Saturday, May 14, 2016

(one) legal age

Who wasn't hot for a teacher? For me it was 7th (and 8th) grade drawing teacher, Mr Dale. I didn't need his drawing class the following year, but since it was offered again as an elective class in 8th grade, I took his class again, as did most girls from the year before. Rugged, blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 foot, 30-something outdoorsman, and artist. How old are you in 7th grade? 12? 13? 

The varied legal ages of driving, drinking, smoking, sexual consent, voting, and joining the military, is ridiculous. 

We could learn to drive at 15.
Drive at 16.
Smoke at 17.
Vote, have sex, join the military, and move out of our parents house at 18.
Drink at 21. (Now buy cigarettes in some states at 21)

When realistically we do all this stuff (usually) by 16. Government agendas mess with our lives so much, every time I read this headline, "16 year old girl (or guy) had sex with their teacher" or rather "teacher had inappropriate sexual relations with 16 year old student" I think back, if my art teach would have invited me to "stay after class" when I was 13, I would have. As would all the other girls who took his class the following year. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying I would have stayed eagerly and willingly. --It became a joke for many years into my 20's even, "It's too bad you didn't have the hots for your science teacher. Imagine what you could have accomplished." 

13, agreed is too young, but the (wanting) was nonetheless there. 

A 16 year old girl having sex with her teacher, is this really even a story? Is it better if the guy is 16 also who's probably not educated on birth control? Or mature to handle the situation? Girls mature faster than boys. Again I'm not saying it's "right", I'm just saying...

Pick a legal age. One legal age for everything. 

If at 16 years of age you're legal to get behind the wheel of a 6,000 pound SUV made out of high strength steel/metal, and gasoline, any time day or night, regardless of the mood you're in, I think (just my opinion) the government should then also stay out of your sex life. 

If at 18 years of age you're a legal adult to be active in the military, vote, pay taxes, and leave home, then why is it 21 to drink? 

How does the government gage maturity? I've met people in their 40's who shouldn't be driving, voting, having sex, drinking...

None of it makes sense. 

Until the government picks (an, singular, one) age for everything, a 16 year old having sex with a teacher isn't news. 

It's gossip.

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