Friday, November 11, 2016

You gotta love their devotion

This country has always thought Californians are flakey, lazy, and weird, but all these protests (albeit primarily in poor CA neighborhoods) are nothing but added fodder for the rest of the country. These CA protesters don't understand how politics work. And they suck at protesting! You're supposed to protest people who disagree with you! But the only news they watch is E entertainment. Even Gary Johnson (Libertarian presidential candidate) was like, "Aleppo? What's Aleppo?" 

Dude, seriously, were you any smarter as a Republican?

It became OBVIOUS six months to one year ago, to everyone BUT California, New York, Nevada, and smaller states on the country's outer circumference, that Trump was going to win the election. The heart of America was dying, literally dying. Their kids were dying. In CA if a kid gets shot, they protest, make hashtag movements, and kill cops, but in the rest of the country if a bunch of THEIR little kids get shot -- they make changes in the White House, Senate, and Congress.  

Obama, wasn't welcome in Oregon. And in for Midwest that's REALLY mean. Yes I called Oregon "midwest" get over it.

I'm a news JUNKE. I need news 24/7. News and the hockey scores. 

I need to know what the polls say. 

After that brief political stunt with those women who shamelessly tried to get the pussy-vote steered Hillary's way, polls immediately went out, and guess what, women didn't really care if Trump grabbed their tits, ass, whatever "What does that one bitch do for a living? Oh. She's a whore. Never mind." And that's what the polls told Trump. Women don't like women. And women, especially in the heart of America, don't like whores. Fame lives in a bubble. Female voters don't give a shit what Lady Gaga says CLEARLY. 

If you only live in your little bubble, you will get your ass kicked by the rest of the country. But people don't want to educate themselves, especially in CA. 

Prop 60 won by a mere 8%. It's a marginal win. I doubt any of those people have ever taken an economics class, but to win by 8% also means a good amount of their own Twitter followers voted against them. AND in the next four years, if anyone gives a fuck enough to challenge them in the name of God, church, or wholesome family values, they need to realize what they're up against. This whole country is now 100% powered by Republican conservatives.

CA is the place to be for liberal thinking. That's why I live here. That, my friends, the ocean, and all year around beautiful weather. But seriously California, pick up a newspaper every once in a while. Learn what's going on in the rest of the country, and then (gasp!) the rest of the world.

Aleppo, is not a dog food brand, Gary!

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