wouldn't leave it alone. He just kept yelling about how stupid it was moving HIS coffee stand indoors. --I had to pull Mr Gordon away from the employee. I apologized to the employee and thanked her for the information.

Once we were inside the building with the coffee stands, Mr Gordon came back to his senses. No one's perfect but if Mr Gordon yells at people on a regular basis because things aren't EXACTLY where he wants them to be, I could see a serious dating relationship with this man stressing me into an early heart attack. And if there's one thing I don't need in my life it's more stress. I stress just fine all by my lonesome. I don't need help. I'm trying to alleviate stress from my every day life as is. --I just want my life to be simple.

Another observation...

Mr Gordon will stay some place until it closes. Regarding the Huntington, there's just so much to see, so many gardens and museums, it's impossible to see everything in one day, but...

In my general dating practices, a date lasts about 2 to 3 hours. I don't even hang out with my friends that long in one stretch. My friends and I do our thing, and then we leave. We watch a hockey game, we leave. They go home. I go home. We go out to eat, and then we leave. My friends and I do what we came to do and then LEAVE. But again, Mr Gordon's 64 years old. I still can't believe it. He looks so young. Still, as unfair as it is to compare people, when my dad was 64 years old he was playing golf, learning computer programming, taking cordon bleu culinary classes, learning about wine, he was on the go all the time. My dad and I are a lot alike in that the only time we truly relax is when we're by ourselves ALONE. Otherwise, we have things to do.

"We need to spend time together and get know one another better." Mr Gordon says sensing my edginess to get home.

I agree. Just not 8 hours a day or (to me) it's merely going to feel like another job. Mr Gordon wanted to take me out to dinner after the Huntington, nice offer but I was tired. --My calves are still sore after walking the gardens for 6 1/2 hours and I run, about 12 miles before I even start to get winded.

We're going to talk about these things, his berating people, being militant, etc, Mr Gordon and I, but not today. Pick your battles. I need to give this more thought. Regarding Mr Gordon and I, so far the good far outweigh the bad. It's only been two dates. How many straight men am I going to meet in my lifetime that love art, museums, the outdoors, gardening, horticulture, camping, animal and wildlife conservation...

So far it's just Mr Gordon.

And I realize in part it's my location. If I moved to (say) Washington state, or Oregon, like I've been pondering,  I'd probably meet a lot of earthy people, problem is they might be a little too granola for my taste. I'm not going to quit shaving or stop wearing mascara any time soon. So no, I'm going to continue seeing where things might go with Mr Gordon.

When I got home Mr Gordon's valentine he mailed me was waiting in my mailbox. It was cute, adorable... perfect.

While walking through the cactus garden with Mr Gordon I asked him the dreaded question I was avoiding to ask.

"My wife died last July. Almost 7 months ago. Dementia. Alzheimers." Mr Gordon said.

I couldn't believe it.

The words "Alzheimers" and "dementia" were still in my ears when Mr Gordon then said, "I bought her paint brushes. The doctors said to keep her mind busy and active for as long as I could. But she never used the paint brushes. If I gave them to you would you paint something for me?"

I don't paint anymore. Not since high school.

"No interest?" Mr Gordon asks.

I'm interest. I'm just terrible at it.

"You could take classes." Mr Gordon suggests.

I could. I've taken classes. I've taken many classes for many things. Some things I'm good at. Some things I'm great at. And some things were meant other people. Like painting.

"That too bad." Mr Gordon said. "Talented girl like you. You have a good eye. Maybe one day you'll change your mind."


"My wife died in July. You gave me your number in October." Mr Gordon reflected.

Well technically I gave you my number to give your golfing friend who you were going to try setting me up with, but he didn't call me. --And another thing, what about all those times you were visiting me at work over the past few years?

"My wife was ill for a very long time." Mr Gordon said quietly.

I see.

"I never cheated on her." Mr Gordon quickly says.


"I never cheated on her. No sex in over two years. I never cheated on her. Not once." Mr Gordon says very proudly, matter of factly.


"It's important you know that." Mr Gordon says.


It's just, you were stopping by my work kind of regularly.

"I like looking at you." Mr Gordon explained. "I was a caregiver for so long, a man needs to feel like a man even if it's just looking at a pretty girl fantasizing fifty ways of ripping her clothes off, and a hundred ways more jumping on top of her. But I never cheated on my wife."


"Any movies out you feel like seeing?" Mr Gordon asks awkwardly changing the subject.

SPLIT. I'd like to see SPLIT. It's an M. Night Shyamalam film. I like his movies.

"Ok." Mr Gordon says. "Let me take you to see that then."


"Ok. It's a date." Mr Gordon says.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Yes, Mr Gordon

Mr Gordon and I planned a Tuesday afternoon at the Getty. On Monday, however, Mr Gordon called and cancelled. He was still not feeling well. This was the second time Mr Gordon cancelled on me since our Grammy Museum date three weeks ago. Grammy Museum with Mr Gordon

My "spies" inform me Mr Gordon spells his last name Gorden, but its my blog so, he shall remain Mr Gordon. I've also learned Mr Gordon's late wife, all knowing, kept her apartment during the years she and Mr Gordon were together. After his wife's death Mr Gordon also kept and maintained her apartment along with his own house in the valley which he shared with her. Mr Gordon told me it was time to finally pack up his late wife's possessions and decide what to do with her things. I would suggest donating it all to women's shelters and Goodwill, but it's not my place to suggest anything. Even offering to help pack her things seems creepy.

I've never even dated a man with children. Having a new friend who is widowed is all together uncharted waters for me.

In conversation with Mr Gordon...

I also learned during their 20 plus years of marriage, Mr Gordon and his wife bought burial plots side by side. When Mr Gordon dies he will be buried alongside his late wife regardless of any future relationships. Mr Gordon said it was important I knew and accepted this.

Truthfully, I would be happy if he and I could manage a second date. And besides, I've already started making arrangements for when I die. I'm being cremated. Mr Gordon will be put to rest next to his wife. So this works out. Good. One less thing.

"Hi kid. How are you?" Mr Gordon asked. He called me from the studio lot he was working on.

I'm ok. More importantly how are you feeling?

"I'm doing better." Mr Gordon says. "I'm really sorry about canceling again."

It's ok. I understand.

"I want to see you. It's just... "

It's ok. I understand.

Two days later Mr Gordon walked in to my work.

He sat in an empty chair next to my station.

"Don't be surprised to see me." He said in his Tom Brokaw voice. "I told you I wanted to see you again."

Mr Gordon was holding a box. He bought a new cell phone. He hates cell phones. I have voice mail numbers to his house, he late wife's apartment, and his shop number. I leave messages and he calls me back when he gets them.

"I want to know when you call me, right when you call me." He says. "I don't want to receive your voice mail a day after you left it. I want to get it right away."

So you bought a new cell phone just for me?

"Yes." He says. "Because you're important to me."


For the next hour Mr Gordon keeps me company while I'm working.

"Ok kid." Mr Gordon says. "I can't spend all day chatting up a pretty girl. Go on. Get lost."

Um. Except. I work here.

Mr Gordon waved me off nonchalantly with his hand. "Pretty girls mess me up all the time. I'M leaving."

After a few minutes saying goodbye to each other I sing after Mr Gordon to call me so I have his new cell phone number.

Mr Gordon casually walks back to my work station and in his news anchor Tom Brokaw voice says, "Don't hold your breath, kid." And then leaves for a second time.

Later that evening Mr Gordon called to say goodnight, and to give me his new cell number.

A few days later...

Mr Gordon visits me again at work. I ask him how he's feeling.

"I'm much better. The last part of this cold would disappear quicker if I could just stay home, rest, and not have this pretty girl constantly on my mind."

She sounds like trouble.

"Well," Mr Gordon sighs. "She's just so damn cute it's hard staying away from her."

Mr Gordon hung out at my work for another hour. He and I could have these visits over coffee and not at my job but I think there's an emotional safety net seeing me there instead.

I tell Mr Gordon I have Saturday off in case he knows someone who might be interested.

In response, Mr Gordon gently grabs my wrist for minute as if to say something important but instead makes eye contact, smiles, and then let's go of my wrist.

"Let's see what can we do." He gently says before turning to leave.

So, in conclusion, I'll either see Mr Gordon on Saturday, or...

wash my comforters
bike ride along the ocean
go to the library
see RINGS (seriously how many times are they going to remake this movie?)
see the PICASSO exhibit

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Stalker tomatoes

And clear stickies. It's ON, Aramis. Day 1. This will determine where we need to rig up.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Perfect and glossy!

Guessing he found those women housed on the freeway underpass. 

Cheap labor. A gallon of KFC and a shower.

Aim high!

Ground level!

Thank god the couples I'm friends with are drunk wealthy white people, or I'd be screwed!

Aim high for ground level?

Is that what we're doing now? Fuck achievement. Lower the bar and be lazy.

Yay! Ground level!

I've seen a few of her films

And I can only sum up her awards as, "Congratulations for not being white" awards.

That's not being mean if you've ever been in a room when "important" decision making is going on.

We're back to using the token black kid. Stranger Things, token black kid!

She's Asian? Are you sure?

Huh. I thought she was just using Snapchat's gook-face.

Have you ever heard her talk? It's just, well it's just embarrassing.

I'm (way) too old, and so is she.

He used to work with young beautiful women.

I dunno

Maybe being raped ain't their thing?